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HRF #2: Training Principles and FITT Formula

Three training principles of a good exercise program are: Overload, Progression, and Specificity. These
are needed to change any area of fitness.

Overload Principle- Placing greater than normal demands on the body.

o Walking 2 miles a day, 3 days a week, for 8 weeks, gives a body a certain level of fitness.
o Increasing distance, time, or intensity (overloading) will change the level of fitness.

Progression Principle- Increasing exercise gradually.

o Walking 1 mile a day, 3 days a week, for 4 weeks

o Walking 1.5 miles a day, 3 days a week, for the next 4 weeks
o Walking 2 miles a day, 3 days a week, for 4 weeks

Specificity Principle- Doing specific activities to build specific areas of fitness.

o Walking builds cardiovascular fitness and helps change body composition.

o Stretching builds flexibility.
o Weight training builds muscle strength, muscle endurance (tone), and helps change
body composition.

The FITT Formula gives you guidelines to follow to build good fitness. These are needed to maintain or
change a health area of fitness.

Frequency= How often a person exercises (# of days a week). Three days a week is the minimum needed
to maintain or change an area of fitness.

Intensity= How hard a person exercises.

o Cardiovascular intensity is determined by heart rate.
o Muscle strength/endurance intensity is determined by the number of sets, repetitions,
and resistance (amount of weight) used.

Time= How long a person exercises.

o You need to exercise 20-30 minutes per exercise session.

Type= the actual kind of exercise you choose to improve on the components.

Preparing for Exercise

A good safe exercise program includes three stages: Warm-up, Workout, and Cool-down.
o The Warm-up helps to reduce muscle injury because warm-up and stretches increase
muscle length. Your heart is also a muscle and a warm-up helps to get it ready for more
vigorous exercise. A Heart Warm-up should last between one and three minutes (our
daily warm-up). The goal is to gradually increase you heart rate.
o The Workout is the vigorous part of your exercise program. Wear comfortable clothes,
thick socks (acts as a cushion, prevents blisters, and absorbs perspiration) and dress in
layers for temperature control.
o Your body needs to gradually Cool-down to recover from vigorous exercise. There must
be a heart cool down and a muscle cool down and stretch. To relieve muscle cramps or
soreness, stretch the muscles slowly (no bouncing).
o Your heart and blood vessels recover more efficiently if you MOVE rather than sit or lie
down after exercising. This cool down also helps keep you from becoming dizzy or even
fainting. After the mile run, be sure to walk and not collapse on the track.
o Set aside a regular time to exercise. It takes between three and six weeks for a person
who is exercising regularly to accomplish some specific fitness goals. Begin now and
Lesson Review:

1. Describe the 3 principles of a good exercise program.

2. Give an example of each of the principles.

3. How would you apply the principles of overload, progression, and specificity to a person who
has been jogging 10 minutes a day, 4 days a week, for 4 weeks?

4. What are the stages of a safe exercise program?

5. What is the goal of warming up the heart muscle?

6. What must you do to relieve muscle cramps or soreness?

7. How long will it take the exerciser to reach fitness goals?

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