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Here are the 10 best countries for medical tourism, ranked by appeal, specialties, and popularity:

10. Lithuania

If you’re interested in latest-craze stem cell treatment, look to the Baltics for treatment.
Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, which helps cancer patients and people with blood
diseases, is all the rage in Vilnius, the capitol of Lithuania. They also do more mundane
treatments, like gastric bypass and back surgery.

9. Turkey
Every year, nearly 200,000 people head to Turkey for eye treatments like Lasik surgery. Once
your new peepers are intact, tourism companies bus you around to see beautiful sites, like the
Blue Mosque. Sounds like a deal!

8. India
Ayurvedic treatments, yoga, and meditation have long been staples of Indian health tourism.
Now, millions of people are also taking annual “dental holidays” to India because quality
procedures can be as much as 10 times cheaper than at home. For example, a root canal only
costs about $100.

7. Israel
Israel is famous for its low-cost cancer treatment centers. Once that marrow transplant takes, you
can recover with special therapies that use Dead Sea mineral salts. Much of the population
speaks English–an added bonus.

6. Costa Rica

Costa Ricans are famous for growing old gracefully. Now we know why: Costa Rica is leading
the world in what they like to call “age management” in beautifully-located “medical spas.”

5. Hungary
Austrians and Germans have been crossing the border here to get work done for years. German
influence and an influx of former healthcare professionals have contributed to Hungary’s state-
of-the-art medical technology. Dental procedures, from crowns to root canals, cost 40-60% less
than western prices. Apparently, the anaesthesia is world class–but you probably won’t

4. Egypt

Prices for plastic surgery in Egypt are 60-70% lower than corresponding treatments in the US or
UK. A thigh liposuction, for example, is done for a mere $260 in Egypt. The same procedure can
cost up to $2,000 in the US and $3,000 in the UK.
3. South Africa

South Africa specializes in medical safaris. You visit the country for a safari, make a stopover
for plastic surgery, and get the chance to see lions and elephants. The first human heart transplant
was performed here in 1967, so quality shouldn’t be of concern.

2. Malaysia
Malaysia’s quality of care, low prices, and beautiful beaches attract customers seeking a range of
treatments. You can get your knee replaced, face lifted, and cataracts removed, then spend hours
recovering on the serene beach.

1. Thailand
Thailand’s King Bhumipol’s father, Prince Mahidol, made it his life’s work to modernize the
healthcare system in Thailand. During his time, he convinced the Rockefeller Foundation to fund
an American medical education for a group of Thai men and women, leading to the creation of
one of the world’s best medical systems. Phuket, Thailand is world renowned for “aesthetic”
plastic surgery procedures such as otoplasty and blepharopla-your ears and eyelids will look

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