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Dimension 2

2.Read the following quotatins from famous sportsmen/women around the world.
“I train soccer “I won a silver
45 hours a medal for Mexico
week” in the Olympic

Lionel Messi said that he Ana Gabriela said that she

trains soccer 45 hours a had won a silver medal for
week. Mexico in the Olympic

“I Will continue with

“I’m able to travel all
my training until i
around the world
can´t go on”
thanks to bowling”

Usain bolt said that he would

Usa “have to” y “be Missy parkuin she was to able to” para
continue with his training travel all around the world
until he couldn’t go on.escribir oraciones sobre las
thanks go bowling.
habilidades y obligaciones de
cada persona de los pasos
anteriores. si no los conoces puedes
buscar información acerca de ellos.
Leonel messi has to kick the ball very hard.
he is able to score much goals in the stadium.

Ana has to run so fast in the atletism camp.

she is able to traing much in the gym.

Usain bolt has to run faster than a bus.

he is able to run for a long time in the training.

Missy has to be very well to throw the ball in the bowling.

she is able to throw all the pins in the bowling.

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