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Well hello boys, girls and families. How are you doing today?

The sun is shining brightly, I feel the cool

breeze on my skin and yes, it is a beautiful day. With a sun shiny day or even rainy days, it is a good habit
to drink water throughout your day and stay active.
Well today we are going to use our whole bodies to practice staying active. Go get that jump rope, yes,
the bright green yellow pink or purple one. Yes, the black or brown one too. With a handle or without a
handle. If you cannot reach it or have problems finding it, get an adult to help you. Now, for this activity,
you can use safe shoes, or you can go bare feet. If you are bare feet, make sure you are standing on
smooth surface, free of furniture or other objects. Now turn on your favorite song and jump for as long as
you can while your song plays. Challenge mom dad or the adult with you to jump longer than you can.
Ready let’s go! Have the adult record the activity on their phone and text it to Ms. Susan. There is a
reward for you. Go jumping.

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