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Draft published on 21th of December 2019.

We are almost ready to launch the

campaign. We are seeking recorded testimonials by caregivers and collaboration
.with number of Filipino and Indian influencers

Winning For Caregivers

Improve your lives in dozen different ways

Public Service that offers dozen projects to help caregivers from all other
the world improve your lives, save thousands of dollars and start better
.life when going back home

This project will serve caregivers ALL over the world and even other foreign workers in *
.agriculture, construction, etc. We focus on caregivers working in Israel as our case study

Disclosures: The numbers and data mentioned in this paper are NOT official and are
given to provide rough estimates. It is up to the authorities to provide the official
data, statistics, needs and risks. We wish to raise public awareness to the issues and
make publically our requests from the relevant authorities to provide all the
.important data

Copyright by Eytan Katz 2018

This page is reserved for dedications and sponsors' logos

More about each sponsor at the end of the booklet

:Temporary draft (10 of January 2020)

.At this time we plan to launch the project on 14th of February 2020

You can download this electronic booklet from Facebook group "Winning For
Caregivers" at

Keep visiting to check for our pre launch announcements, gifts and raffles. Few of
.them you will find in the "Gifts and Benefits" section (at this time on pages 13-15)

Disclaimer: there are dozens of issues regarding caregivers and foreign workers that
turned into political issues and "employers/employees power games" by different
parties. This booklet deals with only few selected issues in which caregivers are
taken advantage off. This is in no way an open check to support caregivers in every
employers/employees conflict. Sadly, many of the employers themselves struggle
.with hardships and financial challenges
Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 4
The Mentors------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 6

Low Interest Loans----------------------------------------------------------------Page 7

Reducing Placement Fees--------------------------------------------------------Page 10

Managing the Risks----------------------------------------------------------------Page 11

Benefits for the Philippines------------------------------------------------------Page 12

Gifts and Benefits -----------------------------------------------------------------Page 13

Additional Solutions---------------------------------------------------------------Page 17

The 2012-15 Experience ---------------------------------------------------------Page 19

Requests from Caregivers -------------------------------------------------------Page 23

About The Developer-------------------------------------------------------------Page 24

The Presenters----------------------------------------------------------------------Page 26

About The Sponsors---------------------------------------------------------------Page 26

/Support the mission at

By Eytan Katz
/Join our facebook Group:
This short videos is introduction to the project

This is a none-profit public Service that offers dozen projects to help caregivers and
other foreign workers from all other the world improve your lives and help you save
:thousands of dollars. The Ideas Include

A. Mentoring program to match a successful person for each caregiver to help you
establish successful small business back home. They will provide help with sound
.financial advice, training and monitoring

This will help caregivers form in your origin countries total of tens of thousands new
.successful businesses each year

The mentors will give the caregivers much stronger representation and help solve all
.the problems dealt in our projects

B. Help each year about 100,000 new caregivers each save $2K-$10K to send back
.home to your families

This will add up each year to hundreds of millions dollars that will arrive to the
Philippines, India and other countries where caregivers come from. We will achieve
:this by

Replacing the outrages exiting interests rate loans of 6%-10% MONTHLY (80$-120% -
annual) with loans to caregivers at below 7% ANNUAL interest rates

Reducing placement fees: The mentors – being successful people in their -

.communities - will have key role by raising local awareness to the problem

C. Developing greater positive public relations for caregivers in the countries you
.work. That will bring you many significant improvements

.D. Help solves daily problems for the caregivers

Join our Facebook group and read our posts to learn about the details of the
problems and the solutions

The beneficiaries: The main beneficiaries are obviously the caregivers and other
foreign workers who will save thousands of dollars, have better lives while working
.and be much better prepared for success when returning back home
The origin countries of caregivers (and other foreign workers) will also see huge
benefits with hundreds of millions extra dollars each year and by seeing increase of
.tens of thousands successful new small businesses each year

Raising awareness: Sharing this Message is Very Important: One of the reasons the
problems have been dragging for so many years is because many caregivers feel
helpless as if nobody cares about you problems and therefore, you tend to give up
.and become very passive

Our immediate mission is to get the local public involved. You should become pro-
active and share this paper and your personal stories with families of your
employers. Remind you that many of them are retired or well connected with public
.figures, media or government workers or successful business people

.Please share the introduction video that we made for this purpose

We need to raise also awareness amongst influential Filipinos around the world
.(especially in the USA) to help change the situation in your favor

For all the reasons above it is important to share this letter including the clips with
.your friends, public figures and media personals

Remind all caregivers: You must show passion towards the issues if you want world's
.public to take those issues seriously

Important notes: the solutions offered in this paper ask each year for more than
100,000 mentors and more than 100,000 provided loans spread within about 40
relevant countries. Coordinating them all will require a sophisticated organization
with dozens of professional financial agents, lawyers and managers. That will require
complicated legislations and governments' control. All of that will slow and
.complicate everything and will turn the solutions into very expansive beast

Our solution is to develop public awareness in the relevant countries and inspire the
public to provide person to person loving assistance and "angel loans". That will
simplify the entire project and keep it a one person operation – as long as the
.caregivers will be pro-active in helping with the promotion

!Let's make the efforts and commit to succeed

The Mentors

The mentoring project was designed to provide caregivers Sound financial advice,
.training and monitoring in order to help you plan prosperous return back home

We wish that many mentors will develop personal relations and help caregivers with
all the issues mentioned in this site including reducing placements fees and interest
rates, developing stronger public relations and status for caregivers and help you
.with many financial decisions

Caregivers come to work on 5-year contracts. However, most of your earnings are
consumed by your families back home. That is the reason caregivers so often are
"forced" to stay many more years after your contracts end in order to keep
.supporting your families

The mentors will help caregivers establish within 4 years businesses that would
support you for life. We believe that if caregivers will be able to establish business in
your countries to profit more than $1,000 a month you would prefer to return back
!home and live with your families. Win/Win situation for everybody

The fact that so many of you chose to stay working so far from your homes for so
.many years after your contract is over is by itself a symptom of defeated situation

We wish that mentors and others will be open to invest in small business
opportunities in your origin country as your partners. There are many win/win
opportunities. A good investment of $5K-$10K could yield nice profitable return for
.the mentor and life changing business for the caregivers and your families

Additional benefits from the mentoring: The mentoring project is not only about
financial advice. It is also about giving the caregivers much stronger representation
.in the community to help you with many issues
I believe that the ultra-liberal groups that often represent caregivers' rights actually
backfiring at the caregivers by developing strong public's resentments against you by
.often presenting your interests as employees against employers

Compassionate mentors that are successful people from ALL sectors of society
would balance caregivers' representations much better and would develop much
more positive public relations for caregivers and with that will bring many significant
.improvements for caregivers

Mentors would help solves daily problems for the caregivers - not at the expanse of
your employers. After all, many employers are often also part of a very weak
.community that suffers from low budget and harsh life

We try to reduce conflicts between caregivers and your employers. The only suggestion we offered
during the past 5 years that develops such conflicts is regarding the right of caregivers to have few
hours daily break (where they could leave the house) and their right for weekly day off. We do not
have magic answers to every scenario. However, there are many situations that it is possible to leave
the employer alone for couple of hours and there are situations where family members of the
.employer could replace the caregiver for couple of hours

I feel that is Israel there is too much negative employers/caregivers vibes. We wish to address those
.issues on much more friendly and open terms

Low Interest Loans

Many caregivers are charged more than $7K Placement fees in order to receive work. Then
they are charged 6%-10% MONTHLY (70%-120% ANNUAL) interest rate on installments since
they are unable to pay the fees. That means that it takes caregivers about a year and a half
.to pay about double the original placement fees

We are going to raise public awareness to the problem and ask caring people in
countries where caregivers work to provide caregivers loans at below 7% annual
interest rates. We suggest making the life of the loans 4 months fewer than months
.remaining on the working contract
Caregivers work on 5-year contracts and hardly ever quit their jobs before the
contract is over*. Therefore, those loans are even safer than lending to local
.residents that have jobs
Important: Governments of countries where caregivers work need to provide the exact *
statistics from previous years of how many caregivers quit their jobs within the first, second,
.third, fourth and fifth year. That data will give potential lenders good risk evaluations

There are millions of well financially people around the world that would love to give
loans at 7% annual interests to people who have 5-year job security and hardly quit
.their contract

We estimate the needed loans around the world during each year to be about 100K
(that is spread about around 40 countries). Therefore, most caregivers should be
.able to locate a willing lender

The total loans will provide each year savings of hundreds of millions dollars to be
.sent to the origin country of the caregivers - many from the Philippines and India

Special Requests: Consider giving ZERO interest loans that are paid back on a
monthly basis to charities of your choice. In such cases you should receive the tax
.deductions papers whenever the caregiver makes their payments

Caregivers don't usually have bank accounts and normally pay only by cash. Each
payment requires them to stand hours in line to deposit at post office. In addition,
deposits fees are high for them. Therefore, we suggest allowing them to pay once
.every 2-3 months. It will benefit them significantly even if they pay in advance

Risks and Technical issues: We are not loans agents and are not part of the lending
process nor are we earning any commissions from the process. This is a free Public
.service to raise awareness and offer solutions

.There is always risk involved in providing loans

It is common for caregivers to replace employer once during their 5 year contract
and be out of work for a period of 1-2 months. In addition, they normally go for one
month vacation back home during the 5 year contract. That is the reason the loan's
.life should be 4 months shorter from months remaining on their contract
Lenders could offer caregivers "only interest" grace payments during the months
.they are not working

Each relevant government needs to publish the statistic of ratio of caregivers not
completing their 5 years contract, what documents caregivers need to provide the
lenders to prove when they started their work and how many months are left in their
.working contract, how to locate their agency, etc

That information should be provided by governments where caregivers work. Such

.request to them should be made by the Filipino and Indian governments
There are many P2P platforms that hook up between lenders and borrowers and
operate as businesses to earn commissions and make the process easy and almost

However, they will not approve caregivers because they are not residents and
because most loans are based on financial history - which most new caregivers don't
have. We on the other hand suggest making loans based on financial future due to
.the working contract

We suggest a system that has nothing of automation. To the opposite: we want to

develop personal relations between borrowers (the caregiver) and "angel lenders".
."We hope that many of the mentors will end being the "angel lenders

Note that we don't know officially how much the placement fees are because they
are often paid under the table. Instead, we suggest offering generous loans
according to how much each caregiver is safely able to pay each month and
according to how many months are left on their contract minus 4 payments for
.safety. We wish caregivers end up with cash in hand as bonus

I offered those plans few years ago to caregivers' organizations and officials from the
Filipino governments. They rejected them all and justified this for fear that giving the
.caregivers extra money will encourage the agencies to raise their fees even higher

I did not like this defeated attitude. I wished they have showed greater
determination to help caregivers. In any case, caregivers would be much better off
paying $8K fee at 7% annual interest than the current situation of $7K fees at 80%+
.annual interest rates

However, we plan to rebuke those fears all together and use this project to cut the
.placement fees by at least half. This is the subject of the next page

Filipinos who are Israelis: there are hundreds and maybe even few thousand
Filipinos who are Israeli citizens that came to Israel 15 or more years ago as
caregivers, gave birth to child in Israel and as the result became citizens (that
privilege stopped about 10 years ago). They often work as cleaners and earn twice
.more than caregivers but have full living expenses for them and kids

They are very hard working. Yet, they are reaching their 50' and some maybe their
60'. They don't qualify to the ideas mentioned above because they don’t have
multiyear working contract. Still, I wish to discuss and test number ideas to help
.them change to easier profession with mentoring and low interest loans
Reducing Placement Fees

Placement fees charged by caregivers and other foreign workers are very high and
could be $7K and reach even $10K. This situation has been going on for many years
.because the agencies have little respect for caregivers and surely don't fear them

The caregivers' organizations seem to be helpless. I had the feeling that they made
only symbolic efforts to stop the practice because those that benefit from those fees
and high interest rates have greater influence than the new caregivers that just start
.their jobs

Our method of operation is to raise awareness and outrage within the local public in
each relevant country. The local publics are the ones who could shift the power
.balance from the agencies towards the caregivers

We wish to attract compassionate financially established people who are interested

.in helping weak and abused community of hardworking people and solve injustice

We expect the mentors and angel lenders mentioned in previous pages to include
public figures, financial personals, Hi tech, engineers, Doctors, successful business
owners, lawyers, etc to lead public outrage and shift the balance of powers and put
.end to over charged placement fees
Managing the Risks

Giving loans always involves risk

It will be very foolish for caregivers to stop paying their loan payments. Obviously,
lenders could open legal procedures against the caregiver" in such unlikely situation.
Please try to work the problem with the agent of the employer first and use the
."warning sticks" before filing official complaint

In case caregivers cancels their contract before the 5 years over and go back home it
would be basically impossible to collect the remaining payments. However, we
estimate those situations to be very rare. The authorities should provide data from
!previous years

We originally suggested few years ago to form a foundation that will collect from
each borrower about 2% of the loan amount to be kept as securities for situations in
.which a caregiver leaves the country before the contract is over

I ask the public not to wait for the process of forming the foundation. In my opinion
there will be enough compassionate people who will be willing to provide loans at
1% risk without any securities. I hope this would be indeed the case and enough
people will vote by their actions (giving loans) without such foundation to turn such
.foundation into obsolete

I will need help in case there is the need to establish the foundation. Forming and
managing such foundation is beyond my qualifications and will probably require
.officers with banking experience and public figures to serve on board
Benefits to the Philippines (and all origin countries)

We focus on the Philippines but those benefits relevant to all origin countries of caregivers *
including India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Romania and origin countries of other foreign workers such
.as Thailand, Turkey, china and more

Our rough estimates are that each year about 50,000 new caregivers will each save
$5K-$10K and about 50,000 new caregivers will each save about $2K-$5K. That will
.add up to hundreds of millions dollars each year divided between struggling families

The vision is that the mentor /caregivers relations will form together within about 4-
5 years tens of thousands small businesses in the Philippines and other origin
countries of foreign workers. Even small investments of $5K-$10K would be huge
.help for Filipino families in starting profitable businesses

Many foreign corporations invest in the Philippines. That is very important. However,
the CEOs of those companies don't pray at night for the improvement conditions of
the Filipino workers. If anything, they probably pray with gratitude for finding a place
.with huge supply of people who are willing to work for about $200 a month

Our philosophy is very different: We wish that each year tens of thousands angel
mentors around the world will invest in partnership with Filipino families with the
goal that each family would profit at least $1,000 a month. That would be life
.changing ventures for those families

The investments of the big corporations are extremely important. However, healthy
.economy must see also growth from the bottom up

Note: the origin countries will benefit twice: caregivers will save thousands of dollars
when starting their 5 year contract by reducing placement fees and interests rates
and then again 4-5 years later when they start successful small businesses towards
.the end of their contract
Gifts and Benefits

Most of you caregivers need to stay at your work 24/7 for 6, 13 and even 21 days in
a row. That does not mean you work the entire time. As a matter of fact, many of
.you spend hours each day online on gaming and on FB chatting

A big trend for many caregivers is to send all your money to be consumed back home
and spend all your free time on chat and games. The result is that you often end up
with nothing when you finish your contract and therefore must continue working at
.same conditions for many more years. This is very sad

We wish to inspire and motivate you to spend substantial time on learning financial
and professional skills that will help you in the future. The mentors will have huge
.roll in accomplishing this. Still, you would need to acquire some skills by yourself

I suggest starting with the book "Think and Grow Rich" because it lays the character
foundations for success. You could purchase the kindle version on Amazon for very
cheap or listen to the audio version on Youtube for free. You could even listen to
.free lessons about the book (though you should still listen or read it entirely)

I am including free version of the workbook of the book to help you focus on the
important issues. I suggest dedicating some time during a two-week period to study
.the book
You could find great online courses on Phil Ebiner's site. I purchased 4 of his courses.
The good news is that he offers a one month free to listen to as many courses you
.are able to out of the 80 he offers

I recommend taking: "Personal Finance principles", "Camera Confidence Media

Training", "Youtube Master Class", "productivity course", "Digital marketing" and
.""Canva Graphic Design

Personal Finance Principles: there are many experts that will teach you different suggestions. Finance
and economics are very versatile subjects. I suggest listening on Youtube to few other opinions and
discuss them with friends and mentors. As we develop the mentoring program we will post on GB
.group many experts' opinions

I could have provided you the direct link of each course to purchase but instead I
:recommend using this link and sign up to a one month free trial

:Number of tips
You could watch short preview for each course before deciding *
You could speed up the course to save time and slow it in sections when you wish *
to focus. I often watch courses at 1.5X speed
You could lower the quality if you need to save on GB load. On the other hand, you *
.could increase the quality if you have no load limits
After the month trail you could continue for $12 a month or purchase individual
course. I ask if you purchase any of his courses to use the link below. I will receive
.commission if you do that

Shaw Academy: Offers 50+ courses to empower individuals with the skills you
need and follow any career path you seek. With a flexible education model, practical
skills & global qualifications, our students are positioned for jobs, entrepreneurship,
career changes & competence in the real world. Shaw Academy’s personalized
.education makes learning an integral part of life

Most times they offer promotion where you could try one course for one month for
free. I suggest doing so. I confess that I cheated and tried 3 different courses (using 3
.different email addresses) before I paid for the one I wanted

You can learn more at

I will raffle by March 2020 a one lifetime membership that will give you access to
ALL their courses for life. Look for our special announcements at the Facebook group

There is so much free information on Google and on Youtube and free discussions on
Facebook. It is important to spend more time on things that will develop you for the

As mentors join our project we will get better opinions and suggestions that will
.contribute to each one of you
Real Estate is one of the best investments. I am not familiar with the markets in
the Philippines, India or other of your countries. Many common benefits of Real
estate around the world are that it is easy to purchase with leverage (meaning you
just need to pay part of the price and take mortgage for the rest) and on the long run
its values greatly appreciates. In many countries it also provides great tax benefits.
.You should check those issues regarding your own country

I have been asked many times by caregivers if they should focus first on building
their own home or buy investment property. Let me tell my opinion here. As we
.develop the project I am sure we will hear additional opinions by mentors

It cost about $70,000 to build your house in the Philippines. Your 60 month contract
is not enough time to arrange for that money. Indeed, the caregivers that I
personally know that have built homes all have worked much longer as caregivers.
That is one of the pressures so many caregivers have in working years beyond your
.60 month contract

On the other hand; investment property provides you the opportunity to purchase
property with only 20% down paid in 24 payments (see information below) and then
take mortgage of the remaining price that would be paid by the renter with even
.positive cash flow. So that becomes much easier tusk

Then I suggest focusing the remaining 3 years on building business in your country
that will profit you at least $1500. Then you could go back home and build your
.home while you live with your family nearby

Please check the situation in your country. In many countries once you own a
successful business for 1-2 years in addition to successful real estate investment (for
few years by then) you should be able to get a construction loans and build your own
home within just few months instead of treating it as a 10 year project where you
.build few thousand dollars at a time

There is a real estate company in the Philippines that specialize in promoting

houses/condos to caregivers with a system that offers you to pay the 20% down
payment in 24 payments while locking your purchase price. Then you can take
mortgage on the remaining and rent out for positive cash flow. They offer many
.ranges of properties to fit your needs

Pictures are past promotions for illustration only

My wife Amie purchased an investment property in Manila and even became an
.agent for that company. Please ask her for more details
Additional Solutions

We offered during 2012-2015 dozens solutions to solve many of the problems

caregivers have. Our focus was for Israel because of my personal relations living in
.Israel. Yet, in principles those solutions are relevant all over the world

The first problem that I addressed was the fact that most caregivers are stuck within
the walls of your place of work 24/7 six, 13 and few even 28 days in a row. Most of
.you continue these situations years after your initial 5 year contract is over

The mentoring project was designed to solve the second part of the problem: to help
you develop financial independence in your origin country and allow you to get out
.of those working conditions and return home within 5 (6 the most) years

Yet, in the meantime, I have strong desire to help caregivers enjoy at least 2-hour
.break each day to get out of the house and to enjoy few day vacation each year

Regarding the 2-hour daily break: there are 7 different scenarios that are dependent
on the situations of your employers. My rough estimate is that about 80% of the
.situations could easily be solved while 20% require special arrangements

First; we wish to raise awareness of the caregivers and the families of your
.employers regarding the easy 80% situations

I first tried to raise awareness to the issues during 2012-15 but never received any
collaboration from the relevant organizations. As a matter of fact, my experience
during 2012-15 was bad and very costly emotionally and financially. I sure wish this
.attempt would become much more successful

The easy situations are when employers are healthy enough to be left alone for 2
hours a day, when their families live nearby and kid or grandkid could replace the
caregivers for 2 hours just to keep company (no need to clean, shower or cook) or
when few caregivers work close to each other and could switch turns to look over for
.2 hours on the other's employers

We need to turn the more complicated 20% situations into public discussion in order
to bring about solutions. This is because every worker should have minimal freedom
.to get away from their place of work for few hours each day

Obviously, not all solutions fit all. Yet, the parties need to work towards each other
.and allow the caregivers few hours break each day
I offer here one solutions that should benefit the employers and the caregivers in the
situations where employers cannot be left alone at all: 2 employers with 2
caregivers to rent 4 bedroom apartment and even 3 employers/caregivers to rent 6
.bedroom 2 and a half bathroom apartment

First; renting 6 bedroom apartment is cheaper than renting 3 2-bedroom

apartments. It is also cheaper to maintain, cooking and on bills than 3 smaller

Second; it will allow each caregiver to easily take couple of hours off each day and a
weekly day off while 2 caregivers look over the 3 employers. That will provide the
.caregivers great freedom and flexibility

Third; in current situation the employers need to pay someone to take care of them
during the seventh day of the week regardless if that is done by the regular
caregivers that give up their day off or by reliever. That is extra cost of $100 a week
above the contract. In situation above there will always be 2 caregivers at house and
therefore, there will be no need for reliever. That alone is extra savings of average
.$450 a month

Of course there are caregivers that would not like this arrangement because they
want the extra $100 a week. The fact is that we will all (including most business
owners) earn more money if we to work 30 days strait a month. However, this is not
healthy and should not be the ways of life. It would be better for caregivers to take a
day off each week and apply few strategies showed at the financial section in order
.to save and profit more

The bottom line is that the solution of 6 bedroom apartment would save the
employers (many struggling for every financial ad) a lot and would improve the lives
.of the caregivers

I wish to locate "angel investors" (investors that are willing to profit much lower
return than the market) that will be willing to even build special buildings for such

.As we develop the mentoring relations we will learn and discuss even better ideas

There were additional issues I tried to help caregivers with. I will not mention them
here but we should surely discuss them in the Facebook group. Please join and look
.for updates
The 2012-2015 experience

My experience of promoting the ideas during 2012-2915 was terrible. It was a

disaster. It ended up also being very humiliating and discouraging experience that
hurt me emotionally, and financially on number of ways: I lost money, the focus on
this project hurt my main business and all the rejections caused me to break many
.bridges that were important to me

It seemed that for every step I was trying to go forward the very same people that
were supposed to help caregivers were the ones to drag me couple of step
backwards. I was very disappointed from the Filipino governments, the Filipino
.American community and from the caregivers' organizations

The word on the street was (I heard that from many) that those who benefit from
.the corruptions have much greater influence than the caregivers

Additional reason could be that organizations and government agencies love to gain
control and profits from solutions they offer and turn them into expansive beasts
while this project is designed to raise awareness, inspire and allow caring people to
.directly help others in need without "central interference" that gains from fees

Those two reasons may have contributed to the problem but I know for sure that
there were few practical mistakes made including by me. In this segment I wish to
explain what the changes I plan to make are. We could overcome all the obstacles
.and win big time this time around

Just so you appreciate the magneto of the damage caused by the failure of few years
ago: I believe that since then more then million caregivers (most Filipinos and
Indians) were prevented from each saving $2K-$10K which meant loss to the
Philippines and India of about 2 Billion dollars each. In addition, both economies
each lost the establishment of probably 100,000 new successful small businesses. On
.top of that caregivers lost on many potential improvements for their day to day lives

I need to emphasize that during 2012-2015 I did not plan to lead the project. Instead,
I kept pitching it to those who I thought were supposed to lead it. Therefore, I did
not prepare budget for my time and ended up eating my savings because their
.refusal ended up being very consuming time for me

This time I will take leadership over the project. There are number of issues I suffer
.from great weaknesses and will require me to collaborate with strong influencers
I am going to run fundraising to recoup my losses during the past 8 years and
.support my work. I ask you to visit my fundraising page* and support my efforts
This is still a draft. I will provide link when launching the project *

:The main changes that have to be done are

Collaborate with authorities and influencers. I learned that does not matter )1
how good the ideas you offer are; caregivers want to hear that from
.authorities and from influencers

I will be recruiting during the first 4 months of 2020 people of authority to endorse
.the project and record short messages

.Cause immediate success )2

I may have received plenty of compliments from caregivers for promoting certain
ideas but at the end of the day it was obvious that they did not care much. They
treated those ideas as "pie in the sky" and were not willing to take constructive
actions until they saw results; the results never came partly because they were not
.willing to take any actions of faith

.I plan to recruit high profile donors within the first 4 months of 2020

.Bring immediate personal value )3

Many of the ideas were not relevant to most caregivers that have been working
more than a year. They wanted to experience immediate personal benefit in order to
.support the projects

I will be offering inspirational, educational and motivational material to be relevant

also for the veteran caregivers ALL over the world in addition to negotiating with
Israeli company to provide caregivers in Israel immediate monitory benefits. We
.should provide this by the second week of February

Working with caregivers might be very challenging because they are closed group
that listen to only selected people. However, once you break the ice and become (or
team with) that influencers you could very fast drive new and strong momentum.
That is the challenge I am facing. Success depends on the team of authorities and
people of influencers I put together, on showing immediate success and giving
.personal value in addition to the "big solutions" we offer

As I said, I am not the one who has it all. I will relay on key people to step in to assist
.and on the caregivers to do their part with passion
Developing the projects was easy and relatively fast. It were the rejections and
negative energies associated that caused me to waste thousands of extra hours into
.developing, modifying, publishing and trying to promote this project ALL by myself

The Filipino government has been talking for years about agreement that they are
coordinating in order to solve (ONLY) the placement fee problem. However, even at
best their solutions will be by far inferior from what I offered already 7 years ago.
This is because they don't even address the interest rates problem and because their
solutions require negotiating separate contracts between about 10 origin countries
of foreign workers (the Philippines, India, Turkey, Thailand, etc) and between about
.40 countries where foreign workers work

They have been already spending more than 6 years on one agreement between
Israel and the Philippines. At best, there will be the need to duplicate this process
.about 400 times

In any case, the only thing the Filipino government have done in the past 6 years
with that "so-called agreement" was to use it to chase me away whenever I tried to
.offer effective and simple solutions

Everybody lost due to that delay: obviously the caregivers (about million so far) and
.their families and their origin countries

.I myself went through great financial and emotional losses and great loss of time

You have to understand that No person is going to become a mentor to caregivers or

give loans on the grounds of my request alone. It is time that people of authority and
influence will collaborate with me to address the public to raise awareness, make the
.suggested solutions public and make strong call for action requests

The requests should not be only towards the public bus also towards relevant
government agencies to provide official data that are important for the public and
.especially for those who wish to make wise decisions in helping

The promotion will have to be helped by million caregivers around the world and by
supporting public figures in the countries where they work. It is designed to be
simple and inexpensive - as long as the caregivers will help promote it with passion
.and faith

I offer caregivers in Israel special incentives in order to raise your pro-active

Special Events and Trips 2014/5

My motives for all my offering were love and care. Yet, there were number of trips
.and events that I planned during 2014/5 for fun and even profits for myself

I tried in summer of 2015 to arrange 3 water-park events in Israel for caregivers

during specific days when the parks were empty (due to Jewish mourning days). I
received excellent deals from the parks because I was already operating another
.business in the parks and because I offered to fill up 3 very slow days

I offered to work at a very low profit margins and by that pass great discounts to the
caregivers and even use the 3 events to raise more than hundred thousand dollars
!for caregivers' benefits - unheard sum for caregivers' charities

However, it seemed that I was boycott by the Filipino organizations. I had to cancel
two events and less than 150 people visited during the third one. It ended up being a
.defeated and humiliating experience for me. That was a terrible experience
The reason I offered to operate on low profit margins was because I wanted to use
this experience to strengthen my relations with the managements of the water parks
even more. Instead; the experience embarrassed me in front of them and hurt my
.business that I already operated in the parks. That was a huge financial loss for me

I received great deals for caregivers from number of Israeli attractions in the Red Sea
and the Dead Sea. I offered again to operate on very low profit margins and pass the
.deals to the caregivers. I made very nice and unusual trip plans for them

With all the solutions I offered the caregivers in Israel and all the social connections I
had with so many caregivers you would think that it had been easy for me to
.coordinate those trips

Instead, I received such strong bad energies from their organizations to the point of
feeling as being boycotted. The chemistry was just not there. I ended up cancelling
all those trips and ended again breaking many bridges within the Israeli tourist

I wish to collaborate with Filipino public figures to arrange few successful water park
events and trips during 2020 in order to rebuke the previous defeats. Those
.experiences ended up being emotional and financial burden for me till today
Requests from caregivers

We first ask you to share this paper with PASSION! Demonstrate that you care and
.desire the solutions so others will be inspired to help you

I have very little resources and connections to be able to make a huge public's mind
shift alone. I actually due to my love, care and dedication was able to reach out to
number of very important and key personals in the Philippines and within the
Filipino American community. However, without your testimonials, without your
passionate support and without your words of encouragements I was able to achieve
.almost nothing during the past 6 years

I wish that each one of you will write each month to 10 different public figures in
your countries and in your community in the USA and inform them about these
.issues with requests to help

One of the reasons I earlier suggested you to take the confidence on camera course
by Phil Ebiner is because recording testimonials on camera is much more effective
.then writing letters. Please mention our FB group and this paper

In addition, it is very important to share this message with local people and public
figures in the countries you work at. After all, most of the solutions and
improvements will come from them. Even here recorded messages will be much
.more effective

My second request from you is to apply the relevant suggestions that fit your
situation. We wish to save you thousands of dollars and provide you strong mentors
to help plan your financial future back home. However, those do not replace in any
.way your need to study and become stronger in knowledge, desire and commitment

And finally, please help promote my fundraising. I spent a lot of time on the issues
during 2012-2015 and never really completely quitted even since. That took huge
.financial toll that in addition distracted me from my main business

I estimate the direct financial toll at around $100K and times more for being
distracted. Note that I do not gain any control or commission from any of the
suggestions I offer. I just wish to raise awareness and inspire mass number of people
.to help you
I wish to recoup some of those costs and raise additional funds to allow me even
.stronger promotion – this time with your passionate testimonials and requests

I live in Israel and made many personal friends that are caregivers. I especially seek
your passionate support and testimonials. Therefore, I give you special incentive to
help my fundraising by allowing you to receive free monthly cell package (calls and
.texts in Israel and 160 GB surfing load) according to the amount you raise

Please promote the fundraising page below and ask patrons that you recruited to let
.me know about that


The Developer and Experiences

The developer is Eytan Katz with the help of his father Gideon who helped him a lot during
.2012-15 when they first developed and offered the projects

Eytan developed this entire project out of his care and love. He was committed to
help community of very hardworking people who are taken advantage on regarding
.number of issues

:Few facts about Eytan

Eytan lent and arranged personal loans to number of caregivers in the past. )1
He never charged them any interest and often even waved few payments as

He is running fundraising to help him promote the project. He will lend 10% of funds
.he receives at ZERO interest rate

.He wishes more people will lend at zero interest rates

Eytan was offered to join a professional European team that tried to scam a )2
poor church in Mindanao from donations worth millions of dollars. Even that Eytan
was offered very generous commission he refused to be involved in the scam and
.instead warned the head of the church

He insisted that the majority of the donation will reach the church and was willing to
perform his service to benefit the church for fraction of what the team offered him.
He was fired from the team, lost contact with the others and has no clue to what
.happened since

The point is that Eytsn was willing to fight for the sake of Filipino community even
.that he did not know any of them personally just as a matter of principle

Eytan spent a good deal of a year learning how to establish a foundation to )3

take care of the securities for the loans. In the end he figured out that such need is
not even obvious. We wish there will be no need for such foundation but we will know
for sure only after we see the public's responds to the request to provide loans.
Remind you that the caregivers will receive excellent terms even if they will be required to
.pay 2% of value of the loan towards the securities

.Eytan will need help to form and operate such foundation in case the need will rise

Eytan's Needs: Eytan spent thousands of hours on developing and especially on

trying to promote the ideas. Most of his time was wasted on rejections that were
.caused by lack of care of those that are supposed to care the most

In addition, his efforts to help caregivers ended up ruing his working relations with
.number businesses, which hurt him financially
.He also suffered great loss due to his attempt to protect the church in Mindanao

Think of the following statistics: if we had followed Eytan's solutions since 2013 then
by now about a million caregivers would have each save $2K-$10K, countries such of
the Philippines and India would have seen about two Billion additional dollars in
their economy and each of those countries would have seen exposure of about
.hundred thousand successful new small businesses in their economy

Putting all that together it is time for the caregivers to bring blessing to him by first
promoting this booklet and discussing the issues in it. The greatest blessings to us all
!are when those solutions become success

Eytan's offering to the caregivers should be blessings to the caregivers, to their

.employers, to their origin countries and for him

Eytan's efforts of thousands of hours are at a cost of estimated $100,000 but at loss
.of millions for giving up alternatives and for hurting his business
Please support him by sharing the link below, by joining the "Winning for caregivers"
Facebook group (link at the end of this paper) and by making pro-active requests
from your friends to support him and his works. Link will be posted during
November 2019


Eytan is also starting Social Media Synergy Marketing (SMSM) Campaign. Please

.join his group and help him with his campaigns

There are number of friends that help Eytan present the projects. Please visit their
.social pages and support their ventures

:The Presenters

This section is coming soon

:The Sponsors

This section is coming soon

By Eytan Katz Copyright by Eytan Katz 2018

/Join our facebook Group:

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