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4. Aspirin (NSAIDS) has a pka of 3.5. based on Henderson-Hasslebalch equation, it is best absorbed in:
A. Stomach
B. Jejunum
C. Ileum
D. Rectum

25. Which of the ff increases renal excretion of uric acid?

a. colchicine
b. indomethacin
c. probenecid
d. allopurinol

34. Patient comes in with CHF and was treated with a diuretic. Comes back a week later with Low K+ and ECG
showed PVCs. What is the diuretic that was most likely administered?
A. Mannitol
B. Furosemide
C. Spironolactone
D. Lercanidipine

35. an executive was diagnosed with chronic stable angina. which of the ff nitroglycerine is best for the patient to
prevent recurrent anginal attack?
a. isosorbide dinitrate sublingual
b. isosorbide mononitrate
c. nitroglcerine patch
d. any of these

46. (anti hpn?) that causes postural hypotension

a. atrial dilator
b. beta blocker
c. alpha blocker
d. selective beta blocker

49. MOA of hydralazine

A. Sulfamethoxazole
B. Aztreonam
C. Chloramphenicol
D. Ciprofloxacin
___117. Inhibits cell wall synthesis
___118. Inhibits protein synthesis
A 119. Inhibits folic acid synthesis
___120. Inhibits DNA synthesis


23. Renal excretion of uric acid

A. Colchicine
B. Indomethacin
C. Probenecid
D. Allopurinol

53. The bio-availability of this antibiotic decreases with food.

A. Amoxicillin
B. Chloramphenicol
C. Penicillin V
D. All of the above

59. A 26 y/o pregnant mother, 18 weeks AOG, was diagnosed to have uncomplicated falciparum malaria for which
you are planning to prescribe Quinine. What will you give with quinine to shorten use to 3 days, thus decreasing
A. Chloroquine
B. Clindamycin
C. Tetracycline
D. Mefloquine

74. Drug with significant adverse effects in the first trimester of pregnancy:
di ko na po matandaan ung isa

83. Used in combination with MESNA: Cyclophosphamide

92. 40 year old with Hyperthyroidism and exophthalmos. What drug inhibits thyroid synthesis with inhibition of
peripheral conversion of t4-t3? ANS: PTU

101. If this patient is on furosemide, which of the following drugs will be able to maintain serum potassium at normal
or near normal level?
a. metoprolol
b. amlodipine
d. nitroglycerine


6. The least sedating of the H1 blockers is ____:

A. Diphenhydramine
B. Hyoscine
C. Cetirizine
D. Clemastine

9. These anticonvulsants reduce sodium conductance except:

21. Prevents emesis through 5HT3 antagonism
A. Ondansetron
B. Diphenhydramine
C. Scopolamine
D. Droperidol

48. The bioavailability of this drug is decreased with food

b. chloramphenicol
c. penicillin V
d. all
pen V daw sagot

51. Isoniazid is given together with pyridoxine to prevent this condition.

a. Alteration in sensorium
c. seizures
d. psychosis

62. Synthetic steroid with anti-inflammatory and salt-retaining properties?

A. Fludrocortisone
B. Dexamethasone
C. Triamcinolone
D. Betamethasone

66. Drug that inactivates the enzyme degrades incretins

A. –
C. Pramlintide
D. Colesevelam

75: What antifungal binds to fungal microtubule causing defective cell wall synthesis?
A. Fluconazole
C. Miocamycin
D. Nalimutan ko po

79. 40yo woman, with complaints of hot flushes and lack of menstruation came in for consult. Work up shows pre
mature ovarian arrest. What is the treatment?
a. GnRH analogue (pulsatile)
b. combined estrogen and progesterone
c. estrogen
d. progesterone
A, hormonal replacement therapy is only indicated for post menopausal hot flushes (only FDA approved use)
GnRH, in pulsatile doses stimulates the ovaries
GnRH in continuous doses inhibits the ovaries.
but dont take my word on it, mataas chance na mali ako, hindi word for word ung question pero anjan naman ung
pertinent data ata.

85. A patient with diabetes taking metformin with slightly increased LDL and a marked increase in triglycerides will
benefit from which of these drugs
A. niacin
B. bile salt sequesters
C statins
D. fibrate


Patient with enterobius vermicularis ova infection

a. mebendazole
b. DEC
c. ivermectin

Of the ff, ..... (in a fixed dose combination) which does not expand the spectrum of activity of the antibiotic?
A. Sulbactam
B. Cilastatin
C. Clavulanic acid
D. Tazobactam

Reduced mortality in CHF

A. spironolactone
B. digoxin
C. furosemide
D. dobutamine

Longer half-life anti arrhythmic

A. verapamil
B. flecainide
C. amiodarone
D. disopyramide

Decompensared hf with pulmo edema

A. digoxin
B. furosemide
C. carvedilol
D. captopril

Dose limiting toxicity of Vincristine:

A. Bone marrow suppression
B. Cardiotoxicity
C. Pancreatitis
D. parasthesia of the lower leg

Anticonvulsant drugs which acts on sodium conductance, except


50 y/o obese male with acanthosis nigricans. FPG 180g/dL. Which of the ff drugs will aggravate circulating
hyperinsulinemia when given alone?
A. Metformin
B. Pioglitazone
C. Acarbose
D. Glimepiride

70. Adverse effects from glucocorticoids use except:

A. Hyperglycemia
B. osteoporosis
C. Hyperkalemia
D. hypertension

72. PK in pregnancy.
A. Decrease Vd
B. Estrogen induced decrease in gastric motility
C. Increase protein binding
D. Increase renal plasma flow and GRF

To counteract the effect of histamine, which drug will you infuse parenterally?

Which is not an alpha adrenergic agonist?

A. Clonidine
B. Norepinephrine
D. oxymetazoline

25 y/o M alcoholic overdosed on Midazolam and went to the ER 2 hours later with low BP and slow HR. Initial
A. Stabilize VS
B. Administer flumazenil
C. Administer activated charcoal
D. All

1. True of atropine: highly selective for muscarinic receptors

2. Opposite effects produced by agonist at the receptor: inverse agonist
3. Alpha-adrenergic agonist except: Dobutamine
4. DNA – Ciprofloxacin
5. Folic acid – Sulfamethoxazole
6. Protein synthesis – chloramphenicol
7. Cell wall synthesis – aztreonam
8. More potent yung mas mahabang dose pero may effect
Answer ata yung drug__ less potent than drug _________
9. Adjunct block T4-T3: prednisone
10. Anti-TB that is extracellular, bactericidal: streptomycin
11. True of Rifampicin
12. High dose on INH – peripheral neuropathy
13. Vd and clearance - half-life
14. Contraindicated antihypertensive in pregnancy – ACEI
15. Greatest myocardial depression – verapamil
16. Urinary excretion of uric acid
17. MOA of hydralazine - opens K+ channel
18. Protein binding effect – clearance of unbound drug
19. Cerebral edema - acetazolamide
20. Anesthetic; anti-arrhythmic? Lidocaine
21. Microtubule, anti-fungal - griseofulvin
22. Hindi mag-affect sa preload and afterload: trimetazidine
23. Maintenance for asthma – long-acting +ICS
24. Uncomplicated gonorrhea – cefixime
25. Does not expand spectrum of beta-lactamase
26. True of acyclovir
27. Does not require phosphorylation
28. Targets M2 protein channel - amantadine/rimantadine
29. Breakdown of incretin
30. Primaquine – G6PD level
31. Effect of acarbose - diarrhea, flatulence
32. Moderate LDL, increased triglyceride
33. The bioavailability of the drug is decreased by food. Pen V
34. Asthma anong receptor?
35. diuretics for hypertension – thiazide
36. what is true in pregnancy? – increased GFR
37. Added to quinine to shorten the duration
38. Patent ductus arteriosus – indomethacin toxicity
39. 5HT1 – buspirone?
40. Treatment for S. pneumonia + atypical pneumonia

50. Pag allergic sa ampicillin, anong substitute

51. Dissociative – ketamine
52. most common adverse effect of phenobarbital
53. ropivacaine why preferred?
54. absence, myoclonic, clonic – valproic acid
55. mechanism in Parkinson’s – give dopamine precursor
56. diuretics – decreased ICP
57. Decrease Lp(a)
58. Moderate increase in LDL, markedly increase triglyceride
59. increased cholesterol, increased triglyceride, increased LDL
60. untoward effect of vincristine
61. Tx of E. vermicularis - mebendazole
62. more preferred Dexamethasone than hydrocortisone
63. tamoxifen effect?
64. bakit nagkakalegcramps?
65. steroid Tx sa bata, effect? - growth retardation
66. gamot pag may ovarian failure
67. 5HT3 prevents vomiting – ondansetron
68. cyclophosphamide – MESNA
69. Methotrexate – folinic acid
70. Spare K+ together with spironolactone

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