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In 2018, Indecopi received around 60 000 complaints

According to this report, around 50 % complaints are related to 3 economic activities:

Banking Services, transport services and telecommunication equipment and services.

Her we have the companies with most complaints.

when we can make a complaint, as a consumer you have rights and I’m going to let you know
what they are.

To have access to information about the products.

To be heard, whenever you want to make a claim or comment about the product or service.

To choose

To receive a fair and just treatment

So what to do or how to make a complaint in Peru

Indecopi is the regulatory entity that protects consumers against the acquisition of
products and services in general
There are 3 ways or steps that you can make a complaint

First, Indecopi suggests that before you submit a claim in Indecopi, you should try to
do it with your provider of goods or services.
Second, if you don’t reach an agreement you have the option to fill out your virtual or
physical Claim Book.
Third, if they don’t give you an answer, you can make your complaint to Indecopi.

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