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ABELADOR, Amber Jade B.

BA Communication 2B



No longer hailing "aye!" to their motherland's oppressors,

A new breed of Filipino youth emerged from their ancestors.
Tarnishing no more the hopes of their late and unsung heroes;
In one desire they grieve centuries of countless horrors:
"Oh Pearl of the Orient, thou shall not again peril;
Never shall be entrusted to another leeching devil."
An oath it was indeed-- one out of nationalism,
Love, of course it was-- but not one from chauvinism.
In their motherland, they pledged a love so unifying,
Surpassing all conditions; a love beyond undying.
Thriving were their hearts for she possessed one captivating beauty,
Illuminating indeed for she shined in the lumière of her glory;
"Captivating beyond compare," they said, for she is the Pearl of the Orient Seas.

Sublime is the pulchritude of their beloved nation;

Pride was the birthmark etched on their foundation,
Impeccable passion-- a fire burning within their parts,
Raptures through the veins of their young Filipino hearts;
Immortal indeed, for it shall burn still until their very death;
Timeless, for it shall triumph until their dying breath.

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