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Entire Lesson: Solid Waste Takes Over - TeachEngineering 5/1/20, 11:41 PM

Lesson: Solid Waste Takes Over

Quick Look
Grade Level: 4 (3-5)
Time Required: 45 minutes
Lesson Dependency: None

In this lesson, students explore solid waste and its
e"ects on the environment. They collect classroom
trash for analysis and build model land!lls in order to
understand the process and impact of solid waste
management. Students will understand the role of
engineers in solid waste management.
This engineering curriculum aligns to Next Generation
Science Standards (NGSS).

Engineering Connection
Engineers have quite a challenge to !nd better ways to
get rid of our everyday garbage. Bioengineers design
systems to destroy wastes and clean up contaminated
soil and water. Today, some of our household garbage Figure 1. A typical garbage land!ll.
is recycled and the rest goes to land!lls — pits with a
protective liner — and each trash layer is covered with a thin layer of soil. Environmental engineers are developing new,
innovative land!lls to breakdown garbage and create gases, such as methane, used to generate electricity.

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, students should be able to:

Understand and explain di"erent methods of waste disposal.

Explain some of the major problems caused by waste disposal and use of land!lls.
Understand and explain the role of engineers in solid waste management.
Suggest ways to reduce the amount of solid waste going to a land!ll.

Worksheets and Attachments

Solid Waste Quiz (pdf)
Solid Waste Quiz – Answers (pdf)
How Much Garbage? Worksheet (Extension Activity) (pdf)
How Much Garbage? Worksheet – Answers (Extension Activity) (pdf) Page 1 of 18
Entire Lesson: Solid Waste Takes Over - TeachEngineering 5/1/20, 11:41 PM

Visit [] to print or download.

Did you know that most living organisms produce waste products that are safely recycled by the ecosphere? Did you also
know that humans are the only species that produce unnatural waste (and we produce it in huge quantities)? Basically,
this means that we humans create lots and LOTS of trash. What do you throw away? Do you throw away soda, milk or
water bottles, candy and food wrappers, boxes, and/or plastic or paper bags? Does the trash collector remove bags or
cans of garbage from your home — and on a larger scale — your neighborhood every week? Do you wonder where all
this trash goes? Where is it hauled to after it leaves your home/neighborhood? What happens to it after it gets to where
its going? Ask students to brainstorm a list of di"erent ways to dispose of garbage (e.g., burning, burying, shooting into
space, etc.) Write the list on the board.

Paper is the largest category of trash that we throw away. Can you think of some paper items you have thrown away just
today (e.g., paper bags, candy or other wrappers, newspapers, writing paper, etc.). We call this trash that we throw away
in great amounts solid waste. It can be very harmful to the environment. As plastics and other garbage break down and
begin to rot, there can be many negative e"ects to the environment: a dangerous gas — methane — can be released into
the air, chemicals that are in or on the garbage might leak out into the ground during rainstorms, and germs, #ies,
vultures and other nuisances are often attracted to the continual build up of solid waste.

There are several methods that are used to dispose of garbage: creation of land!lls (making large piles or pits of trash),
incineration or burning of trash, and burying dangerous trash — such as toxic waste. Engineers deal with this enormous
trash problem by developing better methods for decreasing, and ultimately, eliminating our nation's overabundance of
garbage. For example, household garbage used to be taken to the dump, where it was thrown into a big pit, pile on top of
pile, adding mass and height with each dumping. Not only was this an unpleasant sight, it emitted an obnoxious smell
and attracted copious amounts of bugs and rats. Today, engineers have developed land!lls, which are similar to a dump,
but they are lined with a heavy-duty plastic to prevent leaking. Then, every layer of garbage is compressed and covered
with a thin layer of soil to prevent air and pests from getting at the garbage. Engineers have also developed systems to
collect the methane gas — which is caused from the anaerobic breakdown of garbage — to avoid a gas buildup and
subsequent explosion or spontaneous combustion. Some land!lls actually use the methane for energy to burn this
excess methane gas!

Before beginning the activities associated with this lesson (Refer to Trash Talkin' and This Land!ll Is a Gas!) , read students
the poem "Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take The Garbage Out" by Shel Silverstein (found in Where the Sidewalk
Ends, by Shel Silverstein, New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1974). Afterwards, ask the students to describe what they think
happened to Sarah. Then, ask what they think happens to garbage when they put it out at the curb or into a trash bin for

Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers


Scientists are able to learn some about ancient people by studying the methods for their trash disposal (i.e., dumps vs.
burying vs. other). Originally, we used dumps (garbage piled on top of more garbage in a big open pit) instead of using
land!lls, but this created ugly mountains of garbage, attracting rodents and bugs. With every rain, toxic substances were
!ltered out of the garbage and deposited into the underlying soil. Today, land!lls are lined with plastic, and sometimes
clay, to prevent leakage into the surrounding soil. Each day's (or a limited amount of) garbage is compressed and covered
with a thin layer of soil so that air and pests do not have access to the garbage to either build nests, eat it or spread the
trash — potentially spreading harmful diseases. In order to avoid an explosion or spontaneous combustion, pipes placed
throughout the layers of garbage collect the build up of methane gas that is generated by the compressed garbage. Some
land!lls use the methane gas to create energy for other purposes. Page 2 of 18
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Interesting Facts

Mile High Stadium — the former home of the Denver Broncos football team and now a parking lot — is built on a
sanitary land!ll.
The world's largest land!ll is Fresh Kills Land!ll on Staten Island, NY. This monstrous land!ll, which o$cially closed
on July 4, 2001, is comprised of 3,000 acres of swampy land 5,000 feet high. This is the largest manmade structure
on Earth today (for the 5,000 years previous to today it was the Great Wall of China). Information and a photo tour
of the Fresh Kills land!ll can be found at:
Every day, Americans produce an estimated four million pounds of dangerous (hazardous) household waste. The
di"erent types of hazardous waste are described in the Table 1.
Sometimes, people do not use appropriate methods for garbage disposal (i.e., land!lls). It is estimated that 14
billion pounds of garbage are thrown into the world's oceans each year.


Incineration — or the burning of trash — often occurs at temperatures above

1800º F. Because incineration can produce huge amounts of air pollution, the
incinerators are often placed on ships that sail at great distances from populated
areas. Incineration is bene!cial because it can dispose of great amounts of trash
very quickly. However there are some downsides to the method of incineration:
copious amounts of ash are created as a result of the burning process, which
then must be disposed of, and toxic fumes ( dioxins) are emitted into the air (in
addition to steam). In fact, the resultant ash can be poisonous if hazardous
chemicals (or dangerous solid materials) are not removed from the garbage
before it is burned. Engineers are developing methods to reduce air pollution
Table 1. Listing of Toxic Household Waste
from incineration processes — such as scrubbers that clean the air before it is
released into the atmosphere.

In some areas — for example, Denmark — garbage is actually burned to create energy. Another challenge for engineers,
then, is to develop alternate ways for this energy conversion to be more e$cient, thus creating a method for a viable
energy resource.

Burying Toxic/Radioactive Waste

Toxic waste is generated from a variety of sources: from things we use in our homes (see Table 1) or from industrial
processes. Radioactive waste comes from nuclear weapons testing (atomic bombs, etc.) and nuclear power plants, and it
is most often put into metal containers and buried underground in shallow pits. It is critical that radioactive waste not
come in contact with water or air; if such contact exists, the result could be an enormous, devastating explosion.
Unfortunately, many of these sites leak, and the toxic waste leaches into our soil and water. Some waste will remain
dangerous for thousands of years to come.

Engineers are striving to develop new methods to deal with all types of toxic waste. For example, they are exploring ways
to turn toxic waste into glass.

Sometimes trash has nowhere to go. For example, the Mobro garbage barge carried 3,000 tons of garbage from Long
Island, NY in 1987. It visited many states and countries, but no one would take the trash (why would they want it, after
all!). It wound up back in New York, was incinerated, and left 400 tons of ash that ended up in the land!ll anyway! Clearly,
sometimes situations just don't work out the way that they were originally planned.

Lesson Closure Page 3 of 18
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Reiterate how important proper waste disposal is and how recycling is important for the environment. Why do we want to
recycle? (Answers may vary. Tell students that recycling will help future generations enjoy the environment, too.) What
happens to solid waste when it is disposed? (Answer: It can release dangerous gasses, such as methane into the air;
chemicals that are on the garbage can leak out into the ground during rainstorms; and a build up of solid waste attracts
germs and #ies.)

Write the acronym NIMBY on the board. Explain to students that this stands for: Not In My BackYard. Discuss what this
means. Is there something they have learned about solid waste that would make NIMBY true for them?

Biodegradable: A substance that naturally turns into soil.
Composting: Organic trash, such as apples, eggs or bread that very small bacteria, oxygen and moisture are able to
turn into "soil."
Decompose: An organic process where matter breaks down into its component parts (basic elements) or, in other
words, "rots." This process forms methane — a gas.
Dioxins: Family of chemicals found in herbicides, bleached paper, incinerated toxic waste, etc. Dioxins are poisonous
in extremely small amounts (1 part per billion).
Garbage: Food waste or refuse (worthless or discarded items) that is thrown away.
Incineration: Burning trash at very high temperatures, which then produces ash.
Land!ll: A huge pile of trash. Modern "sanitary land!lls" are often lined with clay or plastic to prevent leaking of toxic
substances, and the solid waste burial is controlled and managed.
Leachate: Contaminated liquid produced by water seeping through solid waste (i.e., rainfall seeping through a land!ll
or mine tailings).
Methane: A gas that is colorless, odorless and #ammable. Methane is formed when organic matter decomposes.
Not In My Back Yard: (NIMBY) It represents a reaction that community members might have when faced with the
prospect of a hazardous waste facility being located near their homes.
Pollutant: Any substance that is present in the environment in unnatural quantities, whether it is directly harmful or
Solid Waste: All solid, semi-solid, liquid and gaseous wastes (trash, garbage, yard waste, ashes, industrial/construction
waste, appliances/furniture, etc.).
Trash: Items that are considered worthless, unnecessary, or o"ensive and that are usually thrown away. Usually, it is
de!ned as dry material and excludes food waste (garbage) and ashes.

Pre-Lesson Assessment

Brainstorming: Ask students to brainstorm a list of di"erent ways to dispose of garbage (e.g., burning, burying, shooting
out into space, etc.) Write the list on the board.

Post-Introduction Assessment

Vocabulary: Read some of the terms from the lesson Vocabulary list and ask students to raise their hands if they know
the de!nition. Tell students they will learn more about these terms during the lesson. Page 4 of 18
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Lesson Summary Assessment

Quiz: Give students the Solid Waste Quiz. Before Question #4, read the poem "We Are the Plooters," to the students
(from It's Raining Pigs and Noodles, by Jack Prelutsky, New York: Greenwillow, 2000).


NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) Homework: Have students create a poster, #yer, comic or poem about solid waste and
the NIMBY response. Another alternative is to have each student write down and !nish the following sentence: "Not in MY
backyard will I allow _______________________________." Have students read their answers aloud in class.

Lesson Extension Activities

Try putting the numbers in the How Much Garbage? Worksheet into scienti!c notation.

Make and implement a plan to reduce solid waste at your school.

Visit your local land!ll.

Invite person involved in solid waste management into your classroom as guest speakers (trash companies, recycling
centers, EPA employees, city council, etc.)

Watch the video "Garbage Day" available from Child Vision Educational Films, P.O. Box 2587, Los Angeles, CA 90078,

Interview grandparents or other senior citizens about solid waste disposal, packaging, etc. during their youth.

Look at "Garbage: How can my community reduce waste?" at: Click
on the di"erent links to learn about tips to reduce garbage.

Chandler, Gary and Graham, Kevin. Recycling (Making a Better World), New York, NY: 21st Century, 1997.

Prelutsky, Jack. It's Raining Pigs and Noodles, New York: Greenwillow, 2000.

Sakamoto Steidl, Kim. Environmental Portraits – People Making a Di"erence for the Environment, Boulder, CO: Good
Apple, Inc., 1993.

Silverstein, Shel. Where the Sidewalk Ends, New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1974.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources,

Woodburn, Judith. Garbage and Recycling, Milwaukee, WI: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 1992.

© 2005 by Regents of the University of Colorado.

Amy Kolenbrander; Jessica Todd; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Janet Yowell

Supporting Program Page 5 of 18
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Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder

The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education and National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no.
0338326. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National
Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modi!ed: July 1, 2019 Page 6 of 18
Entire Lesson: Solid Waste Takes Over - TeachEngineering 5/1/20, 11:41 PM

Hands-on Activity: Trash Talkin'

Quick Look
Grade Level: 4 (3-5)
Time Required: 1 hour
(10-15 minutes for initial set-up, 35-45 minutes for activity at the end of the collection time)
Expendable Cost/Group: US $5.00
Group Size: 4
Activity Dependency: None

Students collect, categorize, weigh and analyze classroom solid
waste. The class collects waste for a week and then student groups
spend a day sorting and analyzing the garbage with respect to
recyclable and non-recyclable items. They discuss ways that
engineers have helped to reduce the accumulation of solid waste.
This engineering curriculum aligns to Next Generation Science
Standards (NGSS).

Engineering Connection
Excessive product packaging materials add to the solid waste
(garbage) problem. Packaging engineers use smaller amounts of Students collect and categorize solid waste.
materials, and !nd more creative and e$cient ways to safely
package consumer products. Engineers determine materials (paper, paperboard, plastics, glass, metal and wood) and if
protective packaging is needed, using environmentally-friendly and recyclable materials when possible.

Learning Objectives
After this activity, students should be able to:

Make predictions on the types of trash that a class generates during a week.
Sort trash into categories (food, paper, plastic, metal, glass and misc.) and sub-categories (re-useable, recyclable
and non-recyclable).
Calculate the total mass of a group of items.
Explain the cause-e"ect relationship on the environment of accumulating solid waste.
Describe the attitudes on solid waste in developed and undeveloped countries.

Materials List
Each group needs: Page 7 of 18
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classroom trash (one week's worth)

enough trash cans/bins/boxes for sorting di"erent types of trash: recyclable and non-recyclable paper, recyclable
plastic and metals and glass, food waste, miscellaneous, etc.
3 plastic garbage bags or grocery sacks
bathroom scale (groups may share)
rubber/latex gloves, one pair per student
Let's Talk Trash Worksheet, one per student

Worksheets and Attachments

Let's Talk Trash Worksheet (pdf)

Visit [] to print or download.

Per capita, the U.S. is one of the biggest trash-makers in the world. Americans use a lot of disposable products and
products with abundant—and wasteful—packaging. For example, 1.6 billion writing pens go into the garbage and 7
million automobiles are junked in the U.S. each year!

Wealthy countries, in general, produce more trash than other countries because the people in those countries can
"a"ord" to consume more products. Often, developed countries pay poorer countries to take their trash. Those poorer
countries often take the waste because they need the money, even though they actually have no safe way to dispose of
the waste.

Engineers continuously develop methods to decrease the amount of product packaging and create recycled packaging
materials from items that are thrown away, such as plastics. Consumers—that's us!—must help engineers sorting the
items in our garbage that can be recycled and re-used. Once we have separated the recyclable items, we must make sure
they get to a recycling facility, either by being picked up by a recycling service or by being dropped o" at a recycling
center. We can also help engineers by producing less waste and re-using items, such as wrapping paper and plastic eating
utensils. By helping engineers as they develop technologies for dealing with waste, we are also helping our communities
from having to !nd places to store garbage.

Did you know?

More than one-third (about 40%) of our garbage is paper.

About one-third of the items we throw into the garbage originally started out as packaging (most of which is
unnecessary—it is just used to attract consumers' attention to buy the products).
Americans throw away enough plastic bottles every year to circle the planet four times! Only one-third of the
plastic bottles we use are recycled.

Before the Activity

Gather enough trash cans/bins/boxes to be able to store your classroom trash for a week.
Make large, easily readable labels for each trash container.
Discuss your plans with the school custodian or a substitute to ensure that your trash stays in you classroom all
week. (Do not skip this step: a well-intentioned custodian or substitute may throw away your activity materials Page 8 of 18
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thinking they are doing you a favor!)

Run the trash collection period for !ve full class days. On the sixth day, conduct the lab portion of the project.
Make copies of the Let's Talk Trash Worksheet.
Make a large class data chart similar to the data collection chart on the Let's Talk Trash Worksheet.

With the Students

Before Day 1 of Trash Collection

Describe the project to the class. Discuss the di"erent types of trash you will collect and how you will collect it.
(Note: collect only trash from the classroom. For example, do not ask students to bring trash from the lunchroom
or from home.) Show students where the di"erent labeled trash containers will be located in your classroom for
the week. Demonstrate that plastic goes in the container labeled "plastic," paper in the container labeled "paper,"
Collect trash for !ve full school days.

Day 6: The Lab Day

On the sixth day, divide the class into groups of four students each.
Hand out a worksheet to each student.
Ask students to predict how much trash (total mass) the class generated
this week and predict the amount of trash in each of the categories (such
as: food, paper, plastic, etc.).
Assign groups each one portion of the trash as lab materials. Distribute a
pair of gloves to each student.
Distribute three tempty trash bags to each group, and ask them to sort the
trash using the bags. Remind them to wear gloves! Sort the trash into
Figure 1. Examples of everyday trash.
three groups: recyclable, non-recyclable and re-useable. (Note: you may
need to discuss the di"erences between these groups; see Figures 2-5). Do not sort any food waste!


Figure 2. Examples of recyclable trash.

Figure 4. Examples of non-recyclable trash. Figure 3. More examples of recyclable trash. Page 9 of 18
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Figure 5. Example of re-usable trash.

each group to !nd the mass of each pile of trash. Instruct them to record the mass data on the large class data
sheet. Remind them to record their units (kg or lbs) in their own data tables and round to the nearest ½ unit
(depending on the scale).
Ask groups to share their results with the class. All students should complete their data tables at this time. Student
teams can write their mass in the class data sheet on the board or overhead.
Ask students to complete the Analysis section of their worksheets. If time is short, assign them to !nish the graphs
as homework.
Have students pair up within their teams and work on the Discussion Questions portion of the worksheet. After
students have !nished, discuss answers as a class.
Using the worksheet Conclusions section, assign one student in the group to be the recorder. Then ask a student to
toss out an idea. Next, another person in the group provides an idea that builds on the !rst. Go around the group
in this fashion until all students have put in enough ideas to put together a design. When they are done, have them
share their ideas with the class.

Garbage: Spoiled or waste food that is thrown away.
Non-Recyclable: An item that is neither reusable nor recyclable.
Recyclable: An item that may be remade either as the same thing or as part of a di"erent product (without
recollecting and processing the initial natural resources).
Reusable: An item that can be immediately used again, repaired and used again, or used in a new way.
Trash: Items that are considered worthless, unnecessary, or o"ensive and that are most often thrown away. Usually, it
is de!ned as dry material and excludes food waste (garbage) and ashes.

Pre-Activity Assessment Page 10 of 18
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Prediction: Using the Let's Talk Trash Worksheet, ask students to predict how much trash (total mass) the class
generated in one week, and predict the amount of trash in each of the categories (food, paper, plastic, etc.).

Activity Embedded Assessment

Data Analysis: Have students !ll out the Analysis section of the Let's Talk Trash Worksheet as they follow along with the

Post-Activity Assessment

Pairs Check: Have students pair up within their teams and work on the Discussion Questions portion of the worksheet.
After students have !nished, discuss the answers as a class.

Pass the Buck: Assign one student in the group to be the recorder, and have students complete the Conclusion section
of the worksheet. Have a student toss out an idea. Next, another person in the group provides an idea that builds on the
!rst. Go around the group in this fashion until all students have put in enough ideas to put together a design. When they
are done, have them share their ideas with the class.

Safety Issues
Have students wear gloves when sorting trash.
Remind students that the plastic bags should not be played with (for example, put over anyone's head) and should
only be used for sorting the trash.
Be aware of broken glass items and metal items with sharp edges.
Be sure to seal the food trash bag each day in order to prevent health hazards. Another option is to weigh the food
trash each day and keep a running tally of it.
Be sure all containers are rinsed before being placed in the waste bins (especially food containers).

Troubleshooting Tips
You may need to review how to calculate percentages and/or how to create pie charts.

Activity Extensions
Create a school bulletin board to report your !ndings.

Ask students to write a letter to the editor of the school newspaper describing the class !ndings and urging others to
make changes in their "trash habits."

Challenge another class to reduce its solid waste by more than your class.

Contact the local solid waste disposal company, and ask them to give you community percentages for each of the trash
categories. Compare this information to your classroom results.

Activity Scaling
For lower grades, chose one or more of the following:

Mass: Ask students to !nd the mass of each category of waste. Create a bar graph of the results. Discuss the
results in terms of "less" and "more."
Pie Chart: Using a pre-made pie chart, ask students to cut and paste pictures that represent each category on the
appropriate slice on the chart. You could even have one large class chart (have each student paste a picture in each Page 11 of 18
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section or have di"erent groups be responsible for di"erent categories).

Class Discussion: As a class, discuss some of the di"erences between re-useable, recyclable and non-recyclable
items. Use some examples from your trash bins to illustrate this.

For upper grades, have students look at the fraction and decimal representations of the di"erent categories in addition to
the percentages.

Glencoe Science: An Introduction to the Life, Earth and Physical Sciences, Student Edition. Blacklick, OH:
Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2002.

Prentice Hall Science. Ecology Earth's Natural Resources Activity Book. NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1993.

Spurling Jennett, Pamela. Investigations in Science – Ecology, Westminster, CA: Creative Teaching Press, Inc., 1995.

© 2005 by Regents of the University of Colorado

Amy Kolenbrander; Jessica Todd; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Janet Yowell

Supporting Program
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder

The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under grants from the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education and National Science Foundation (GK-12 grant no.
0338326). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National
Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modi!ed: April 19, 2019 Page 12 of 18
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Hands-on Activity: This Land!ll Is a Gas!

Quick Look
Grade Level: 4 (3-5)
Time Required: 1 hours 30 minutes
(45 minutes on !rst day for initial demonstration and land!ll models; 10 minutes per day for 3 days for
observations; 5-20 minutes on last day)
Expendable Cost/Group: US $5.00
Group Size: 4
Activity Dependency: None

Student groups work as engineers to build and observe model land!lls they
make using two-liter plastic bottles. They come to understand the process and
pitfalls of land!lls as a waste disposal method.

Engineering Connection
Decaying land!ll garbage can produce harmful methane gas, which is a source
of !res and environmental hazards. So, engineers design gas pipe systems to
collect land!ll gases, including methane, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide,
which are used to generate electricity.

Students model and explore land!lls.

Learning Objectives
After this activity, students should be able to:

Build a model of a land!ll.

Make predictions and observations of a model land!ll over a four-day period.
Explain some of the major cause and e"ect problems of land!lls.
Describe the role of engineers in land!ll management.

Materials List
Needed for the demonstration: Page 13 of 18
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2-liter plastic beverage bottle

1 standard party balloon
½ cup of raw ground beef
2 lettuce leaves, torn into small pieces
2 tbsp. sand, such as playground or landscaping sand
2 tbsp. water
small length of string of any type, to tie around the bottle opening
3-4 inches of duct tape, to secure balloon around bottle opening

For the activity, each group needs:

2-liter plastic beverage bottle

1 tennis ball-sized mound of modeling clay; enough to linn the inside of the top half of the 2-liter bottle
3 cups of soil
¾ cup water
½ sheet of paper, torn into small pieces; tip: use recycled paper from Activity 1 or newspaper
2 lettuce leaves, torn into small pieces
1 apple, sliced/diced into small pieces
2-3 plastic food containers, cut into small pieces about ½ inch square; tip: use empty butter or yogurt containers
8 pairs of rubber or latex gloves, 2 pair per student
2 spoons or popsicle sticks
set of measuring cups, speci!cally, 1 cup, ½ cup and ¼ cup sizes
4 inches of masking tape, for labeling land!lls

Worksheets and Attachments

This Land!ll Is A Gas! Worksheet (pdf)

Visit [] to print or download.

One way that we are able to learn some about ancient peoples is by studying their trash disposal methods, that is dumps
vs. burying vs. other. We can discover a lot about the habits of and, speci!cally, the kind of people that used a certain
dump by the types of garbage found there. In ancient times, humans placed garbage into big open pits and left it to rot.
Now, garbage is frequently put in a land!ll—basically, a huge, layered pile of trash. Modern-day sanitary land!lls are
generally lined with clay or plastic to prevent the leakage of toxic substances into the groundwater and soil. One way
engineers work with solid waste is to improve the e"ectiveness and feasibility of land!ll liners.

As garbage decays, land!lls can also produce harmful methane gas, which poses a threat to the environment since
methane gas can produce !res and other environmental hazards. Modern land!lls are designed with a way to collect the
methane gas that is produced. Often, elaborate pipe systems are designed by engineers and installed between the
garbage layers. Often, the collected gas is used to supply households with energy, and other times, it is used as a fuel for
internal combustion engines to generate electricity. Engineers are exploring better ways to collect the methane and more Page 14 of 18
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e$cient ways to use it to produce energy (for homes, industry, etc.). Today, we are going to act as if we are engineers and
build model land!lls. We will add garbage to our land!ll models and observe what happens as they are a"ected by rain,
sun and the passage of time. What do you think will happen to our land!lls?

Before the Activity

Ask students to bring in 2-liter plastic beverage bottles from home to use for the activity. Or, gather bottles from
a recycling center. Tell students to wash each bottle and leave it to air dry, saving the caps. You will use them again
in Activity 2 of Lesson 6. Cut each group's 2-liter bottle in half horizontally (keep the top section slightly larger).
Twist the caps on securely (even over tighten them if possible).
Pick a location to keep the model land!lls during the observation period. Choose a place that receives sunlight, but
where the odor will not be bothersome.
Mix the food (lettuce and apples), the paper, and the plastic together into a "garbage" sample.

With the Students


1. Place about 10 g of raw ground beef and the 2 lettuce leaves (torn into small pieces) into a cut o" plastic 2-liter
bottle. Note: Be sure to wear your gloves and wash your hands when this part is over!
2. Carefully pour the sand into the bottle so that it covers the lettuce and meat. (Do not shake the bottle!)
3. Slowly pour the water into the bottle. Make sure the water runs down the side of the bottle instead of directly onto
the sand/lettuce/meat layers.
4. Stretch the neck of the balloon tightly over the mouth of the bottle and secure it with the string and duct tape. (It
will need to stay secure for 2-3 days.)
5. Ask students to make predictions about what they think will happen in the experiment. Write the predictions on
the white/chalk board.
6. Put the bottle in a warm location where the students can observe it for 3 days. Explain to students that an
observation is anything that stands out as important.
7. Discuss the students' observations. (Possible observations: The material at the bottom of the bottle has begun to
decay; methane gas forms during decomposition; the methane gas in#ated the balloon.)


1. Divide the class into groups of

four, students each and distribute
the supplies (activity sheets, soil,
approximately ½ cup of the
"garbage" sample, water, 2-liter
bottles, clay, gloves, and masking
2. Ask each group to write the name
of their group members on the
masking tape and place it on the
top portion (the neck end of the
bottle) of the 2-liter bottle. Figure 2. A model land!ll with a balloon.
Figure 1. A model land!ll.
3. Ask all students to put on their latex/rubber gloves.
4. Ask the groups to line the inside of the top portion of the 2-liter bottle with clay, as in Figure 3. (Discuss how this is Page 15 of 18
similar to the clay and plastic liners used in modern sanitary land!lls to prevent toxins from leaching into the
ground water.)

5. Have students place the top portion of the 2-liter bottle upside down in the
cut o" bottom half of the bottle. (The bottom serves as a stand that will
help keep the model upright.)
6. Ask students to place about 2 cups of their soil inside the clay-lined
7. Have the groups spread their "garbage" sample on top of the soil (see
Figure 4).

8. Ask students to sprinkle their

remaining soil on top of the
9. Have students sprinkle ¾ cup
water over their land!ll. (Note: Figure 3. Clay-lined model land!ll.
Discuss that the water simulates
rainfall. This concept will be
discussed in more detail in Lesson
10. On the accompanying activity
worksheet, have students draw a
diagram of their land!ll and label
it appropriately in Section I, Figure 4. A Model land!ll with garbage.

11. For the Prediction section of the worksheet, ask students to write down their predictions about what will happen
with their land!ll over the next 4 days.
12. Place all the land!lls in a location where they will get some sunlight yet where the odor will not be bothersome to
the class (or others).
13. On day two, observe the land!lls as a class. Have students record their observations. Discuss what leaching is (i.e.,
in this case, a process whereby toxins leak into the soil/water as a result of rains or other moisture) and look for
evidence of it in the land!lls.
14. Repeat the observation process on days 3 and 4. On day 3, have students sprinkle another ¾ cup water over their
15. On the day 5, have students do the !nal steps and observations.
16. After students have put on a pair of rubber/latex gloves, ask them to carefully remove the cap from the bottle and
let the water drain into the bottom one-half of the 2-liter bottle. Ask them to record their observations.
17. Ask the students to use the spoon/popsicle stick to gently scrape back the top layer of dirt. What do they notice
about the garbage in their land!lls? Ask them to record their observations.
18. Use the "Numbered Heads" Assessment activity to discuss the results with student teams.
19. Ask the students to work together as a team to complete the questions in the Response section of their activity
worksheets. Use the Numbered Heads procedure to discuss answers.

Pre-Activity Assessment
Prediction: After developing demonstration model, ask students to make predictions about what they think will happen
in the experiment. Write the predictions on the board.

Observation: Have students record their observations of the demonstration model. Explain to students that an
observation is anything that stands out as important. Discuss the students' observations. (Possible observations: The
material at the bottom of the bottle began to decay; methane gas is formed during decomposition; and the methane
in#ated the balloon.)

Activity Embedded Assessment

Activity Worksheet: Have students follow along as directed in the "With the Students" Activity section of the Procedures.

Post-Activity Assessment

Numbered Heads: Use the "Numbered Heads" assessment activity to discuss results with student teams. Students on
the team should pick numbers so each member has a di"erent number. Ask the students a question from the list below
(give them a time frame for solving it, if desired). The members of each team should work together on the question.
Everyone on the team must know the answer. Call a number at random. Students with that number should raise their
hands to answer the question. If not all the students with that number raise their hands, allow the teams to work on the
question a little longer. Ask the following questions:

Ask the students if they would drink this water. Would they use it for cooking? Would the use it for showers/baths
or in their toilets?
Would they feel di"erently if their land!ll garbage had included toxic materials (like oil, gas, batteries, toilet cleaner,
paint remover, etc.)?
What has happened to the garbage in their land!lls? (Answer: The garbage has decomposed and become very
messy and smelly.)
What do the results suggest about land!lls? (Answers will vary, but may include: They are smelly, look bad, are bad
for the surrounding area, etc.)
Are land!lls safe even with liners? (Answers will vary; encourage discussion.)
Should we continue to use them? (Answers will vary; encourage discussion.)
What do engineers do to make land!lls safer? (Answer: Engineers work on designing better liners and storing/using
the buildup of methane gas.)

Safety Issues
Students should not touch any of the materials in the demonstration or activity model land!lls with their bare hands
because of bacterial growth; students should be sure to wear rubber gloves during the demonstration and the activity.

Be sure to open the balloon from the demonstration in a well-ventilated place before disposing of it.

Be sure to wear gloves to properly dispose of the model land!ll contents at the end of the activity.

Troubleshooting Tips
Keep the cleaned out 2-liter bottles, as you will use them again in Activity 2 of Lesson 5 and Activity 2 of Lesson 6.

Activity Extensions
Have students design a way to keep the "gas" from their land!ll from escaping into the air.

Have the students investigate di"erent type of soil for use in their model land!lls.
Have students experiment with liners made of di"erent materials.

Explore some of the student questions from the activity worksheet.

Lesson 5 addresses which items are biodegradable and which are not.

Lesson 6 addresses how chemicals leaching o" our land!lls a"ect our groundwater.

Activity Scaling
For 3rd grade students, set up the "land!ll" before the activity. Place the "garbage" in it as a class demonstration and do
the observations as a whole class activity. Or, consider using a "land!ll" without a clay liner and one with a clay liner with
holes (or other type of liner) in addition to the described "land!ll," and compare the results of the experiments.

For 4th grade students, do the activity as is.

For 5th grade students, have each group investigate using a di"erent type of liner or di"erent type of soil. Compare and
contrast the results. Hold a brainstorm session to decide what types of liners or soil to investigate. Also, try measuring in
liters (L or ml) instead of cups.

Bureau of Land Management – Environmental Education – Energy Activities, "It's A Gas,"

© 2005 by Regents of the University of Colorado.

Amy Kolenbrander; Jessica Todd; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Janet Yowell

Supporting Program
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder

The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education and National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no.
0338326. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National
Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modi!ed: April 25, 2018

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