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Dear Edison Staff & Teachers,

Thank you for taking the time to make sure that our safety and education is your number
one priority. I appreciate all of you for participating in passing out chromebooks for students to
use for this semester as we continue to do distance learning. As someone who has seen you in
action, I would like to thank you for taking safety precautions and for even being there to support
your students. You may not remember our names or even our faces, but we know that our
education is the most important thing to you guys’ and for that I am so very grateful. I am glad
that Edison has been given such an amazing staff and I am happy to know that you put our safety
above your own as you passed out work packets and laptops. I would like to keep this short and
sweet to avoid taking up anymore of your time so thank you. Thank you so much for everything
and I cannot wait for the next school year to begin.

Lorylen Bucio

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