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Climate change is the major issue of the world.

Greenhouse gases are major contribute in the climate

change, and Pakistan is the one of the vulnerable countries list of the climate change. In Pakistan waste
of the materials (plastic) is highly impact on climate change because in Pakistan have not proper plan
about Integrated waste management system. There are several kind of the waste released by
developing societies. Like: Agriculture waste, Industrial solid waste and municipal solid waste. In
agriculture wastage are decomposed in land fill or through towards oceans and wastage released
greenhouse gases like CH4, CO2, and NO2. Climate change is also affect crop yields due to change of the
seasons will receive increased rainfalls, and rising temperature of the climate. In 2014,
Intergovernmental panel on climate change(IPCC) Published report the major risk due to climate change
are coastal flooding, Inland flooding, Food Insecurity, agriculture productivity due to shortage of the
water for irrigation. I want to study that the reduced carbon footprint in transportation system,
industrial and agriculture wastes.

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