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BIG PICTURE A2 (4/33/20/0001)

Lic. Rosnay A. L.

WRITING (10 points)

Choose a special day, such as your birthday, Christmas or a national holiday. Write 50– 80 words
about what you usually do on that day. Use adverbs of frequency and the simple present.
I choose my birthday because I usually do things out of the ordinary
what I do on my birthday is a special breakfast because it is a special day for me and later I go to the university usually when I leave the

university on my day I go in a group to the movies to watch some movies and eat something I always go home after spending time with
my friends and I come home and they always wait for me with a dinner. What I enjoy at dinners is that all my family is together and we can
talk about life. What we always do is give thanks to God. For one more year of life and for another birthday full of joys, I like to be there
with it and to see everyone later what I do is wash the dinner dishes and open my gifts is what I enjoy the most

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