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Name: Poot Balam Silvia De La Cruz

Should: “Should” is used to express the ideal (best) action.

Example: I think I should do more exercise.

Have to: “Have to” has several functions. First it expresses a strong belief. This
belief is not based on fact, but rather on logic. Second, it expresses an obligation.
Example: My mother says that I have to make my bed.

Directions: Circle the correct modal auxiliary in each sentence.

1. My boss told me that I (have to / should) work overtime this week.

2. I (should / have to) get my hair cut before the dance.

3. She (has to / have to / should) pay monthly rent to live in her apartment.

4. Ted’s dad said that he (has to / should) clean his room before he can play.

5. I (have to / should) buy those pretty red shoes.

6. The world (should / have to) be peaceful.

7. The runner (has to / should) win the race to get a gold medal.

8. Maria (has to / have to) take her medicine because she’s sick.

9. If you want to learn English, you (has to / should) study more.

10. Our team (have to / has to) try harder.

Directions: Now make two sentences using “should” and two sentences using
“have to”

1. I  should play soccer wich my sister

2. She should sing every night

3. I have to use antibacterial gel

4. She  has to wear a mask

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