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República Bolivariana De Venezuela

Ministerio Del Poder Popular Para La Educación

U. E. Colegio. “Nuestra Señora De Altagracia”

Quibor- estado- Lara.

Primera Evaluación On Line. Ingles 5to Año “B”. 3er Lapso.


Parte 1: En cada grupo de verbos, aparece uno escrito incorrectamente; escríbalo

correctamente en el espacio en blanco dado. (1 pt. c/u = 6 pts.)

1. Finiched - built - gave - saw - took : Finished

2. Saying - hitting - feeling - getling - doing : Getting
3. Paint - work - visit - forjet - hit : Forget
4. Drive - sing - kmow - eat - going: Know
5. Cloced - danced - worked - lived - washed : Closed
6. Swim - lend - pay - cut - loce : Lose

Parte 2: Subraye el verbo correcto en cada oración de Voz Pasiva. (1 pt. c/u = 6 pts.)

1. My hands (are – isn´t – am) washed by me.

2. Your house (were – are – was) built last year by the carpenter.
3. These exercises will be (teaches – taught – teach) by you.
4. The message was (be – being – been) written by Peter.
5. These chocolate cookies (has – hasn´t – have) been cooked by my mother.
6. Some gifts (aren´t – weren´t – hasn´t) sent by you last night.

Parte 3. Escriba en todos los Tiempos Continuos dados en clase: Presente Continuo,
Pasado Continuo y Futuro Continuo, la siguiente oración (1 pt. c/u = 3 pts.)

A. My brother Jerry chose flowers to this girlfriend.

My brother Jerry is choosing flowers to his girlfriend.

My brother Jerry was choosing flowers to his girlfriend.

My brother Jerry will be choosing flowers to his girlfriend.

Parte 4: Escribe la palabra que por alguna razón no encaja en cada grupo. (1 pt. c/u = 5

1. Played - Visited - Went - Organized.

2. Me - Him - Them - We.
3. Drank - Spoken - Taken - Rung.
4. Am - Were - Is - Are.
5. Study - Win - Reads – Drink.

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