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EXPERT Notes FOR UNL what you MUST NOT to do!!!

1. NEVER use UNL VM for suspend mode, it stopping services and do not bring back when you
resume UNL VM, therefore it simply can crash or even not work further.
2. Do NOT deploy UNL ova file in ESXi using thin zeroed HDD, only THICK is GOOD
3. NEVER, connect nodes with links if they are in running state, stop nodes which you expected
link, and link them. Then start again
4. DO NOT even try to add or change VMnet interfaces on running UNL VM, it will cause you
UNL VM crash or unpredictable errors. For make changes in VMnets, UNL should be in
shutdown state.
5. DO NOT try to change interface quantity if node is connected to links, first disconnect node
from any links, then change ethernet or serial interfaces. Result if you do not follow this rule,
you will have broken lab, and NOT revertable.
6. DO NOT brutally power off UNL VM, best option is shutdown guest from VM ware. The best
is to use shutdown from cli: shutdown -h now
7. DO NOT even try to change HW settings for VM machine oif it is in running state. You must
NOT change anything until it is running, nor expand HDD, nor RAM, nor Network settings
(change vmnets)
8. DO NOT use winscp or filezilla to delete labs. This will be cause to get error 60000, when
user stayed logged in lab but it was brutally deleted using winscp. Result user database crash
and UNL user cannot find this lab anymore. Result error 60000. When use winscp BE SURE
you have exit from any labs and logged off from UNL as user.
9. NOT recommended to shutdown UNL VM if some lab is running
10. DO NOT copy labs over winscp, it can cause not working labs and error of lab. For correct lab
import use web import external object option. Correct format for importing lab should be
.zip file.
11. After update UNL to newest versions, be sure you have done refresh browser. For Chrome it
is shift +F5, for FireFox ctrl+F5
12. Be sure your UNL, if it is older, has update vm tools. For vm workstation or esxi steps:
Check if your internet is reachable from UNL, ping something like, if
success, issue: apt-get install open-vm-tools

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