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Zatanna - PL 16

Strength 0, Stamina 1, Agility 2, Dexterity 6, Fighting 6, Intellect 5, Awareness 4, Presence 5

Attractive 2, Connected, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Equipment 4, Evasion,
Extraordinary Effort, Fascinate (Expertise: Stage Magic), Luck 8, Quick Draw, Ranged Attack
2, Redirect, Ritualist, Set-up, Taunt, Teamwork, Trance, Well-informed

Acrobatics 4 (+6), Athletics 4 (+4), Deception 8 (+13), Expertise: Magic 12 (+17), Expertise:
Stage Magic 12 (+17), Insight 8 (+12), Investigation 8 (+13), Perception 6 (+10), Persuasion 8
(+13), Sleight of Hand 10 (+16), Treatment 4 (+9)

Backwards Spelling Magic
. . !cigam eht lepsiD: Nullify 16 (Counters: Magic, DC 26; Broad, Effortless, Increased Range:
perception, Simultaneous)
. . !cigam tcelfeR: Deflect 20 (Increased Duration: concentration, Increased Range:
perception, Redirection, Reflect; Limited: to magic)
. . !ees em teL: Remote Sensing 20 (Affects: 2 Types, inc. Visual - Visual, Audio, Range:
4000 miles; Simultaneous)
. . !em tcetorP: Immunity 80 (Toughness Effects)
. . !ereht em ekaT: Teleport 16 (250 miles in a move action, carrying 50 lbs.; Accurate,
Easy, Extended: 64000 miles in 2 move actions)
. . !ereht potS: Progressive Affliction 16 (1st degree: Hindered, 2nd degree: Immobile, 3rd
degree: Paralyzed, Resisted by: Will, DC 26; Increased Range 2: perception, Progressive)
. . !ot klat ot tnaw I: Other Area Communication Perception (All Senses) 4 (Sense Type:
Magic; Area, Perception (All Senses), Subtle: encrypted)
. . !peelsa llaF: Progressive Affliction 16 (1st degree: Fatigued, 2nd degree: Exhausted, 3rd
degree: Asleep, Resisted by: Will, DC 26; Increased Range 2: perception, Progressive)
. . !sdnuow rieht laeH: Burst Area Healing 16 (Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 26,
Increased Range 2: perception)
. . !seilfrettub ot stelluB: Burst Area Deflect 16 (Burst Area 3: 120 feet radius sphere, DC
26, Increased Range: perception)
. . !tibbar a otni nruT: Progressive Affliction 16 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned,
3rd degree: Transformed, Resisted by: Will, DC 26; Increased Range 2: perception,
. . !tnaw I tahw ekaM: Transform 15 (Affects: Anything, Transforms: 12 tons, DC 25; Precise)
. . !uoy htiw lleh ot kcaB: Burst Area Movement Attack 16 (Dimensional 3: any dimension,
50 lbs., Extra Ranks 13, DC 26; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 26, Attack: Will,
Increased Range 2: perception)
. . !was uoy tahw tegroF: Progressive Affliction 16 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree:
Stunned, 3rd degree: Transformed, Resisted by: Will, DC 26; Increased Range 2: perception,
Homo Magus: Immunity 1 (Aging)
Magical Being: Immunity 20 (Very Common Descriptor: Magic; Limited - Half Effect)
Sense Magic: Senses 4 (Acute: Magic, Analytical: Magic, Detect: Magic 2: ranged)
Supernatural Relations: Comprehend 1 (Spirits - Communicate)
Shadowcrest Mansion

Initiative +2
!cigam eht lepsiD: Nullify 16 (DC Will 26)
!ereht potS: Progressive Affliction 16 (DC Will 26)
!peelsa llaF: Progressive Affliction 16 (DC Will 26)
!tibbar a otni nruT: Progressive Affliction 16 (DC Will 26)
!tnaw I tahw ekaM: Transform 15, +6 (DC Dog 25)
!uoy htiw lleh ot kcaB: Burst Area Movement Attack 16 (DC Will 26)
!was uoy tahw tegroF: Progressive Affliction 16 (DC Will 26)
Grab, +6 (DC Spec 10)
Throw, +8 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +6 (DC 15)

Native Language

Dodge 8, Parry 6, Fortitude 3, Toughness 2/1, Will 13

Power Points
Abilities 58 + Powers 110 + Advantages 30 + Skills 42 (84 ranks) + Defenses 17 = 257

Shadowcrest Mansion - PL 3

Toughness 6, Size Large

Defense System, Dimensional Portal, Dual Size: Awesome, Grounds, Library, Living Space,
Power System, Sealed, Secret 1, Self-repairing 2, Workshop

Cloak of Shadows: Concealment 10 (All Senses; Blending)
Shift around: Teleport 13 (Carry 25 tons; Accurate, Change Direction, Dimensional 2: group -
Magical, Extended: 8000 miles in 2 move actions, Increased Mass 10; Limited to Extended)
The Wiih: Summon 16 (Heroic, Reaction 3: reaction)

Power Points
Abilities 2 + Powers 3 + Advantages 0 + Features 12 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Defenses 0 +
Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 17

Zatanna Zatara is a genuine wizard who is also a magician. Her parents were Giovanni Zatara,
a normal human who had no magical talent but was an accomplished stage magician, and
Sindella, a sorceress from the Homo Magi, the men of magic. Zatanna has a natural magical
power that manifests as anything she says magically comes immediately true! This caused a
lot of trouble in her childhood until her father and mother taught her how to control her
power. Zatanna can work almost any magical effect but these days she unleashes it by saying
what she wants spelt backwards. She does not actually speak backwards, that always sounds
like someone inhaling while making a whining/buzzing noise. Instead she says the word as it
would sound phonetically if the order of the letters were reversed in its accepted English
spelling. This is tricky enough that it stops her from accidentally casting spells while still
giving her the freedom to do whatever she wants.

Zatanna's magic is not unlimited in its scope or range of applications, and Zatanna further
chooses for ethical reasons of her own not to employ it for certain uses. It is best at
manipulating magic and people, transforming or redirecting them. She could easily kill people
by turning them into fish and letting them drown on land for example, but Zatanna is a strict
pacifist and will never deliberately harm another intelligent being. She also will not use her
magic for personal gain of any kind, the most she will do is magic herself up jewels and pretty
dresses for a night out, and adding the occasional sorcerous flourish to her magic stage show
to wow her audience and keep her colleagues in the Magic Circle guessing. The main use she
puts her magic to is in combating rogue wizards and dangerous supernatural phenomena.
These represent a major threat to the world as they interrupt the normal procession of
causality, causing the universe to begin degenerating into chaos. If enough of it were to be
allowed to run wild it would allow things like the demon god Trigon to manifest, potentially
bringing about the apocalypse and the end of the mortal world in blood and fire. This would
obviously be a bad thing.

For a wizard Zatanna is accessible and easily understood, not being as remote and strange as
most of them are. The Justice League knows of Doctor Fate for example but are wary of him
and try to avoid getting involved in his business. By contrast Zatanna is actually a member of
the League and serves as their consultant on magical matters. While it is tempting to use
Zatanna's power as a get-out-of-jail-free card most of the members of the JL are terrified of
magic and seek to avoid employing it whenever possible. Those who do understand what
magic is such as Wonder Woman are even more wary of it, they know how much more
frightened people should be of it. Diana is reluctant to employ any magic that is not safely
bound in an Amazon magical weapon, free magic, such as magical spells, she regards as so
dangerous as to be almost never worth using.

When not assisting the main Justice League Zatanna has her own informal coterie of magical
heroes, the Justice League Dark. This has no structure or membership roster, it is just
whoever she manages to recruit to resolve whatever magical threat is menacing the world
now. At some or other time almost every hero with magical powers has been on it, as well as
a few villains, gods and strange magical entities from beyond time and space. Her most
frequent collaborator though is John Constantine. As a mage she is vastly more powerful than
he is but he brings a low cunning to their work that she is too honest and good to be able to
think of. They have been romantically involved at times, but he is unable to make a
commitment to her and she isn't sure she would want one even if he could.

The person she deals with most in the more conventional (at least as far as that word applies
to such people) hero community is Batman. He has encountered magical dangers many times
in his investigations into the sinister underbelly of Gotham and it is the one thing that he has
never been able to understand and outwit. He is a man of science and rational explanations
and the bizarre arbitrariness of magic baffles him. Zatanna will admit that she doesn't
understand it either, magic is not something that can be understood no matter how many
tomes and books of spells and rituals are written. She just undoes it by her force of will.
Zatanna has been romantically attracted to Batman ever since she met him as a teenager
when he spent some time with her father learning escapology and sleight of hand from him.
Batman though considers that they are too different as people for there to really be anything
between them, and also he is secretly freaked out by her magic. For all her beauty and charm
Zatanna is fundamentally an otherworldly being who has never managed to maintain a
relationship with a mortal man.

Zatanna's base of operations, on the rare occasions that she is not on tour with her stage
performance, is Shadowcrest, one of the Houses of Mystery. This antique old wooden mansion
can appear literally anywhere, being able to shift around the world at her command. Not
many people have visited it, it can be dangerous for those without magical powers of their
own. It contains all sorts of magical artifacts and beings collected by Zatanna and her parents
or brought to her by her magical allies. People pinching stuff from it has been a frequent
problem for Zatanna in the past so now it is protected by the Wiih, a near mindless entity
from a magical dimension that is immensely powerful and invulnerable to all known magical
and mundane forces. Anyone taking something from the mansion causes it to manifest next to
them and if they do not put back what they picked up very quickly it will grab them and crush
them into a liquid. It's presence also magically disrupts almost all superpowers, magic and
technology, so you cannot escape or fight back. After a few nasty incidents that left difficult
to remove stains on her carpets people got the message and now no one invades the mansion.

Zatanna makes her living and the public know her as a stage magician. She is one of the
world's most celebrated and tickets for her performances are nearly always sold out well in
advance. She is also available for private bookings at exorbitant prices. Some of her smaller
and more intimate shows are also burlesque acts where she indulges her love for titillating
costumes and performances. The only way to see one of these though is to attend in person,
cameras of any kind are not allowed and when people have smuggled them in they have
strangely not worked. There are rumors that some of her magic is for real, but most people
scoff at this and her fellow professional magicians often replicate her more incredible feats
to show that it is all done by human talent. Zatanna does toss in some real spells at times if
she likes the audience, but nothing that would put them or her in any danger.

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