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Wonder Woman - PL 15

Strength 12/2, Stamina 10/3, Agility 8, Dexterity 6, Fighting 15, Intellect 4, Awareness 8,
Presence 8

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, All-out Attack, Animal Empathy, Assessment, Attractive 2,
Benefit, Status: Princess of Themyscira, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Improved Critical
2: Unarmed, Improved Critical: Damage: Strength-based Damage 3, Improved Critical: Sword
of Hera, Improved Defense, Improved Initiative 2, Inspire 2, Interpose, Languages 2,
Leadership, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 9, Takedown 2, Teamwork,
Tracking, Ultimate Effort: Persuasion

Acrobatics 10 (+18), Athletics 8 (+20), Insight 12 (+20), Intimidation 6 (+14), Investigation 8
(+12), Perception 8 (+16), Persuasion 12 (+20), Sleight of Hand 6 (+12), Stealth 6 (+14),
Treatment 6 (+10), Vehicles 6 (+12)

Amazon Armor (Removable)
. . Protection: Protection 3 (+3 Toughness; Impervious)
Amazon Bracelets (Removable (indestructible))
. . Deflect: Deflect 15 (Redirection, Reflect; Reduced Range: close)
. . Impervious Defense: Impervious Toughness 12 (Sustained)
Champion of the Gods
. . Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Strength 6 (+6 STR; Limited to Lifting)
. . Enhanced Trait: Enhanced Trait 34 (Traits: Strength +10 (+12), Stamina +7 (+10))
. . Flight: Flight 11 (Speed: 4000 miles/hour, 8 miles/round)
. . Immunity: Immunity 6 (Aging, Custom: Mind Control 5)
. . Senses: Senses 3 (Counters Illusion: Sight, Extended: Sight 1: x10)
. . Speak to animals: Comprehend 2 (Animals - Speak To, Animals - Understand)
Lasso of Truth (Easily Removable (indestructible))
. . Tell the Truth
. . . . Affliction: Concentration Cumulative Affliction 15 (Linked; 1st degree: Vulnerable,
2nd degree: Compelled, Resisted by: Will, DC 25; Concentration, Cumulative, Increased
Range: ranged, Insidious; Limited: to telling the truth, Limited Degree)
. . . . Move Object: Move Object 15 (Linked; 800 tons; Custom: Tether)
. . . . Reveal the Truth
. . . . . . Move Object: Move Object 15 (Linked; 800 tons; Custom: Tether)
. . . . . . Nullify: Nullify 15 (Linked; Counters: Mental, DC 25; Effortless, Insidious)
Sword of Hera (Easily Removable (indestructible))
. . Damage: Strength-based Damage 3 (DC 30, Advantages: Improved Critical; Penetrating
Tiara (Removable)
. . Throw Tiara (Increased Range: ranged, Indirect 4: any point, any direction)

Initiative +16
Affliction: Concentration Cumulative Affliction 15, +15 (DC Will 25)
Damage: Strength-based Damage 3, +15 (DC 30)
Grab, +15 (DC Spec 22)
Move Object: Move Object 15, +15 (DC 25)
Move Object: Move Object 15, +15 (DC 25)
Nullify: Nullify 15, +15 (DC Will 25)
Throw, +15 (DC 27)
Unarmed, +15 (DC 27)
English, Greek, Latin

Dodge 15, Parry 15, Fortitude 14, Toughness 15/13, Will 15

Power Points
Abilities 108 + Powers 178 + Advantages 39 + Skills 44 (88 ranks) + Defenses 18 = 387

Wonder Woman is the champion of the Amazons, the warrior women who guard Thanatos, the
god of violent death (also commonly known as Ares). In ancient times gods were the
personifications of many aspects of existence. War, violence and murder is one of these and
so there was a god of such. The existence of a god of violence though meant that it
constantly encouraged and demanded war from mortals, and punished them if they were
reluctant to fight. From being an occasional grief war steadily became all-consuming, until all
the efforts of mortals were bent to battling their rivals and neighbors. Crops were trampled
or burned, cities pillaged, women and children massacred or carried off into slavery. Over all
this the war god laughed and urged the combatants on. Eventually it became intolerable and
the mortals pleaded with Zeus to restrain his bloody son. To raise a force of warriors to
oppose Ares though would just be to strengthen him further. instead Zeus had his wife Hera
and his daughter Athena raise a force of their own, one composed entirely of women. They
recruited from the underworld the souls of all those women who had suffered at the hands of
war, gave them bodies of great strength and weapons forged by Hephaestus himself, and
marched them against the blood-drenched champions of Ares. After many long years of war
the Amazons triumphed and defeated the war god himself, dragging his bound form before
the throne of Zeus for judgement. Zeus' doom was that Ares would forever be imprisoned
away from the mortals he had corrupted, and his guards would be the Amazons. As women
the lure of the glory and reward of war meant nothing to them, they did not desire the rape
of cities or to have beautiful captives to abuse.

The Amazons live in permanent exile on their island of Themyscira, keeping a perpetual guard
against all those who would seek to free Ares, and his own escape attempts. Every time there
is more war than usual in the mortal world it strengthens Ares and he rages against his
imprisonment. At such times warriors receive crimson visions and messages from him. Then
they set sail for the Amazons home and lay siege to it, storming the beaches and slinging
great stones against the sea walls. The Amazons weather the siege and strike back, sinking
and burning the enemy ships, luring the armies inland into traps in their narrow valleys where
they are massacred by Amazon archers and hoplites. Slain Amazons are reborn by their
comrades, mating with captives, visiting gods or nature spirits to conceive them.

The leading warrior of the Amazons traditionally bears the title of Wonder Woman. She is the
greatest fighter of this embattled people and sets the standard for martial excellence among
them. The title is passed on when the incumbent is slain, a sadly common occurrence, or
when they acknowledge a mightier warrior. Diana is the current holder, which is unusual as
she is the daughter of the reigning queen. It is not normal for two such important positions to
be held by a single Amazon, for if she should be lost it could seriously disrupt the Amazon
queendom. As she came of age though Diana proved herself such a redoubtable fighter that
nobody could deny her the position. At the time the Amazons were also in the greatest crisis
of their history as the most massive war in the mortal world ever brought warriors with new
and powerful weapons to their shores. For the first time ever the Amazons were defeated and
had to flee their home. Only the courage and wit of Diana saved the Amazons from
destruction and prevented Ares from finally escaping his imprisonment.

The Wonder Woman has often gone out into the world as the special agent of the Amazons
and Diana is no exception. She has left the island many times to investigate the agents of Ares
at large in the world, as well as many other threats to the mortal world. The rise of
superpowered activity in recent decades has necessitated many more such interventions by
her. When Superman first appeared she fought at his side against some of his foes, during
which time they developed a relationship. She saw him as a mighty mortal warrior, while he
was young and brash and wanted to impress this beauty. In the end they separated when they
realized how different they really were as people. Since then Diana has had relationships with
a number of other mortals, by whom she has had several children, but has not settled into a
permanent relationship. Being an immortal blessed with eternal youth who will be reborn if
ever slain she is really more of a god than a human. Many of the concerns of mortals mean
little to her, she is motivated by the mission from Zeus that created the Amazons. To her the
ancient gods are real, though they have long since retreated from the world.

Diana is a compassionate and affectionate person, but she often finds the modern world
baffling. The Amazons are not agents of women's liberation, rather they are holy warriors
charged with a special purpose by their deities. To her the world is divided not into male and
female but rather mortal and immortal. It is only since spending more time in the world of
the mortals that she is learning about the notion that women should be equal to men. For
most of their history the Amazons have not thought this way. They have thought it natural
that mortal women should be subordinate to men, while immortal women enjoy power and
independence. After all the goddesses were feared and revered by mortal men while they
treated their own women little better than domesticated animals. To the Amazons it is all a
question of power relationships, the strong obtain the submission and service of the weaker.
Goddesses and Amazons are strong so have what they want, mortal women are weak and so
live in servitude. She was attracted to Superman when she first came to the mortal world
because he seemed like a demigod to her, the natural ruler of this world. She learned a lot
from him about different ways of thinking about human relationships.

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