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Good morning everyone,

Today,I’m going to talk about CARE PERU . CARE PERU is a non-governmental organization.

They started their work in Peru 48 years ago in response to the emergency suffered in Huaylas,

They've been trying to eradicate the poverty in our country.

This organization helps poor people from our country and give opportunities to get a better

Care Peru goes to diferent poor communities and they work with these people and they
foment the local development.

They help a lot of communities in our country trough their cooperation projects.

They give good teaching about nutrition and how to use properly the earth and water.

In last years , his main focus has been the development and economic inclusion of women in
poor communities.

They think we can not overcome the poverty in our country if people don't have the same
rights and opportunities.

Did you know only 47 percent of the girls students finish secondary school.

Care Peru also cares about communities in emergency. They support women and men
impacted by natural disasters

so that their families can access fundamental services.

In last years, they have been working in Puno with 20 different communities, preparing them
to deal with natural disasters that happen every year.

What would those communities do without Care Peru's work ?

Most of these people don't have access to drinking water. So, they have to go to far away
places to get food and health services.

Propably, people from the Sierra wouldn't know how to get clean water without these
programmes and they couldn't progress in their business.

Women from poor communities wouldn't have access to basic social rights and good

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