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I’m an HR manager with 8 years of experience for Fortune 100 companies. I

have spent the last six years developing my skills as a customer service manager for
Megacompany Inc., where I have won several performance awards and been
promoted twice. And today I am proficient in managing teams and solving customer
problems. Although I love my current role, I feel I’m now ready for a more
challenging assignment. I think one of my greatest strengths is as a problem solver. I
have the ability to see a situation from different perspectives and I can get my work
done even in the face of difficult obstacles. I also feel that my communication skills
are top notch. I feel just as comfortable presenting to senior executives as I do
mediating a conflict between junior team members. Although my current job doesn’t
require public speaking, I know it’s an important job skill. So I recently started
attending discussion сlub meetings and I am already starting to feel much more
comfortable speaking in front of a group. Well, nobody is perfect. I definitely get
impatient with team members who are making mistakes or delivering substandard
work. But I've learned over the past that it's more effective way to approach those
team members with professionalism and constructive criticism rather than jump to
conclusions about who's to blame for the cause of the problem. It doesn't come
naturally to me but I think the blame game is just a waste of time and it's better to
focus on where to go from here.

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