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A 2017 3, group 3


- Anisa fitadaris
- Dwi Amalia Ramadhan
- Vivi Dwiyani

Dialogue part 1.

Vivi : “Hi Girls!!!”

Amel : “Hi vi !”

Anisa : “Yuhuuuuu... “

Vivi : “ can i join with you here? “

Amel : “Of course”

Vivi : “How are you? “

Amel : “Fine, thanks”

Nisa : “ I’m fine. How about you?”

Nisa : “What did you do here? Do you want to shop?”

Vivi : “Yes, and I see you here. Because we haven’t met for a long time, so I’m here”

Amel : “Oh, I see”

Nisa : “ How long have you been here?”

Vivi : “Since 2 hours ago. And that makes my feet hurt”

Amel : “Are you serious? And what have you bought?

Vivi : “Only a few office clothes”

Nisa : “wait, wait... Do you have a new job?”

Vivi : “Yes, Alhamdulillah”

Amel : “Congrats vi... I’m happy to hear it.”

Nisa : “Congratulation vi. I hope you enjoy your new job”

Vivi : “ Thanks girls”

Amel : “by the way did you come here alone?”

Vivi : “yes, oh my God. I forgot to tell you something”

Nisa : “What is that?”

Vivi : “Tomorrow, on Saturday night I have a Anniversary party in my house. Can you come?”

Nisa “ Of couse”
Amel : “ Sure, I will. How about the dress code? Do you have a theme for your party?”

Vivi : “ Yes, the theme is standing party. So you can use like a dress. Or something like that”

Nisa : “Oh my God! That will be great”

Amel : “Ok, we will come to your party tomorrow night. Don’t worry and we will use the most
beautiful dress that we have”

Anisa : “Mmm.. by the way

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