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There was when I was in eleven grade, the last year.

I was elected to be the school

representative, so I had many responsabilities. Even I knew all the load that I would have to
carry, the school suffered a change of the principal, and all the structure of the school was
changed and replaced. All the days I have almost two meeting, so I had to change all my
schedule. This was at all the entire year, in some way I got habituate, but one day I really feel
that I was die. In final exams seasons, I had to do three exams at the same day because for
meeting I couldn’t do it before, the last night I couldn’t sleep and I had less than a two hour to
do that, later I have to planed the teacher's day, I was very very stressed and couldn’t
concentrate in my exams, also I couldn’t imagine what to planned. In the end I was to sit and
relax, and talk with my coordinator, she talk with the principal and all was more peaceful.

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