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A New Technique to Estimate Net Groundwater Use Across Large Irrigated

Areas by Combing Remote Sensing and Water Balance Approaches

Article  in  Hydrogeology Journal · October 2005

DOI: 10.1007/s10040-004-0394-5 · Source: OAI


69 493

3 authors:

Mobin-ud-Din Ahmad W.G.M. Bastiaanssen

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation IHE Delft Institute for Water Education


Reinder Auke Feddes

Wageningen University & Research


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A new technique to estimate net groundwater
use across large irrigated areas by combining remote sensing
and water balance approaches, Rechna Doab, Pakistan
Mobin-ud-Din Ahmad · Wim G. M. Bastiaanssen ·
Reinder A. Feddes

Abstract Over-exploitation of groundwater resources case study. On an annual basis, an areal average net
threatens the future of irrigated agriculture, especially in groundwater use of 82 mm year1 was estimated. The
the arid and semi-arid regions of the world. In order to current result deviates 65% from the specific yield
reverse this trend, and to ensure future food security, the method. The deviation from estimates using tubewell
achievement of sustainable groundwater use is ranking withdrawal related data is even higher.
high on the agenda of water policy makers. Spatio-tem-
porally distributed information on net groundwater use— Rsum La surexploitation des ressources en eau sou-
i.e. the difference between tubewell withdrawals for irri- terraine menace le futur de l’agriculture irrigu, spcia-
gation and net recharge—is often unknown at the river lement dans les zones arides et semi-arides du monde. De
basin scale. Conventionally, groundwater use is estimated manire  renverser la tendance, et d’assurer la scurit
from tubewell inventories or phreatic surface fluctuations. alimentaire, l’utilisation durable des eaux souterraines est
There are shortcomings related to the application of these devenue une priorit dans l’agenda des politiques de
approaches. An alternative methodology for computing l’eau. La distribution spatio-temporelle de l’usage net de
the various water balance components of the unsaturated l’eau souterraine (la diffrence entre l ‹eau pompe et la
zone by using geo-information techniques is provided in recharge nette) est rarement connue  l’chelle d’un
this paper. With this approach, groundwater recharge will bassin versant. Conventionnellement, l’utilisation des
not be quantified explicitly, but is part of net groundwater eaux souterraines est estime  partir des donnes de ra-
use, and the spatial variation can be quantitatively de- battement ou les donnes de fluctuation du niveau de la
scribed. Records of routine climatic data, canal discharges nappe phratique. Il y a des dfauts dans ces approches.
at major offtakes, phreatic surface depth fluctuations, and Une mthodologie alternative pour calculer les diffrents
simplified information on soil textural properties are re- composants de la balance hydrologique est prsente dans
quired as input data into this new Geographic Information cet article. Avec cette approche, la recharge des eaux
System and Remote Sensing tool. The Rechna Doab re- souterraines ne sera pas quantifie de manire explicite,
gion (approximately 2.97 million ha), located in the Indus mais sera considre comme une part de l’utilisation nette
basin irrigation system of Pakistan, has been used as a en eau souterraine, et la variation spatiale peut Þtre dcrite
quantitativement. Les chroniques des donnes clima-
tiques, les dbits du rseau hydrographique majeur, les
Received: 29 August 2003 / Accepted: 15 September 2004 fluctuations de la surface de la nappe phratique, et des
Published online: 6 November 2004 donnes basiques sur la texture du sol sont ncessaires et
 Springer-Verlag 2004 sont rentres dans un nouveau Systme d’Information
Gographique et outil de tldtection. La rgion de
Rechna Doab au Pakistan, environ 2.97 millions d’hec-
M.-u.-D. Ahmad ()) tare, localise dans le bassin irrigu de l’Indus, a t
Hydrologist and Remote Sensing Specialist, utilis comme cas d’tude. Sur base annuelle, l’utilisation
International Water Management Institute (IWMI),
PO Box 2075, Colombo, Sri Lanka
nette de l’eau souterraine est estime  82 mm. en
e-mail: moyenne. Le rsultat obtenu diffre de 65% du rsultat de
Tel.: +94-11-2787404 la mthode du dbit spcifique. La diffrence avec le
Fax: +94-11-2786854 rsultat obtenu en observant le rabattement des puits est
W. G. M. Bastiaanssen
encore plus leve.
Water Watch,
General Foulkesweg 28, 6703 BS Wageningen, The Netherlands Resumen La sobre-explotacin de recursos de agua
subterrnea amenaza el futuro de la agricultura de riego,
R. A. Feddes
Agrohydrology and Groundwater Management,
especialmente en las regiones ridas y semi-ridas del
Department of Water Resources, mundo. Para revertir esta tendencia, y para garantizar
Wageningen University, seguridad alimentaria futura, la meta del uso sostenible
Nieuwe Kanaal 11, 6709 PA Wageningen, The Netherlands del agua subterrnea se encuentra alto en la agenda de los

Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:653–664 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0394-5


polticos. Informacin espacial y temporal en cuanto al mainly initiated in the 1960s with the launch of Salinity
uso neto de agua subterrnea- i.e. la diferencia entre las Control and Reclamation Projects (SCARPs). Under this
extracciones de agua de pozos entubados para riego y program, a number of large-capacity public pumps
recarga neta- se desconoce frecuentemente a la escala de (0.084–0.14 m3 sec1) were installed to control water-
cuenca hidrogrfica. Generalmente, el uso de agua sub- logging and provide supplementary irrigation supplies.
terrnea se estima a partir de inventarios de pozos o Thereafter the Government of Pakistan encouraged the
fluctuaciones de superficies freticas. Existen deficiencias installation of private pumps for irrigation. Presently, the
en relacin con las aplicaciones de estos enfoques. En este greatest proportion of groundwater supplies comes from
artculo se aporta una metodologa alternativa para cal- thousands of small-capacity (0.028 m3 sec1 or less) pri-
cular los diferentes componentes del balance hdrico de la vate tubewells, which was minimal in the initial stages of
zona no saturada utilizando tcnicas geoinformativas. the development of this resource. Reliability of timing
Aunque con este enfoque no se cuantifica de manera and supply, and better control over volumes of water
explcita la recarga de agua subterrnea, la cual es parte applied are just few of the many reasons why farmers
del uso neto de agua subterrnea, puede describirse have adopted groundwater irrigation on a massive scale
cuantitativamente la variacin espacial. Para esta nueva (Scott and Shah 2004). The rapid development of tube-
herramienta de Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica y wells is a clear indication of the current level of farmer
Sensores Remotos se requieren datos de entrada como reliance on groundwater to irrigation.
registros rutinarios de datos climticos, descargas de ca- In most irrigation systems, the sustainability of
nales en salidas principales, fluctuaciones de profundi- groundwater is impacted by two factors: (1) rise of the
dades de superficies freticas, e informacin simplificada phreatic surface into the root zone and (2) declining
de las propiedades texturales de los suelos. Se ha utilizado phreatic surface in aquifers that are overused. The major
como estudio de caso la regin Rechna Doab (aproxi- reason for a rising phreatic surface is seepage from irri-
madamente 2.97 millones ha), localizada en el sistema de gation canals and irrigated fields. In fresh groundwater
riego de la cuenca Indus de Pakistn. Se ha estimado un areas (total dissolved salts less than 500 mg L1), deple-
uso promedio areal anual de agua subterrnea de tion of the aquifer and fall of the phreatic surface are
82 mm a o1. El resultado obtenido difiere en un 65% del caused by unplanned over-utilization of groundwater. If
mtodo de productividad especfica. La diferencia en re- extraction of groundwater exceeds replenishment, aquifer
lacin a estimados provenientes de extracciones en pozos levels will drop with adverse consequences to entire rural
entubados es affln mucho ms alta. economies and the livelihood of farmers. This drop in
groundwater levels can lead to deterioration of ground-
Keywords Remote sensing · GIS · Water balance · water quality due to saltwater intrusion from saline zones.
Groundwater management · Net groundwater use · Persistent reliance on such groundwater in irrigated areas
Recharge · Irrigation management · Sustainability · has also resulted in the transport of salts from deep
Rechna Doab, Pakistan aquifers into the root zone resulting in secondary salinity
and sodicity. To avoid these undesirable scenarios, it is
necessary to assimilate groundwater pumpage and re-
Introduction charge data in solid aquifer exploitation plans.
Adequate management of groundwater systems is
Many large nations rely on irrigated land for more than feasible only when all groundwater flow terms are known.
half of their domestic food production. On irrigated farms, This can be achieved by means of numerical groundwater
two or three crops per year can be grown and yields are flow models that simulate flows on the basis of locally
usually high; therefore, the spread of irrigation has been measured geo-hydrological properties and hydraulic
the key to the previous century’s rise in food production. heads. The set-up of a sophisticated groundwater flow
The other side of the story is that two thirds of the world’s model and its calibration is a rather time-consuming effort
diverted fresh water is being used for irrigation—with an and is often overlooked because of the absence of suffi-
appreciable contribution coming from groundwater re- cient resources and data. Groundwater flow models are,
sources. Most of the 750–800 billion m3 year1 of global therefore, not commonly used in the South Asian irriga-
groundwater withdrawals are used for agriculture (Shah et tion context.
al. 2000). During the last 10 to 20 years, there has been a Groundwater extractions are computed using simpler
significant increase in the utilization of groundwater re- techniques. For large irrigated areas, the statistical
sources for agricultural irrigation because of their wide- method (Utilization Factor UF-Method) is used to define
spread distribution and low development costs (Clarke et the relationship between tubewell extraction and tubewell
al. 1996). Groundwater has been the heart of the green utilization time, as well as site characteristics (NESPAK-
revolution in agriculture across many Asian nations, and SGI 1991; Maupin 1999). Tubewell utilization time is
has permitted cultivation of high value crops. Today, the usually estimated from electricity/fuel usage bills or
United States, China, India and Pakistan are the biggest through field surveys. These field survey data are some-
consumers of groundwater and its use is still increasing times biased because certain countries have water quotas
(Postel 1999). In the Punjab of Pakistan, use of ground- or volumetric water pricing. The water table fluctuation or
water for irrigation has rapidly increased, which was specific yield method is based on the changes of water

Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:653–664 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0394-5


storage in the saturated zone, with the basic assumption

that all outflow is related to withdrawals. The shortcom-
ings of these conventional approaches are:

– The utilization factor method reflects pumping only,

and recharge is disregarded. The many small and large
tubewells are operated by different rules, and an av-
erage extraction is difficult to establish.
– The specific yield method requires a dense network of
piezometers and accurate measurements of phreatic
levels that are often absent—besides it ignores lateral
groundwater flow, which makes it difficult to get a
reliable picture of spatial variations at the regional

Water policymakers are now aware of the value of

groundwater, and are committed to undertake proper ac- Fig. 1 Schematisation of different soil water fluxes in a phreatic
tion and even pursue lawsuits to ensure sustainable ex- aquifer (Icw is canal water irrigation, Pn is net precipitation, ETa is
ploitation. The error margins related to the field data are, actual evapotranspiration, Itw is tubewell irrigation, q#ðhm ¼0Þ is
however, unacceptably high for implementing a sound recharge, qð"hm ¼0Þ is capillary rise, Qin and Qout lateral in-flow and
groundwater policy. This paper attempts to develop a lateral out-flow in the saturated zone respectively
methodology for regional-scale applications, which relies
on the combined use of remotely sensed information and Description of the study area
GIS techniques for the estimation of net groundwater This investigation was conducted in Rechna Doab
use for agriculture—without the inclusion of complex (Fig. 2), which is located in the heart of the Indus River
groundwater models. This method can be considered as a basin irrigation system in Pakistan. Rechna Doab is the
tradeoff between sophisticated groundwater flow mod- interfluvial area between the Chenab and Ravi Rivers. It
elling and the application of simplified analytical solu- lies between longitude 71 480 E to 75 200 E and latitude
tions. Some qualitative comparisons with the conven- 30 310 N to 32 510 N. The gross area of this Doab is ap-
tional methods are made for the sake of understanding the proximately 2.97 million ha, with a maximum length of
ball park figures of the differences. 403 km and a maximum width of 113 km, including 2.3
million ha of cultivated land. It is one of the oldest and
most intensively developed irrigated areas of the Punjab,
Materials and methods Pakistan. The area falls in the rice-wheat and sugarcane
agro-ecological zones of the Punjab province. Rice, cot-
Definitions ton and forage crops dominate the summer season
For groundwater management, quantitative information (kharif). Wheat and forage are the major crops in the
on water exchange between the unsaturated and the sat- winter season (rabi). In some parts, sugarcane is also
urated zone is essential, i.e. q#ðhm ¼0Þ , q"ðhm ¼0Þ and tubewell cultivated, which is an annual crop.
irrigation I tw (See Fig. 1). The percolation rate reaching The climate is characterized by large seasonal fluctu-
the saturated zone q#ðhm ¼0Þ is defined as recharge. ations of air temperatures and rainfall. The summer is
Throughout this paper, the q"ðhm ¼0Þ flux is referred to as long and hot, lasting from April through September, with
capillary rise, also if this water does not reach the root maximum air temperature ranging from 21 to 49 C.
zone. Then net recharge rate q nr to the saturated zone is Winter lasts from December through February, with
often defined as: maximum air temperature ranging from 25 to 27 C and
qnr ¼ q#ðhm ¼0Þ  q"ðhm ¼0Þ ð1Þ sometimes falling below zero at night. The annual pre-
cipitation is about 400 mm. The monsoon elapses from
which describes the net amount of water vertically con- June to September and accounts for about 75% of annual
veyed to the phreatic surface through the unsaturated rainfall. The climate records of Faisalabad along with the
zone. general crop calendar are shown in Fig. 3.
In this paper, the difference between tubewell extrac- The Rechna Doab soils consist of alluvial deposits
tions Itw and qnr is defined as net groundwater use Ingw, transported by the Indus River and its tributaries. The
being mathematically expressed as: soils textures are predominantly medium to moderately
coarse, with favourable permeability characteristics and
Ingw ¼ Itw  qnr ð2Þ show a similarity throughout the area.
Due to scanty and erratic rainfall, successful agricul-
ture is only possible in Rechna Doab through irrigation.
The canal irrigation system (Fig. 2) was introduced in

Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:653–664 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0394-5


Fig. 2 Canal irrigation network in Rechna Doab, Pakistan. Upper Chenab Canal (UCC), Bambanwala-Ravi-Bedian-Depalpur (BRBD),
Marala-Ravi (MR) Link, Qadirabad-Balluki (QB) Link, Lower Chenab Canal (LCC), Trimu-Sadhnai (TS) Link and Haveli Canal

1892 with the construction of the Lower Chenab Canal irrigation development was to protect against crop failure
(LCC). Presently, almost 2/3 of Rechna Doab is fed by a and to prevent famine. However, in the last two to three
perennial canal system; i.e. the irrigation water flows decades cropping intensities have increased up to 150%,
constantly into a secondary (distributary) and tertiary being enabled by additional supplies from groundwater
(watercourse) canal system as long as there is need for extraction. On a weekly or 10-day rotation period (locally
water and sufficient flow in the rivers. A normal flow called “warabandi”), each farmer is allotted a fixed
period per year is about 340 days. Non-perennial irriga- quantity of canal water proportional to his land holdings.
tion systems receive water during the kharif, which are To ameliorate the impact of crop water deficits, public
restricted to the upper Chenab Canal (UCC) and Marala- and private tubewells were installed on a large scale.
Ravi Link (MR Link) canal. The outlets (moghas) from Canal and ground water are now commonly used in
the distributaries are not gated and are designed to deliver conjunction.
a fixed quantity of water when the canals are flowing at
full capacity. Traditional methods for the estimation
The design flows in the distributaries are based on the of groundwater use
historical size of the command area. This system was Due to unplanned and rapid development of private
designed to spread a limited amount of canal water over tubewells, no mechanism is in place to calculate elec-
the entire area supporting a cropping intensity of ap- tricity or fuel usage of tubewells in Pakistan. Therefore
proximately 65%. The original design objective of the NESPAK-SGI (1991) has worked out utilization factors

Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:653–664 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0394-5


Fig. 3 Cropping calendar, monthly precipitation rate and reference crop evapotranspiration rate ETo computed according to Penman-
Monteith for Faisalabad

UF (ratio of daily tubewell working hours to number of phreatic surface is only attributed to Sy dh dt , i.e. net
hours in a day) through field surveys in different areas of groundwater use:
Pakistan. UF can be used to compute Itw from the number dh
of tubewells Ntw in an irrigated area A and their average Ingw ¼ Sy ð5Þ
discharge capacity Qtw as: dt
This method is known as the specific yield Sy-method.
UF Ntw Qtw
Itw ¼ ð3Þ The accuracy and validity of the results is based on the
A reliability and density of the observation points (often less
This statistical approach is known in Pakistan as the than desirable for a dense network with a fine mesh) as
Utilization Factor UF-method. well as the assumption that lateral groundwater flows can
The Saturated zone water balance method is based on be ignored.
the transient water balance of the saturated zone:
Qin  Qout dh Geo-information techniques
Ingw ¼  Sy ð4Þ for the estimation net groundwater use
A dt The use of geo-information techniques is a new method to
where Qin and Qout represents lateral groundwater inflow calculate net groundwater use for agriculture. Whereas
and outflow respectively, Sy specific yield, dh change in the Sy-method studies the saturated zone, this approach
phreatic surface and dt change in time. Net groundwater describes the water balance and the changes of the un-
use Ingw calculation through Eq. (4) requires data on the saturated zone. Net groundwater use Ingw must be deter-
phreatic surface fluctuation dh, specific yield Sy and lat- mined as a residual term from water balance analysis of
eral groundwater flows Qin and Qout. In groundwater the unsaturated zone over a specific period dt (Fig. 1),
modelling studies lateral flows are determined from pi- which reads as:
ezometer measurements of the height of the phreatic
surface above a certain reference level, knowing the Pn þ Icw þ Itw  ETa þ q"ðhm ¼0Þ  q#ðhm ¼0Þ ¼ ð6Þ
transmissivity of the aquifer (Boonstra and Bhutta 1995). dt
Phreatic surface measurements are not generally available where
at small time intervals. Therefore conventionally, at larger
time steps, e.g. a year or more, Qin and Qout may be
assumed to be equal and then the rise or fall of the

Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:653–664 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0394-5

Fig. 4 Maps showing the dis-
tribution of annual irrigation
rate with canal water Icw, net
precipitation rate Pn, actual
evapotranspiration rate ETa and
change in the unsaturated zone
soil moisture storage dWu from
October 1993 to October 1994
in Rechna Doab

Using the evaporative fraction of the energy balance,

Zz¼0 Zz¼0 Scott et al. (2003) made two-weekly estimates of soil
¼ qðz;t Þdz  qðz;t Þdz ð7Þ moisture in the root zone for the total Indus Basin system.
dt 2 1
Together with bi-annual measurements of phreatic sur-
z¼z2 z¼z1
face, that describes the moisture conditions in the capil-
where dWu represent the change in the unsaturated zone lary fringe, unsaturated zone soil moisture storage Wu is
storage and q in the volumetric soil moisture content. computed. Ahmad and Bastiaanssen (2003) developed a
Note that z1 and z2 differ which implies that Eq. (7) is new method for this purpose.
valid for changing water table conditions. Combining On an annual basis in Rechna Doab, net precipitation
Eqs. (1), (2) and (6), yields a new expression to compute rate Pn is not a major water balance component. There-
net groundwater use Ingw as a function of land surface fore, monthly estimates of precipitation on a pixel-wide
processes that can be obtained nowadays from remote basis were obtained from linear interpolation of gauge
sensing and GIS techniques: readings collected at 8 meteorological stations throughout
dWu Rechna Doab. Since Rechna Doab is relatively flat and
Ingw ¼ ETa  Pn  Icw þ ð8Þ irrigation fields have bunds, runoff has been ignored.
Canal water diversions to all major irrigation canal sys-
Equation (8) excludes the need to explicitly solve tems of Rechna Doab have been measured at the head
lateral in- and out-flows. ETa can be calculated using works by the Punjab Irrigation department and Water And
satellite imagery and routine meteorological data using a Power Development Authority (WAPDA). With the lack
remote sensing parameterization of the surface heat of high-resolution satellite images covering the entire
fluxes. Several models are available (Kustas et al. 2003 Rechna Doab for a complete annual cycle (October 1993-
for a recent review). The surface energy balance algo- October1994), canal water distribution was disaggre-
rithm for land (SEBAL) developed by Bastiaanssen et al. gatated using the spatial surfaces of National Oceanic
(1998, 2002, personal communication) has been used in Atmospheric Administration-Advanced Very High Reso-
this case study. Since there is a direct link between actual lution Radiometer based Normalized Difference Vegeta-
evapotranspiration ETa, potential evapotranspiration ETp tion Index (NDVI) maps. NDVI was thus used as a de-
and root zone volumetric soil moisture content q at var- terminant for canal water availability, which has been
ious stages in the growing season (see ‘non-ideal cir- done before by Menenti et al. (1989). Equation (8) can
cumstances’ in Allen et al. 1998), soil moisture q can be neither quantify recharge q#ðhm ¼0Þ or net recharge qnr, but
estimated on a pixel-to-pixel basis from ETa and ETp. the net draft Ingw is the most important for management

Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:653–664 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0394-5

Fig. 5 Distributed annual net
groundwater use Ingw, Eq. (8),
from October 1993 to October
1994, as computed using remote
sensing and geo-information
techniques in Rechna Doab

purposes. This whole approach is more elaborated by area. Crop water requirement is met by an additional
Ahmad (2002). supply from groundwater extraction by tubewells, with
some contribution from precipitation. Upper Rechna
Doab, in particular the MR canal command, receives 2 to
Results and Discussion 3 times more precipitation than the middle and lower part
of the Doab. The highest rate of irrigation with canal
Net groundwater use estimates water Icw was estimated in the Haveli Canal, because
from geo-information techniques there are large uncertainties in the gross irrigated areas as
reported by the irrigation department and WAPDA (cal-
Spatially distributed values culated from canal command coverage). The value of Icw
The maps showing the spatial distribution of the various varies between 150 and 1,100 mm. The variation in Icw,
water balance components derived from remote sensing Pn and ET a causes positive as well as negative changes in
and geo-information techniques are presented in Fig. 4. soil moisture storage Wu in Rechna Doab.
Spatial distributions of ETa, varying from 600 to Finally, for each pixel, net groundwater use Ingw was
1,100 mm year1, are found in the cultivated areas across estimated by means of Eq. (8). First monthly Ingw values
Rechna Doab. A large tract with higher ETa exists in the were calculated and then accumulated to annual values
rice growing area in the upper Rechna Doab. These spa- (Fig. 5). Positive Ingw values in Fig. 5 represent net
tial variations in actual evapotranspiration rate ETa can be groundwater use, negative values represent net replen-
attributed to different cropping systems, the conditions of ishment. The data shows that annually an amount of 300
the atmospheric boundary layer and the amount of irri- to 600 mm is net extracted, thus 0.8 to 1.6 mm day1. The
gation water supplied, including groundwater. Figure 3 highest Ingw is observed in the UCC and BRBD, which are
has demonstrated that reference evapotranspiration can be areas containing non-perennial canals. Other fragmented
as high as 240 mm month1. If the irrigation canal net- pockets of high Ingw are in the LCC (East), which have
work does not provide sufficient surface water resources, higher annual ETa because of rice cultivation or higher
in fresh groundwater quality areas, farmers will shift to cropping intensities. Scattered patterns of groundwater
groundwater irrigation. The peak evapotranspiration oc- replenishment (negative values of Ingw) are also observed
curs in the months of June to August from rice areas due across the LCC system, particularly in the head reach with
to high ambient temperatures and monsoon rains. The a rice–wheat cropping system. But, most of the ground-
lowest evapotranspiration occur in the month of January water replenishment occurs in the command areas of MR
that is related to low ambient temperatures and to canal and Haveli. The replenishment in MR is mainly because
closing in Punjab for routine maintenance. of a higher net precipitation rate Pn, while in Haveli it is
Spatial variability in annual Icw between canal com- because of higher canal water supplies. Most of the re-
mands is mainly the result of the non-perennial system plenishment occurs during the monsoon months when
(little or no water supplies in rabi) in the upper Rechna canals are flowing at peak discharge. This water is not
Doab. Despite the low canal water supplies, the upper necessarily lost as groundwater, as it may be used else-
Rechna Doab (served by Marala-Ravi MR Link, Bam- where at a later time.
banwala-Ravi-Bedian-Depalpur BRBD Link and Upper
Chenab Canal UCC) is the most intensively cultivated

Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:653–664 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0394-5

Table 1 Annual water balance Water Balance Component Faisalabad cotton–wheat Pindi Bhattian rice-wheat
components estimated from (mm year1) system system
geo-information techniques at
selected 1 km grid in the cot- ETa 870 810
ton–wheat system at Faisalabad Pn 195 370
(73 20 49.800 E 31 230 26.200 N) Icw 410 565
and rice–wheat system at Pindi dWu/dt 45 85
Bhattian (73 200 50.200 E
31 520 34.200 N), in Rechna Doab

Fig. 6 Distribution of absolute

deviation of net groundwater
use Ingw from geo-information
techniques estimates using ran-
dom input data series in Rechna

Accuracy assessment at appropriate scale in Rechna Doab. Due to the absence

The estimated values of net groundwater use Ingw from of a time series field for these selected locations, random
geo-information techniques are prone to errors due to the data series are generated for ETa, Pn, Icw and dWu/dt with
uncertainty in the assessment of each input water balance €10, €15, €15 and €6% deviations from its estimated
component. Thus it is essential to compute the influence values, respectively.
of errors in each individual component, ETa, Pn, Icw and Using these generated data series Ingw is computed
dWu/dt, on overall computation of Ingwfrom Eq. (8) and using Eq. (8) for 1,000 different combinations of random
see whether the errors in individual components will input parameters. For both locations, similar deviations
cancel or propagate. are observed. Finally, the absolute deviation Ingw is esti-
To understand the error behaviour under different mated from geo-information techniques using random
agro-climatic and hydrological conditions in Rechna data series and is plotted against its probability of oc-
Doab, two pixels representing cotton–wheat and rice– currence (Fig. 6). The figure shows that the maximum
wheat cropping rotation, are selected for detailed inves- error that could occur in the geo-information techniques is
tigation. These pixels represent deep and shallow phreatic 190 mm year1 for similar hydrological conditions.
surface conditions respectively. The annual estimated However, there is a 70% chance that the error Ingw will be
values for different water balance components from geo- within the range of 75 mm year1. The average error
information techniques are presented in Table 1. ETa is (50% probability) is less than 50 mm year1. The areas
one of the largest water balance components in Rechna where the rate of net groundwater use is high—300 mm
Doab and obviously errors in its computation will have a year1 or more—i.e. the priority areas for groundwater
major influence on Ingw. Recent studies in Rechna Doab management, this error is within the acceptable range
indicate that the accuracy of time-integrated SEBAL ETa (25% or less).
varies from 0 to 10% at field scale, and 5% at the regional
scale (Bastiaanssen et al. 2002). Similarly for the same Aggregated values at canal command level
area the accuracy in dWu/dt was found to be around 6% Monthly estimates of Ingw in different canal commands of
(Ahmad and Bastiaanssen 2003). The expected accuracy Rechna Doab, as calculated from the geo-information
of Icw and Pn is about 15% but this could not be validated based water balance analysis, are presented in Fig. 7.
at the 1 km grid size because of the unavailability of data Positive and negative values of Ingw were observed in all

Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:653–664 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0394-5

Fig. 7 Monthly net groundwa-
ter use Ingwin different canal
commands of Rechna Doab.
Net groundwater use occurs
during crop sowing periods
while replenishment occurs
during monsoon periods.
Marala-Ravi Link MR, UCC
Upper Chenab Canal, BRBD
Depalpur Canal, LCC Lower
Chenab Canal and Haveli Canal

canal commands during both the rabi and kharif. The Table 2 Annual estimates of groundwater withdrawal for irrigation
highest values are found in February and May (>150 mm Itw (Eq. (<equationcite>3</equationcite>) for the year 1993–94,
using utilization factors UF in different canal commands of Rechna
month1) due to the high crop water requirement (more Doab. Marala-Ravi Link MR Link, UCC Upper Chenab Canal,
pumping, positive Ingw). The peak in February can be BRBD Bambanwala-Ravi-Bedian-Depalpur Canal, LCC Lower
explained by the flowering stage of wheat and in May for Chenab Canal and Haveli Canal (partly after Tahir and Habib 2000)
the land preparation for cotton (see cropping calendar of Canal command
Fig. 3). The values of Ingw in MR, UCC, and BRBD are
much higher than in other canal commands during the MR UCC BRBD LCC Haveli
rabi, since little or no canal water is being diverted to 1
Itw (mm year ) 932 629 729 460 540
these canal commands. During the monsoon months
(July, August and September), Ingw was often negative,
which implies that groundwater systems are replenished districts, they first calculated Itw for the district and then
in most of the canal commands. Accumulated results on transformed it to a canal command scale, according to the
an annual basis reveal that the UCC, BRBD and LCC use proportion of the district to the specific command area.
considerable amounts of net groundwater: 170, 108 and Estimated annual Itw values for different canal commands
85 mm year1 respectively. In MR and Haveli, the aquifer of Rechna Doab are summarized in Table 2. The highest
was replenished with 405 and 201 mm year1 respec- Itw was found in the non-perennial canal commands that
tively, which is a significant quantity. Although not are located in the upper Rechna Doab: MR, UCC and
specifically investigated, it is plausible that excessive BRBD (see Fig. 2). This area is in the rice–wheat agro-
groundwater flows from MR to BRBD and UCC; the climatic zone of the Punjab and most groundwater with-
same for Haveli to LCC. drawals was used for rice cultivation.
Records of routine climatic data, canal discharges at
major offtakes, fluctuations in phreatic level, and sim- Specific yield Sy method
plified information on soil textural properties are required Across Rechna Doab, the depth of the phreatic surface
as input data into this new geographic information system was measured twice a year, pre- and post-monsoon, with a
and remote sensing tool. The results are less sensitive to nodal network of 981 piezometers by the SCARP Moni-
phreatic surface depth than the reliance of the specific toring Organization (SMO) of Water and Power Devel-
yield method on this data. Hence, under the collection opment Authority (WAPDA) of Pakistan. They also
efforts practiced by the Pakistani line agencies, there is conducted pumping tests at 47 different locations to cal-
sufficient field data available to execute the new geo- culate the specific yield Sy for Rechna Doab (Khan 1978).
information technology approach. These point data of specific yield and piezometric levels
for October 1993 and October 1994 were acquired from
Net groundwater use estimates WAPDA and interpolated using the kriging method.
from conventional techniques Thereafter, the annual change in phreatic surface depth dh
was calculated from the maps representing the depth of
Utilization factor UFmethod phreatic surface in October 1993 and October 1994. After
Tahir and Habib (2000) used UF, Ntw and Qtw data (GOP combining the dh and Sy maps, the annual net ground-
1994) for the approximation of Itw, Eq. (3), in the Punjab. water use Ingw was computed using Eq. (5) from October
As tubewell statistics were available for large aggregated 1993 to October 1994 (Fig. 8), thus ignoring lateral in-

Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:653–664 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0394-5

Fig. 8 Annual net groundwater
use Ingw (Eq.(5) (obtained from
measurement of the phreatic
surface on October 1993 and
October 1994 and specific yield
Sy data in Rechna Doab). Posi-
tive values show net ground-
water use and negative values
show net replenishment

Table 3 Comparison of annual net groundwater use Ingw compu- 1994. Qin and Qout represent respectively the groundwater lateral
tations from the geo-information techniques (Eq. (8) and the in-flow and out-flow. (Marala-Ravi MR Link, UCC Upper Chenab
Sy-method (Eq. (5) with groundwater withdrawal by tubewells Itw Canal, BRBD Bambanwala-Ravi-Bedian-Depalpur Canal, LCC
calculated using the utilization factors UF (Eq. (3) in the different Lower Chenab Canal and Haveli Canal.). Negative values express
canal commands of Rechna Doab from October 1993 to October and positive values are net replenishment groundwater use
Canal commands Geo-information Sy-Method UF-Method Geo-information Sy-Method UF-Method Geo-information
Ingw Ingw Itw Ingw Ingw Itw Qin-Qout
mm year1 mm year1 mm year1 106 m3 year1 106 m3 year1 106 m3 year1 106 m3 year1
MR 405 54 +932 264 35 +606 229
UCC +170 +24 +629 +732 +103 +2702 +629
BRBD +108 +13 +729 +191 +23 +1292 +168
LCC +85 +34 +460 +1289 +511 +6979 +778
Haveli 201 +65 +540 115 +37 +308 152
Rechna Doab (106 m3 year)1) +1833 +639 +11882 +1193
Rechna Doab (mm year1) +82 +28 +529 +53

flow. The Ingw phreatic surface have positive and negative based water balance analysis has a wide spread of values
values due to rising and falling. The spatial patterns of as compared to the Sy method due to the full description
Ingw follow the kriged phreatic surface level variations, of agricultural and irrigation practices. In the positive
and are thus somewhat artificial. Moreover, lateral range, the values from the geo-information techniques are
transfer is entirely ignored, being a shortcoming of this significantly higher than the values from the Sy method,
approach. and thus the values of the Sy-method are systematically
Comparison between conventional The main difference between the two methods is that
and geo-information techniques the conventional approach (Sy-method) neglects ground-
A comparison between Fig. 5 and Fig. 8 shows that the water lateral flow. The Sy-method, which ignores lateral
geo-information based analysis of Fig. 5 produce Ingw groundwater flow, yielded a 65% underestimation of net
values that give different spatial shapes, with more abrupt groundwater use. Net lateral flows to Rechna Doab from
changes than the gradual patterns of Fig. 8. The effect of October 1993 to October 1994 amounted to 1193 mil-
change in land use, soil types and irrigation practices on lion m3 year1 (which is equivalent to a water layer of
Ingw is more pronounced in the geo-information based 53 mm year1). The largest inflows were found in the
analysis than in an analysis that is based on kriged Sy and LCC and UCC respectively. This also confirms that in
phreatic surface measurements. The geo-information highly permeable aquifers, such as in Rechna Doab, lat-

Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:653–664 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0394-5


phreatic surface measurements are useful for trend anal-

ysis, they cannot be used for a quantitative assessment of
groundwater withdrawals for agriculture. This finding has
significant consequences for groundwater use, exploita-
tion and policy making in general.
Also, groundwater withdrawal computations using
utilization factors, Eq. (3), differ greatly from the net
groundwater use calculations, Eq. (8). In this method,
return flows towards the aquifer are not considered, which
is an important process in groundwater irrigated agricul-
tural systems.
Fig. 9 Annual water balance from October 1993 to October 1994
over the Rechna Doab as estimated from geo-information tech- Even at canal command level, geo-information tech-
niques, where Ingw is net groundwater use, Icw is rate of irrigation niques provide more accurate results than the conven-
with canal water, Pn is rate of net precipitation, ETa is rate of actual tional techniques. This is because geo-information based
evapotranspiration, Itw is rate of irrigation with groundwater with- net groundwater use combined with the S y-method de-
drawal from tubewells,
Fig. 9 qnr is net recharge, and Qin and Qoutare lateral in-flow and picts whether the rise or fall of the phreatic surface can be
out-flow in the saturated zone (dWu/dt=+31 mm) ascribed to net lateral groundwater flow or to vertical
interactions. Such information is of strategic importance
when considering localized or regional options for sus-
eral groundwater flow cannot be ignored. Any localized tainable groundwater management.
change in the phreatic surface depth caused by ground- Hence, geo-information techniques provide a com-
water withdrawals or irrigation activity tends to be offset prehensive, efficient, and standardized opportunity of
by exchanging groundwater flows. quantifying net groundwater use for agriculture with a
It is interesting to compare values for groundwater minimal need of field data. The technique is especially
withdrawal by tubewells Itw (a traditional way of referring suitable for large scale applications such as for river ba-
to groundwater use for irrigation in Pakistan) using the U sins with rapidly falling phreatic surfaces.
F-method, Eq. (3), with net groundwater use Ingw obtained
by both the geo-information and the Sy-Method (Table 3). Acknowledgements The authors wish to express their gratitude to
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Department (PMD), and Water And Power Development Authority
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Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:653–664 DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0394-5

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