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Answer to the questions of Activity 1:

1. The picture depicts hope, people with human heart, kindness and unity.

2. The people are doing an extraordinary job and can also be considered as life savers.

3. There might be a community problem in which the government is in need of manpower to distribute
the relief goods to those who are in need.

4. Yes, because they are doing the best possible action that they can to help and without expecting any
reward or salary.

5. Maybe they can also give positive thoughts to those who are having a hard time understanding the
situation and give cautious information to everyone through any social media platform.

6. Stay positive all throughout the situation and of course pray and have faith to God.

7. Nothing, I would rather add something but not change, I will add an image in which the relief goods
are already handed out to those who are really in need.

8. The deeper intellectual interpretations.

9. Higher order thinking skills and the affective domain.

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