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Т. О. Подєнєжна

Підручник з граматики англійської мови для студентів

спеціальності «Переклад»:
Модальні дієслова і форми умовного способу англійської

Затверджено на засіданні
вченої ради факультету
іноземних мов.
Протокол № 9 від
31.05.2012 р.

УДК 81’36:811.111(076)
ББК Ш12=432.1*9*2я73-1
П 44

Т. О. Подєнєжна, канд. філол. наук

Подєнєжна Т. О.
П 44 Підручник з граматики англійської мови для студентів
спеціальності «Переклад»: Модальні дієслова і форми умовного способу
англійської мови / Т. О. Подєнєжна. — Донецьк: ДонНУ, 2012. — 280 с.

Навчальний посібник містить теоретичний матеріал і практичні

вправи за темами: «Модальні дієслова» і «Форми умовного способу».
Матеріали можуть використовуватися в курсі практичної граматики
англійської мови факультету іноземних мов, а також для самостійного
вивчення граматики англійської мови.
Для студентів другого курсу спеціальності «Переклад».

УДК 81’36:811.111(076)
ББК Ш12=432.1*9*2я73-1

© Подєнєжна Т. О., ДонНУ, 2012

1. Modals: the basics
2. Can and could
2.1 Can/could and to be able to
2.2 Could do and could have done
2.3 Imperative meanings of can and could
2.4 Suppositional meaning: doubt and improbability
2.5 Set expressions with can/could
2.6 Revision 1: can and could
3. May and might
3.1 May and might in their concrete and imperative meanings
3.2 May and might: supposition implying uncertainty
3.3 Set phrases with may and might
4. Can and may compared
5. Must
6. Revision 2: can/could, may/might and must in their suppositional
7. To have to
8. To be to
9. Means of expressing obligation: must, to have to and to be to
10. Need
10.1 Modal and notional need
10.2 Need as a modal verb
11. Should/ought to
11.1 Should/ought to as means of expressing advice
11.2 Other meanings of should / ought to
11.3 The use of emotional should
12. Revision 3: can, could, may, might, must, to have to, to be to,
should, ought to, need
13. Shall
14. Will and would
14.1 Will, would and used to for recurrent actions
14.2 Will and would: intention, refusal and characteristic
14.3 Will and would: request, order and strong probability
15. Dare
16. Revision 4: modal verbs referring to the present or future
17. Revision 5: modal verbs referring to the past
18. General revision
19. Translation section

1. The subjunctive mood: the basics
2. Types of conditional sentences
2.1 Real conditional sentences: the zero and first conditional
2.2 The second conditional
2.3 The third conditional
2.4 If you will…
2.5 Mixed conditionals
2.6 Revision 1: the second, third and mixed conditionals
2.7 Sentences of problematic condition
2.8 Inversion in conditional sentences
2.9 Alternatives to «if»
2.10 Revision 2: conditional sentences
3. Sentences and clauses of implied condition
3.1 But for…
3.2 …Otherwise
3.3 To do / to have done…
3.4 Revision 3: conditional sentences and sentences of implied
4. The use of subjunctive II and unreal past tenses in certain sentence
4.1 Criticism
4.2 Advice
4.3 Preference
4.4 Wish and regret: If only…
4.5 Wish and regret: I wish …
4.6 It looks as if…
4.7 Revision 4: subjunctive II and unreal past tenses in certain
sentence patterns
5. Subjunctive I: traditional use
6. Subjunctive I and should: desired, necessary, advisable or suggested
7. Modal verbs in certain sentence patterns: fear and purpose
8. General revision
9. Translation section
APPENDIX I. The summary of the use of modal verbs
APPENDIX II. Sentence patterns with the forms of the
subjunctive mood

У підручнику зроблено спробу зібрати увесь матеріал, необхідний
для вивчення і закріплення двох важливих і достатньо складних тем
англійської граматики — модальних дієслів і форм умовного способу.
Призначений він для студентів другого курсу спеціальності «Переклад»,
а також для аспірантів і студентів інших спеціальностей.
Основною метою підручника є виробити у студентів уміння
розрізнювати форми модальних дієслів та використовувати їх у
дискурсі, правильно використовувати всі граматичні форми умовного
способу, а також систематизувати знання, отримані протягом першого
року навчання.
Підручник складається з двох частин: перша частина присвячена
модальним дієсловам англійської мови, друга — формам умовного
способу англійського дієслова. Після двох основних розділів у додатках
наводяться таблиці, спрямовані на краще засвоєння і систематизацію
матеріалу розділів.
Підручник створено на основі фундаментальних праць з граматики
англійської мови, виданих у Великій Британії, Україні та Росії, а також
сучасних робіт англійських авторів у руслі комунікативної лінгвістики.
Підґрунтям структури підручника є принцип зіставлення моделей
рідної мови і мови, що вивчається, а також диференціація схожих, але
різних за своєю суттю граматичних явищ англійської мови. Такий підхід
здається особливо придатним для навчання майбутніх перекладачів,
оскільки вони мають не просто володіти навичками вживання
граматичних явищ англійської мови, але й уміти правильно підібрати
еквівалентну граматичну структуру в процесі перекладу з англійської
мови на українську і навпаки.
Вправи, котрі використовуються для закріплення вивчених
граматичних явищ англійської мови, є неоднорідними і поділяються на
аналітичні (ідентифікація граматичних конструкцій), тренувальні
(вироблення навичок автоматичного вживання граматичних явищ, що
вивчаються) та контрольні (вправи на переклад з української мови на
англійську). Кожен з основних розділів посібника закінчується вправами
на переклад з англійської мови на рідну підвищеного рівня складності,
які можна використовувати в якості додаткових завдань для успішних
Окрім традиційних вправ посібник містить низку вправ
комунікативного характеру, а саме: вправ на складання діалогів у
ситуаціях, які потребують використання тієї чи іншої граматичної
структури, що вивчається, завдань-дискусій. У підручнику містяться
також автентичні тексти: карикатури, діалоги, тексти сучасних
англомовних пісень, спрямованні на те, щоб показати студентам, у яких
реальних ситуаціях функціонування сучасної англійської мови

використовуються певні граматичні явища.




The ten modal verbs in English are:

can may must will should

could might ought to would shall

There are certain points you should remember about modals:

1. Modals come before the infinitive form of a verb without to (except
ought to):
I may meet her tomorrow.
2. Modals never change form. They do not have -ed, -s, or -ing
Maria may join us.
3. Modals never use do when forming questions or negatives. To form
negatives we use not after the modal and before the verb:
Will you come?
You mustn't worry so much.
Modals are used in short answers and question tags:
You will apply for the job, won't you? Well, I might.
4. Modals usually refer to events in the present or future:
I can come immediately you like. (= present)
I may ring you later. (= future)
5. However, some modals refer to the past:
I could read before I went to school.
Other modals are used with the perfect infinitive to refer the action to the
I should have realised earlier.
Sometimes it's necessary to choose another verb:
I was able to finish before I went out.
We managed to find the right address.
6. We use other verbs with similar meanings to modals. These verbs
always use to. They include:

to be able to to have to to be allowed to to be to

to manage to used to to be supposed to

I'm supposed to have let them know my decision by today.

Will we be allowed to buy our own food?
7. Ought to always uses to. Other modals never use to:
You oughtn't to speak to your mother like that.
You must go and see thatfilm.
8. Dare and need sometimes act like modals without to:

I dare say. I never need see her again.
More often, they are ordinary verbs with to:
He dared me to jump over the edge. Do you need to know now?
9. Modals can be used with different types of Infinitives.


Phase-aspect forms Active voice Passive voice

Indefinite Infinitive to go --
to say to be said
Continuous Infinitive to be going --
to be saying to be being said
Perfect Infinitive to have gone --
to have said to have been said
Perfect Continuous to have been going --
Infinitive to have been saying --

a) We form the modal perfect with a modal before have plus a past
Nick may have taken your book. He shouldn't have done that.
b) We form the modal continuous with a modal before be plus a present
Alex shouldn't be acting so confident. He should be studying.
c) We form the modal perfect continuous with a modal before have been
plus a present participle.
I called, but she didn't answer. She must have been sleeping.
d) We form modal passives with a modal before be or have been plus a
past participle.
Some things cannot be explained by reason.
People could have been injured by falling branches.



1) CAN and COULD
We use can when we talk about mental, physical ability or possibility
due to the circumstances in the present.
Can you play chess?
Ostriches can run very fast.
You can buy a hammer at the hardware store.
In the negative can't is more usual than cannot, which is very formal.
The past form of can meaning «ability, possibility» is could.
Their son could swim before he could walk.
Note 1. We usually use can and could with verbs for mental processes
and senses such as see, hear, smell, taste, feel, understand, remember,
believe, guess.
Can you remember her name?
We could hear a cat, but we couldn't tee it.
When I came into the house, I could smell something burning.
We sometimes use these verbs in the Present Simple (Do you remember
his name?), but not in the Present Continuous.
Bear in mind that can/could used with these verbs are not translated into
Russian or Ukrainian:
Ти пам’ятаєш, як його звуть?
Ми чули кота, але не бачили його.
Коли зайшов у дім, я почув запах паленого.
To be able to is possible instead of can / could, but can / could is more
Are you able to speak any foreign languages?
Were you able to swim when you were 6?
We avoid to be able to in the following cases:
1. when we talk about something happening as we speak:
Watch me, Mum, I can stand on one leg (NOT … I’m able to stand on one
2. before passives:
CDs can now be copied easily. (rather than CDs are now able to be copied
 when the meaning is “know how to”:
Can you cook? (rather than Are you able to cook?)
We use to be able to instead of can or could in four cases:
 in infinitives: They want to be able to practise;
 in gerunds: She left without being able to talk to the teacher;
 after modals: Tom might be able to come tomorrow;
 in the perfect: He hasn't been able to study.
We don't use be able to in the continuous: He isn't able to walk (NOT

He isn't being able to walk.).
Could do is used in the past-time contexts to express ability, possibility,
but not the realization of the action. The single achievement in the past is
expressed by to be able to do, to manage to do.
She could become a painter, but she chose the profession of a journalist.
She was able / managed to become a good painter.
She could swim when she was 7.
She swam strongly and was able to cross the river easily, even though it was
swollen by the heavy rain.
Mind the way these two sentences are translated into Ukrainian:
Вона могла стати художницею, але вона обрала професію журналіста.
Вона змогла стати гарною художницею.
The negative couldn't (could not) is possible in all situations:
My grandfather couldn't swim. — Мій дід не вмів плавати.
We tried hard but we couldn't persuade them to come with us. — Ми дуже
старалися, але не змогли переконати їх приїхати до нас.
Could, not was / were able to is used to suggest that something almost
didn’t happen, particularly with almost, hardly, just, nearly:
I could nearly touch the ceiling.

Exercise 1. Using a dictionary if necessary, complete these

sentences with the nouns and appropriate forms of the verbs with can
or could

animal insect star weapon jump live not see use

1. A pulsar is a .......... that .........., but sends out regular radio signals.
2. An amphibian is an .......... that .......... both on land and in water.
3. A grasshopper is an .......... with long back legs that .......... very high.
4. A catapult was an ancient .......... that .......... to throw large heavy

Exercise 2. Complete each sentence with can or could in the meaning

of possibility due to the circumstances and the words from the table
Mr Wilson is in Rio de Janeiro on business for a few days. A Brazilian friend
is showing him round, and tells him what sometimes happens, or used to
happen in the past.

be /take / get difficult / dangerous / cuts / cool /

over an hour

Example: Be careful when you swim — the sea … can… be dangerous.
1. You'd better take a sweater. It ……..…….. at night.
2. There's a tunnel through the mountains now — before it was built, it
…….. to get to the other side of the city.
3. The electricity supply is very good now. Years ago there …….. that
lasted for hours.

Exercise 3. Discussion task

a) Read the following text
A researcher into human behavior
conducted an experiment. First she talked
to a group of four-year-olds.
«How many of you can dance?» All
of the children raised their hands.
«How many of you can sing?» All of
the hands shot up.
«And finally, how many of you can
draw?» Every child's hand was raised.
Next the researcher went to a college class of twenty-five students in
their late teens and early twenties.
«How many of you can dance?» she asked. About a third of the students
raised their hands.
«How many of you can sing?» Some hands were raised, but fewer than
were raised for the first question.
«How many of you can draw?» Only two hands went up.
b) Discuss the following in groups or as a class:
What do you think accounts for the different responses in the two groups,
and what conclusions might you make if you were the researcher?

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using can or to be able to. Use can
if possible; otherwise use to be able to
Example: George has travelled a lot. He ...can... speak four languages.
1. I haven't .......... sleep very well recently.
2. Sandra ......... drive but she hasn't got a car.
3. I can't understand Martin. I've never......... understand him.
4. I used to......... stand on my head but I can't do it now.
5. I can't see you on Friday but I ......... meet you on Saturday morning.
6. Ask Catherine about your problem. She might ......... help you.

Exercise 5. Write sentences about yourself using the ideas in

1. (something you used to be able to do) ......... I used to be able to sing

2. (something you used to be able to do) I used..................
3. (something you would like to be able to do) .................
4. (something you have never been able to do) I've..................

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with can / can't / could / couldn't

+ one of these verbs

come eat hear run sleep wait

1. I'm afraid I ...can’t come.. to your party next week.

2. When Tim was 16, he was a fast runner. He......... 100 metres in 11
3. «Are you in a hurry?» «No, I've got plenty of time. I......... »
4. I was feeling sick yesterday. I......... anything.
5. Can you speak up a bit? I......... you very well.
6. «You look tired.» «Yes, I......... last night.»

Exercise 7. Complete the answers to the questions with was/were able

to or managed to
1. A: Did everybody escape from the fire?
B: Yes. Although the fire spread quickly, everybody ...was able to..
2. A: Did you have difficulty finding Ann's house?
B: Not really. Ann had given us good directions and we .........
3. A: Did you finish your work this afternoon?
B: Yes. There was nobody to disturb me, so .........
4. A: Did the thief get away?
B: Yes. No one realised what was happening and the thief .........

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using could, couldn't or was/were

able to, wasn’t/weren’t able to
Example: My grandfather was a very clever man. He ...could... speak
five languages.
1. I looked everywhere for the book but I.....find it.
2. They didn't want to come with us at first but we ......... persuade them.
3. Laura had hurt her leg and......... walk very well.
4. Sue wasn't at home when I phoned but I......... contact her at her
5. I looked very carefully and I......... see a figure in the distance.
6. I wanted to buy some tomatoes. The first shop I went to didn't have
any but I......... get some in the next shop.
7. My grandmother loved music. She......... play the piano very well.
8. A girl fell into the river but fortunately we......... rescue her.

9. I had forgotten to bring my camera so I......... take any photographs.

Exercise 9. Complete the account of the climb with

could/couldn't wherever possible — otherwise use was/were
able to, wasn’t/weren’t able to
Stephen and Julie were spending a few days camping with some
friends in Snowdonia. On a climb, there was a difficult section.
Stephen has long arms, and was able to
climb this easily, but Julie is not so tall and
……. reach the hold.
In the end, she ……. reach it by standing
on her friend's shoulders. «Never mind,» he
said. «I ……. get up the first time I tried.»
The rest of the climb was easier, and they
……. reach the top by 12 o'clock. It was
warm and sunny, and they ……. see the whole of Snowdonia.

Exercise 10. Put in can/can't if possible, if not use could or will be

able to
Example: I think I ...will be able to ...... speak English quite well in a
few months.
1. Dr Parker ......... see you at 12 on Tuesday.
2. It's quite fine, Clara, the rain has stopped. We......... have a small walk.
3. I ......... tell stories, never ..........
4. The mountains were a long way away and we ......... see snow on their
5. She ......... travel again in a few weeks.
6. If I practise a bit, I ......... be pretty good at tennis.
7. I'm free at the weekend, so you ......... come round.
8. They knew the town so they ......... advise him where to go.
9. Mary usually leaves work at six, but she ......... leave earlier on
10. Do you think one day people ......... travel to the stars?
11. Since he was working at the hospital all day he ......... learn only in
the evening.
12. In a few years, computers ......... think better than we do.
13. I'll post your letter, but I don't think the postman ......... read the
14. She ......... do your job with no trouble at all.
15. We ......... get in touch with him in such a short time.
16. I ......... come tomorrow, I'm afraid. I'm too busy.
17. This week isn't good, but I ......... bring the car in next week.
18. I......... hear Miss Graham's voice, but I ......... hear what she said.

Exercise 11. Complete the sentences using could/couldn't or was/were
able to
Example: Her grandparents were multilingual. They ...could... speak six
foreign languages.
1. Though the day was rather windy the firemen ......... put the fire out in
less than ten minutes.
2. Linda loved sewing greatly. She ......... make her clothes without any
3. He ......... do this, if he tried.
4. Even though I hurt my leg I ......... swim back to the boat.
5. She ......... enter the university as she knew the material well enough.
6. ......... you speak English before you went to London? —
Unfortunately I ......... not speak it very well.
7. Doreen had a terrible sore-throat. It was very difficult for her to
swallow but she ......... drink a cup of broth.
8. Did you buy any fresh fruit? — Oh, it was really a problem, I …. buy
it in the market.
9. I was sure I ......... get to the top of the mountain.
10. Happily Ann ......... swim across the river, otherwise she would have
11. As he was not interrupted he ......... finish his work by the evening.
12. I'm sorry but I......... not come to the party on Sunday.
13. They were a long way from the stage. They ......... see all right but
they ......... not hear very well.
14. The police were suspicious at first but I ......... convince them that
we were innocent.
15. I had no key so I ......... not lock the door.
16. When the garage had repaired our car we ......... continue journey.
17. George played tennis well but he ......... not beat Graham.
18. The car fell down into the river. The driver ......... get out but the
passengers sank.
19. At the age of five he ......... compose poems and everyone approved
of them.


“It was … the cat! No, The woman! Heck, it
could have been any of them!”

In paragraph 2.1. it was said that could is the past of can:

Listen. I can hear something. (now)
I listened. I could hear something. (past)
But could is not only used in this way. We also use could to talk about
possible actions now or in the future, especially to make a suggestion or
express an unreal action:
What shall we do this evening? — We could go to the cinema.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.
In this case could is translated as “могли б, міг би” and is referred to the
Ми могли б пійти до кінотеатру.
Я такий голодний, що міг би з’їсти слона!
If we want to talk about an unreal action in the past we use could have
done. Compare the following examples:
I'm so tired. I could sleep for a week. — Я так втомився. Я міг би
проспати цілий тиждень.
I was so tired last Friday. I could have slept for a week. — Я так втомився
минулої п’ятниці. Я міг би проспати цілий тиждень.
Most often, we use could have done for things which were possible but
did not happen:
Why did you stay at a hotel when you went to New York? You could have
stayed with Barbara. (you had the opportunity to stay with her but you
Jack fell off a ladder yesterday but he's all right. He's lucky — he could have
hurt himself badly (but he didn't hurt himself).
The situation was bad but it could have been worse.
Could have done is synonymous to would have been able to do:
The trip was cancelled last week. Paul couldn't have gone anyway because he

was ill. (= he wouldn't have been able to go)
The use of can and could to denote real and unreal possibility is
summarized in the following table:


can do (можу) could do (міг би (зараз))
REFERENCE TO could have done (міг би
could do (міг)
THE PAST (у минулому))

Exercise 12. Complete this joke with appropriate forms of can or

Did you hear about the woman who went fishing, but .......... catch
anything? On her way home, she stopped at the market so that she .......... buy
two fish. She then stepped back a few paces and asked the fish seller if he
.......... throw them to her. The puzzled man asked, «Why?» The woman
answered. «So that I .......... tell my husband that I caught a couple of fish

Exercise 13. After their climb (Exercise 9),

Stephen and his friends were all very hungry, hot,
tired, thirsty, and happy. Use could with items in the
box to complete their exclamations

drink 8 bottles of lemonade melt

sleep for 24 hours look at them all day
eat a kilo of rice

STEPHEN: I'm so hungry, … I could eat a kilo of rice!

JULIE: I'm not hungry, but I'm so thirsty ……..
JOHN: I didn't sleep well last night. I'm so tired …….
ANNE: Me too. And the weather needs to be cooler to climb mountains — I'm
so hot ………….
JULIE: The mountains are so beautiful, though. I ……..

Later, Julie wrote a postcard to her parents, and described how

everyone had felt: Stephen was so hungry he could have eaten a kilo of
rice. Continue her letter, writing the other sentences in the same way:
I wasn't hungry, but I was so thirsty I …….. John and Anne were so tired
they …….., and Anne was so hot she …….. The mountains were so beautiful,
though, I ……..

Exercise 14. Open the brackets with could do (expressing a
possibility) or could have done (expressing a possibility that did not
happen) and make all necessary changes
1. He could ......... (get) a credit, but he did not prepare all the
documents in time.
2. Why didn't you ask me? I could ......... (do) it for you.
3. He could ......... (be) there tomorrow.
4. They could ......... (be) there yesterday.
5. You should have told us about your delay. We could ......... (cancel)
our meeting.
6. He could ......... (do) it if he tries.
7. I think he could ......... (commit) a crime, but he's got an alibi.
8. The train arrives at 11.30. She could ......... (come) at noon.
9. Yesterday I saw him driving at a very high speed. He could .........


The modal verb can is often used in dialogues in its imperative meaning
to express:
1. Request: Can you help me with my hometask in Maths?
2. Asking for permission: Can I borrow your car for this evening?
3. Permission: You can borrow my car for this evening.
4. Prohibition: You can’t borrow my car for tomorrow. I’ll need it
The modal verb could is also used in these meanings in reported speech:
My little sister asked me if I could help her with her hometask in Maths.
John asked his mother if he could borrow her car for the evening.

Mother said that John could borrow her car. But she said he couldn’t borrow
it for the next day as she needed it herself.
The modal verb could is often used in the meaning of request and asking
for permission as a more polite form of can. Actually asking for permission,
or making a request with can is informal and confident whereas could is
rather more formal, and often more polite:
Can you show me how to use this gadget? (to a friend) — Можеш
показати, як працює цій пристрій?
Could you show me how to use this gadget? (to the shop assistant) — Не
могли б Ви показати, як працює ций пристрій?
If you want to sound really polite, you can use one of the following
If could I possibly interrupt you?
Do you think I could speak to you for a few minutes?
I was wondering if I could ask you for a favour.
I couldn't possibly have another day to finish that work, could I?
The form could have done may be used in the meaning reproach. It
implies that a person should have done something, or behaved in a certain
way, but didn’t do it:
You could at least have met me at the station. — Ти міг би принаймні
зустріти мене на станції.
This meaning is more often expressed by might have done.

Exercise 15. Ask politely

1.... I speak to Mr. Pitt, please? — I'm afraid he's out at the moment. ...
you ring back later?
2.If a letter comes to me ... you please forward it to this address?
3.... you tell me the time, please? — I’m afraid, I ... haven't got a watch.
4.... you lend me 2.500 pounds? — No, I ... not.
5.I wonder if you ... help me? — With great pleasure.
6.Excuse me,... you tell me the time of the next train, please. — Yes,
certainly. 11:30, platform 3.
7.... I have some more coffee, please.
8.... you come to the party at my place Thursday evening? — Thanks a
lot. What time? Is it something special?
9.Excuse me, ... you tell me the way to the nearest underground station?
— Oh, I’m sorry, I ... not. I'm afraid I’ve lost myself. Let's ask the policeman
over there.
10..... you help me with my luggage, please? — Yes, certainly.

Exercise 16. Julie was going to attend an interview for a job. She
borrowed her mother's car, but she had a puncture, and was two hours

late for the interview. Later her mother was rather annoyed.

Make up a short dialogue in which

Julie’s mother is reproaching her for
acting in the wrong way and Julie trying to
justify herself. Use could have done and
the phrases in the box

to get a lift to phoned a garage

to walk to the next village to change the wheel herself


1. He can’t be an international news presenter.

2. She can’t be working as a teacher.
3. Can he have made the career of a rock star?
1) Can and could are sometimes used in interrogative sentences to
express uncertainty, doubt. In this case they are rendered into Ukrainian by
means of «Невже... ?»
Can it be true? — Невже це правда?
Could in this meaning is very close to can but implies more uncertainty:
Could it be true?
Depending on the time reference, can/could in this meaning is used in
combination with different forms of the infinitive:
a) the Continuous Infinitive (can/could be doing) is used with dynamic
verbs if reference is made to the present to express doubt not only about
some actions in progress at the moment of speaking, but also about some
recurrent or permanent actions.
Can she be telling lies?
Could he be making the investigation all alone?

Can she be living in Algeria?
b) the Simple Infinitive (can/could do) is found with stative verbs if
reference is made to the present.
Can he really be ill?
Could it be so late?

Note 1. If can/could is followed by the simple infinitive of dynamic

verbs, it expresses ability, possibility, etc.
Compare the following examples:
Can she write poems? — Вона вміє писати вірші?
Can she be writing poems? — Невже вона пише вірші?
c) Can/could in combination with the Perfect Infinitive (can/could
have done) refers the action to the past.
Can he have said it?
Could she have told a lie?
d) the Perfect Continuous Infinitive (can/could have been doing) is
used indicate an action begun in the past and continued into the moment of
speaking, or an action of some duration in the past.
Can she have been waiting for us so long?
Could he have been working all day long yesterday?

Note 2. Bear in mind that in this meaning could does not serve as the
past form of the verb can. If you want to refer the action to the past, you
should use could have done or could have been doing.
Can it be so late = Could it be so late (reference to the present, Невже так
Can it have been so late = Could it have been so late (reference to the past,
Невже було так пізно?)
2) Can and could may be also used in negative sentences to denote
improbability of the realization of the action.
In this meaning can / could is usually translated into Ukrainian by means of
«Не може бути, щоб…»
It can't be true. — Не може бути, щоб це було правдою.
Або: Це не може бути правдою.
The difference between can and could in this meaning is that could
sounds less categorical.
It couldn't be true.
Depending on the time reference can / could is also used with different
forms of the infinitive (see the use of infinitives with can/could in the
meaning of uncertainty, doubt).
He can't/couldn’t be really ill.
She can't/couldn’t be telling lies.
He can't/couldn’t have said it.

She can't/couldn’t have been waiting for us so long.

Note 3. In this meaning could does not serve as the past form of the verb
can. If you want to refer the action to the past, you should use could have
done or could have been doing.

Note 4. The suppositional meaning of the negative character is formed

with the help of the verb «to fail to do smth.», prefixes dis-, mis-, un- or
negative pronouns:
She can’t have failed to find this book. — Не може бути, щоб вона не
знайшла цю книгу.
Compare: She can’t have found this book. — Не може бути, щоб вона
знайшла цю книгу.
Can he have misunderstood me? — Невже він мене не зрозумів?
Can he be unaware of the problem? — Невже він нічого не знає про цю
Can nobody have believed you? — Невже ніхто тобі не повірив?

Note 5. Can and could followed by different forms of the infinitive are
found in special questions where they are used for emotional colouring (for
instance, to express puzzlement, impatience, etc.).
What can't/couldn’t he mean?
What can't/couldn’t he be doing?
What can't/couldn’t he have done?
Where can't/couldn’t he have gone to?
It can be rendered into Ukrainian as: І що, власне, він має на увазі?

Ехercise 17. Express doubt and improbability about the statements.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian
Example: He knows English well.
Can (could) he know English well?
He can't know English well.
She knew about it.
Can she have known about it?
She can't have known about it
1. They are very fond of each other.
2. Children like to play here.
3. He has been sleeping for 16 hours.
4. He has greatly changed.
5. He is telling the truth.
6. He is waiting for somebody.
7. He understands every word you say.

8. He was dismissed.
9. He works at a factory.
10. On Friday morning Bill came to my office.
11. She has been working for this company for two years.
12. She is crying.
13. She is really fond of the child.
14. There was a public meeting in the town.
15. They always fight with each other.
16. They know how to get there.
17. She is looking for her glasses.

Exercise 18. Translate into English using the modal verbs can or could
to express doubt or improbability
1. He може бути, щоб він запізнився. Він завжди такий пунктуальний.
2. Він не міг прочитати цю книгу так швидко, вона важка для нього.
3. Навряд чи вона забула про це, я про це їй нагадувала тільки вчора.
4. І що, власне, він тут робить?
5. Невже ви забули, що я повернув вам цю книгу?
6. Хіба ж хтось міг подумати, що ця команда посяде перше місце?
7. Невже вони програли?
8. Не міг він цього сказати.
9. Невже було так холодно?
10. І що, власне, вона хоче зробити?
11. Не може бути, щоб він був удома зараз.
12. Невже він так добре знає китайську мову?
13. Не може бути, щоб він загубив ці документи.
14. Невже ви його не побачили?
15. Невже вони про це не дізналися?
16. Невже він вірить цьому?
17. Невже ви знайшли мою книгу?
18. Не може доросла людина любити такі книги.
19. Не може бути, щоб вона вам про це розповіла.

Exercise 19. Express strong doubt about these negative statements

Example: He didn't notice you.
Can he have failed to notice you?
He can't have failed to notice you.
Не doesn't like it here.
Can he dislike it here?
He can't dislike it here.
1. You didn't understand me.
2. She didn't like the play.
3. They don't trust him.

4. They didn't notice the mistake.
5. They didn't receive the telegram in time.
6. They didn't realise the importance of the event.
7. She didn't see you.
8. She didn’t do anything the whole

Exercise 20. Translate into English

1. Невже ви його не побачили?
2. Не міг він цього не помітити.
3. Невже ви про це не знали?
4. Не може бути, щоб він не схвалював вашого рішення.
5. Не може бути, щоб вона вам про це не розповіла.
6. Невже він не вірить цьому?
7. Не може бути, щоб їй не подобалися ці картини.
8. Не може бути, щоб я неправильно вас зрозумів.
9. Не може бути, щоб вона не знайшла вашого будинку.
10. Невже ви не знайшли мою книгу?


Note the following set phrases with can / could:

a) I can't help doing means «Не можу стриматися, щоб не можу не
зробити щось»
She can't help crying.
He couldn't help laughing.
b) I can't but do something means «Мені нічого іншого не
залишається (залишалось), як ...»
I can't but ask him about it. They couldn't but refuse him.
c) I can't (couldn't) possibly do means «Просто не можу (не міг)
Не can't possibly do it.
I couldn't possibly refuse him.

Exercise 21. Translate the sentences using can/could in its

suppositional meaning and in certain set expressions
1. Нe може бути, щоб ...
– він був таким дурним.
– вона все ще писала цю статтю.
– вони пішли, не попередивши нас.
– діти гуляли під дощем вже цілу годину.
2. Невже ...

– вона все ще працює?
– він твій брат?
– вони шукають нас так довго?
– він вже пішов?
3. І що (де, як, чому) це власне ...
– він може мати на увазі, говорячи ці слова?
– вона може перебувати зараз?
– вони могли це зробити?
– таке могло статися?
4. Він просто не може (не міг, не міг би) ...
– дозволити собі купити такий дорогий автомобіль.
– втратити ці документи.
– чути нас.
– Вони... відповісти таким чином на його слова.
5. ... не можу не ...
– Я просто не можу не думати, що вона зробила таку помилку.
– Я не могла не помітити, що він погано себе почував.
– Вона не могла не приїхати в такий день.
6. ... нічого не залишається як ...
– Мені нічого не залишається як попросити його про
– Йому нічого не залишалося як сказати правду.
– Їм нічого не залишалося як чемно привітати її.
– Нам нічого не залишалося як прийняти їх пропозицію.

Exercise 22. Translate the following paying attention to the

constructions in bold type
1. «I can see,» I said gently, «that you have been very unhappy.»
2. My dear, I can't help being pleased and flattered.
3. I can't bring myself to take it seriously.
4. I cannot but think that he was a better master to follow than the
English novelists who at that time influenced the young.
5. I cannot but state my belief that the prose drama to which I have
given so much of my life will soon be dead.
6. Altogether it was an inspiring and calming sight, but Conway
couldn't stop worrying.
7. Such was my paralysis of surprise that I could do nothing except
stare at him.
8. The client went off in the direction from which Althea was coming,
so that Mr. Martin really couldn't help seeing her.
9. Now he felt that he could stop being an organiser and go back to
being a doctor.
10. You can't possibly ask me to go without having some dinner.

11. Nothing can possibly go wrong if we work together.
12. He couldn't help but admire her.
13. I can't afford to take the care of myself that he does.
14. I can't tell you how distressed I was at that terrible scene.


Exercise 23. Explain the meanings of can/could in the following
sentences and translate them into Ukrainian
1. But the next day she was not well. She could not leave her cabin.
2. We can discuss it now, clause by clause.
3. My son is not in town; but he will be before long. Can I give him any
4. What on earth induced her to behave as she did, I never could
understand. She could have married anybody she chose.
5. Can I smoke, Mr Hawkins?
6. From where I was I could see the clear profile of his face.
7. I ate the next course grimly to an end; she couldn't have been
enjoying her meal much either.
8. We'll get you into the next room, and you can lie on the sofa for a bit.
9. What can have happened to change him so much?
10. Can there have been any misunderstanding in our first encounter?
11. The teacher said they could all go home.
12. A policeman arrived and told him he couldn't park there.
13. Can he have changed now? Do you think it possible?
14. How did he get to know it? Who can he have been talking to?
15. «There's no such train.» «We came by it.» «You can't have.»
16. «Life,» the old man said, «can only be understood backward. Now I
see clearly all the mistakes I made and could have avoided.»
17. Really he had no idea that she could use water-colour as well as
18. You and I are in charge of a great business. We cannot leave our
responsibility to others.
19. You are Agatha, aren't you? I could not be mistaken.
20. Milly asked what time it was, and her mother said it couldn't be
more than one.
21. It was time for me to be getting back too, and I could have walked
back with him. But I knew somehow that he didn't want that, so I sat for a few
minutes watching him as he went down the road.
22. «It's impossible,» exclaimed Phil. «He couldn't have done it.»
23. Could you bring me some paper, please, to write my note on?

Exercise 24. Use the verb can/could or to be able to in the correct

form followed by the appropriate infinitive

1. Have you a friend you ... (to trust)?
2. He ... not (to see) me. I came when he had gone.
3. ... you (to call) a little later? I’m afraid I'll be busy till 7.
4. He's not answering the phone. He ... not (to get) home yet.
5. She ... not (to forget) your address; she has visited you several times.
6. You ... (to join) her much later if she wants you to go to the yacht.
7. My cousin ... not (to do) it. I don't believe it.
8. I ... (to help) him but I didn't know he needed help.
9. Your English is quite good for a beginner. You ... (to read) English
books in the original.
10. If your friends are planning to go to the country you ... (to go) with
11. He ... not still (to write) his composition. The teacher has already
left the classroom.
12. I don't believe a single word of his; he ... not (to fail) to learn the
news before us.
13. It ... not (to be) a joke. He means it.
14. ... you (to pass) me the bread, please?
15. Look! I ... (to lift) this chair with one hand.
16. It wasn't easy but our team ... (to win) the match.
17. She was sitting with her back to me, so I... not (to see) her face.
18. He has no idea what the book is about. He ... not (to read) it very
19. ... this old woman (to be) Laura? She ... not (to change) so much.
20. The situation was bad but it ... (to be) even worse.

Exercise 25. Translate the following sentences into English using

can/could or to be able to in all of their possible meanings
1. Я міг би перекласти цю статтю, але у мене немає словника.
2. Я можу бачити Білла? — Звичайно. Ви можете знайти його у
читальному залі.
3. Я можу запам'ятати відразу багато слів.
4. Вчора я не зміг зайти до вас, так як був зайнятий.
5. Він не може йти швидко. Він втомився.
6. Ви вмієте співати? — Так. — Ви зможете взяти участь у концерті
завтра? — Звичайно, із задоволенням.
7. Ти можеш допомогти мені накрити на стіл? — Вибач, я
поспішаю і зараз не можу допомогти тобі.
8. Цікаво, чи зуміє він зробити цю роботу сам?
9. Якщо ви будете працювати серйозно, то скоро зможете добре
говорити англійською.
10. Він міг би нам допомогти, але вирішив, що це не його справа.
11. Ти міг би заздалегідь повідомити нас про те, що не збираєшся

брати участь у конкурсі.
12. Я не зміг дістати квитки в театр вчора.
13. Навряд чи він міг зробити таку помилку.
14. Він не вмів читати по-латині і не міг зрозуміти, що йому
прописав лікар.
15. Не міг би ти дати мені свій словник? Я поверну його
16. Невже це маленька Ліззі? Як вона виросла.
17. Ти вмієш кататися на роликах? — Ні. — Я теж. Зате Том вміє
це робити ще з дитинства.
18. Деякі папуги можуть вимовляти слова і навіть фрази.
19. Невже він замішаний у цій справі?
20. Не може бути, щоб вона зараз спала! Я тільки що бачила її в
21. В Англії може бути холодно.
22. Я не змогла прийти до тебе вчора ввечері, оскільки у мене були
23. Він міг би піти з нами, але у нього було тренування.
24. Невже вона сама сказала вам про це?
25. Я не можу виходити з дому. У мене висока температура.
26. Вона зможе допомогти вам, якщо ви попросите її.
27. Невже вона все ще говорить по телефону?
28. Будь ласка, скажіть котра година?
29. Ви можете на нього покластися. Він дуже надійна людина.
30. Говоріть, будь ласка, голосніше. Я нічого не чую.
31. He може бути, щоб він був удома вчора в цей час.
32. Невже він сказав вам про це?
33. Він міг би зробити це, але не захотів.
34. Невже він відмовився їхати туди?
35. Він зможе зателефонувати тобі тільки пізно ввечері.
36. Не може бути, щоб він зараз спав.
37. Не може бути, щоб вони виїхали, не попрощавшись з нами.
38. Не може бути, щоб вона вам так відповіла.
39. Він міг би приїхати завтра.
40. Не може бути, що він зіткнувся з іншою машиною. Він такий
обережний водій.
41. Навряд чи він забув про свою обіцянку, я нагадувала йому про
це вчора.
42. Він не міг прочитати цю книгу так швидко, вона занадто важка
для нього.
43. Вони змогли б піднятися на вершину, але їм перешкодила
44. Навряд чи вони одружаться, вони занадто різні люди.

45. Хіба міг хтось подумати, що він виграє матч?

Exercise 26. Find Ukrainian variants of the following proverbs

1. Can leopard change its spots?
2. Love cannot be forced.
3. Change of habit cannot alter nature.
4. What is done, cannot be undone.
5. Old friends cannot be sacrificed for
new ones.
6. You can take a horse to the water,
but you cannot make him drink.
7. Success is the ladder that cannot be
climbed with your hands in the pockets.
8. Never put off till tomorrow what
you can do today.
9. A man can do no more than he can.
10. What can't be cured must be endured.


Exercise 27. Listen to the song ZEBRA by John Butler Trio (for
example, using and put the extracts of the lyrics in the
right order. Translate the lyrics and explain the use of the modal verbs
can and could
So I'm singin'
So I'm singin'
So I'm singin'

I could be just like the calm before the storm both,

Waiting for all hell yeah to break loose.
I could be innocent or I could be guilty
Doesn't mean that I don't believe in no noose
I could be red blue black and white sunset
Or darkest at day boy or brightest at night
I could be the sun man I could be the moon
I'm made up from the stars boy I shining so bright.

I can be anything I put my mind to boy
All I gotta do is give myself half a chance
I can bring love back into my life
And share it with the world if I got some balance
I could be rich like a wandering Gypsy
I could be poor like a fat wallet lost.
I could be first man or I could come last
It's not who breaks the ribbon boy it's how you get across.
I can be loud man, I can be silent
I could be young man or I could be old.
I can be a gentleman, I can be violent.
I could turn hot man or I can be cold.
I could be asleep boy, or I could be awake
I can be alive and a be the walking dead
I can be ignorant, or I could be informed (Yes sir)
I could lead my life man or I could be led (That's right)



1) May in the meaning of

possibility due to the
circumstances occurs only in
affirmative sentences and is
followed only by the simple
You may order a taxi by
telephone. — Можна
замовити таксі по
Might + Ind. Inf. is used
in past-time contexts as the
past form of the verb may:
In those days a man might be sentenced to death for a small crime (міг).
Might + Perf. Inf. indicates that the action was not carried out owing to
certain circumstances and is synonymous to could +Perf. Inf.:
He might have fallen ill if he hadn’t taken the medicine.
2) The modal verb may is often used in dialogues in its imperative
meaning to express:

1. Permission: The director is alone now. So you may see him now.
2. Asking for permission: May I use your telephone?
In these two meanings may is synonymous to the phrases «to have
permission to», «to be allowed to», «to be permitted to». We use one of these
phrases when we emphasize getting permission on a specific occasion:
The director is alone now. So you are allowed to see him now.
Will you allow me to use your telephone?
3. Request: Might I join you?
4. Prohibition: You may not smoke in the office.
May is not common in this meaning. Generally must and can are used
The modal verb might is used in these meanings in reported speech:
The secretary told me that I might see the director as he was alone.
He asked me if he might use my phone.
The manager told me I might not smoke in the office.
The modal verb might is also used in the meaning of request and asking
for permission as a more polite form of may.
Might I use your telephone, please?
5. Disapproval, reproach:
You might carry the parcel for me.
You might have helped me.
Here we find only the form might used in affirmative sentences with the
simple or Perfect infinitive.
 might + Ind. Inf. expresses ironical advice, disapproval:
Don’t wait for her, you might do it yourself (могли би).
You might help me to carry this heavy bag (міг би).
 might + Perf. Inf. denotes reproach for the non-performance
of the action. The same meaning can be expressed by means of could + Perf.
You might have phoned me last night (міг би).

Exercise 28. Paraphrase these notices to give or refuse permission.

Begin each sentence with You ….
Example: Don't feed the animals. — You may not feed the
1. No smoking.
2. No parking on the square.
3. Visitors are welcome 24 hours a day.
4. No alcoholic drinks under 18.
5. Don't use the office phones for private calls.
6. Private. Keep out.
7. Club members use courts free on Saturday and Sunday.

8. Walk your dogs here.
9. Phone us. We'll help.
10. Room for smokers.
11. Leave your car here.
12. Don't swim here.
13. Keep silence.
14. Don't take photographs.

Exercise 29. Paraphrase the following sentences using to be allowed /

permitted to
1. May the students leave the room in a few minutes?
2. May I stay away from the classes?
3. May she miss the classes tomorrow?
4. May I look up words in the dictionary?
5. May he not do this job now?
6. May the child not eat his soup?
7. May she play the piano in your room?
8. May Kate read her essay at the next lesson?
9. May I not come to the examination tonight?
10.May she not go and see her doctor?
11.May I come a bit late for the next class?
12.May Jack change place with Bill?
13.May I keep your player till Sunday?
14.May the students write the dictation at the next class?
15.May I leave the class before the bell goes?

Exercise 30. Change these sentences using may

1. Do you allow me to invite my friends to our discussion?
2. Are little children allowed to play with matches?
3. Let me join you in your trip to London.
4. Will you allow me to take your book home and keep it for a week?
5. Do you permit them to attend your lectures?
6. Allow me to use your dictionary. I've left mine at home.
7. Lot me take your umbrella. It's raining heavily.
8. Will they allow us to lodge in this room?
9. Let him speak to you in private.
10. Are the twins allowed to go for a walk in the park?
11. Will you allow me to look through your notes?
12. Let Andrew play chess after he finishes his homework.
13. Will you allow the children to go to the river with us? The weather
is fine.
14. Do you permit her to go home for a few days?
15. Allow me to do things the way I want to do them.

Exercise 31. Express disapproval based on the following sentences.
Use the perfect infinitive to refer the situation to the past and in this way
express reproach
Example: a) You do not remember your child's birthday.
You might remember your child's birthday!
b) You did not switch off the lights before leaving.
You might have switched off the lights before leaving.
1. You do not wear your new suit to the office.
2. You did not sew the buttons on, Alice.
3. You did not even notice how well she played. You do not pay enough
attention to your child.
4. Do come and help me choose it.
5. You did not try hard enough.
6. You did not get up a little earlier and help me to clean up after the
7. You never let me know when something like this happens.
8. You didn't give a detailed account.
9. You didn't meet her at the station.

Exercise 32. Express reproach using the correct form of the verbs in
1. You might ......... (get) to know your mates better by that time.
2. Look! You ......... might (call) on me last week. I was ill.
3. You might ......... (tell) him about it before.
4. You might ......... (praise) him for doing it.
5. She might ......... (be) particular about such things.
6. You might ......... (speak) to the man. He should know the truth.
7. You might ......... (consult) with the experts before signing this
8. She has just left, you might ......... (come) earlier.
9. Oh, Sam, you never think of my comfort. You might ......... (book) a
room in the hotel in advance.



May and might are often used in affirmative and negative sentences to
express supposition implying uncertainty.
He may be at home. — Можливо, він дома.
He may not be at home. — Можливо, його немає дома.
In Ukrainian this meaning is generally rendered by means of the modal
adverbs «можливо» and «може бути».

In English this meaning may also be rendered by means of the attitudinal
“Careful, dear, thatadverbs
bullet might perhaps and maybe.
contain depleted uranium!”
In the meaning of supposition implying uncertainty, the form might is
also found. It differs from the form
may in that it emphasizes the idea of
May/might denoting supposition
implying uncertainty can be followed
by different forms of the infinitive
depending on the time reference
a) the Continuous Infinitive
(may/might be doing) is used with
dynamic verbs if reference is made to
the present to express supposition
implying uncertainty not only about “Careful, dear, that bullet might contain
some actions in progress at the depleted uranium!”
moment of speaking, but also about
some recurrent or permanent actions.
He may/might be skating now. — Мабуть, він зараз катається на
She may/might be studying at medical college. — Можливо, вона
навчається в медицинському коледжі.
The economy may/might be showing signs of recovery. — Можливо, є
ознаки того, що економіка починає відновлюватися.
b) May/might in combination with the Simple Infinitive (may/might do)
usually refers the action to the future.
He may/might come tomorrow. — Можливо, вона приїде завтра.
The action may also refer to the present but only with stative verbs.
She may/might be angry with you. — Може вона сердиться на тебе.
He may/might not know about it. — Можливо він нічого про це не знає.
c) May/might in combination with the Perfect Infinitive (may/might
have done) refers the action to the past.
He may/might not have recovered yet. — Мабуть, він ще не одужав.
d) the Perfect Continuous Infinitive (may/might have been doing) is
used indicate an action begun in the past and continued into the moment of
speaking, or an action of some duration in the past.
He may/might have been skating for 2 hours. — Можливо, він катається
на ковзанах вже 2 години.
Note. In this meaning might does not serve as the past form of the verb
may. If you want to refer the action to the past, you are to use may/might
have done or may/might have been doing.

Exercise 33.
a) The people interviewing Julie for
the job (see Exercise 16) couldn’t
understand why she was so late
Why isn’t Miss Wilson here?
She may be ill — or she may be too
nervous. It may not be her fault.

What other possible explanations do

the interviewers think of? Use may/might
(not) + Simple Infinitive
1. Perhaps her train is late.
2. Perhaps she doesn't know the way.
3. It's just possible she thinks it's on another day.
4. Perhaps there's a traffic jam.
5. Maybe she feels the salary is too low.
6. There's a slight possibility that she doesn't want the job after all.
7. Perhaps she's not feeling well today.
8. It's just possible she has a good reason.

b) Mr and Mrs Wilson are waiting for the guests who are one
hour late for the party. Rewrite these sentences using may /might (not)
instead of perhaps, it's possible and maybe
Example: Perhaps they have forgotten where we live.
They may have forgotten where we live.
1. It's possible they've lost our address.
2. There's a possibility that they didn't get our
3. Or maybe they thought it said Thursday, not
4. It's possible their car has broken down.
5. Perhaps they have been held up by a traffic
jam in the centre.
6. Or maybe one of them left the telephone at
home and had to go back home to fetch it.

Exercise 34. Read the text. Then write eight sentences explaining what
people think might have happened to the Mayas

Nobody is quite sure what exactly
happened to the Mayan civilization. We know
that in 900 AD their cities were still
prosperous, but a hundred years later they had
been abandoned. A number of theories have
been put forward to explain this. One theory
is that the Mayan ruling class died out
because rulers did not work and so became
unhealthy, and there was nobody to tell the
farmers what to do. Another idea is that farmers were unable to grow enough
food to support large populations in cities. Other people believe that a natural
disaster, such as an earthquake occurred, the cities were destroyed and the
people never moved back. Or perhaps another Mexican people conquered the
Mayas, and destroyed their cities. Another theory is that there was a
revolution, in which the farmers killed their rulers. Some experts believe that
the epidemic of some kind caused the disappearance of the Mayas. Others
think that the Mayan cities suffered from an environmental disaster caused by
drought or overproduction. Finally, some people believe that the people
abandoned their cities because their priests told them to do it.
Example: The Mayan ruling class might have died out
because rulers did not work.
1. ____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________

Exercise 35. Complete the following sentences with may/might and

the proper form of infinitive
1. The letter ... (receive) yesterday.
2. It ... (rain), you'd better take a coat.
3. I ... never (see) you again.
4. This ... (be) the reason for their refusal to join us.
5. He has refused but he ... (change) his mind if you ask him again.
6. I don't know why she's not here. She ... (not get) my message.
7. He ... (see) in the club any night of the year.
8. Jane ... (meet) them at her uncle's. If I am not mistaken it was last
9. We ... (win), but I don't think there's much chance.
10. She ... still (wait) for you in the entrance hall.
11. The documents ... (receive) tomorrow.

12. He ... (lose) your address, that's why he doesn't write to you.
13. Ann didn't answer the doorbell, she ... (be) in the bath.
14. Wait a little, he ... (come).
15. They ... (leave) an hour ago.
16. If he walks from the station, he ... (arrive) in the course of the
next half hour. If he drives, he ... (be) here at any moment.
17. It was some special occasion, I don't remember what. It…(be) my
18. He ... not (learn) the news, that's why he looks as if nothing
has happened.
19. Don't be angry with her. She ... (do) it by mistake.

Exercise 36. Give uncertain answers to the following questions. Use

1. Where's Sue going? (to the theatre)
2. Where is the meat I left on the table? (the cat, steal it)
3. Where's George? (play tennis)
4. How did the fire start? (someone, drop a cigarette)
5. Why's Peter late? (miss the train)
6. Where are you going for your holidays? (Spain)
7. Why didn't Ann answer the doorbell? (go to bed)
8. I wonder how much such dress costs? (35 pounds)
9. Where are my slippers? (in the bathroom)
10. Who was that man? (Mr. Smith)
11. Why didn't Mary come to see us? (fall ill)
12. When do you expect them to come? (arrive next week)
13. Whose book is this? (Nina's)
14. Why is he looking for the key? (lose it)
15. When will he finish his work? (in a week or two)


a) May as well (might
as well, might just as well)
do is a very mild and
unemphatic way of
expressing an intention. It is
also used to suggest or
recommend an action.
I may as well take the child
with me. — Можливо, я
візьму дитину з собою / Можливо, буде краще, якщо я візьму дитину з

You may as well give him the letter.
I might as well stay at home tonight.
b) It might have been worse means «Things are not so bad after all.» In
Ukrainian it is rendered as: «Могло би бути гірше» or «Урешті-решт все
не так і погано».
c) Не might have been a... means «He might have been taken for a...»,
«He looked like a... .»
Roy Wilson, the new doctor, was twenty-eight, large, heavy mature and
blond. He might have been a Scandinavian sailor.
d) If I may say so... has become a stereotyped phrase in which the
meaning of permission is considerably weakened.
If I may say so, I think you have treated him very badly. — Якщо можна
так висловитися, я думаю ти погано з ним поводився.
e) Try as I may/might… means «although I try/tried hard» (may is used
for present reference and might for past reference).
Try as I might, I could not pass my driving test. (This means although I tried
hard, I could not pass my driving test.)

Exercise 37. To practise may, make up situations of your own using

the following patterns
1. Може бути (можливо) він ...
- прийде трохи пізніше.
- читає у своїй кімнаті.
- забув про нашу зустріч.
- очікує від них листа вже цілий місяць.
2. Може бути (можливо) він не ...
- там зараз.
- отримував ще звісток від своєї сім'ї.
- чекає їх там.
- так і не отримав від них відповіді.
3. Я, мабуть, ...
- підвезу тебе додому.
- піду на цей концерт.
- куплю ці капці.
- залишуся вдома.
4. Я, мабуть, краще ...
- вип'ю кави,
- полечу літаком.
- подивлюся телевізор.
- куплю яблук на ринку.
5. Могло би бути і ...
- набагато гірше.

- важче знайти необхідну суму грошей.
- помилкою послати Джона туди.
- правдою, що це не його провина.
6. ... можна було б прийняти за ...
- Вона не була шведкою, але її можна було прийняти за шведку.
- Здалеку будинок можна було б прийняти за невеликий готель.
- Цю дивну пару можна було б прийняти за батька і доньку.
- По тому, як він поводився і говорив, його можна було прийняти
за освічену людину.
7. Якщо можна так висловитися,
- ви ще не готові до сімейного життя.
- він занадто зухвалий.
- вони не зовсім розуміють, що тут відбувається.
8. Як я не намагався,…
- я не міг відкрити це старе вікно.
- я не міг переконати її поїхати з нами.
- я не міг привернути до себе її увагу.

Exercise 38. Analyse the form of the modal verb may/might. Say in
which meaning it is used. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian
1. Children may borrow books from the library.
2. He said he might get to work by bus.
3. Let's meet at 5 if the time is convenient to everybody. We may get
there on foot.
4. I have got two English novels in the original. So you may take one of
5. Mother said you might take some apples.
6. — May I smoke, doctor?
— No, you may not. You'd better stop doing it. It may ruin your health.
7. Mother, may I have a glass of light beer?
8. May I see him in the hospital on Tuesday?
9. He asked me if he might rest for an hour.
10. May I spend the week-end with you?
11. Jim, you may not have a swim today, it's rather chilly.
12. You might remember people are sleeping upstairs.
13. You might have asked me if I had an objection.
14. You might have come half an hour ago.
15. The child is very weak. You might be more attentive to him.
16. If he had arrived an hour earlier, he might have had a good night's
17. We may never be married.
18. He may have written the letter, but the signature is certainly not his.
19. He told the doctor he might have been running a high temperature

for some days.
20. Nobody else is going to turn up now for the lesson, so you may as
well go home.

Exercise 39. Translate into English

1. Ви можете взяти вихідний завтра.
2. Ми, можливо, повернемося в місто завтра або післязавтра.
3. Можна я подзвоню тобі, коли ти повернешся з Лoндона?
4. Не забудь взяти парасолю. Можливо, вдень буде дощ.
5. Ви можете зателефонувати мені в будь-який час.
6. Можливо, ви праві, а я помиляюся.
7. Ви могли б їй тоді допомогти.
8. Дозвольте мені запитати його про це? — Не треба. Він може
9. Цілком можливо, що вони чекають нас внизу.
10. Які в тебе плани на літо? — Я, можливо, поїду відпочивати в
Іспанію, там чудові пляжі і завжди гарна погода.
11. Він може залишити свої речі тут.
12. Вона, можливо, хвора.
13. Можна мені прочитати цей документ? — Ні, не можна.
14. Можливо, зараз вона пише листа своїй матері.
15. Може бути, це неввічливо, але я скажу йому, щоб він більше не
16. Ніхто не відповідає. Він, може, ще не повернувся з роботи.
17. Ви можете взяти будь-яку з цих книг.
18. «Можна мені взяти ще шматок цукру?» — запитав Том.
19. Давайте почекаємо трохи. Він, можливо, ще прийде.
19. Боюся, ми можемо спізнитися.
20. Ви можете проводити Мері на вокзал.
21. Можна мені залишитися з вами? — Будь ласка.
22. Вона може увійти.
23. Можливо, вони шукають нас в інституті.
24. Ця стаття така велика. Можна, я допоможу тобі перекласти її?
25. Ви можете користуватися моїм словником.
26. Ви можете думати що завгодно.
27. Телефонуй Ніку. Він, можливо, вже бачив цей фільм. Запитай,
чи варто його дивитися.
28. Можна мені сходити з Томом на ковзанку? — Ні, у тебе
29. Я, можливо, зайду до вас завтра.
30. Доктор, можна мені купатися в морі?
31. Можна мені поглянути на ваші книги? — Звичайно.
32. Вона, може, нічого не знає про це.

33. Ви можете відвідати мене в суботу.
34. Можливо, ви знайдете його в читальному залі.
35. Ви можете дістатися туди автобусом.
36. Можна мені самому запитати про цю подію?
37. Ви можете не застати її вдома.
38. Ви могли б вимити руки перед обідом.
39. Можливо, мама дозволить піти мені в кіно.
40. Можливо, ввечері піде сніг.


Exercise 40. Read the following dialogue and explain the use of the
modal verb may/might in it. Act out the conversation in pairs
PETER: You see, Jack, we are thinking of going to the seaside in the
summer. Have you made your holiday plans yet? If not, you may join us.
JACK: Well, that's very kind of you. When are you thinking of going?
PETER: Oh, we might leave some time in August. At the end of it, I
JACK: Do you know how much it's going to cost?
PETER: I don't know for certain. It might be not very expensive, if we
live in a camping.
JACK: Oh, that'll be nice.
Are all our friends going?
PETER: I think, most of all
us may be going. Not Dot, of
course. She is off to Italy again.
She may have been staying there
for 2 weeks already.
JACK: Has she gone by
plane there?
PETER: I don't know really.
Somebody said she might have gone there by sea. Well, will you go with us?
JACK: Yes, with great pleasure.
PETER: Fine.

Exercise 41. Listen to the extract from the song LEAVING NEW
YORK by R.E.M (for example, using Fill in the blanks
with the proper verbs. Translate the lyrics and explain the use of the
modal verb might
by R.E.M.
It's quiet now Is everything
And what it brings
Comes calling back

A brilliant night
I'm still awake You might have l____d if I told
I looked ahead You might have h____n a frown
I'm sure I saw you there You might have s_____d in
changing me
You don't need me I might have been t_____d
To tell you now around…
That nothing can compare


The use of can and may is parallel in the following meanings:

 possibility due to circumstances;
 permission / asking for permission;
 reproach.
In these meanings, however, they are not always interchangeable.
1) In the meaning of possibility due to circumstances the use of may is
restricted only to affirmative sentences, whereas can is found in all kinds of

May Can
He can find this book at the library.
He may find this book at the Can he find this book at the library?
library. He cannot find this book at the
Another difference is that can usually expresses a more general
possibility, whereas may denotes possibility of something happening in a
particular situation:
Moving to a new job can be a very stressful experience.
Some dogs can be very dangerous.
The temperature can sometimes reach 35C° in July.
With the factory closing next week, he may lose his job.
Both could and might combined with the Perfect infinitive indicate that
the action was not carried out in the past.
He might have found the book at the library.
He could have found the book at the library.
It follows from the above that the sphere of application of can in this
meaning is wider than that of may.
2) In the meaning of permission may sounds more formal than can
which is characteristic of colloquial English.
May (might) I speak to you for a moment, professor? May I come in?
Can (could) I have a cup of tea, Mother? Can I borrow your dictionary?
May in negative sentences expressing prohibition is uncommon.

3) Both could and might combined with the Perfect infinitive are used
to express reproach, though may is much more often used in this meaning
than could.
You might have reminded me about the meeting.
You could have backed my proposal at the conference.

Exercise 42. Choose the correct option

1. She …….. be outside. (it is possible.)
a) is able to
b) could
c) is allowed to
d) d) might
2. Steven ……… to write computer programmes since he left college.
a) can
b) is able
c) might
d) has been able
3. It was a very tricky question but Paul …….. answer it at last.
a) could
b) was able
c) couldn't
d) managed to
4. When our children grow up, we …….. enjoy some peace and quiet.
a) could
b) might
c) will be able to
d) will be allowed to
5. I don't like the way you study. I think you …….. harder!
a) might have worked
b) might be working
c) could work
d) could have worked
6. Let's wait a little. He …….. .
a) may have come
b) could have come
c) may come
d) might have come
7. She …….. of the plan herself. I’m sure somebody has suggested it to
a) can't have thought
b) may not have thought
c) can't think

d) may not think
8. They …….. our telegram, that's why they did not meet us.
a) couldn't have received
b) can't have received
c) may not have received
d) may not receive
9. She …….. my letter! — Don't be so angry with her. — She …….. it
by mistake.
a) may not read, may do
b) cannot read, can do
c) might not have read, can't have done
d) can't have read, might not have done
10. He …….. it. I don't believe you.
a) is not able to say
b) might not say
c) can't have said
d) might not have said

Exercise 43. Fill in the blanks with may, might, can or could
Example: It was a bad accident. We …could… have been killed.
1. They ……. be going to increase airport fees to pay for increased
2. Don't turn off the computer yet. Someone ……… still be using it.
3. In late 18th century Scotland, you ……… be hanged for stealing a
4. These people ……. have a lot of money, but it doesn't make them
5. By Friday I …….. have finished the book, but if I get too busy, I
………. not.
6. ………… someone tell me where the main office is?
7. We know he doesn't tell the truth, so we really ………. not believe
any of his stories.
8. He asked me last night if you …………. be willing to talk to
Margaret for him.
9. According to the forecast, the weather ……….. be a bit
warmer today.
10. This switch isn't working. ……….. the children have broken

Exercise 44. Complete the comment using the word in capitals

(could and might in the meaning of reproach or the action that was not
carried out in the past)
You almost dropped the computer and you nearly COULD

damaged it.
You could have damaged the computer!
You weren’t careful when you were carrying it. MIGHT
You ______________________________________
It would have been a good idea to ask for help! MIGHT
You ______________________________________
You pulled out the sheet of paper and you nearly COULD
broke the printer!
You _______________________________________
You opened an e-mail and the computer nearly got a COULD
The computer ______________________________
Why didn’t you check the name of the sender? MIGHT
You ___________________________________
The computer almost crashed and you would have COULD
lost all your work.
You ____________________________________
That was nearly a very serious problem. COULD
That _____________________________________
You didn’t tell me you hadn’t used a computer MIGHT
You ___________________________________

Exercise 45. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way so that

they have a similar meaning to the first. Use the appropriate modal
1. You can't take those old books out of the library.
It isn't...............................................................................................
2. Perhaps we will go to Mexico on holiday this year.
We........................................................................................ this year.
3. Samantha could finally find a new job only after looking for it for
several months. find.................................................
4. I'm sure Wilkins isn't the thief.
Wilkins.................................................................................the thief.
5. Is it possible that I ask you a personal question?
……………………………………………………. a personal question?
6. Peter's parents didn't let him play out with Jonathan.
Peter wasn't....................................................................with Jonathan.
7. Margaret still hasn't made up her mind whether to study medicine or
Margaret..........................decide whether ………………
8. It is possible that she is hurt about what they said yesterday.

She............................................................ about what they said
9. The boss didn't let Mary use the fax machine.
Mary wasn't....................................................................the fax machine.

Exercise 46. Fill in the blanks with may / might or can / could and
make all necessary changes
1. You …….. (warn) me about it beforehand.
2. The weather is changing. It …….. (start) raining.
3. No, he …….. (not hear) your name. We tried to speak in a whisper.
4. He …….. (not hear) your name. That's why he did not say anything.
5. She …….. (not notice) us. We were standing too far away.
6. She …….. (not notice) us though we were standing beside her.
7. …….. I use your name as a referee?
8. She …….. (not hear) the news, that's why she looks as if nothing had
9. She …….. (not hear) the news, nobody …….. tell her about it.
10. The professor says that I …….. (rewrite) the essay.
11. …….. I use your phone?
12. He …….. (help) them when they were in trouble.
13. …….. he (say) it? No, it's not like him. He is a man of few words.

Exercise 47. Paraphrase the following sentences using the modal

verbs can or may in the correct form
1. I don't believe that he has done the work carelessly.
2. Perhaps, you changed at the wrong station, that's why it took you so
long to get here.
3. I think he will be able to substitute for you in case you shouldn't come.
4. Is it not in your power to change the time-table?
5. Most probably he did not see you, otherwise he would have come up
to you.
6. Perhaps, I shall have to take him to hospital; it is possible that he has
broken his arm.
7. Why blame her? Maybe she did not know it was so urgent.
8. It is impossible that she has wrongly interpreted your words.
9. I suppose they were unable to get in touch with you.
10. Would you mind my smoking here?

Exercise 48. Translate into English

1. Можливо, батько знайде твою розповідь цікавою, але не я.
2. Він не може знайти квитки. Можливо, він загубив їх.
3. Мама, можна мені з'їсти морозиво? — Ні, не можна. Ти можеш
знову захворіти.

4. Він, можливо, повернувся з Англії вчора.
5. Ти могла б повідомити мене про свій приїзд. Я б зустріла тебе.
6. Ви можете піти туди пішки, у вас на це піде 10 хвилин.
7. Ви не могли б дати мені його адресу?
8. До міста можна доїхати на автобусі.
9. Може бути, вони ще вдома. Зателефонуй ім.
10. Мені щось нездужається. Я, можливо, захворіла. Можна мені
трошки відпочити? — Звичайно ж. Ти могла б це зробити давно.
11. Можна мені тут почекати? — Так, звичайно.
12. Може піде дощ, а може ні.
13. Не може бути, щоб вони помітили нас. Ми були занадто далеко.
14. Невже вона вже приїхала?
15. Можливо, колись він був гарним співаком.
16. На жаль, я нічого не можу про неї згадати. Це було так давно.
17. Можу я побачити головного менеджера? — На жаль, ні, він
буде о 12.
18. Я міг би вам все пояснити, але у мене не було часу.
19. Якщо погода не зміниться, ми не зможемо поїхати на пікнік в
20. Незважаючи на труднощі, він зумів домогтися багато чого.
21. Скажи йому, що він міг би бути більш уважним до своїх старих
22. Схоже, що буде дощ, але, хто знає, може завтра буде хороша
23. Ти міг би відразу сказати, що не хочеш йти в театр. Я б не
купував квиток.
24. Ти міг би залишитися вдома хоча б один вечір на тиждень.
Мама дуже засмутилася.
25. Тут не можна переходити вулицю. Пройдіть, будь ласка, до
підземного переходу.
26. Можливо, він залишив тобі записку, а може бути, він ще
27. Він не може тут більше залишатися. Це небезпечно.
28. Тут не можна залишати машину.
29. Я думаю, що ви зможете переконати його.
30. Я не зможу повірити тобі, поки ти не покажеш цей лист.
31. Чому Пітера немає на заняттях? — Він потрапив до лікарні з
нападом апендициту. Його, можливо, вже прооперували.
32. Я думаю, що ви змогли б переконати його. На жаль, ви навіть
не спробували.
33. Я не можу нести цей чемодан, він дуже важкий.
34. Ви могли б подивитися телевізор, якщо хочете.
35. Ти можеш взяти словник. Він мені більше не потрібен.


The modal verb must has the following meanings:

1) Obligation from the speaker’s point of view. In this meaning it is
found in affirmative and interrogative sentences and followed only by the
simple infinitive.
You must come to class on time.
We also use must to express obligation imposed by authorities in orders
and rules.
Safety helmets must be worn.
All visitors must sign in.
Must is found in present-time contexts with reference to the present or
He must go there tonight.
In past-time contexts must is used only in reported speech, i.e. the rules
of the sequence of tenses are not observed with it.
He said that he must go there.
In order to express obligation referred to the past had to is used instead
of must:
I had to go there.
2) Prohibition:
He must not leave his room for a while.
This meaning is expressed in negative sentences and must is also
followed by the simple infinitive.
Note 1. Absence of necessity is expressed by other verbs (see to have
and need).
3) Emphatic advice, which is usually rendered into Ukrainian by means
of “неодмінно, обов'язково повинні”:
We must have a party at the end of term.
You must come and see us when you're in London.

You must stop worrying about your son.
You mustn't give another thought to what he said.
You mustn't miss the film. It is very good.
This meaning is found in affirmative and negative sentences and is
closely connected with the two above mentioned meanings.
4) in its suppositional meaning must expresses supposition implying
strong probability:
Look at that car! Ali’s parents must have a lot of money!
It must be late as the streets are deserted.
Must in this meaning is found in affirmative sentences.
In Ukrainian this meaning is generally rendered by means of the
attitudinal adverbs «(цілком) вірогідно», «імовірно», «напевно», «певно».
In English this meaning may also be expressed by means of the attitudinal
adverbs probably, evidently, obviously, apparently.
In the meaning of supposition implying strong probability must may be
followed by different forms of the infinitive.
a) If reference is made to the present, the Simple Infinitive is used with
stative verbs.
He must know her. They went to the same school.
b) With dynamic verbs must is used in combination with The
Continuous Infinitive to express strong probability referred to the present.
The book is not on the shelf. Jane must be reading it.
Let's have something to eat. You must be starving.
Listen. It must be raining outside.
Note 2. If must is followed by the simple infinitive of dynamic verbs, it
expresses obligation.
Jane must read the book. You must stay here.
c) Must in combination with the Perfect Infinitive refers the action to
the past.
Someone must have taken the key because it isn’t there.
We realized he must have lied.
d) Must with the Perfect Continuous Infinitive is used indicate an
action begun in the past and continued into the moment of speaking, or an
action of some duration in the past.
He must have been waiting for an hour.
Note 3. Must is not used to express supposition implying strong
probability in negative sentences and with reference to the future. In this case
the attitudinal adverbs probably, evidently, obviously, apparently or the
phrase be bound to (to refer the action to the future) are used instead of must.
It will probably rain tomorrow.
It's bound to rain tomorrow.

Exercise 49. Complete the following sentences using must
1. If you want to know English well, you ...
2. If your spelling is poor, you ...
3. If she wants to cross the street and there is a red light, she …
4. If you are unwell, you ...
5. If she wants to get to the university in time, she ...
6. If he makes a lot of grammar mistakes, he ...
7. If the students want to know grammar, they ...
8. If the football players want to win the match, they …;
9. If his English is poor, he ...
10. If you want to be healthy, you ...

Exercise 50. Paraphrase the following questions using must. Answer

them expressing obligation or the absence of neccesity
1. Is it neccesary for us to read the text?
2. Is it necessary for me to visit him there?
3. Is it necessary for you to explain your choice?
4. Is it necessary for me to go to the meeting?
5. Is it necessary for them to meet her?
6. Is it necessary for me to leave at once?
7. Is it necessary for us to invite her tonight?
8. Is it necessary for him to speak to the Dean?
9. Is it necessary for her to consult the doctor?
10. Is it necessary for me to do it now?

Exercise 51. Express prohibition

1. It was so impossible, Judith, and I'm going to forbid it
absolutely. (do such a thing)
2. I'm talking very seriously, Pat, I'm quite serious, really. (laugh)
3. I wonder if I may give some nuts to these birds. (visitors, feed these
4. Oh, no, why should I pay such a big fine? (cross the road while the
lights are red)
5. You must speak out. (allow your sister to take such a mad step)
6. Don't enter the bedroom. Larry is sleeping, he's extremely tired after
his journey. (disturb him)
7. I know it's time for you to catch your train. (stay here any longer)
8. You are running a temperature, Mary. I think, it's flu. (go out)
9. Peter, it's me. Mary is ill: it's flu and it's very catching. (visit her)
10.Well, it's my book. I wonder where you've got it? (borrow my books
without asking)

Exercise 52. Choose the correct option

1. His German is very poor. He must (study/be studying/have studied)
very hard.
2. His German is very good, he must (study/be studying/have studied)
very hard.
3. His German is considerably improved, ho must (study/be
studying/have studied) hard during his holiday.
4. He must (study/be studying/have been studying) German these two
years, his German is rather rich and fluent.
5. She must (have taken/be taking/have been taking/ a bath at that
moment, that's why she did not answer your call.
6. She must (be/be being/ have been) at home now, we saw her leaving
the office.
7. She must (be/be being/have been) at home, she can't go away because
there is no one to look after her sick mother.
8. You must always (think/be thinking/have thought) twice before you
say anything.
9. Now he must (think/ be thinking/have thought) of what she has said.
10. He knows they are coming. They must (write/be writing/ have
written) to him of their arrival in due time.
11. She must (play/be playing/have been playing) the piano now.
12. The foreigner must (understand/understood/have understood) me, for
he nodded his head.
13. Where is Sara? I haven't seen her for a long time. — She must
(stay/be staying/have stayed) at her friends'. She wanted to spend July with
14. He must (get/be getting/ have got) all he needed, otherwise he would
have come again.
15. We must (meet/have met/have been meeting) somewhere before.

Exercise 53. Complete the dialogues. Use an appropriate form of

must with the verbs in brackets. Use the negative if necessary
Example: A: Paula fell asleep in class this morning.
B: She (stay up) must have stayed up too late last night.
1. A: Jim is eating everything in the salad but the onions. He's pushed all
of the onions to the side of his plate.
B: He (like) _____________ onions.
2. A: Do you smell smoke?
B: I sure do. Something (burn) _____________ in the kitchen.
3. A: George had to give a speech in front of five hundred people.
B: Whew! That's a big audience. He (be) _____________ nervous.
A: He was, but no one could tell.
4. A: Who is your teacher?
B: I think his name is Mr. Rock, or something like that.

A: Mr. Rock? Oh, you (mean) ___________ Mr. Stone.
5. A: What’s all that noise upstairs? It sounds like a herd of elephants.
B: The children (play) _____________ some kind of a game.
6. A: My favorite magazine doesn't come in the mail anymore. I wonder
B: Did your subscription run out?
A: That's probably the problem. I (forget) _____________ to renew it.
7. A: What time is it?
B: Well, we came at seven, and I'm sure we've been here for at least an
hour. So it (be) _____________ around eight o'clock.
8. A: I met Marie's husband at the reception and we said hello to each
other, but when I asked him a question in English, he just smiled and nodded.
B: He (speak) _____________ much English.
9. A: Where’s Nida? I’ve been looking all over for her.
B: I saw her about ten minutes ago in the living room. Have you looked
A: Yes, I’ve looked everywhere. She (leave) _____________.
10. A: Did you know that Andy just quit school and started to hitchhike
to Alaska?
B: What? You (kid) _____________ !
11. A: Did Ed mean what he said about Andy yesterday?
B: No, I don’t think so. He (kid) _____________ when he said it.
12. A: Listen! Do you hear a noise downstairs?
B: No, I don’t hear a thing.
A: You don’t? Then something (be) _____________ wrong with your
13. A: You have a black eye! What happened?
B: I walked into a door.
A: Ouch! That (hurt) _____________ .
B: It did.

Exercise 54. Open the brackets and use the proper infinitive after the
verb must
1. Look! All people in the street are going with their umbrellas up. It
must ......... (rain).
2. He has changed his job. He must ......... (follow) your advice.
3. He must ......... (fall) ill. Otherwise he would have come to the party.
4. Where is Michael? He must......... (be) here by now. — He lives in the
country. He must ......... (miss) the train.
5. What a dreadful noise! What is the matter? — Our neighbors must
......... (quarrel) again.
6. Nobody must ......... (notice) that he was not used to speaking in

7. The criminal must ......... (be) very careful. He did not leave any
8. We are late, I am afraid. Ann must ......... (wait) for us.
9. He must ......... (forget) that he promised to come.
10. They must ......... (write) a composition for two hours. They must
......... (be) tired.
11. You must ......... (misunderstand) me, I did not want to hurt your
12. Nobody must ......... (see) him enter. Everybody startled when he
came in.
13.I hear someone's steps outside. She must ......... (go).
14. You may find him in the garden. He must ......... (read).
15. It is impossible to change anything. One must ......... (take) things as
they are.

Exercise 55. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb must
Example: I am sure they have changed the time. — They must have
changed the time.
1. They are in Greece. I am sure they are enjoying themselves.
2. She is an experienced teacher. I am certain she has been working at
school for at least twenty years. 3. They have probably finished painting the
4. I feel sure she is at home.
5. Probably they have already passed the frontier.
6. She is sure he is playing cards with his friends.
7. She is not very young, as she seems to be. I think she is nearly forty.
8. I think you have visited this place before.
9. He has to do a very urgent task. I feel sure he is working now.
10. He is so absent-minded. I am sure he left the letter unanswered.
11. You know he is a good tennis player. He is no doubt has won this
12.I won’t bother you any longer; no doubt you feel tired of my talking
after a tiring day.
13. It is clear that they are expecting somebody.
14. She was obviously upset by something; I never saw her so nervous.
15. The youth is probably reading something funny. He is smiling all the

Exercise 56. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Напевно, він добре володіє мовою.
2. Напевно, він ще тут.
3. Напевно, він брав участь у цьому змаганні.
4. Певно, він уніс документи з собою.

5. Напевно, вони над нами сміються.
6. Ймовірно, вони жили у цьому будинку.
7. Напевно, ще йде дощ.
8. Певно, дощ уже перестав.
9. Певно, все було зроблено вчасно.
10. Ймовірно, вони вже давно бажають познайомитися.
11. Напевно, він працює в юридичній фірмі.
12. Напевно, він працює в цій корпорації вже багато років.

Exercise 57. Translate the following sentences into English, using

must, where possible, and probably or to be bound in other cases
1. Напевно, вона не дала йому можливості відповісти на питання.
2. Напевно, він не зробив помилки.
3. Напевно, вона не мала досвіду.
4. Ймовірно, вони вже визначилися з датою весілля.
5. Напевно, йому вже повідомили про всю складність ситуації.
6. Імовірно, він не дав відповіді.
7. Певно, вони приїдуть через тиждень.
8. Напевно, вона не звертає уваги на це.
9. Вірогідно, грошей за роботу вони не отримують.
10. Напевно, він ще тут.
11. Напевно, йде дощ.
12. Напевно, дощ йде вже кілька годин.
13. Напевно, вони знають відповідь на це питання.
14. Ймовірно, дощу завтра не буде.
15. Певно, це буде зроблено вчасно.
16. Напевно, вона не намагалась все зробити правильно.

Exercise 58. Complete the following sentences using must

1. He turned pale on hearing the news, it ... .
2. Whatever happens... .
3. There's a light in her window ... .
4. Come on, Peter. We ....
5. It's such a pity ....
6. She's so excited ....
7. I had a feeling that ... .
8. In the end I came to the conclusion that ... .
9. I'm afraid ....
10. My eyes hurt ... .
11. He isn't here now ... .
12. Come, come, Helen, you ... .
13. It's raining cats and dogs ... .
14. The child is crying bitterly ....

15. Whatever you do ... .

Exercise 59. To practise must, make up situations of your own using

the following patterns
1. Напевно, він ...
- хворий.
- працює в цьому офісі.
- зупинився в готелі.
- втратив свої ключі.
- працює тут з самого ранку.
2. Він, напевно, буде ...
- тут завтра.
- у відпустці в Каліфорнії цього літа.
- спати, коли ми прийдемо.
- ще в офісі в цей час.
3. Він, напевно, не ...
- був ніколи бідним.
- зрозумів нас.
- взяв цю книгу.
- зателефонував їй.
4. Не можна ...
- так гомоніти.
- щоб діти чули, про що ми говоримо. Зачини двері, будь ласка.
- залишатися тут: може хтось прийти.
- не взяти до уваги його слова.

Exercise 60. Translate into English

1. Вона, напевно, зараз у читальному залі.
2. Ви повинні приходити на заняття вчасно.
3. Ти повинен негайно піти додому. Тебе чекає мама.
4. Я повинен виїхати завтра.
5. Вони, очевидно, готуються зараз до іспитів.
6. Вибачте, але я повинен відповісти на цей телефонний дзвінок.
7. Чи потрібно мені допомогти йому? — Ні, я зроблю це сам.
8. Ви повинні приймати ці ліки тричі на день.
9. Ти повинен багато працювати, щоб оволодіти англійською
10. Вона, напевно, забула їх адресу.
11. Ймовірно, його не запросили на цю зустріч.
12. Його прохання має бути виконано негайно.
13. У мене нежить. Я, напевно, застудився.
14. Ви не повинні закривати вікно, в кімнаті душно.
15. Я, напевно, спізнююся. Вже темніє.

16. Вам не можна входити сюди. Тут йде іспит.
17. Люди не повинні забувати про своє минуле.
18. Очевидно, їй не сподобався вечір, оскільки вона пішла рано.
19. Вона, напевно, захворіла. Інакше вона б вже прийшла сюди.
20. Імовірно, вони зараз обговорюють результати іспитів.
Подивися, як вони схвильовані.
21. Він, напевно, гостює у своїх друзів, оскільки писав, що
проводить свою відпустку у них.
22. Вони, напевно, пишуть твір вже близько двох годин і незабаром
мають закінчити.
23. Вони, напевно, не зпізнилися на потяг. Інакше вони б вже
24. Нам потрібно взяти таксі, якщо ми хочемо встигнути на поїзд.
25. Том, напевно, забув виконати твоє прохання.
26. Він, напевно, неправильно зрозумів тебе.
27. Їй, напевно, близько 20 років.
28. Він, напевно, працює вчителем вже 5 років недалеко від
29. Тут не можна шуміти.
30. Йому не треба вставати рано, у нього канікули.
31. Вже пізно. Ми повинні залишити бібліотеку.
32. Ви не повинні палити. Ви повинні приділяти більше уваги
своєму здоров'ю.
33. Ви, напевно, нічого не знаєте про нашу зустріч.
34. У той день ми, напевно, пройшли близько 10 миль.
35. Вони повинні повернути всі гроші.
36. Я не бачив Джека, але знав, що він, ймовірно, чекає мене десь
37. Він повинен потрапити туди до 8 години.


Exercise 61. Choose an ending (a-e) for each beginning (1-5) and add
appropriate forms of must or can't in their suppositional meanings

1 Julia goes to Malta every a She ……… started school yet.

summer. (...) b If one is correct, the other………
2 What she's asking for is be.
ridiculous. (...) с It's crazy. She ……… joking.
3 The hands on the clock weren't d She ……… really like it there.
moving. (...) e It ……… stopped working.
4 Their daughter was only three
this year. (...)

5 Those are two contradictory
statements. (...)

Exercise 62. Complete this dialogue with must or couldn't plus

appropriate forms of the verbs

be carry do lose put take

MUM (putting on her coat): I'm going to have to go down to the shop for
more bread.
ALAN: Why?
MUM: I'm not sure what happened. I made some sandwiches earlier and
left them on the table when I went to answer the phone. But someone (1)
……… them because they're gone.
ALAN: Oh, it (2) ……… Dad. I'm sure he was in the kitchen earlier.
MUM: No, he went off to his tennis match before I finished making them,
so he (3) ……… it. Anyway, he (4) ……… a plate of sandwiches as well as all
his tennis stuff, so I'm sure it wasn't him.
ALAN (opening fridge door): Well, it wasn't me. But Mum, look! Are
these your sandwiches here on the bottom shelf of the fridge?
MUM: Are they in there? Oh, my goodness. I (5) ……… them in there
when the phone rang. Oh, dear. I really (6) ……… my mind. Now, why did I
put on my coat?

Exercise 63. Complete the sentences with these words. Use each word
only once

can’t could might must

1. It ___________ be Colin. I’m certain it’s him.

2. It ___________ be Colin, but it ___________ also be John.
3. It ___________ be Colin because Colin doesn’t speak French.

Exercise 64. Complete the dialogue using the correct words in italics
HOST: What’s the capital city of South Africa? Is it Cape Town, Pretoria
or Johannesburg?
PAUL: Mmmm, that’s
difficult. What do you think John?
JOHN: I don’t know. It (1)
could/must be Cape Town.

DIANA: No, it (2) can’t/must be Cape Town because that’s on the coast
and I’m sure the capital city isn’t on the coast.
PAUL: Yes, you’re right. So it (3) can’t/could be Pretoria or
JOHN: Can we have a clue?
HOST: Yes, okay. It isn’t Johannesburg.
PAUL: Then it (4) could/must be Pretoria.
HOST: That’s right. Here’s your next question. Which is the longest
river in Europe? Is it the Volga, the Nile, the Danube or the Rhine?
PAUL: Well, it (5) could/can’t be the Nile because that’s in Africa.
JOHN: And I know the Rhine is shorter than the Danube, so it (6)
can’t/must be that.
PAUL: I don’t think it’s the Volga. Is that in Europe?
DIANA: Yes, it is. So it (7) could/can’t be the Danube or the Volga.
PAUL: Can we ask for another clue?
HOST: Yes, the river doesn’t go through Hungary.
DIANA: Then it (8) can’t/must be the Volga because the Danube goes
Budapest which is the capital of Hungary.

Exercise 65. a) Read the text

Jeff wanted to take Ann to the disco on Saturday. She waited for him at
home for an hour, but he didn't turn up and he didn't phone. Ann was angry,
so she phoned Jake and asked him to take her to
the disco. She knew that Jeff and Jake didn't like
each other. Later that evening, Jeff saw Ann at
the disco with Jake. Jeff felt angry, so he left

JANE: Something must have delayed Jeff.

He could have phoned Ann to explain. He might have had an accident on the
way to her house.
NICK: He must have forgotten about the disco.
JANE: No. He can't have forgotten about Ann.

b) Complete the sentences with must have or can't have + past

Later, Jeff said that he had phoned Ann before the disco. Ann can't
have heard (hear) the phone.
1. Why didn't she hear the phone? The television ... (be) too loud.
2. Because Ann didn't answer the phone, Jeff ... (think) that she had
already gone out.
3. After the disco, Ann didn't look very happy. She ... (enjoy) the

4. Jake looked miserable too. He ... (be) disappointed.
5. Jake didn't mention Jeff. Jake ... (know) that Ann had planned to go to
the disco with him.
6. Jane didn't know the story about Ann and Jeff. Ann ... (tell) her.
7. A week after the evening at the disco, Ann got a letter from Jeff. In the
letter Jeff ... (explain) what had happened and how he had felt. Ann
8. Next Saturday, Ann and Jeff are going to the cinema together. They ...
(solve) their problems.

c) Retell the story using must, may/might, can/could in their

suppositional meanings.

Exercise 66. a) Complete the conversation, using the verbs in

brackets together with must/must have or can't/can't have
Rose and Jack are discussing their new neighbors and trying to work out
what sort of people they are.
ROSE: He ... (be) rich. There's a big Volvo parked outside the gate.
Jack: But it ... (belong) to him. I saw him driving a Mazda last night.
ROSE: Look — there's a woman getting out of a Mazda now, Jack.
She ... (be) his wife.
JACK: That means they ... (have) a car each. They ... (have) plenty of
money. I wonder where they were living before they moved here.
ROSE: They ... (come) from Scotland. The removal van had the name of
a Glasgow Company on it.
JACK: Well, he ... (live) there all his life. He talks like a Londoner. I
heard him shouting at the van driver.
ROSE: I wonder if they like the house. They ... (hear) about the trouble
the Wilsons had with it. Otherwise they wouldn't have bought it.
JACK: Yes. The Wilsons ... (laugh) like anything when they finally sold
the house! (There is a knock at the door. Jack answers it.)
JACK: Hello. You ... (be) our new neighbors. Come in.
NEIGHBOR: No, thanks. I won't come in. But I wonder if you can help
us? We ... (get) all the keys of the house, because we can't open the door of
one room. There's a funny noise coming from inside it. The Wilsons ... (leave)
something in there ....

b) Draw your deduction expressing different degrees of probability

and possibility. Use must, may, might, can't in their suppositional

Exercise 67. Translate into English

1. Він повинен бути там завтра.
2. Він може бути там завтра.
3. Він, можливо, буде там завтра.
4. Він, можливо, був там учора (не був).
5. Він, ймовірно, був там учора.
6. Він повинен був бути там вчора.
7. Не може бути, щоб він був там вчора.
8. Чи можливо, щоб він був там вчора?
9. Невже він там був вчора?
10. Не може бути, щоб це була правда.
11. Невже це правда?
12. Це, мабуть, правда.
13. Можливо, це правда.
14. Хто знає? Може бути, це й правда.
15. Можливо, це була правда.
16. Це, очевидно, була правда.
17. Ви, ймовірно, помилилися.
18. Ви, мабуть, помиляєтеся.
19. Не може бути, щоб ви помилилися.
20. Невже (чи можливо, щоб) ви помилилися?
21. Не може бути, щоб вони мене не зрозуміли.


Exercise 68. In pairs or small groups, discuss the dialogue. Make
guesses about the two people and what's happening. What possibilities
can you think of?
Situation: A man and woman are sitting at a table.
MAN: I don't think you should do this alone.
WOMAN: But you don't understand. I have to.
MAN: Let me go with you. (fumbling with his wallet) Just give me a
minute to pay the bill.
WOMAN: No, I'll be fine.
MAN: You must let me help.
WOMAN: There's nothing you can do. (standing) This is something I
need to do for myself.
MAN: Okay. If that's the way you want it.
WOMAN: (leaving) I'll call you.

Possible discussion questions:

1. Where are the man and woman?
2. Who are they? What is the relationship between them?
3. Where's the woman going?

4. Why does she want to go alone?
5. Why does the man want to go with her?
6. Etc.

Exercise 69. a) Choose one of the conspiracy theories below and

change the sentence with the help of the modal verbs can/could,
may/might and must to make it have the amount of likelihood that you
think is really so. Does your partner agree with you?
1. President Kennedy (=JFK) was assassinated by the CIA in
conjunction with the Mafia.
2. Jack the Ripper was never caught because he was someone important
and the police protected him.
3. Alexander the Great was gay.
4. 9/11 was planned by the US government as an excuse to invade Iraq
and so gain control of its oil.
5. There weren’t any Jews in the World Trade Center on 9/11.
6. The explosion in the Pentagon on 9/11 came from inside the building.
7. Princess Diana was murdered by the British Royal Family because
she was going to marry a Muslim.
8. The Apollo moon landing was a hoax filmed in a studio by Stanley
9. King Arthur was a real person and was a Roman fighting with
Ancient Britons against the invading Germanic Anglo Saxons.
10. The main reason Henry VIII split the Church of England from the
Catholic Church and so turned England into a Protestant country was so he
could divorce his wife and marry Anne Boleyn.
11. Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a child or children.

b) Which ideas above are included in movies, books or TV

programmes you know or know about?

To have to as a phrasal modal is not a defective verb and can have all
the necessary finite forms as well as the verbals.
He is an invalid and has to have a nurse.
She knew what she had to do.
I’ll have to reconsider my position.
He is always having to exercise
The women at Barford had had to be
told that an experiment was taking place
that day.

«As a matter of fact,» he said, «I've been having to spend some time with
the research people.»
Having to work alone, he wanted all his time for his research.
The interrogative and negative forms of“I the
know modal verbliketoyouhave
the kids don’t topick
and they are
on you, but you have to go to school … you
built up by means of the auxiliary verb to do.are the teacher!”
Why do I have to do everything? Did he have to tell them about it?
He did not have to tell me that he already knew.
The verb to have to serves to express obligation or necessity imposed by
circumstances. It is rendered in Ukrainian as треба, маєш, мусиш.
In this meaning to have to is found in all kinds of sentences —
affirmative, interrogative and negative — and is combined only with the
simple infinitive.
He had to do it.
Did he have to do it? He did not have to do it.
Note 1. In negative sentences to have to denotes absence of necessity
(compare with the negative form of must which expresses prohibition).
You don't have to go there. — Вам не треба/немає необхідності туди
You mustn't go there. — Вам не можна йти туди.
Note 2. In spoken English the meaning of obligation and necessity is also
expressed by have (has) got to. Like the verb to have to, it is found in all
kinds of sentences and is combined with the simple infinitive.
He has got to go right now. Has he got to go right now? He hasn't got to go
just yet.

Exercise 70. Change the following sentences into negative or

interrogative making all the necessary changes
1. She has to wear glasses for reading.
2. I had to explain everything first.
3. He always had to live in the city because of his business.
4. I have to be at home tonight.
5. I had to stay at home doing nothing.
6. I had to ask the kind of questions that were directly to the
7. You'll have to get up very early tomorrow.
8. She'll have to do it once over again.
9. These documents have to be filed.
10.We'll have to speak to him about it.

Exercise 71. Turn the statements containing have to into tail

1. They had to get up very early.
2. You'll have to break your journey in London.

3. They didn't have to rush as there was plenty of time.
4. She'll have to walk all the way home.
5. If you don't want to be left behind you'll have to board the train.
6. There's no need to hurry. She doesn't have to gulp her food.
7. You'll have to get rid of that habit.
8. Usually they don't have to go shopping every day.
9. Mary will have to stay here another hour or two.
10.He had to take a taxi to catch the train.

Exercise 72. Use must not or do not have to in the following

Example: I've already finished all my work, so I don’t have to study
tonight. I think I'll read for a while.
1. I ________ forget to take my key with me.
2. You ______ introduce me to Dr. Gray. We've already met.
3. In order to be a good salesclerk, you ______ be rude to a customer
4. Johnny! You ______ play with sharp knives. Put that knife down
5. I ______ go to the doctor. I'm feeling much better.
6. We ______ go to the concert if you don't want to, but it might be
7. Robin! What are you doing? No, no, no. You ______ put your
vitamin pill in your nose!
8. Bats______ see in order to avoid obstacles. They can navigate in
complete darkness.
9. If you encounter a growling dog, you ______ show any signs of fear.
If a dog senses fear, it is more likely to attack a person.
10.A person ______ get married in order to lead a happy and fulfilling
11.A person ______ become rich and famous in order to live a successful

Exercise 73. Choose the correct form

1. You mustn't/don't have to park near a zebra crossing.
2. We mustn't/don't have to hurry, we've got plenty of time.
3. One mustn't/doesn't have to drive without a seat-belt.
4. You mustn't/don't have to tell Dan about the letter. I've already told
5. I mustn't/don't have to write them letters. We often meet.
6. You mustn't/don't have to work such long hours. You won't earn
7. Whatever you do you mustn't/don't have to touch this switch. It's

8. You mustn't/don't have to carry your suitcases by yourself; there are
porters at the railway station.
9. You mustn't/don't have to call her; she's coming.
10.I promise I'll be on time. I mustn't/don't have to be late.

Exercise 74. Insert must/have to into the following sentences

1. She ... leave home at eight every morning at present.
2. You ... read this book. It's really excellent.
3. The children ... play in the streets till their mothers get home from
4. She felt ill and ... leave early.
5. I never remember his address; I always ... look it up.
6. If you go to a dentist with a private practice you ... pay quite a lot of
7. My neighbour's child ... practise the piano for three hours a day.
8. The shops here don't deliver. We ... carry everything home ourselves.
9. The buses were all full; I ... get a taxi.
10. Tell her that she ... be here by six. I insist on it.
11. When the tyre is punctured the driver ... change the wheel.
12. She ... drive when her local railway station is closed.
13. I got lost and ... ask a policeman the way.
14. If you buy that TVset you ... buy a licence for it.
15. When I changed my job I ... move to another flat.
16. Whenever the dog wants to go out I ... get up and open the door.
17. Son, I can't support you any longer; you ... earn your own living
from now on.
18. Attention! Cameras, sticks and umbrellas ... be left at the desk.

Exercise 75. Complete the following sentences using have to

1. I’m afraid it's going to rain ...
2. It's getting late ...
3. He's lost my book ...
4. Mother is away ...
5. We had little time ...
6. He didn't earn enough money ...
7. She understood she wasn't right ...
8. The situation is rather grave ...
9. He is seriously ill now ...
10. I had much work to do …

Exercise 76. To practise the use of have to, make up situations of

using the following patterns
1. Мені доводиться (довелося, доведеться) ...

- працювати тут весь день.
- перевіряти тести до пізньої ночі.
- пояснювати це правило ще раз.
- користуватися словником, щоб перекласти цей текст.
2. Тобі не потрібно ...
- виводити собаку на прогулянку.
- розповідати йому зміст листа.
- буде купувати ці книги, якщо ти зможеш взяти їх в бібліотеці.
- ксерокопіювати цю статтю, якщо вона в тебе є
- телефонувати йому, він уже тут.

Exercise 77. Translate into English

1. Нам доведеться поговорити з ним особисто.
2. Нам довелося перечекати дощ на станції.
3. Я змушений був вибачитися, хоча мені це було і неприємно.
4. Книгу необхідно переплести, інакше деякі сторінки можуть
5. Їй доводиться рано вставати, тому що заняття починаються о
6. Завтра приїжджає мій друг, і мені доведеться його зустрічати.
7. Чому тобі доводиться так часто їздити в лікарню?
8. Вам довелося йти з вокзалу пішки? — Ні. Ми взяли таксі.
9. Йому довелося звернутися до друзів за допомогою.
10. Йому не потрібно було здавати вступні іспити.
11. Він сказав, що вам доведеться їхати туди одному.
12. Всю сторінку довелося передруковувати через одну друкарську
13. Вам доведеться піти на цю зустріч. Ви самі її призначили.
14. Після школи йому довелося працювати, щоб допомагати
15. Він змушений був погодитися з нашою думкою.
16. Після хвороби їй довелося наздоганяти групу.
17. Їй довелося йти в бібліотеку, оскільки вдома не було цієї книги.
18. Нам доведеться їхати на вокзал на автобусі, тому що тут немає
19. Нам доведеться обговорити це питання на зборах через те, що
думки розійшлися.
20. Нам доводиться їздити на роботу автобусом.
21. Нам доводиться вставати дуже рано, чи не так?
22. Було вже дуже пізно, і нам довелося взяти таксі.
23. Увечорі похолодало, і мені довелося одягти пальто.
24. Нам доведеться довго чекати — автобус ходить дуже рідко.
25. Чому вам довелося виїхати? — Мені довелося зробити це через

26. Ми повинні були підготувати все до від'їзду до двох годин.
27. Тобі доведеться все розповісти нам.
28. Хтось повинен залишитися і попередити їх про все.
29. Він змушений буде вжити термінових заходів, тому що може
статися ще що-небудь гірше.
30. Вам не доведеться його довго чекати, він скоро повернеться.


To be to is a phrasal modal that is used in the present and past tenses.

We are to meet at six. We were to meet at six.
To be to has the following meanings:
1) obligation resulting from the arrangement. This meaning of to be to is
found in affirmative and interrogative sentences.
We are to discuss it next time.
We were to discuss it the following week.
Is he to arrive tomorrow?
Who was to speak at the meeting?
Am/is/are to do: the present form of to be to is used only with the
simple infinitive and refers the action to the present or future.
They are to meet us at the railway station. — Вони мали зустріти нас на
Was/were to do: the past form of to be to in combination with the
simple infinitive denotes an action planned for the past but it is unknown
whether this action was carried out or not:
We were to meet him at the station (it is not clear from the sentence if the
action took place) — Вони мали зустріти нас на станції (невідомо,
зустріли чи ні).
Was/were to have done: the past form of to be to in combination with
the perfect infinitive expresses a planned action that wasn’t carried out in the
I was to have met him at the station, but I quite forgot about it (that means
that I failed to meet him). — Я мав зустріти їх на станції, але я зовсім
про це забув (мав зустріти, але не зустрів).
2) Something that is destined to happen:
He was to be my teacher and friend for many years to come.
He did not know at the time that he was never to see his native place again.
Matthew Flinders sailed past Tasmania in 1770, but it was to be a further 30
years before he landed there.
This meaning of to be to is rendered in Ukrainian as «судилося»,
«судила доля»:

It occurs in affirmative and negative sentences and is followed by the
simple infinitive, mainly in the past tense.
3) Possibility:
Her father was often to be seen in the bar of the Hotel Metropole.
Where is he to be found?
Nothing was to be done under the circumstances.
In this meaning to be to is equivalent to can or may. It is used in all
kinds of sentences in the present and past tenses and is followed by the
passive infinitive.
4) In its imperative meaning to be to denotes strict order or instruction
(in affirmative sentences) or strict prohibition (in negative sentences).
You are to take the pills, otherwise you may be seriously ill. — Ти неодмінно
повинен приймати ці пігулки, інакше ти можеш серйозно захворіти.
You are not to leave this room. — Ні в якому разі не виходь з цієї кімнати.
Note. Bear in mind the following set phrases with the modal verb to be
What am I to do? (Что мне делать? Как мне быть?)
What is to become of me? (Что со мной станется? Что со мной будет?)
Where am I to go? (Куда же мне идти? Куда же мне деваться?)

Exercise 78. Change the sentences using be to

1. He promised to come tonight.
2. They plan to take their examinations in June.
3. The teacher told us to hand in our reports next lesson.
4. We agreed that the one who came first would reserve seats for the rest
of us.
5. We decided to go for an outing on Sunday but we couldn’t because of
the rainy weather.
6. We were told to finish our work in a week but we could not do it.
7. He plans to get in touch with me on Tuesday evening.
8. Nobody met me at the station. I promised to arrive a day later but
could not warn any of my friends.
9. She says she will make the dress tomorrow.
10. He is expected to join us at the railway station at 5 p. m.
11. It's planned that I'll go on business to Manchester next month.
12. He was destined to live a long and happy life.
13. It is arranged that Freddy will meet Andrew and Christine in the
14. Do you expect me to believe that he was not to blame?
15. It was arranged that Marianne would meet me at the bus stop.
16. It is planned that the students from our group will make reports at
the conference.

17. It is planned that we will wait for them at the box-office.
18. What am I expected to say to that?
19. I expect her to come by the first train.

Exercise 79. Explain the difference in meaning between the 2

sentences in the following pairs
1. a) The plane was not to take off at night as the weather was too bad.
b) The plane was to have taken off at night, but the weather was too
2. a) There was to be an interesting concert last night, but I felt unwell
and had to stay at home.
b) There was to have been an interesting concert last night, but the
singer fell ill and the concert had to be postponed.
3. a) The order came that we were not to leave the village before dawn.
b) We were not to have left the village before dawn, but by the time
the order came we were two miles away from it.

Exercise 80. Show that the planned action was not/is not carried out
1. He was to write a report on this problem by Tuesday.
2. The conference is to take place in May.
3. He was not to criticise his friend's words.
4. He is to come to our place at 6.
5. She was to get in touch with Mr Green.
6. The family is to leave for the railway station early.
7. We are to meet at the entrance to the theatre.
8. She was to be operated on heart.
9. Basil was to take the medicine 3 times a day before meals.
10. I am to stay in bed for a week.
11. Mary and John were to marry in June.
12. She is to arrange everything for the meeting.
13. I was to write to him about the conference.
14. He was to buy tickets for the Final Cup beforehand.
15. I was not to stay long in her house.

Exercise 81. Combine the modal verb to be to with the proper form
of the infinitive in brackets
1. I stood at the window, looking at them disappear, and my heart kept
repeating «Good-bye, good-bye!» I was not ......... (to see) them for nearly
five years.
2. Nobody met me when I came. I was ......... (to arrive) by the ten
o'clock train, but I couldn't get a ticket for it.
3. Remember that we are ......... (to be) at his place not later than eight.

4. Why are you so late? Didn't you get my letter saying that we were
......... (to meet) at 4?
5. There was a violent storm that night and the Albatross which was
......... (to arrive) at the port in the morning had to drop anchor near an island a
hundred miles off the port.
6. The servants want to know if they are ......... (to put) the carpets
on the terrace for tonight.
7. The film was ......... (to dub) later, he told me.
8. A note enclosed said if I ever run into their son I was ......... (to write)
and ......... (to tell) them all about it.
9. The next day, just before the family was ......... (to leave) for the
railway station, Elizabeth called her son into the kitchen.
10. My dear Catherine, I tell you I've looked there. Am I ......... (to
believe) my own eyes or not?
11. I thought I was ......... (to give) some fish for supper, Nora?
12. «I don't know exactly where Charles is ......... (to find)», he said.
13. We must find the motive if we are......... (to understand) this
14. Mr Franklin was......... (to dine) with them that night.
15. Mrs Page was ......... (to hear) immediately what happened.
16. But where will we ourselves go? What is ......... (to happen) to us?
17. I want to know on what terms this girl is ......... (to be) here.
18. After ten days he told me I was ......... (to go back) to London.
19. You want one to save you, don't you? But how is it ......... (to do)?
20. But how was I ......... (to guess) the wretched thing would blow up
21. this way?
22. No one is ......... (to admit) into the room except the nurse. His
disease is catching.
23. The meeting is ......... (to hold) in a week.
24. You are not ......... (to tell) her any bad news that may worry her.
25. I was ......... (to ring him up) at 6 o'clock but it entirely slipped my

Exercise 82. Give the endings to the following sentences using to be to

1. Ring me up at 6, ...
2. The train is late, ...
3. I want to know if I ...
4. According to the plan of our excursion we ...
5. Let's discuss our future conference ...
6. I'm leaving for London tonight. I ...
7. I've told you not to read in bed. How many times ...?
8. Soon we'll have our vacations. We must plan everything in

We ...
9. Tomorrow we'll have a busy day. We ...
10. I know that I must do this work but I want to have your
11. ... Don't blame me. How ...?
12. Let's imagine our future work. We ...
13. Jack is leaving for New York tonight. He ...
14. The conference is postponed ...
15. According to his words we ...

Exercise 83. To practise the use of to be to make up situations of your

own using the following patterns
1. Мені судила доля ...
- стати художником.
- побувати в самих віддалених місцях.
- зустрітися з дуже цікавими людьми.
- стати її чоловіком / його дружиною.
2. Як мені бути? Що мені робити?
- Що мені їй сказати?
- Що зі мною буде?
- Хіба краще ще настане?
- Ти ж не покинеш нас зараз?

Exercise 84. Translate into English

1. Я повинен закінчити цю роботу до четверга.
2. І мушу чекати свою групу біля деканату.
3. Ми домовилися піти в кіно ввечері.
4. Цій дівчині судилося стати його дружиною.
5. Я повинна була зустрітися з нею о 6 годині, але вона не прийшла.
6. Поїзд повинен прибути через 5 хвилин. Давай поквапимося.
7. Ви повинні закінчити цю роботу до середи.
8. На цьому тижні нам належить скласти два іспити.
9. Я повинен був переглянути багато літератури, щоб підготувати
свою доповідь.
10. Він мав стати музикантом, це було вирішено в дитинстві.
11. Ми повинні були подорожувати гарними місцями на півдні
12. Хто повинен відповідати за це?
13. Вона має складати вступні іспити в наступному році.
14. Кому першому виступати на зборах?
15. Подивися, насувається гроза. Що тепер з нами буде? Ми
наскрізь промокнемо.
16. Ми маємо сьогодні зустрітися з дуже цікавою людиною.

17. Ми вирішили, що перш за все ми повинні піти у Британський
18. Коли повинен прибути поїзд? — О 2 годині дня рівно.
19. Хто повинен зустріти їх?
20. Їй судилося стати лікарем.
21. Не смій говорити про це. Я тобі не дозволяю.
22. Збори повинні відбутися після занять.
23. Як нам сприймати твої слова?
24. Ми повинні були зустрітися в кафе, але він, як завжди
25. У неділю вранці ми хотіли поїхати за місто, але передумали,
оскільки ввечері нам треба було зустрітися з друзями.
26. Він повинен був написати статтю в газету, але не встиг.
27. Вони повинні були провести свій медовий місяць в Іспанії. (2



The verbs must, to have to and to be to have one meaning in common,

that of obligation.
In the PRESENT-TIME CONTEXT the verbs come very close to each
other in their use, though they preserve their specific shades of meaning:
 must do: the modal verb must indicates obligation imposed by the
I must phone Steve when I get home. I said I’d call him but I forgot.
Visitors must not feed the animals.
 have / has to do: to have to in the present tense form expresses
obligation or necessity imposed by CIRCUMSTANCES, i.e. when we are
not in control of what is necessary or required.
My mother has to have an operation on her knee.
I have to wear glasses for reading.
Note 1. Must is usually stronger than have to and can indicate urgency or
stress of importance. Compare the following examples:
Where’s Sue? I have to talk to her about our lunch date tomorrow. I can’t meet her
for lunch because I have to go to a business meeting at 1:00.
Where’s Sue? I must talk to her right away. I have an urgent message for her.
In the first example the speaker is simply stating what kind of things he has to
do. In the second example the speaker is strongly saying, “This is very important!”
 am / is / are to do: to be to in its present tense form expresses
obligation or necessity resulting from an ARRANGEMENT.
We are to wait for them at the entrance. (We have arranged to meet there, so
we must wait for them at the appointed place.).

The main railway line is to be reopened today.
It is often used to talk about formal or official arrangements:
The European Parliament is to introduce a new law on safety at work.
The President is to return to Brazil today.
In the PAST-TIME CONTEXT the difference in the use of the three
verbs is quite considerable.
 must do: in the past-time context must is used only in reported speech:
She said she must be back at 2 o’clock.
 had to do: The past form of the phrasal modal to have to denotes an
action which WAS REALIZED in the past as a result of obligation imposed
by circumstances:
I had to sell my car to pay for my medical care. — Мені довелось / я був
змушений продати машину, щоб оплатити медичне обслуговування .
 was to do: the past form of the phrasal modal to be to in combination
with the simple infinitive is used to denote an action planned for the past but
He was to participate in the competition (It is not clear from the sentence if
the action took place).
 was/were to have done: was/were to in combination with the perfect
infinitive denotes a planned action that WASN’T CARRIED OUT in the
He was to have participated in the competition but unfortunately he fell ill
(That means that he failed to take part in the competition).
Note 2. The idea that a planned action that wasn’t carried out in the past
may be expressed by means of the phrasal modal be supposed to in the past
(was / were supposed to do), as it also expresses unfulfilled expectations.
He was supposed to participate in the competition but unfortunately he fell

Exercise 85. Complete the sentences, using must, mustn't, have to or

will have to
1. Julie, trying to train her dog: You must sit when I tell you to!
2. The teacher who is invigilating Stephen's exam: You ______ try to
talk to each other during the exam.
3. The doctor to a nurse, about a patient with a bad heart: He ______
stay in bed for several weeks, and ______ talk too much.
4. Mr. Wilson phones his wife at 6 pm: I'm afraid I'm going to be late —
I ______ finish some letters.
5. The immigration officer notices that a traveller hasn't signed his new
passport: You ______ sign it as soon as you get it.
6. Mr. Wilson explains why he is taking a pill: I ______ take these pills

for my blood pressure.
7. Mrs. Wilson is offering more cake to a guest at a tea party: You
______ have some more cake.
8. Stephen has hurt his knee playing football: The doctor says I ______
play for three weeks.

Exercise 86. Open the brackets and fill in the blanks with the
appropriate forms of the verbs must, have to or be to
1. You ….. (not tell) him about it. It's a secret.
2. It looks like rain. You...... (take) your raincoats.
3. You ...... (not talk) so loudly here.
4. In his youth he ...... (work) from morning till night to earn his living.
5. He ...... (wait) at the station till it stopped raining.
6. The secretary informed us when the manager...... (come).
7. They...... (leave) on Saturday, but because of the delay with their visas
they...... (book) tickets for Monday.
8. They...... (not tell) him anything about it before they get further
9. He...... (leave) for London that night.
10....... I (do) it all by myself?
11. It was too late to change their plans and they...... (put up) with it.
12. You...... (not prepare) all this work, I will help you.
13. Stay here till she is free. I think you...... (not wait) long.
14. We...... (conduct) a series of experiments this week.
15. Remember that we...... (be) at this place not later than noon.

Exercise 87. Fill in the blanks with to be (to), to have (to) or must
using the correct form of the infinitive
1. I did not know who ... (to be) my travelling companion.
2. According to the state plan, many new dwelling houses …(to build)
this year.
3. We ... (to work) hard to achieve good results.
4. «I think we ... (to drop) anchor in that bay until the storm quiets
down», the captain said to his mate.
5. I... (to say) your behavior has been far from straightforward.
6. If I give in now I... (to give in) always.
7. This is serious; you ... (not to joke) about it.
8. Will you please, hold the line a minute, darling? I ... (to change) the
baby before I can speak to you.
9. If you go there in the morning, you ... (not to wait).
10. I ... (to tell) you it was not simple after all. We ... (to tell) him all the
11. The day we ... (to start) it rained worse than ever.

Exercise 88. Translate into English using to have (to), to be (to) or
must in the meaning of obligation
1. Вони мають приїхати до нас в неділю.
2. О котрій годині вам доводиться виходити з дому, щоб бути на
роботі вчасно?
3. Вам треба приділяти більше уваги граматиці: ви робите багато
4. Ви стійте тут! Зрозуміло?
5. Я дуже жалкую, що саме мені довелося повідомити вам цю
неприємну новину.
6. Чи повинні ми вивчити цей текст напам'ять? — Ні, не треба.
7. Вона повинна чекати нас в університеті.
8. Він змушений був зробити вам зауваження, чи не так?
9. Невже вона зробила цей крок? Їй доведеться звинувачувати
тільки себе.
10. Вони повинні були зупинитися в готелі, але вільних місць не
було і вони зупинилися у своїх знайомих.
11. Вони зобов'язані допомогти вам у цій ситуації.
12. Вчора мені довелося пообідати в їдальні, хоча зазвичай я
обідаю вдома.
13. Де ти повинен його зустріти? — На вокзалі.
14. Діти не повинні грати з сірниками.
15. Під час нашої поїздки по Лондону ми маємо відвідати цілу
низку музеїв, театрів, парків і т. д.
16. Ти хвора. Тобі доведеться лягти в ліжко.
17. Мені зараз доводиться багато працювати, тому що я хворіла і
відстала від групи.
18. Тобі доведеться визнати свою помилку, адже ти не правий
19. Мені не потрібно бути там раніше третьої години.
20. Ми змушені були повернутися додому, оскільки почався дощ.
21. Нам доведеться прийти пізніше, оскільки його ще немає вдома.
22. Вони повинні були поїхати до Іспанії, але в останній момент
23. Нам не довелося проводжати їх до готелю. Вони добре знали
24. Мені довелося прийняти це запрошення, хоча в мене не було
бажання йти туди.
25. Ти повинен бути обережний, коли переходиш вулицю.
26. Цей іспит я повинен буду складати наступногому тижня.
27. Що я повинна зробити?
28. Я знав, що Френк мав прийти в клуб.
29. Їй довелося вчора залишитися вдома, оскільки у неї була

30. Я повинен доставити речі на вокзал. Так ми домовилися з
31. Я повинна ще вимити весь посуд.
32. По радіо оголосили, що увечері має виступити президент.
33. Роботу доведеться зробити сьогодні.
34. Він повинен був показати нам пам'ятки Глазго, але захворів.
35. Коли ви маєте повернутися з відрядження?

Exercise 89. Choose the correct form

1. It was raining and we ... wait until it stopped.
a) were to
b) had to
с) must
2. The time was fixed for his sailing. It ... take place almost
a) had to
b) was to
с) must
3. The meeting ... begin at 5 sharp. Don’t be late.
a) is to
b) must
c) has to
4. I ... tell you frankly that I think you were wrong.
a) am to
b) have to
с) must
5. I had a sleepless night. I ... go and see the doc and get him to give
me something. I can’t go on like that.
a) was to
b) must
c) had to
6. He inquired when the secretary ... come.
a) must
b) had to
с) was to
7. I want you to obey me. You ... do exactly as she says and make no
a) must
b) are to
с) have to
8. He lost all his money at the races and I ... lend him five pounds.
a) was to

b) had to
с) must
9. Which of you ... bring the magazines and newspapers?
a) is to
b) must
c) has to
10. The rope was so strong that I ... take a knife to cut it.
a) must
b) had to
с) was to
11. I ... help my friends with this work now. So I can’t go with you.
a) must
b) have to
с) am to
12. We’ll ... push through the crowd to get to them.
a) must
b) have to
с) be to
13. They didn’t answer my first knock so I ... knock twice.
a) must
b) was to
с) had to
14. One ... have a rest after a day of hard work.
a) is to
b) has to
c) must
15. Give him something to eat. He ... be hungry.
a) must
b) is to
с) has to
Exercise 90. Translate into English using to have (to), to be (to) or
must in various meanings
1. Я мав підготувати цю роботу до четверга.
2. Я мала передати йому годиник його батька. Але він так і не
3. Мені довелося залишити все і поїхати в лікарню.
4. Я повинна прочитати цю книгу.
5. Вона, напевно, читає цю книгу.
6. Вона, напевно, працювала над звітом, коли я її бачила тиждень
7. Вона, напевно, написала звіт.
8. Мені доводиться зараз пізно лягати спати і рано вставати.

9. Вона повинна була написати звіт.
10. Вона повинна була написати звіт. Ми так домовлялися з нею.
11. Нам довелося відкласти збори.
12. Вона повинна була написати звіт, але у неї не було достатньо
часу, щоб це зробити.
13. Не треба тримати книгу так близько до очей.
14. Вони, ймовірно, не бачили її з літа.
15. Їм не судилося зустрітися після того нещастя.
16. В будинку, напевно, зараз нікого немає.
17. Вам доведеться поговорити з нею.
18. Залишайся тут і не смій виходити з кімнати.
19. Вибору не було, та їм довелося погодитися.
20. Хто повинен відповідати першим?
21. Ви не повинні припиняти роботу, поки ви її не закінчите.
22. Вона, імовірно, чекає нас вдома.
23. Вона повинна чекати нас вдома.
24. Ви підете туди негайно і все владнєте.
25. Їй, напевно, не сказали, що ми вже повернулися.
26. Їй довелося вибачитися, хоча це і було неприємно.
27. Напевно, ми неправильно записали адресу. Такого будинку тут
28. Коли повинен початися спектакль? — Як завжди, о 6 годині

Exercise 91. Choose the right option

1. He wants us to obey him. We...... exactly what he says.
a) have to do
b) must to do
c) are to do
2. Mrs. Sparred ...... very beautiful when she was young. She has a fine
a) was to be
b) must have been
c) must be
3. You...... so late. You should leave after dinner.
a) are not to stay
b) must not have stayed
c) must not stay
4. Something...... . He...... at seven.
a) must happen, must come
b) must have happened, had to come
c) must have happened, was to have come
5. Yesterday's rain spoiled my shoes completely and I...... new ones.

a) had to buy
b) must have bought
c) was to buy
6. Which of them...... the documents?
a) must have brought
b) have to bring
c) was to bring
7. The only thing he knew for certain was that he ...... them.
a) must not meet
b) hasn't to meet
c) is not to meet
8. You can't come in. You...... a catching disease like that.
a) must not have
b) don't have to have
c) aren't to have
9. There… . a garden once.
a) was to be
b) must have been
c) must be
10. We...... in. The weather is changing,
a) must go
b) must have gone
c) are to go

Exercise 92. Memorize the following proverbs

and use them in short situations of your own. Find
Ukrainian equivalents
1. If you want to eat the fruit, you must learn to
climb the tree.
2. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.
3. Old birds are not to be caught with chaff.
4. All truths are not to be told.
5. As you brew, so you must drink.
6. If things were to be done twice, all would be

Exercise 93. Imagine you are in the following situations. Act out a
dialogue using modals must, have to and be to in the meanings required
a) Last year Nick visited England for the first time. As he was a first-year
student it was difficult for him to communicate with English people because
he didn't know the language well enough. He was struck by a lot of things
there: by the newspapers, by the taxis, by the heavy traffic and the rule of
driving on the left side of the road, by the fact that one can smoke inside the

tube and can't do it inside the bus.
Task: act out a dialogue between Nick and his friend Jim.
Cue patterns: You must work hard at your English to communicate with
English people easily. You must know the customs and traditions of the
people there, etc.

b) One day you rang your friend up and nobody answered you. It was ten
in the morning, you were greatly surprised not to find anybody at home. You
knew that your friend had felt unwell the day before and you thought your
friend had fallen ill or he had an attack of appendicitis and had been taken to
Task: act out a dialogue between his neighbour and you.
Cue patterns: He must have fallen ill. It must be an attack of
appendicitis. He must be running a high temperature, etc.

c) There was a heavy snowfall in town that brought the transport to a

standstill. As a result, you had to walk all the way home after classes. You
talk to your mother about the weather. You discuss with her what was going
on in the streets, what kind of work was being done, what people had to do
and why.
Task: act out your conversation.

d) Jim was in despair. He didn't know what he was to do. He had

promised his friend that he would go to see the cricket match as he didn't
know he was to stay at home. He wondered if he was to ring his friend up.
But his elder brother Fred informed him that the match which was to have
taken place had been put off for some reason or other. Jim was relieved.
Task: act out their conversation.

e) Student A: you want to go to a concert with your friends. Please ask

Student B for permission.
Student B: you are worried about Student A going to the concert.
Negotiate with Student A and command him be home at a specific time.

f) Student A: you are going to a business meeting in Tokyo with Student

B. Please discuss your trip with him and say when you expect the meeting to
start and finish, and when you expect to return home.
Student B: discuss the trip with Student A, and say that it is necessary
for you to be back at a certain time because you have another meeting.

Exercise 94. Read the dialogue and explain the use of the modal
verbs in it. Act it out in pairs
I Thought He Was Married

PAUL: Fred must be spending his evenings playing chess, I think he
must try to do something more useful.
BILL: Well, chess isn't so bad, after all. It's an interesting game. Henry
must be in a worse position. He usually stays at home cooking and washing
PAUL: He must have failed to get married.
BILL: He is married. His wife is a modern woman. She believes in
equality of men and women.
PAUL: Oh, it must be she who is always sitting in a cafe and discussing
the problems of equality with her friends.
BILL: She is.
PAUL: She must be very intellectual.
BILL: She is.
PAUL: And how do you usually spend your evening?
BILL: I usually sit in the pub drinking beer and discussing philosophy.
PAUL: It must be your hobby.
BILL: It is.
PAUL: Will you probably get married?
BILL: Yes, I will. I like children very much. I often read very good
books while babysitting for Jim.

Exercise 95. Read the dialogue and explain the use of the modal
verbs in it. Act it out in pairs
Moving to a New House
NORA: Harry, look at the way those men are carrying that China
cupboard. You must tell them to be careful. I am sure they are going to break
HARRY: Perhaps, we'd better carry the breakable things down ourselves.
THE MAN: You needn't worry, madam. We always have to be careful.
We're used to it. We have to move things in and out of houses every day of
the week. A man has got to know his job, hasn't he? Come on, Jim! Give me a
NORA: How are they going to get the piano out? They'll have to turn it
on its side or to take its legs off. Let's carry this long mirror down between us.
HARRY: Right! I'll have to go downstairs backwards. Oh, look out!
NORA: Oh, my lovely mirror!
THE MAN: There, now. You know, you have to be experienced to do a
job like this.
HARRY: Well, what a shame! The whole move's done with only one
thing broken and we had to be the ones to break it!
THE MAN: Come on, Jim! We shall have to hurry up with this piano.
We've got to be away by dinner-time.

10. NEED

The verb need may be used either as a modal or a notional verb.

1) Need as a modal verb doesn’t change its tense and doesn’t add «-s»
for the third person singular. It is followed by the infinitive without to and is
used only in negative and interrogative sentences.
You needn’t speak so loudly.
Need I stay here?
In reported speech it remains unchanged.
She said that we needn’t come.
2) Need as a notional verb can have all the necessary forms, including
the verbals. It is followed by the infinitive with to.
I needed to leave early.
She’s thirsty. She needs a drink.
You don't need to tell me that you are sorry.
The notional verb need may also be followed by a noun or pronoun.
He needs a new coat. Does he need my help? He does not need anything.
There is a certain difference between the meanings of the notional and
modal need:
The modal need is usually referred to some particular occasion.
You needn't pay me now.
It's still early so we needn't rush.
Need I show you my pass now?
The notional need usually denotes actions that are (not) necessary in
You don’t need to say it every time you see him.
Students don't need to pay to use the library.

Do I need to show my pass every time?
It should be also noted that the notional need is in more common use
than the modal verb need, particularly in American English.

Exercise 96. Underline the more likely answer. If they are equally
likely, underline them both
1. In most developed countries, people needn't/ don't need to boil water
before they drink it.
2. You needn't/ don't need to walk. I'll give you a lift.
3. There'll be a handout at the end of the lecture so you needn't/ don't
need to take notes.
4. You needn't/ don't need to have a university degree to become a
police officer.
5. You needn't/ don't need to buy me a birthday present.
6. In most cities yon needn't/ don't need to pay to get into the galleries
and museums.


Need as a modal verb is used in the following meanings:

1) In interrogative sentences it expresses necessity.
Need I repeat it once again?
Very often need as a notional verb or have to are used instead.
Need you go so soon? (= modal verb; less common and rather formal)
Do you need to go so soon? (= notional verb) or
Do you have to go so soon?
Note 1. Need is used when the speaker hopes to get the negative answer,
whereas the use of must shows that the speaker doesn’t know what answer to
Compare the following sentences:
Need I wait for her now?
Must I wait for her now?
Note 2. Mind the ways of answering to the question Need I do it?:
affirmative: Yes, you must.
negative (absence of necessity): No, you needn’t.
negative (prohibition): No, you mustn’t.
2) In negative sentences need denotes absence of necessity.
You needn't be afraid of me.
You need not meet him unless you'd like to.
In this meaning need is often used with the verbs to bother, to fear, to
panic, to worry and the like.
I've already cleaned the car so you needn't bother to do it.

In negative sentences it is not always the verb need that is in the negative
form; the negation may be found elsewhere in the sentence.
I don't think we need give her any more of our attention.
I need hardly say that I agree with you.
We need have no fear for Nicole, she can take care of herself.
Note 3. We can use the notional need (don't need to do) instead of the
modal need (need not do) in the meaning of absence of necessity:
You needn't cut the grass, I'll do it later. = You don't need to cut the
But to talk about a general necessity, we prefer don't need to:
You don't need to be over 18 to get into a disco. (rather than You needn't
Note 4. Absence of necessity is also expressed by the negative forms of
to have to with little or no difference in meaning.
You don't have to go there. = You needn't go there.
However, it is preferable to use needn't when it is the speaker who
decides the lack of necessity and don't have to when external rules or
somebody else's actions make something unnecessary. Compare:
As you worked late yesterday you needn't come in until 10.00 tomorrow
morning. (speaker's decision)
We've been told that we don't have to be at work until 10.00 tomorrow.
(reporting someone else's decision.)
3) In combination with the Perfect infinitive need expresses an action
which has been performed though it was unnecessary. It implies a waste of
time or effort (= «зря», «незачем», «не к чему было» / «даремно»,
You needn’t have come to the meeting (You came to the meeting, though it
wasn’t necessary).
You needn’t have carried all these parcels yourself. The shop would have
delivered them if you had asked them.
Note 5. Mind the difference between needn’t have done and didn’t
have to / didn’t need to:
needn’t have done expresses an action which has been performed
though it was unnecessary, whereas didn’t have to / didn’t need to expresses
the absence of necessity without implying that the action was performed.
I knew there wouldn't be a test, so I didn't need to / didn’t have to study. I
watched TV instead.
I studied all night, then found out the test was cancelled. I needn't have
studied at all.

Exercise 97. Analyze the form of the modal verb. Say in which
meaning it is used. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

1. You may keep the money I've given you, I don't need it yet.
2. They need have no fear of that.
3. You needn’t come this evening if you don’t want to.
4. Doesn't she have to work on Sunday?
5. You needn’t have cooked so much food.
6. If you don't like it, you don't have to pay for it.
7. He won't have to go to the office. He'll be able to do something about
those roses at last.
8. You needn't have gone into so many details. The report was too long.
9. You don’t need to carry an identity card.
10. We needn't have gone to the post-office to ring him up. There is a
telephone-booth round the corner.
11. You needn't have shed any tears over that loss.
12. I didn’t need to go shopping, but I did, just for fun.
13. We needn't have brought our bathing-suits with us. It's rather cold
for swimming today.
14. Must I go there immediately? — No, you needn't. Wait till I ring
you up.
15. You needn't come to classes today. You've handed in all your

Exercise 98. Match the sentence beginnings and ends. Join them with
needn't and the bare infinitive of one of the following verbs

bother change concern panic worry

1 The new tax laws don't come into force copy them down.
until next year so you … ...yourself with his safety.
2 I'll give you a lift to the station so you... … about being bitten by
3 The questions are in the book so you... mosquitoes.
4 All the windows have screens so you... … the details on the form.
5 Your son is being looked after by friends ...about booking a taxi.
so you...

Exercise 99. Choose the right option

1. He says I (mustn't/needn't) do it. He has already done it.
2. You (needn't/mustn't) carry your driving license with you.
3. I can show my student's card, and I (mustn't/needn't) pay to get in.
4. I've hurt my knee and the doctor says I (mustn't/needn't) play football
for two weeks.
5. Copies (needn't/mustn't) be done without permission.

6. He is a very discreet person, you (needn't/ mustn't) be afraid of telling
him anything.
7. He (needn't/mustn't) be said twice.
8. You (needn't/mustn't) answer the question if you don't want to.
9. It's a nonsmoking carriage. You (needn't/mustn't) smoke here.
10. She (needn't/mustn't) go to bed so late. Has she forgotten the doctor's

Exercise 100. Study the problem situations and try to solve them by
using the modal verb need or must expressing necessity or absence of
1. Although it's very late, she's still reading. I think she is well prepared
for the entrance exams as it is. Must she sit up so late?
2. I'm going to take Tom out for a while. He plays the piano five hours a
3. She's never answered any questions, she's never shown the slightest
interest in anything I do. I don't have a doubt she's thrown my letters without
reading them. What shall I do?
4. Let's stay at home for a change and catch up on our reading. A lot of
new magazines have just come in and I'd like to finish that interesting article.
And what about you?

Exercise 101. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use needn’t

do/ have done
Example: It is not necessary to copy the composition. I can read it as it
You needn't copy the composition ....
It was quite unnecessary to rush there in that weather. They would have
managed perfectly well by themselves.
You needn't have rushed there in that weather ....
1. There was no necessity whatever for her to do it herself.
2. There's no earthly reason to worry. She's as strong as a horse.
3. There is no need for any of you to be present.
4. Is it any use our going into all that now?
5. It's no use your talking to him now. His mind is made up.
6. Why did you mention all these figures? The situation was clear as it
7. Why do you want to press the skirt? It's not creased at all.
8. Why do you want to do it all today?
9. It was not necessary for mother to cook this enormous dinner. We
have brought all the food the children may want.
10. It is not necessary to take the six thirty. A later train will do as well.
11. It is hardly necessary for us to remind you that the money is now

12. It is only necessary for us to look at the population projections to
see the seriousness of the problem.
13. With such a lead in the opinion polls it is hardly necessary for the
Democrats to bother campaigning before the election.
14. It is not necessary for anyone to know who paid the ransom to the
15. After such a huge lottery win, it is not necessary for him to work

Exercise 102. Supply needn't have or didn't need to / didn’t have to

and the verb in brackets
1. I ... (phone) the mechanic. I learnt later that Michael had already
phoned him.
2. I ... (phone) the mechanic. I knew that Michael had already phoned
3. Kate ... (make) lunch when she came home because her husband
had already done it.
4. I ... (wake) her up because she was awake before me.
5. You ... (bring) your umbrella after all. It hasn't rained.
6. Mother ... (cook) a meal last night as we were going out.
7. I ... (cook) a meal last night because we went out and the food I
prepared was uneaten.
8. You ... (pay) the man. He didn't deserve it.
9. Clare ... (bring) the tape. We didn't plan to listen to it.
10. Ann ... (buy) any eggs as on coming home she found that she had
plenty of eggs.

Exercise 103. Complete the comment on the situation with either

didn't need to / didn’t have to or needn't have done and the verb in
Example: I worked fast and finished my project on time, but now out
teacher has given the class three more weeks.
(work) I needn’t have worked so hard!
1. At least I managed to do it without working at the weekend.
(work) ___________________________the weekend!
2. And although I thought I would have to borrow some books, in the end
it wasn’t necessary.
(borrow) ___________________________ any books.
3. But I gave up a lot of my spare time when I didn't have to!
(give) ___________________________ so much of my spare time.
4. I spent a lot of time reading and writing every evening.

(spend) ___________________________ reading and writing every
5. But I managed to do it on my own, and I didn't ask for any help.
(ask) ___________________________ any help.
6. And I didn't give up playing tennis.
(play) ___________________________ tennis.
7. I spent a lot of time using the Internet unnecessarily.
(use) ___________________________ so much.
8. But it was quite easy in the end, and I did it without thinking too hard!
(think) ___________________________ too hard.
9. In the end, I worried about it a lot, but this wasn't necessary!
(worry) ___________________________it so much.

Exercise 104. Translate the following sentences into English using

verbs need and have to
1. Можете сьогодні туди не ходити.
2. Можете не переписувати твір.
3. Можете не залишатися, якщо не хочете.
4. Нам можна не повторювати ці правила. Ми добре їх знаємо.
5. Можна було і не робити цю вправу письмово.
6. Я міг це зробити тільки тому, що мені не треба було йти в
інститут в середу.
7. Можеш не погоджуватися відразу. Подумай кілька днів.
8. Не треба було купувати мені книгу. Вона є в бібліотеці.
10. Він жив у родичів, і йому не треба було платити за квартиру.
11. Навряд чи треба говорити, що іспити проводяться наприкінці
кожного семестру, а випускні іспити — в кінці всього терміну навчання.
12. У нас тепер побудували льодову арену, і дітям не доводиться
їздити далеко.
13. До вечора зуб перестав боліти, і він вирішив, що йому не треба
йти до лікаря.
14. Чи багато вам довелося витратити часу на цю роботу?
15. Викладач сказав, що нам не треба робити це завдання
16. Виявилося, що в мене є цей словник, тому мені не довелося
купувати новий.
17. Вам не потрібно було купувати цей словник, у мене є зайвий
примірник, і я із задоволенням дав би його вам, якби ви тільки
18. Розмова наша тривала недовго, все було досить зрозуміло, і нам
не до чого було вдаватися в зайві подробиці.
19. Йому не до чого було вдаватися в подробиці, це все одно не

20. Всі слова в тексті були знайомі, і їм не було потреби
користуватися словником, це тільки забрало у них більше часу.
21. Всі слова в тексті були настільки добре знайомі, що мені навіть
не було потреби користуватися словником.

Exercise 105. Choose the most suitable form

1. It isn’t cold. You ... wear a coat.
a) mustn’t
b) needn’t
c) can’t
2. You ... drive a car without a license.
a) needn’t
b) can’t
c) mustn’t
3. Не ... get up early. It’s Sunday today.
a) must
b) mustn’t
c) needn’t
4. You ... ring her up. She is coming tomorrow.
a) mustn’t
b) needn’t
c) must
5. If you want to speak English you ... be afraid of making mistakes.
a) mustn’t
b) must
c) needn’t
6. I... go to bed early on Saturday; we are going hiking on Sunday.
a) can
b) needn’t
c) must
7. You ... wait any longer. You ... go now.
a) must
b) can
c) needn’t
8. The weather is fine today. You ... close the window.
a) must
b) needn’t
c) mustn’t
9. She is waiting for you, you ... hurry.
a) must
b) can
c) mustn’t
10. He ... go to the library. I ... give him the books he wants.

a) needn’t
b) mustn’t
c) can
11. You feel bad. You ... go to see a doctor.
a) need
b) must
c) can
12. I ... be off. I want to go to bed.
a) can
b) need
c) must


Exercise 106. a) Imagine you are in the following situation
A doctor is giving certain directions to a man
who's just run down a bit. He tells him not to
neglect his advice or he may get into trouble and
have to go to hospital. The man asks the doctor
about the medicine (whether to take it with water
or milk), some vitamins, a diet, etc. The man
thanks the doctor for his help.
b) Act out the conversation between the
doctor and his patient. Try to follow these patterns in some of your
1. What about vitamins? Need I take any? — Yes, you must.
2. Must I also get more sleep? — No, you needn't, but you must keep
regular hours.

Exercise 107. Read the following dialogue and explain the use of the
modal verbs in it. Act out the conversation
NORA: It really is a very good house, Mrs Brewer.
MRS BREWER: The walls and woodwork will need painting of course.
HARRY: Yes, we must have them painted, mustn’t we, Nora? Perhaps, a
rather lighter color.
NORA: I'm glad there are plenty of cupboards, I need a lot of cupboards.
HARRY: I didn't notice a cupboard on the landing.
NORA: Oh, that needn't worry us. I don't need a cupboard on the
landing, when there's such a nice one in the bathroom.
HARRY: You must have
somewhere to put the linen.
NORA: Yes, but it needn't be on the
landing, the one in the bathroom will do

HARRY: It's a pity there's no garage.
MRS BREWER: Do you need a garage immediately? You could easily
build one in the garden.
NORA: Yes, Harry, need we worry about a garage now? After all, we
haven't got our car yet.
HARRY: No, you're quite right, Nora. Now, is there anything else we
need discuss with Mrs Brewer?
NORA: I don't think so.
HARRY: We must think it all over when we get home, Mrs Brewer.
MRS BREWER: Oh, yes, Mrs Parker, you needn't make your minds up
at once. Matters like this need thinking over carefully.
HARRY: And now we must be going.
MRS BREWER: Oh, need you hurry away? You mustn't go without
having a cup of tea. I've got one all ready here.
HARRY: How very kind of you.
NORA: But really, Mrs Brewer, you needn't have gone to so much
MRS BREWER: Nonsense, Mrs Parker. What I always say is: if there's
anything a woman needs after looking over a house, it's a nice cup of tea; I
hope you'll take the house; and we'll just drink to the bargain in tea.

Exercise 108. Revision: paraphrase the following sentences so as to

use different modal verbs to denote obligation as required by the sense of
the sentence
1. Last year it wasn't necessary for you to see too many historic buildings
and places when on holiday. And now you want a rest from sightseeing.
2. You seem to like crowds. So I advise you to meet and make friends
with as many people as possible.
3. It isn't necessary for you to prompt him, he never forgets the words.
His memory is striking.
4. It was arranged that on the very day of his arrival they would record
his speech, but they failed to do it, because something went wrong with the
5. The main thing with higher education is that it isn't necessary for some
students to pay for it. What is more, they get grants.
6. Your teacher advised you to make use of the tape-recording to review
the material. Why didn't you follow his advice?
7. Don't get excited over such trifles. It's not necessary for you to worry
about little things.
8. I see no reason why we should argue.
9. It was not necessary for her to carry the bags all by herself: there were
porters at the station.
10. Is it so very necessary that you should go there at all?

11. What's the use of reproaching yourself?
12. I don't think there is any need to bother them.
13. It was quite unnecessary for you to do the work instead of him.
14. There is no use worrying about her; she is quite able to take care of


“You should start weight lifting for your

health. You can start by lifting your weight off
the coach.”

The main meaning of the verbs should / ought to is obligation which is

usually weakened to the sense of advice.
You shouldn’t feel / oughtn’t to feel so unhappy over such trifles.
In reported speech should and ought to remain unchanged.
I told him that he should do / ought to finish his homework before he went
out, so he did it.
The modal verbs should or ought to are mainly used interchangeably
with little or no difference in meaning, although generally should is more

Note 1. Pay attention to the following details:
 Should is used to express an individual opinion, or when we say what
an outside authority recommends (especially in instructions and corrections):
You should consult a doctor.
The manual says that the computer should be disconnected from the power
supply before the cover is removed.
 By using ought to we lay more stress on the meaning of moral
obligation or duty. This is something that ought to be done from the
standpoint of common decency. Ought to is often stronger than should:
You ought to look after your children better.
Note 2. should/ought to + Continuous Infinitive expresses the idea that
the subject is not fulfilling his obligations or that he/she is acting foolishly or
not acting sensibly, prudently, etc.
At your age you ought to be earning your living.
Note 3. To give advice we can use had better instead of should / ought
to, especially in spoken English.
If you’re not well, you’d better ask Ann to go instead.
He’d better not be late again or he’ll be in trouble.
But we don’t use had better to make general comments.
I don’t think parents should / ought to give their children a lot of sweets.
We prefer had better if we want to express particular urgency and in
demands and threats.
There’s someone moving about downstairs. We’d better call the police,

Exercise 109. Change the following sentences as to use should or

ought to
Example: I think you must consider the matter carefully. —
You should consider the matter carefully.
1. It’s a pity you don’t spend much time with your children.
2. I think you need more rest after your hard work.
3. It’s a pity you don’t want to apologize to him.
4. I’ve advised you to speak to him frankly.
5. I don’t advise them to make a decision in a hurry.
6. I think he must work at English systematically.
7. It’s a pity she doesn’t write to her parents more often.
8. I’ve advised you to listen at the lectures more carefully.
9. It’s a pity they don’t want to discuss the problem now.
10. I don’t advise you to make any marks on the books.

Exercise 110. Discuss what the students on the bus should and should
not be doing

Example: The student in the middle of the bus shouldn’t be
climbing out of the window to the top of the bus.

Exercise 111. Work in pairs, in groups, or as a class. Give advice by

using should, ought to or had better
SPEAKER A: I have a test tomorrow.
SPEAKER B: You should (ought to) study tonight.
1. I don't feel well. I think I'm catching a cold.
2. I can't see the chalkboard when I sit in the back row.
3. My foot is asleep.
4. My roommate snores, and I can't get to sleep.
5. My friend is arriving at the airport this evening. I'm supposed to pick
him up, but I've forgotten what time his plane gets in.
6. I can't stop yawning.
7. I have a toothache,
8. I need to improve my German.
9. I have the hiccups.
10.When William gets out of college, his parents expect him to
manage the family business, a shoe store, but he wants to be an architect.
11. Pam's younger brother, who is 18, is using illegal drugs. How can
she help him?
12. The Taylors’ daughter is very excited about going to Denmark to
study for four months. You've been an international student, haven't you?
Could you give her some advice?


Apart from being the main means of expressing advice in English,
should and ought to are also used in the following cases:
1) SHOULD/OUGHT TO HAVE DONE: in combination with the
Perfect Infinitive should / ought to in the affirmative form shows that a
desirable action was not fulfilled (i.e. something didn't happen in the past and
we are sorry that it didn't).
You should/ought to have chosen a more suitable time to tell me this news.
We should/ought to have waited for the rain to stop.
should/ought + Perf. Inf. is usually rendered into Ukrainian as «треба
було», «слід було», into Russian as «надо было», «следовало».
Note 1. There is a certain difference between should/ought to +Perf.
Inf. and was/were to + Perf. Inf.
 should/ought to +Perf. Inf. is used to express an action that wasn’t
carried out though it was desirable:
You ought to /should have arrived last week. You know that your mother is
very ill and needs your help.
 was/were + Perf. Inf. is used to express an action that wasn’t carried
out though it was planned:
He was to have arrived last week. But he had to postpone his trip because of
his illness.
2) SHOULDN’T/OUGHTN’T TO HAVE DONE: in the negative form
should /ought to in combination with the Perfect Infinitive shows that an
undesirable action was fulfilled (i.e. something happened in the past and we
are sorry that it did). We often use this pattern to indicate regret or criticism.
You oughtn’t to/shouldn’t have treated her so rudely.
Note 2. There is a certain difference between should/ought to + Perf.
Inf. and needn’t + Perf. Inf.
 shouldn’t/oughtn’t to + Perf. Inf. is used to denote an action which
was performed though it was undesirable.
You shouldn’t have told him that his brother is a liar. Now he is really upset
about it and doesn’t want to see his brother any more (You told him about it,
though it wasn’t the right thing to do — now the relations with his brother
have got even worse).
 needn’t + Perf. Inf. is used to denote an action which was performed
though it was unnecessary. It implies a waste of time and effort.
You needn’t have told him that his brother is a liar. All the members of our
family are completely aware of this fact. (You told him about it, though it
wasn’t necessary, as he knows it already).
3) In combination with the Simple or Continuous Infinitive the modals
should and ought to may denote supposition implying strong probability.
If he started at 9 he ought to/should be here at 4. — Якщо він виїхав о 9
годині, то він напевно буде тут о 4 годині.
He ought to / should be preparing for his exams now. — Він певне

готується зараз до екзаменів.
The film should be very good as it is starring first-class actors.
The use of should and ought to is not very common in this meaning,
as this meaning is normally rendered by must.

Exercise 112. Change the sentences using should / ought to so as to

express criticism
1. I’m sorry I didn’t encourage my sister to practice the piano every day.
2. I don’t think it was clever of him to give the answer at once.
3. It’s a pity we didn’t support his plan.
4. It’s a pity she didn’t use a dictionary while article. She made a lot of
5. It wasn’t clever of Tom driving on the wrong side of the road.
6. It’s a pity Jack didn’t know the day of her arrival in London.
7. It’s a pity you didn’t come to the party last night. It was great.
8. It’s a pity you didn’t phone your friend and warn him.
9. I don’t think it was clever of you not to revise grammar.
10. It’s a pity she didn’t point out all our mistakes.
11. I’m sorry I didn’t make him pay for the damage.
12. It’s a pity Joan didn’t follow her mother’s advice.

Exercise 113. Read the situations and write sentences with should
(shouldn't) have or ought to (ought not to) have
Example: He had a test this morning. — He didn't do it well. He
should have studied more last night.
1. She didn't take a taxi. She was late for the wedding.
2. I didn't eat at home. Now I'm hungry.
3. She bought a TV set last month. Now she regrets doing that. Her
children watch it day and night.
4. He signed a contract without reading it thoroughly. Now he has
discovered that he has no right to make any amendments there.
5. Mary sold her house. That was a mistake because now she spends a
lot of money to rent an apartment.
6. I enjoyed the party last night a lot. Why didn't you come?
7. The driver in front of me stopped suddenly and I smashed into the
back of his car. It was not my fault.
8. The boy went out without the doctor's permission. Now he is much
9. When we arrived at the hotel there were no free rooms. We hadn't
reserved one.
10. It was not a good idea for Tom and Mary to get married. Now they
quarrel all days long.

Exercise 114. Complete these sentences with should/ought to and the
proper form of the infinitive using each of these verbs in the box once

answer / arrive / be / go / put / remove / resign /

send / take /visit / wear / win

1. He is running so well at the moment that Thomas ……….. the 800

metres easily.
2. Where I … the cheese? In the fridge?
3. The tickets ………… a couple of weeks before we go on holiday.
4. Payment for the full amount ………… with this application form.
5. You really………… the exhibition before it closes. There are some
wonderful paintings.
6. Don told us not to take this road. We………… his advice, now we’ve
got lost.
7. All packaging ………… before switching on the printer for the first
8. It’s important to look smart at the interview. You ………… a suit.
9. There are many people who think the President ………… years ago.
10. ………… we………… the questions in English or in French?
11. If you want my advice, I ………… by train rather than car.
12. I can't imagine what's happened to Kathy. She………… here by


Should may have a peculiar function — it may be used for emotional

colouring. In this function it may be called the emotional should. It is found
in the following cases:
a) in questions and clauses beginning with why:
Why should I do it? — Чого я маю це робити? / С какой стати я буду
делать это?
Why shouldn't you invite him? — Чому б вам його не запросити?/ Почему
бы вам его не пригласить?
There is no reason why they shouldn’t get on well together. — Немає
причини, чому б їм не ладити одне з одним. / Нет причины, почему бы
им не ладить друг с другом.
b) With what, where, who in dramatic expressions of surprise:
The door opened and who should come in but Tom. — Двері відчинилися, і
хто б ви думали зайшов? Ні хто інший, як Том. / Дверь открылась, и
кто бы вы думали вошел? Не кто иной, как Том.

What should I find but an enormous spider!
Quite often the surprise is embarrassing: Who should come in but his
first wife!
c) in the following set phrases:
How should I know? — Звідки я знаю? / Почем я знаю?
That it should come to this! — І до чого дійшли справи!/ И до чего дошло
То think that it should come to this! — Тільки подумати, до чого дійшли
справи! / Только подумать, до чего дошло дело!
То think that it should have happened to me! — Тільки подумати, що це
трапилося зі мною! / Только подумать, что это произошло со мной!
Note. The perfect infinitive is usual when the assumption was in the past:
I can't think why he should have said that it was my fault.

Exercise 115. Respond to the statements given below. Begin your

responses w i t h Why should I/we ...?
I t ’ s time . . . .
 to discuss this problem.
 to go and consult a doctor.
 to have a long walk.
 to tell us your opinion on the problem.
 to complete the work.
 to write a letter to him.
 to pack our suit-cases.
 to give them a call.
 to return the books to the library.
 to go and see Ann. She is ill.
Exercise 116. Express your disagreement with the following
statements using emotional should, giving reasons
1. You should go to bed.
2. You should give him all possible support it.
3. You should make a speech at the conference.
4. You should thank him for his advice.
5. You should have a talk with Pete.
6. You should write your year’s paper as soon as possible.
7. You should read this book by tomorrow.
8. You should help him to catch up with the group.
9. You should ring them up in the evening and speak about it.
10. You should buy this computer.
Exercise 117. Match the parts of the sentence. Analyse the meaning

of the modal verbs should/ought to

1. Children ought to go… … «How should I know?»

2. He should have taken… at the meeting.
3. «When is he going back?»… …I should not work too hard.
4. He didn’t come to the lecture …why he should be angry.
5. I ought to go to Anna’s party… … You should relax.
6. I’m sorry … …He should be ill.
7. He should have supported… …It was her birthday.
8. I see no reason… …that you should think so badly
of me.
9. She told me that… …to bed at 9 o’clock.
10. «His relatives do not think …though I don’t want to.
11. You worry too much… …care of you.
12. I should have sent a card to my … «Then they should be a lot of
mother yesterday… damned fools.»

Exercise 118. Combine should/ought to with the appropriate form

of infinitive in brackets
1. I don’t feel at all well. See me home, Gerald. I shouldn’t ......... (to
2. She was awake at an hour when she should ......... (to be) safely
3. I’m afraid I should ......... (to be) the last person to know about it.
4. Never mind what I say, Robert! I’m always saying what I shouldn’t
......... (to say).
5. Don’t tire your eyes. Dr Albong says you shouldn’t ......... (to read) in
bed at all.
6. Didn’t he say anything to you about it? You should ......... (to ask)
7. They have a wonderful language. It should ......... (to know) widely.
8. When a man is old enough to do wrong he should ......... (to be) old
enough to do right also.
9. “We should never ......... (to come) here,” she burst out.
10. You should go to the concert. Why should you ......... (to miss) the
11. He looked more than ever out of place; he should ......... (to stay) at
12. I realize now I shouldn’t ......... (to say) anything.
13. Should a baby ......... (to play) with a box of matches?
14. She should ......... (to be) more attentive. Didn't she see a car on the

15. My mother frowned at him and shook her head in a way that meant
that he shouldn’t ......... (to say) things like that in me.
16. He felt the need to rejoin Graham — he should ......... (to do) weeks
17. They should ......... (to clear) up the problem long time ago.
18. It's a secret. You ought not to ......... (to reveal) it to anybody.
19. It seems to me that he is a hot-temper person and often flies into a
rage because of mere trifles. He should ......... (to control) his temper.
20. She looks bad. She should ......... (to be) more careful about her

Exercise 119. Complete the following sentences using should /ought

1. I don’t think I ...
2. I think there are many things we ...
3. It was a mistake to have come. I ...
4. Your eyesight is poor. You ...
5. Do you think we ...?
6. Your note escaped my memory. I ...
7. You seem to think everybody ...
8. Of course the house is a nice one and we ...
9. I’ll see and speak with Maurice. He ...
10. Where’s his car? He ...
Exercise 120. Translate into English using should/ought to in various
1. Тобі слід було б (треба б) ...
 зробити що-небудь для нього.
 допомогти йому в ці важкі дні.
 ще раз прочитати свій твір. Там є помилки.
 знати про це.
2. Тобі не слід було (не треба було) ...
 говорити нікому про це.
 залишатися вдома.
 втручатися в їхні справи.
 розмовляти з ним таким тоном. Він міг образитися.
3. Навіщо мені ...
 робити це?
 ходити туди?
 телефонувати йому?
 зустрічати її на вокзалі і проводжати додому?

4. Звідки я знаю, ...
 що вони зараз обговорюють на зустрічі?
 що вона зараз робить?
 що з ним робити?
 куди вона поклала цю телеграму?

Exercise 121. Translate into English

1. Вам слід повірити йому.
2. Вам слід залишити їй записку. Вона прийде пізно.
3. Я не думаю, що ви повинні розмовляти з ним таким тоном.
4. Вам слід повернути цю книгу в бібліотеку сьогодні.
5. Тобі варто прочитати цю книгу в оригіналі.
6. Їй слід сказати про все відразу ж.
7. Їм слід поїхати за місто у вихідний день.
8. Їй слід звернути увагу на своє здоров'я. Вона виглядає
9. Йому слід було б прислухатися до нашої думки.
10. Вам слід ретельно продумати план ваших дій.
11. Тобі не слід було ходити туди без попередження.
12. Вам слід відвідати цю виставку.
13. Вам слід було відвідати цю виставку ще вчора.
14. Їй слід було розповісти всю правду.
15. Чому ми повинні допомагати йому?
16. Тобі не слід було йти так рано. Найцікавіше сталося пізніше.
17. Вам слід бути більш уважним і не робити такі грубі помилки.
18. З якого дива ви повинні все робити самі? Вона може допомогти
19. Ви не повинні ставити такі питання.
20. Вам би слід звернутися за порадою до них.
21. Тобі не слід засмучуватися через такі дрібниці.
22. Ти впевнений, що треба йти туди? — А чому б і ні?
23. Тобі не слід було змушувати його чекати так довго.
24. Тобі слід було б виміряти температуру і викликати лікаря.
25. Якщо в тебе болить зуб, тобі треба звернутися до лікаря.
26. Чому він повинен хвалити твою роботу?
27. Ну, що ж, ви були праві. Мені не так треба було зробити.
28. Їй треба було б раніше згадати про це.
29. Завтра день народження твоєї сестри. Я думаю, що повинен
подарувати їй щось.
30. Навіщо мені треба йти туди пішки?
31. Вам слід було б прислухатися до поради лікаря кинути палити.
32. Вам слід частіше відвідувати її. Вона дуже сумує без вас.
33. Ця хвороба дуже серйозна. Їй слід лягти в лікарню.

34. Вам не слід було б говорити такі речі в її присутності.
35. Я вважаю, що мені слід сказати їм всю правду.
36. Тобі варто захопити плащ. Може піти дощ.
37. Вам слід бути обережнішим.
38. Навіщо я буду йому телефонувати першою?

Exercise 122. Memorize the following

proverbs and use them in short situations of
your own. Find their Ukrainian equivalents
1. Those who live in glass houses should not
throw stones.
2. He who laughs at crooked men should need
walk very straight.
3. Love should not be all on one side.


Exercise 123. a) Read the
dialogue and try to solve the
problem situation described
A problem situation
JANE: Sylvia is having trouble
with her parents. They say she ought
to do more at school. She knows she
should work harder for the exams, but
she's angry because her parents don't
like her friends. Although she's almost
sixteen, she's supposed to be home every night by 8 o'clock.
NICK: Perhaps her parents ought to trust her more. They shouldn't treat
her like a child. Why don't they like her friends?
JANE: I'm not sure. Sylvia's mother says that they are very rude. They
don't do any schoolwork.
b) What do you think Sylvia, her parents and her friends should do
to improve the situation?
Say sentences from the table
Example: Sylvia should / ought to talk to her parents.

Sylvia should talk to her parents

Her parents shouldn't work harder
Her friends ought to listen to Sylvia
leave home
leave school
be more tolerant
be rude to her parents

ask her friends home
be so strict
trust Sylvia

c) Expand your statements to give reasons for your choice. Say what
else you think Sylvia, her friends and Sylvia's parents should I ought to
or shouldn’t do. Give your suggestions.
Example: Sylvia's parents should try to get to know her
friends better because ....

Exercise 124. Work with a partner. Choose the role of a partner or

son/daughter. Imagine that you have a problem, e.g. about friends,
clothes, spending money, etc. Describe the problem from your point of
view in a short paragraph. Look at the example, then think up your own
FATHER: My son is fourteen. He smokes and doesn't care about his
health. He doesn't listen when I tell him it's bad for him.
SON: I smoke because all the boys at school smoke. I don't really like it,
but if you don't smoke you are an outsider. My father won't listen. He just
Read both your points of view to the class. The class give advice with
should / ought to, shouldn't.
Example: The father shouldn't criticize the son. The son
ought to try to understand why his father criticizes him.

Exercise 125. Read the following dialogue and explain the use of the
modal verbs in it. Act out the dialogue
DOCTOR: Well, Mr Park. After examining your heart and lungs, I
suggest the following. Firstly, you should give up smoking!
BILL: Oh, but Doctor ...
DOCTOR: Secondly, you should avoid drinking beer. I recommend milk
Bill: Milk, but I hate it!
DOCTOR: Well, your blood pressure is much too high. You should stop
drinking coffee in the mornings.
BILL: No coffee either!
DOCTOR: You are too fat. So you should take long walks in the fresh
air. And you should keep to a strict diet for a month.
BILL: Oh, I don't fancy that at all!
DOCTOR: And how about sports! Well, you should play football or go
swimming. BILL: Oh!
DOCTOR: And you should follow all my instructions if you don't want
to lose even your present state of health.

Exercise 126. Discuss or write what you think the people in the
following situations should have done and should not have done. Make up
as many sentences as possible
Tom didn't study for the test. During the
exam he panicked and started looking at
other students» test papers. He didn't think
the teacher saw him, but she did. She warned
him once to stop cheating, but he continued.
As a result, the teacher took Tom's test paper,
told him to leave the room, and failed him on
the exam.
Tom should have studied for the
He shouldn't have panicked
during the test.
He shouldn't have started cheating.
He should have known the teacher would see him
He should have stopped cheating after the first
The teacher should have ripped up Tom's paper and sent
him out of the room the first time she saw him cheating.

1. John and his wife, Julie, had good jobs as professionals in New
York City. John was offered a high-paying job in Chicago, which he
immediately accepted. Julie was shocked when he came home that
evening and told her the news. She liked her job and the people she
worked with, and did not want to move away and look for another job.

2. Ann agreed to meet her friend Carl at the library to help him with
his chemistry homework. On the way, she stopped at a café where her
boyfriend worked. Her boyfriend told her he could get off work early that
night, so the two of them decided to go to the movie. Ann didn’t cancel
her plans with Carl. Carl waited for her for three hours at the library.

3. For three years, Donna had been saving money for a trip to Europe.
Her brother, Larry, had a good job, but spent all of his money on
expensive cars, clothes, and entertainment. Suddenly, Larry was fired
from his job and had no money to support himself while he looked for
another one. Donna lent him nearly all her savings, and within three weeks
he spent it all on his car, more clothes, and expensive restaurants.

4. Sarah often exaggerated and once told a co-worker that she was
fluent in French even though she had studied only a little and could not
really communicate in the language. A few days later, her boss asked her
to come to his office to interpret a meeting with a French businesswoman
who had just arrived from Paris to negotiate a major contract with the
company. After an embarrassed silence, Sarah told her boss that she was
feeling ill and had to go home immediately.

b) Act out the dialogues between:

 John and Julie,
 Ann and Carl,
 Donna and Larry,
 Sahara’s boss and one of her colleague who witnessed this
embarrassing situation.
Make use of the modal verbs expressing criticism and reproach
(should, ought to, could, might)


Exercise 127. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains can, could,
might, must, have to or should, need (including negative forms)
Example: I'm sure that Helen feels really lonely.
Helen must feel really lonely.
1. You're not allowed to park here.
2. It would be a good idea if Harry took a holiday.
3. I'm sure that Brenda isn't over thirty.
4. Do I need a different driving licence for a motorbike?
5. What would you advise me to do?
6. Mary knows how to stand on her head.
7. You needn't come with me if you don't want to.
8. It's possible for anyone to break into this house!
9. The dentist will see you soon. I don't think he'll be long.
10. I'm sure that David took your books by mistake.
11. It was a mistake to park outside the police station.
12. It was unnecessary for you to clean the floor.
13. I'm sure that Liz hasn't met Harry before.
14. Ann possibly hasn't left yet.
15. I'm sure they haven't eaten all the food. It's not possible!
16. Jack is supposed to have arrived half an hour ago.
17. Perhaps Pam and Tim decided not to come.
18. I think it was the cat that took the fish from the table!
19. It was a waste of time worrying, after all!

Exercise 128. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence
Example: There's someone at the door. It can/must be the postman.
1. Don't worry, you don't have to/mustn't pay now.
2. I think you had better/would better take a pullover with you.
3. Jones could/must be president if Smith has to resign.
4. Sorry, I can't stay any longer. I have to/might go.
5. It was 5 o'clock an hour ago. Your watch can't/mustn't be right.
6. It's a school rule, all the pupils have to/must wear a
7. I suppose that our team must/should win, but I'm not sure.
8. Let's tell Diana. She could/might not know.
9. In my opinion, the government might/should do something
about this.

Exercise 129. Supply should/ought to/must/need or have to in the

correct form. Put the infinitive into the appropriate form
1. We ... (to leave) at 11 o'clock last night because the last bus went at
2. I don't think you ... (to offer) to help him. You've got enough work to
do yourself.
3. I don't think you ... (to offer) to help him. You had enough work to do
4. They ... (not to pay) to stay in a hotel. They can stay with us.
5. You ... (to come round) for dinner one evening. We haven't had a
good talk for a long time.
6. We ... (to run) all the way to the station because we were late for the
7. It's your own fault that you are so tired. You ... (not to go) to bed so
8. Hurry up! You ... (not to have) a bath now. The taxi is coming in 20
9.You ... (not to allow) David to walk home from school every day on
his own. He’s too young.
10. You ... (not to tell) him what happened. He would never forgive us.
11. You ... (to go) to that new French restaurant in town. It’s the best
restaurant I’ve ever been to.
12. Paul ... (not to get up) early in the morning but everyone else in the
house does.
13. If I fail any of my exams, I... (to take) all of them in November.
14. The wedding has been cancelled so I ... (not to buy) that new suit. It
was a waste of money.
15. I ... (to take) the children to school every morning before I go to the

16. You (not to eat) in the lecture halls: it’s against the college
17. The letter ... (to be hidden) where no one will ever find it.
18. Its contents ... (to remain) a secret for ever.
19. ... you (to wear) a uniform at work?
20. Please don’t say anymore. I already know the truth so you ... (not to
lie) to me.
21. We ... (not to get up) early this morning because we had no lectures.
22. Passengers ... (to fasten) their seat belts.

Exercise 130. Complete the sentences with can/could, may/might,

should/ought to, must and an infinitive in the appropriate form
1. Kerry's rather late. He ... (to miss) the train.
2. Travellers’ cheques ... (to be exchanged) at most banks.
3. They're not answering the phone so they ... (to be) out.
4. I haven't seen Joan this week. I think she ... (to visit) her parents but
I'm not sure about it.
5. Her exam results are coming out soon. She worked very hard so
she ... (to do) well.
6. I don't know where she is. She ... (not still to play) tennis, it's been
dark for the last hour.
7. That woman has just fallen over. Let's go and see her. She ... (to be)
8. The encyclopaedias ... (to be found) on the second floor of the library.
9. Jim's been very quiet since his girlfriend went away. He … (to miss)
10. She was with a man I didn’t recognize. It ... (to be) her brother
because he looked a bit like her.
11. These glasses ... (to be) Tim’s: they look a bit like his.
12. It ... (not to rain): the ground’s completely dry.
13. I ... (to join) the sports club in the summer but I haven't decided yet.
14. I’ve got a stomach-ache this morning. I ... (to eat) too much last
night or I ... (to have) some sort of virus.
15. The roads are fairly quiet today so we ... (to have) a good journey.
16. I told her you were coming so she ... (to expect) you.
17. What a terrible thing to have happened. You ... (to be terrified).
18. You ... (to talk) on the phone for a long time last night: I phoned 4
times and it was engaged.
19. The train got in half an hour ago so they ... (to be) here soon.

Exercise 131. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use

different modal verbs to denote obligation as required by the sense of the

1. Last year it wasn't necessary for you to see too many historic buildings
and places when on holiday. And now you want a rest from sightseeing.
2. You seem to like crowds. So I advise you to meet and make friends
with as many people as possible.
3. It isn't necessary for you to prompt him, he never forgets the words.
His memory is striking.
4. It was arranged that on the very day of his arrival they would record
his speech, but they failed to do it, because something went wrong with the
5. The main thing with higher education is that it isn't necessary for some
students to pay for it. What is more, they get grants.
6. Your teacher advised you to make use of the tape-recording to review
the material. Why didn't you follow his advice?
7. Don't get excited over such trifles. It's not necessary for you to worry
about little things.
8. I see no reason why we should argue.
9. It was not necessary for her to carry the bags all by herself: there were
porters at the station.
10. Is it so very necessary that you should go there at all?
11. What's the use of reproaching yourself?
12. I don't think there is any need to bother them.
13. It was quite unnecessary for you to do the work instead of him.
14. There is no use worrying about her; she is quite able to take care of

Exercise 132. Listen to the song RESISTANCE by Muse (for

example, using Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs (in
positive or negative form). Translate the lyrics and explain the use of the
modal verbs in them
by Muse
Is our secret safe tonight
And are we out of sight
Or will our world come tumbling down?
Will they find our hiding place
Is this our last embrace
Or will the walls start caving in?

(It ______ be wrong, _____ be wrong) But it _____ have been right
(It _____ be wrong, _____ be wrong) To let our hearts ignite
(It _____ be wrong, _____ be wrong) Are we digging a hole?
(It _____ be wrong, _____ be wrong) This is out of control.

(It _____ be wrong, _____ be wrong) It _____ never last
(It _____ be wrong, _____ be wrong) _____ erase it fast
(It _____ be wrong, _____ be wrong) But it _____ have been right
(It _____ be wrong, _____ be...)

Love is our resistance

They'll keep us apart and they won't to stop breaking us down
Hold me
Our lips _____ always be sealed

If we live a life in fear

I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again

Kill your prayers for love and peace

You'll wake the thought police
We _____ hide the truth inside

(It _____ be wrong, _____ be wrong) But it _____ have been right
(It _____ be wrong, _____ be wrong) To let our hearts ignite
(It _____ be wrong, _____ be wrong) Are we digging a hole?

(It _____ be wrong, _____ be wrong) This is out of control

(It _____ be wrong, _____ be wrong) It _____ never last
(It _____ be wrong, _____ be wrong) _____ erase it fast
(It _____ be wrong, _____ be wrong) But it _____ have been right
(It _____ be wrong, _____ be...)

Love is our resistance

They'll keep us apart and they won't to stop breaking us down
Hold me
Our lips _____ always be sealed

The night has reached its end

We _____ pretend
We _____ run
We _____ run
It's time to run
Take us away from here
Protect us from further harm


“Shall I just stop bringing the
“Shall we join the ladies?”


with the second and third persons (you/ he/ she/ they shall…) and may have
the following meanings:
1) Obligation, but its use, as a rule, is restricted to formal or even
archaic style.
All the candidates shall remain in their seats until the end of the examination.
This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade, be
lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of without the publisher's
2) The meaning of obligation, somewhat modified, is found in sentences
“Shall I just stop bringing the newspsper?”
expressing promise, threat or warning.
She shall meet her kin next month. = I promise, I’ll do my best to organise it.
You shall have a sweet = I promise you a sweet.
You shall do as I say! = Or you’ll have problems.
I shan't let him do that again.
«You shall stay just where you are!» his mother cried angrily.
In INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES shall is used with the first and
third persons (Shall I/we/ he/ she/ they…?):
3) to ask for instructions:
Shall I get you some fresh coffee, Miss Fleur?
Shall she get down to work right now?
Who shall answer the telephone, Major?
Sentences of this kind are usually rendered in Ukrainian and Russian
with the help of the infinitive: Принести вам ще кави? Їй приступити до
роботи прямо зараз? Кому відповідати по телефону? / Принести вам
еще кофе? Ей приступить к работе прямо сейчас? Кому отвечать по
телефону? etc.
4) to make suggestions:

Shall we try this new pizzeria?
Shall we invite the Johnsons to dinner?
Mind the use of shall in question tags after let's: Let's go, shall we?
5) to offer to do things for others (with the first person only):
Shall I carry this bag for you?
In interrogative sentences shall in the meanings mentioned above does
not sound formal and is widely used.

Exercise133. Complete the following sentences using shall

1. I’ve promised Mr. Hardman that ...
2. If you choose to agree, ...
3. It’s very true, however, in a few days you ...
4. I give you a chance to escape. Sign this paper, and ...
5. I’m determined that something ...
6. I’ve made up my mind. He ...
7. If you leave this house without an umbrella, ...
8. He must be off now. He ...
9. Oh, don’t worry. Nothing ...

Exercise 134. Make suggestions to a friend for the following

situations. Begin each sentence with Shall we... ?
You feel like ... .
 having a snack in the nearest cafe.
 going out this evening.
 having a holiday in Brighton.
 going to a concert tonight.
 travelling first class.
 finishing the experiments sooner.
 visiting your friends in the country.
 having a ride to the country.
 visiting your friend to join you for a meal.

Exercise 135. Make offers for these situations. Begin your sentences
with Shall we...? or Shall I...?
1. The family are in the sitting-room. It’s very hot but the window is
closed. So you say ...
2. Your mother has written a letter which she wants to post at once. You
are going out. So you say ...
3. You and your friend want to go for a walk and suddenly it starts to
rain. So you say ...
4. You are going out. It’s possible it will rain. You aren’t sure whether to

take an umbrella. So you ask for some advice.
5. You meet your friend. You want to go somewhere. Make your
6. Your friend wants to know how to use a Xerox. Make your offer.
7. You and your friend are at a restaurant. It’s late. The restaurant is
closing. So you say ...
8. Your friend is too tired to walk home and he has no car. Make your
9. You and your friend are walking in the park. You feel you’d like to
eat something. So you suggest.
10.There’s a concert in the club tonight and you’d like to go there with
your friends.

Exercise 136. Change the following sentences so that each sentence

begins with the modal verb shall
1. Let’s go to the cinema tonight.
2. Let’s go to the country instead.
3. Let’s walk across the fields and look for wild flowers.
4. Let’s buy some of these flowers.
5. Let’s buy here a pair of gloves.
6. Let’s buy two ice-creams.
7. Let’s stop spending so much money on cigarettes.
8. Let’s have tea.
9. Let’s ring them up.
10. Let’s go round and see him.

Exercise 137. Translate into English

1. Приготувати вам каву?
2. Поїхати мені на південь?
3. Сходити нам в кіно сьогодні?
4. Тут душно. Відкрити мені вікно?
5. Піти мені з вами на прогулянку?
6. Відвідати мені сьогодні Петра?
7. Приєднатися мені до цієї екскурсії?
8. Нагадати мені вам про це завтра?
9. Підготувати мені доповідь на цю тему?
10. Зателефонувати вам сьогодні чи пізніше?
11. Ви зробите так, як я скажу.
12. Ви відповісте за свої вчинки.
13. Не їж так багато морозива. У тебе заболить горло.
14. Мені зателефонувати або ти сама зайдеш до мене?
15. Дати відповідь сьогодні або можна почекати кілька днів?
16. Ви залишитеся тут, інакше він буде у нестямі від люті.

17. Приготувати вам свіжий чай?
18. Ви вчините так, як вам сказали.
19. Не ходи без головного убору в таку холодну погоду. Ти
застудишся і захворієш.
20. Даремно вона відмовилася від поїздки в Іспанію. Вона
пошкодує про це, але буде пізно.
21. Відкрити вікна? На мою думку, тут дуже душно.
22. Скільки мені заплатити носильникові?
23. «Ви відпустите мене додому?» — «Ні. У вівторок ти поїдеш
потягом у Сан-Франциско».
24. Зараз ти вип'єш цей гарячий чай.
25. Вона пошкодує про це, я впевнена.


While shall and should are treated as two different verbs in modern
English, will and would are considered to be the forms of the same verb.
Would is used in two ways:
a) in past-time contexts to express an actual fact;
b) in present-time contexts to express unreality or as a milder and more
polite form of will.



Will and would as modal verbs are often

used to denote habitual or recurrent actions. Will
is used with reference to the present whereas
would is used with reference to the past:
Her children will break everything they touch.
Tim will just sit watching TV for hours.
During the war, people would eat all kinds of
things that we don't eat now.
Mind the way such sentences are translated
into Ukrainian / Russian:
Each summer we would visit my cousins. —
Влітку ми бувало навідувались / звичайно навідувались /любили
навідуватись до моїх дворідних братів. / Летом мы “Iбывало навещали
remember the time when you/
would look for answers using your
обычно навещали / любили навещать моих двоюродных братьев.
astute powers of deduction.”
In this meaning the modal verb would is synonymous with used to.
Each summer we would visit my cousins. = Each summer we used to
visit my cousins.
Note 1. We use used to but not would:

a) when we talk about past permanent actions that have
I used to have a dog. (not I would have a dog.)
Didn’t you use to smoke at university? (not Wouldn’t you smoke at
b) when the time reference is not clear. Compare:
We used to play in the garden. (not We would play...; time reference not
Whenever we went to my uncle's house, we would/used to play in the garden.
We don't use either used to or would when we say exactly how many
times in total something happened, how long something took, or that a single
event happened at a given past time:
We visited Switzerland four times during the 1970s. (not We would/used to
She went to Jamaica last month. (not She would/used to go to Jamaica last

Exercise 138. Complete the following sentences with would or used

to. Sometimes both forms are possible. Where there is a word in brackets,
put it in the correct position
1. In the long summer holidays, we ... go out somewhere with a picnic
every day.
2. When they came to London, they ... never travel anywhere on the
3. During my last year at university, I ... go to the library to start work at
9 o’clock every morning.
4. When we shared a room together, we ... often stay up talking late into
the night.
5. When I was at school, I ... never do my weekend homework until
Sunday evening.
6. When I was a teenager, I ... often spend the whole evening listening
to music.
7. He ... go for a run every day.
8. They ... be happy together but they’re not now.
9. He ... have lots of free time before he started working there.
10. She ... have a lot of boyfriends when she was younger.
11. I... have lots of free time before I started working here.
12. In the long summer holidays, we ... go out somewhere with a picnic
every day.
13. When I was a newly-trained teacher I ... work till late every night
preparing lessons.
14. They ... be happy together but they're not now.

15. When they came to London, they ... (never) travel anywhere on the
16. When I had a car, I ... drive everywhere, but now I'm much fitter
because I always walk or cycle.
17. During my last year at university, I ... go to the library to start work
at 9 o'clock every morning.
18. When we shared a flat together, we ... (often) stay up talking late
into the night.



The other meanings of will

and would are:
1) Will, intention or
This meaning is found in
affirmative and negative sentences,
usually with the first person. Will
refers an action to the future,
would is generally used in reported
speech and serves to refer an action
to the future viewed from a past
moment. “My car wouldn’t start this morning.”
As a rule, will / would in this
meaning is rendered into Ukrainian / Russian with the help of
«обов’язково», «неодмінно», «охоче» / «непременно», «обязательно»,
I will write as soon as I can. — Я неодмінно напишу, як тільки змогу. / Я
непременно напишу, как только смогу.
I said I would do anything for him. — Я сказав, що охоче зроблю для нього
все. / Я сказал, что я охотно сделаю для него все.
2) Refusal to perform an action:
The doctor knows I won't be operated on (reference to the present).
He was wet through, but he wouldn't change (reference to the past).
Will / would in this meaning is found in negative sentences and is
followed by the simple infinitive. In Ukrainian / Russian it is usually
rendered as «ніяк не», «нізащо не (хочу, хотів)» / «никак не», «ни за что
не (хочу, хотел)».
I won’t accept your order — Я нізащо не хочу приймати вашу пропозицію.
/ Я ни за что не хочу принимать ваше предложение.
The door won’t open. — Двері ніяк не відчиняються. / Дверь никак не

He tried to persuade me, but I wouldn’t listen. — Він намагався мене
переконати, але я ніяк (нізащо) не хотів його слухати. / Он пытался
убедить меня, но я никак (ни за что) не хотел его слушать.
The engine wouldn’t start. — Мотор ніяк не заводився. / Мотор никак не
3) Will (but not would) may also be used in affirmative sentences in the
meaning of inevitability, characteristic behaviour, or something naturally
Accidents will happen. — Нещасні випадки неминучі. / Несчастные случаи
Boys will be boys. — Хлопці залишаються хлопцями. / Мальчишки
остаются мальчишками.
What will be will be. — Чому бути, того не минути. / Чему быть, того
не миновать.
Truth will out. — Істину не приховаєш. / Истины не утаишь.
4) Would (but not will) is sometimes used in affirmative and negative
sentences to express disapproval of something expected.
He refused to interfere. — He would.
They blamed me for everything. — They would.
Would in this meaning is usually rendered into Ukrainian / Russian by
means of «цього і слід було очікувати», «на нього це схоже» / «этого и
следовало ожидать», «на него это похоже».

Exercise 139. The first time Mr. and Mrs. Wilson went abroad, they
were on their honeymoon — lots of things went wrong. They still laugh
about it, though at the time it was not so funny! Complete Mr. Wilson's
story with won't or wouldn't in the meaning of refusal to perform an
action and the following verbs

accept / let / light / move / start / stay / stop

«We were going to leave at 6 a.m. on the day after our wedding to get the
9 o'clock ferry from Dover to France». Then the first thing went wrong — the
car wouldn «t start! Dad got quite angry, and kept shouting:
«Why ...............?» In the end he had to call a garage, and the
mechanic wanted £ 20. We'd changed all our money into foreign currency,
and in those days people ...............normally ............... cheques from someone
they didn't know. «What shall I do?» Dad cried. «He...............a cheque!» At
last the mechanic agreed, and we just got to Dover in time for the boat. «And
why ...............the car ...............?» asked Stephen. «Your dad had forgotten to
buy petrol», Mrs. Wilson replied. «Anyway, we got a campsite in France and

tried to put up our tent, but it was so windy that it ...............up. We ended up
sleeping in the car. Next morning, we found that all our cooking things were
wet. «The stove ............... !» your Dad kept saying. So, we had a cold
breakfast! But the funniest thing was a few days later, when we were in the
mountains. There was a flock of sheep in the road, and pass.
«Sheep ...............unless you make a loud noise!» Dad said, and he pressed the
horn. But the horn got stuck, and it. ...............! It was terribly embarrassing,
but at least the sheep got out of our way!»

Exercise 140. a) Murphy’s law is the principle that if it is possible

for something to go wrong, it will go wrong. Match the halves of the
sentences about Murphy’s laws. Translate them into Ukrainian paying
special attention to the use of the modal verb will in the meaning of
inevitability, characteristic behaviour, or something naturally
Example: 5. If anything can go wrong,… h. it will.

1. If you are interested in a. fall jelly side down

2. A paint drip will always b. will have the most complex
find the hole in the transaction possible
3. Anything you try to fix c. in the last place you look
4. Those who know the least d. it will work perfectly

5. If anything can go wrong, e. a close friend will grab their

6. Bread will always f. will always know it the
7. You will never leave a g. and land on the carpet
parking space without underneath (and will not be
someone in an adjacent discovered until it has dried)
8. When a broken appliance h. it will
is demonstrated for the
9. The person ahead of you in i. leaving at the same time
the queue
10. You will always find j. will take longer and cost you
something more than you thought
11. Knowing Murphy's Law k. will never help

b) Which of the Murphy’s laws did you like most? Why?

“Would you please elaborate on «then

something had happened?”

In their imperative meanings will and would are used to express:

1) A polite request or an offer.
Will you have some tea?
Will you help me?
Would implies greater degree of politeness than will:
Would you please lend me your pencil?
Note 2. The meaning of the polite request can be also expressed by
means of can and could, but will and would sound a bit more polite
(especially would).
Can you pass me the salt?(informal)
Could you pass me the salt?
Will you pass me the salt?(could and will are equally polite)
Would you pass me the salt? (the most polite form)
2) Will (but not would) can also be used to denote an order or
You will do exactly as I say. — Ти зробиш саме так, як я тобі скажу. / Ты
сделаешь именно так, как я тебе скажу.
Will you be quiet! — Та замовкнеш ти нарешті? / Да замолчишь ты
Shut the door, will you? — Та зачини ж ти двері! / Да закрой же ты
3) In their suppositional meaning will and would denote supposition
implying strong probability and are equivalents of must (= «очевидно»,
«напевно», «певне»/ «должно быть», «по-видимому»).

This will be the school, I believe. — Це, очевидно, і є школа /Это, по-
видимому, и есть школа.
Jack will be at home by now. Let's go and see him.
He will be driving home now, I’m sure.
You will know that John and Sandra are engaged.
You will have heard the news, I'm sure.
As you will have already noticed, he’s got new glasses.
In this meaning will and would are used only in affirmative sentences
with the second and third persons and are followed by simple (with reference
to the future), continuous (with reference to the present) or perfect infinitive
(with reference to the past).
In contrast to must, will and would are rarely used in this meaning.
Note 3. Mind the following set phrases with will and would:
 Will not have (won't have) + sb + do smth. means «I'll see to it
that it does not happen.»
«I will not (won't) have you speak to me like that», her voice came sharply. —
Я не дозволю, щоб / Я не допущу, чтобы...
 Would... mind in interrogative and negative sentences means «to
Would you mind my staying here for a while?
I wouldn't mind your telling them about Hardy.

Exercise 141. Make up a short dialogue between two speakers. The

dialogue should contain a polite request with will/would/can/could and a
response to that request
Example: Janet doesn't have enough money to go to a movie tonight. She
wants to borrow some from Sara, who is her roommate and good friend.
Possible dialogue:
JANET: There's a movie I really want to see tonight, but
I'm running a little low on money right now. Will you lend me
a few dollars? I'll pay you back Friday.
SARA: Sure. No problem. How much do you need?
1. Mike is walking down the hall of his office building. He needs to
know what time it is. He asks Elena, a co-worker he's seen before but has
never met.
2. Larry is trying to study. His roommate, Matt, is playing a CD very
loudly, and this is bothering Larry, who is trying to be polite even though he
feels frustrated and a little angry.
3. Kate is phoning her friend Tom. Jason answers and tells her that Tom
is out. Kate wants to leave a message.
4. Ms. Jackson is in the middle of the city. She's lost. She's trying to find
the bus station. She stops someone on the street to ask for directions.

5. Paul just arrived at work and remembered that he left his stove on
back in his apartment. His neighbour Jack has a key to the front door, and
Paul knows that Jack hasn't left for work yet. Anxiously, he telephones Jack
for help.

Exercise 142. What are some polite

requests you have heard or have said in
the following places? Create typical
1. at a restaurant
2. in this classroom
3. at a service station
4. at a clothing store
5. at an airport
6. on the telephone

Exercise 143. Complete the sentences using will / would in the

meaning of supposition implying strong probability and the items from
the box

woken up yet for one of the children changed

your great grandmother the postman getting worried

Example: He hears a knock at the door:

Ah! That’ll be the postman.
1. The phone rings at midnight:
I'm not getting up! It _____________________________
2. Stephen's friend calls at 7am:
It's very early. He _____________________________
3. He and his wife are delayed in town:
The children ____________________
4. Stephen and Julie are looking through old photos with him:
That _____________________________
5. He is going to meet his old teacher, after 20 years:
6. I expect he ____________________

Exercise 144. Analyze the form of the modal verb. Say in which
meaning it is used. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian
1. She would sit there for hours waiting for the telephone to ring.
2. Now and again a dog would bark.
3. You will have heard that I'm leaving by the end of the month.
4. The animals would not stir. They were too tired to move.

5. I won't leave you. I promise.
6. Will you tell me why you are so certain?
7. I said, «Would you lend me your car?»
8. No mater what time of day I went to the store, I would find him
sitting there on the steps.
9. Will you do me a favour and meet her at the station?
10. Would you drop in two days? I'm sure we will have a good selection
of overcoats then.
11. «You will give me my bill?» I said to the clerk.
12. «He talked about his new car the whole evening.» «He would».
13. You will permit me to examine the papers.
14. Please, will you tell me the time?
15. That will have been someone she knows.
16. «You've got a letter from Canada». «It'll be from my aunt Freda».
17. Leave the meat in the oven. It won't be cooked yet.
18. «I wonder what Sarah's doing».
19. My mum said she wouldn't give me any money.
20. If anything can go wrong, it will.
Exercise 145. Complete each sentence with will/won’t,
1. I ... see her. Nothing ... induce me to see her.
2. I... go till you listen to me. I... stay here. Do you understand me?
3. I ... say that we are disillusioned, but I... say that we are distressed.
4. She … stand any nonsense.
5. I … say it again and again.
6. I do hate fuss. I … stand it.
7. All that I ... tell them was that Uncle Nick was ill.
8. «I want to have a talk with you. ... you sit down?» «No, I ... sit
down,» he answered aggressively.
9. I asked her several times to be careful but she ... listen to me. He ... sit
for hours reading, paying no attention to what was going on around him.
10. He was a nice boy but he ... talk about himself all the time.
11. I ... keep you any longer.
12. But we ... win, we have to win.
13. If you throw something away, you ... need it the next day.
14. On Sundays when we were kids, mother ... make us pancakes for
15. The car ... start.
16. I really ... give up smoking tomorrow.
17. I’m tired. I think I ... go to bed now.

Exercise 146. Translate the given parts of the sentences into

English and complete the sentences
1. Я охоче зроблю цю роботу, якщо ...
2. Я обов'язково зайду ...
3. Ми із задоволенням підемо ...
4. Чи не дасте ви мені ... ?
5. Чи не хочете прогулятися по ... ?
6. Я обов'язково повідомлю вам ...
7. Ми ні за що не зупинимося тут, оскільки ...
8. Тоді я сам скажу ...
9. Я попрошу вас ...
10. Не стану заперечувати, що ...
11. Він ні за що не захоче ...
12. Я допоможу вам ...

Exercise 147. Translate into English

1. Я ні за що не буду йому телефонувати.
2. Я обов'язково постараюся стримувати себе в розмові з ним.
3. Чи не принесете ви мені склянку води?
4. Я обов'язково зайду до вас завтра.
5. Я піду туди із задоволенням.
6. Він спробував пояснити, але я не став слухати його.
7. Хоча робота складна, я охоче зроблю її.
8. Допоможіть мені відкрити шафу. Вона не відкривається.
9. Чи не хочете піти на прогулянку і помилуватися морем?
10. Ви цього не зробите. Запам'ятайте це!
11. Ви відповісте за ваші дії.
12. Дайте мені, будь ласка, вашу ручку, моя не пише.
13. Він вимкнув світло, але сон до нього не йшов.
14. Двері ніяк не відчинялися.
15. Ми нікому не скажемо, що ми дізналися. Не турбуйтеся.
16. Ден зазвичай сидить і годинами дивиться на море.
17. Сестра ні за що не хотіла взяти мене на пікнік.
18. Зазвичай по вечорах він сідав перед каміном і викурював
19. Не розумію, чому вікно не відкривається!
20. Я просив його кинути палити, але він не хотів.
21. Я сам вибачуся за тебе перед Ганною.
22. Я ніколи не нагадаю тобі про той нещасний випадок.
23. Я запропонував їй сходити до лікаря, але вона й чути про це не

Exercise 148. Memorize the following

proverbs and use them in situations of your own.

Find their Ukrainian equivalents
1. The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet.
2. None so blind as those who won't see.
3. A drowning man will catch at a straw.
4. He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.


Exercise 149. Imagine you are in one of the following situations.
Communicate with each other in role-playing dialogues
a) You are travelling in a train with another person. He is an elderly,
angry looking man. It's very stuffy in the compartment and you feel
uncomfortable. You ask your neighbour if he objects to your opening the
window. He says that:
- he likes the windows in the compartment to be closed; he doesn't
want to catch his death of cold;
- he doesn't mind, you try to open the window but can't do it,
something has gone wrong with it.
Use the following patterns in your conversation:
- Would you mind ...; I won't let you ...;
- I won't open ...
b) You are doing some shopping. You want to get a blue pullover with a
V-neck, short sleeves and a pattern. But they haven't got such pullovers at the
moment. The salesman is trying to convince you that brown pullovers are in
fashion too and insists on your trying one on. But you don't want even to
listen to him.
Use the following patterns in your conversation:
- Would you show me ...;
- I won't try it on. This isn't what I want.

15. DARE

The verb dare may be used as a notional and as a modal verb.

1) Dare as a modal verb has it has only 2 forms, the present and the
past: dare and dared. It is followed by the infinitive without to.
I dare not protest.
He dared not interfere.
How dare you come here? How dare you interrupt me?
2) Dare as a notional verb can have all the necessary forms and is
followed by the infinitive with “to”.
I don't dare to protest.
He didn't dare to interfere.
Both the modal and the regular dare means «to have the courage or
impertinence to do something.» It is mainly found in questions and in
negative sentences.
Note. Pay attention to the colloquial set phrase I dare say, which is
usually translated into Ukrainian / Russian as «цілком імовірно»,
«вважаю», «гадаю», «наважуся сказати» / «очень возможно»,
«пожалуй», «полагаю», «осмелюсь сказать».
I dare say he will come later.
I dare say you are right.

Exercise 150. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. State

whether the verb dare is notional or modal in these sentences
1. I wanted to ask for some time off, but I didn't dare.
2. I daren't ask for any more money.
3. He lost his job because he dared to speak out.
4. Don't you dare do anything like that in public again!
5. John never dares to stand up in public and say what he thinks.
6. I'm going to break the door down! — Just you dare!
7. He's the only person who'll dare to stand up to her!
8. How dare you speak to me like that?
9. You dare raise your voice!

Exercise 151. Supply dare, daren't, didn't dare (do) and translate the
sentences into Ukrainian
Example: I …daren’t/ don't dare to… tell them I've just broken
their favourite vase.
1. I hardly …………….. mention this, but you still haven't paid for
those tickets.
2. …………….. we ask for more money after what he has just said?
3. I knew I was right, but I …………….. say so at the time.
4. I'm going to tell your mother what you've just said! — Just you
5. She'd like to wear more unconventional clothes, but she……………..
6. We didn't like the meal they gave us, but we …………….. say so. It

would have been rude.
7. They offered me something strange to eat which I ……………..

Exercise 152. Translate into English

1. Я не наважився попросити його відкласти свою поїздку.
2. У нього не вистачило сміливості поглянути їй в обличчя.
3. Він відчував, що не наважиться відповісти.
4. Як ти смієш розмовляти з дорослими таким тоном?
5. І у тебе вистачає нахабства скаржитися на його відношення до
6. Як ти смієш читати мій щоденник?
7. Вона не зважилася признатися в своїй помилці навіть самій собі.
8. Як ти смієш засмучувати маму!
9. Вона узяла фотографію, i, не наважуючись поглянути ще раз,
витягнула її з рамки i швидко порвала на шматочки.
10. Я підійшла до кімнати Джейсона i деякий час не наважувалася
11. Беккі знала, що вчитель страшно розгніваний, i не наважилася
пдняти на нього очі.
12. Не смійте дратувати собаку!
13. Как вы смели открыть письмо, адресованное мне!/Як ви
сміли відкрити лист, адресований мені!
14. Чому Флоренс плаче? Хто посмів її образити?
15. Як Ви смієте так розмовляти зі мною?!
16. Гадаю, він скоро прийде.
17. Як вона сміє з'являтися тут у такому вигляді?
18. Він не наважився подарувати букет своїй улюбленій актрисі.
19. Вона не посміла подивитися на нього.
20. Ми не ризикнули попросити у них в борг.
21. Як Ви смієте просити грошей?
22. Я не наважилася запропонувати їм переночувати в моїй кімнаті.
23. Як смієте ви лаятися в присутності дами!
24. Ми не наважилися оскаржити ваше рішення.


Exercise 153. Complete each sentence with one of the phrases from
the box

couldn’t be / wouldn’t be / I might / don’t have to / couldn’t possibly

must be / must like / need to / may be / might as well

1. The heating comes on automatically. You don’t have to turn it on.
2. Of course I'll help! I ……….. let you do it on your own.
3. It's a lovely hotel. And the staff……….. more helpful.
4. George……….. it there if he has stayed there for so long.
5. You ……….. right, but I'm still not convinced.
6. We ……….. go in this museum. There's nothing else to do.
7. I love these trees. Without them the garden ……….. the same.
8. There's the phone call I was expecting. It ……….. George.
9. Thanks. And now you just ……….. sign on the dotted line.
10. Try as……….. , I simply couldn't open the lid.

Exercise 154. Think what to say using can/could, may/might, shall,

must, would, would you like, would you mind
1. Ask someone to answer the phone for you.
2. Invite a friend to go for a swim this afternoon.
3. Offer to make someone a sandwich.
4. Offer to open the door for a stranger.
5. Give someone permission to use your phone.
6. Suggest going for a picnic this weekend.
7. Ask someone to wait here for you.
8. Give your sister permission to take your player but tell her to return it
9. You are in a train. Ask another passenger if you can open lie window.
10. Ask a friend for a pen.
11. Suggest buying a take-away meal tonight.
12. Offer to answer the phone.
Exercise 155. Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each
Example: We can't be lost. It isn't allowed/I don't believe it.
1. Jane is bound to be late. She always is / She must be.
2. Late-comers are to report to the main office. It's a good idea / It's the
3. You don't have to stay unless it's necessary / if you don't want to.
4. Astronauts must feel afraid sometimes. They're supposed to / It's only
5. You can't come in here. It isn't allowed / I don't believe it.
6. All motorcyclists have to wear crash helmets. It's a good idea /
It's the rule.
7. I ought not to tell Jack. It's not a good idea / It's the rule.
8. We should be there soon. I expect so / It's absolutely certain.
9. You'd better leave now. That's my advice / That's an order!

Exercise 156. Choose the sentence A or B that is closest in meaning
to the sentence given
Example: It's possible that we'll know the answers tomorrow. ...A....
A We may know the answers tomorrow.
B We should know the answers tomorrow.
1. I don't think you should ring him now. It's rather late.
A You might not ring him now. It's rather late.
B You'd better not ring him now. It's rather late.
2. You needn't come if you don't want to
A You won't come if you don't want to.
B You don't have to come if you don't want to.
3. I think it's wrong for you to work so hard
A You don't have to work so hard.
B You shouldn't work so hard.
4. Perhaps these are the keys
A These might be the keys.
B These must be the keys.
5. It would be wrong for us to lock the cat in the house for a week
A We'd better not lock the cat in the house for a week.
B We can't lock the cat in the house for a week.
6. It’s possible that the decision will be announced next week
A The decision might be announced next week.
B The decision will be announced next week.

Exercise 157. Translate into English using modals with reference to

the present or future
1. Давайте почекаємо ще трохи. Він, можливо, ще прийде.
2. Ви граєте на роялі? — На жаль, ні, ну а ви? — Я теж не вмію, а
хотілося б навчитися.
3. Він, можливо, нічого не знає про те, що ми збираємось піти в
кіно відразу після обіду.
4. Де мама? — Вона, напевно, в кухні, заглянь.
5. Йому стало краще. Ви можете відвідати його завтра.
6. Нікого сюди не впускати! Зрозуміло?
7. Не слід вам йти в похід в таку погоду, не слід ризикувати своїм
8. З якого дива я буду першим йому дзвонити?
9. Ти нікуди не підеш, поки не зробиш уроки.
10. Вам нема чого турбуватися, вони скоро прийдуть. Вони ніколи
не спізнюються.
11. Що зі мною буде? Мені так страшно. Що мені робити?
12. Я повинен залишатися тут весь день?
13. Цей іспит я повинен буду здавати через тиждень.

14. Невже вона і зараз думає про мене?
15. Не смій шуміти! Брати роблять уроки.
16. Коли повинна початися презентація? — О 7 годині.
17. Можна мені взяти словник? — Ні, на жаль. Він потрібен мені
18. Мабуть, цієї осені рано почне йти сніг.
19. Вам тепер не треба телефонувати Піту: я йому все розповів.
20. Сьогодні перший день канікул і не треба йти в університет.
21. Мені не доводиться готувати сніданок, оскільки я їм у їдальні.
22. Ви не могли б зателефонувати мені ще раз ввечері?
23. А як цуценята? Можна мені подивитися на них?
24. Він повинен потрапити туди до 8 години.
25. У вас занадто багато помилок. Треба приділяти більше уваги
26. Це питання треба вирішувати негайно.
27. Ні, малюк, взимку їсти морозиво на вулиці не можна.


Exercise 158. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way so that
they have a similar meaning to the first ones
1. This hotel was almost certainly built before 1800.
This hotel must........................................................................................
2. It is possible that you left your umbrella on the bus.
You may.................................................................................................
3. Perhaps he didn't know that you were waiting for him.
4. It wasn't necessary for you to make all that noise when you came in.
5. Why didn't you let me know that you needed help?
6. You could have left some of these chocolates for me.
You...........................................................................all (he chocolates).
7. I used a calculator so it's impossible I made a mistake with the bill.
8. I'm angry with Tom that he invited that terrible Paul. He spoilt our
Tom................................................that terrible Paul who spoilt our party.
9. It's a shame we didn't apologize to Marion for all that mess.
10. You didn't have to pay at once. /But you did./
You .........................................................................................................
11. I'm absolutely sure they didn't forget to phone him.

12. It was your duty to work all the time while I was out.
13. I brought the salad to the garden party. It was unnecessary because
there was a lot of food.
I.....................................................................because there was a lot of
14. Perhaps she knew that you were working in that office.
She...............................................that you were working in that office.
15. I'm sure I didn't see Robert. He was on holiday that time.
I.....................................because he was on holiday that time.
16. Derek and Anna certainly stopped here for shopping. I can see their
car over there.
Derek and Anna...............................................because there's their car
over there.
17. It is highly possible that they reached the peak before us.
18. There are no biscuits left. I am sure the children ate them.
The children..............................................................................all the
19. It's very bad of you! You gave him the wrong address deliberately.
You.....................................................................................the wrong
20. I saw you at Brenda's party last Saturday. — I didn't go to Brenda's
party so there.
21. The police are sure that Frank Smith didn't do it. He was in prison
when the crime was committed.
The police are sure Frank
Smith.....................................................................the crime because he was in
prison that time.
22. I ate too much cheese-cake. I feel sick. much cheese-cake because I feel sick.
23. Why didn't you write the essay? The teacher said to bring it by
The essay was.............................................................Why didn't you
write it?
24. I'm surprised nobody told you the road was so dangerous.
Somebody.......................................................that the road was so
25. They lived in India for three years so they saw elephants for sure.
They...............................................because they lived in India for three
26. I was waiting for her for two hours but she didn't come. I only
wasted my time.

I ................................................................................................
27. It's your fault you were late! Why didn't you leave the house earlier?
You.............................................the house earlier. Then you wouldn't be
28. Sara knows about our secret but we've told Ben only.
Ben ..............................................................................................................
29. Why didn't you tell me you wanted to come?
30. Mary was told to finish the job but she didn't.
Mary was.....................................................................................................
31. Why didn» t you buy cheaper flowers? /It wasn’t necessary to buy
such expensive ones./
You needn’t....................................................................
32. The arrangement was for the building to be ready by now but it
The building was........................................................................................
33. It was your secretary's duty to remind you about it.
Your secretary...........................................................................................

Exercise 159. Complete each sentence using one of the phrases from
the box

can’t have must have shouldn’t have may not have

may have shouldn’t have can’t have ought to have
didn’t need to shouldn’t have

Example: You and your big mouth! It was supposed to be a secret.

You shouldn’t have told her!
1. The plane is late. It ………… landed by now.
2. You………… met my brother. I haven't got one!
3. There is only one explanation. You………… left your keys on the
4. You …………heard me right. I definitely said 204525.
5. The meat is a bit burnt. You …………cooked it for so long.
6. I'm sorry. I accept I………… been a little bit rude.
7. You really taken so much trouble over me.
8. Was it really necessary? You …………tell the police, you know.
9. Keep your fingers crossed! The traffic warden………… noticed the
car's parking ticket has run out!

Exercise 160. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar

meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the
word given

Example: It wouldn't have been right to leave you to do all the work on
your own.
COULDN’T I ...couldn't have left you to do… all the work on
your own.
1. Perhaps they didn't notice the tyre was flat.
MIGHT They ……………………………………….. the tyre was flat.
2. All that trouble I went to wasn't necessary in the end.
NEEDN'T I …………………………………………….. all that trouble.
3. Apparently someone has borrowed the cassette player.
HAVE Someone…………………………………….. the cassette player.
4. I'm disappointed that you didn't back me up!
MIGHT You …………………………………………………….. me up!
5. Our worrying so much was a waste of time.
NEEDN'T We ……………………………………………….. so much.
6. It's just not possible for the cat to have opened the fridge.
POSSIBLY The ………………………………………….. cat the fridge.
7. It would have been possible for Helen to take us in her car.
COULD Helen………………………………………………….. us a lift.
8. It's possible that the last person to leave didn't lock the door.
MIGHT The last person …………………………………….. the door
9. School uniform wasn't compulsory at my school.
WEAR We ……………………………….. school uniform at my school.
10. It wasn't necessary for me to go out after all.
HAVE I ………………………………………………………..after all.
11. There was a plan for Jack to become manager, but he left.
WAS Jack ………………………….…………. manager, but he left.
12. It was a mistake for you to buy that car.
BOUGHT You ……………………………………….………. that car.
13. I don't think that Sally enjoyed her holiday.
HAVE Sally ………………………………………. enjoyed her holiday.
14. It's possible that Bill saw me.
MAY Bill…………………………………………………………... me.
15. I'm sure that Karen was a beautiful baby.
BEEN Karen …………………………………………. a beautiful baby.
16. Perhaps Alan didn't mean what he said.
MEANT Alan …………………………………..…………. what he said.
17. It's possible that I left my wallet at home.
COULD I ……………………………………..……. my wallet at home.
18. I think you were wrong to sell your bike.
SHOULDN'T You …………………………………….…………. bike.
19. The only thing I could do was run away!
HAD I ……………………………………………….………. run away!

Exercise 161. Complete each sentence by writing one word in each
space. Contractions (can't) count as one word
Example: I …could… have become a millionaire, but I decided not to.
1. You ……….. have been here when Helen told the boss not to be so
lazy! It was great!
2. Peter wasn't here then, so he ……….. have broken your vase.
3. I ……….. have bought that car, but I decided to look at a few others.
4. If you felt lonely, you ……….. have given me a ring.
5. Don't take a risk like that again! We ……….. have lost because of
6. It's been more than a week! You ……….. have had some news by
7. We were glad to help. We ……….. have just stood by and done
8. You really ……….. have gone to so much trouble!
9. I ……….. have thought that it was rather difficult.

Exercise 162. Translate into English using modals with reference to

the past
1. Вона сказала, у який час ми повинні були прийти і попросила не
2. Вони повинні були зустрітися на мосту Ватерлоо о 6:00 вечора.
3. Ти марно ходив за ключем. Двері були відчинені.
4. Як ми домовилися, я повинна була зайти до них по дорозі в
університет. Нам не судилося зустрітися до його від'їзду до Парижа.
5. Я біг так швидко, що зміг наздогнати автобус.
6. Де мій паспорт? — Можливо, ти забув його вдома.
7. Тобі ж довелося залишитися там до кінця?
8. Мені довелося прийняти це запрошення, хоча я погано себе
почував. Я не хотів образити своїх нових друзів.
9. Тобі не слід було вчора їсти стільки морозива.
10. Ти даремно замовив номер в готелі. У нас є вільна спальня. У
нього не було необхідності жити в Лондоні влітку.
11. Тобі не треба було телефонувати їй так пізно.
12. Не може бути, щоб я не зачинила двері, коли йшла. Я завжди
перевіряю їх.
13. Даремно ти прийшов. Збори скасували.
14. Ось і ти нарешті! Гості зібралися, ми, мабуть, вже цілу годину
чекаємо на тебе.
15. Тобі треба було прийняти ліки ще годину тому.
16. Це повинно було трапитися. Ніхто не міг цьому перешкодити.

17. Я повинна була там бути годину тому. Вони можуть подумати,
що зі мною щось трапилося.
18. Хлопчик, можливо, вирвав картинку з книги, яку ви залишили
на столі.
19. Він мало не розбив вікно.
20. Ви, можливо, чули його ім'я.
21. Вони, напевно, не зустріли його на станції.
22. У вас занадто багато помилок. Треба приділяти більше уваги
23. Він, мабуть, нічого не зрозумів і образився.


Exercise 163. Choose the most suitable response to each comment or
a) A: What did I do wrong?
B: 1) You shouldn't have connected these two wires.
2) You didn't have to connect these two wires.
b) A: Why is the dog barking?
B: 1) It should have heard something.
2) It must have heard something.
c) A: Why are you home so early?
B: 1) I needn't have worked this afternoon.
2) I didn't have to work this afternoon.
d) A: Why did you worry about me? I didn't take any risks.
B: 1) You must have been injured.
2) You could have been injured.
e) A: You forgot my birthday again!
B: 1) Sorry, I should have looked in my diary.
2) Sorry, I had to look in my diary.
f) A: We had a terrible crossing on the boat in a storm.
B: 1) That didn't have to be very pleasant!
2) That can't have been very pleasant!
g) A: Where were you yesterday? You didn't turn up!
B: 1) I had to go to London.
2) I must have gone to London.
h) A: What do you think about the election?
B: 1) The Freedom Party had to win.
2) The Freedom Party should have won.
i) A: There's a lot of food left over from the party, isn't there?
B: 1) Yes, you couldn't have made so many sandwiches.
2) Yes, you needn't have made so many sandwiches.
j) A: What do you think has happened to Tony?
B: 1) I don't know, he should have got lost.

2) I don't know, he might have got lost.

Exercise 164. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence

1. I asked them to leave but they might not/wouldn't go.
2. I don't think you could/should tell anyone yet.
3. I didn't refuse the cake, as it should have been/would have been rude.
4. I don't know who rang, but it could have been/must have been Jim.
5. I couldn't/shouldn't possibly leave without paying.
6. It's your own fault, you can't have/shouldn't have gone to bed so late.
7. That mustn't/can't be the hotel Jane told us about.
8. You must have given/might have given me a hand!
9. There are times when the traffic here can/could be really heavy.
10. We are enjoying our holiday, though the weather could/must be
11. You couldn't/shouldn't really be sitting here.
12. I caught a later train because I had to see/must have seen a client.
13. You could/may be older than me, but that doesn't mean you're
14. You might/should like to look over these papers if you have time.
15. I suppose Bill should have lost/might have lost his way.
16. I'm afraid that nobody should/would help me in that kind of
17. It's a pity you didn't ask because I can't help/could have helped you.
18. No member of the association must/shall remove official documents
from these premises without written permission.
19. That can't have been/shouldn't have been Nick that you saw.

Exercise 165. Discuss the differences in meanings if any, in each

group of sentences
1. a) May I use your phone?
b) Could I use your phone?
c) Can I use your phone?
2. a) You should take an English course.
b) You ought to take an English course.
c) You're supposed to take an English course.
d) You must take an English course.
3. a) You should see a doctor about that cut on your arm.
b) You had better see a doctor about that cut on your arm.
c) You have to see a doctor about that cut on your arm.
4. a) You must not use that door.
b) You don't have to use that door.
5. a) I will be at your house by six o'clock.
b) I should be at your house by six o'clock.

6. —There is a knock at the door. Who do you suppose it is?
a) It might be Sally.
b) It may be Sally.
c) It could be Sally.
d) It must be Sally.
7. —There's a knock at the door, I think it's Mike.
a) It may not be Mike.
b) It couldn't be Mike.
c) It can't be Mike.
8. —Where's Jack?
a) He might have gone home.
b) He must have gone home.
c) He had to go home.
9. a) Each student should have health insurance.
b) Each student must have health insurance.
10. a) If you're having a problem, you could talk to Mrs. Anderson,
b) If you're having a problem, you should talk to Mrs. Anderson.
11. a) I've got to go.
b) I have to go.
c) I should go.
d) I'm supposed to go.
e) I'd better go.
f) I'd rather go.
12. — I needed some help.
a) — You should have asked Tom.
b) — You could have asked Tom.
13. a) When I was living at home, I would go to the beach every
weekend with my friends.
b) When I was living at home, I used to go to the beach every
weekend with my friends.

Exercise 166. Use a modal or phrasal modal with each verb in

parentheses. More than one auxiliary may be possible. Use the one that
seems most appropriate to you and explain why you chose that one
rather than another
1. It looks like rain. We (shut) …………… the windows.
2. Ann, (you, hand) ……………. me that dish? Thanks.
3. Spring break starts on the thirteenth. We (go, not) …………… to
classes again until the twenty-second.
4. The baby is only a year old, but she (say, already) …………… a
few words.
5. In the United States elementary education is compulsory. All
children (attend) ……………six years of elementary school.

6. There was a long line in front of the theater. We (wait) ……………
almost an hour to buy our tickets.
7. A: I'd like to go to a warm, sunny place next winter. Any
B: You (go) …………….to Hawaii or Mexico. Or how about
8. I don't feel like going to the library to study this afternoon. I (go)
…………… to the shopping mall than to the library.
9. A: Mrs. Wilson got a traffic ticket. She didn't stop at a stop sign.
B: That's surprising. Usually she's a very cautious driver and obeys all
the traffic laws. She (see, not) ……………the sign.
10. Annie, you (clean) …………… this mess before Dad gets home.
He'll be mad if he sees all this stuff all over the living room floor.
11. A: This is Steve's laptop, isn't it?
B: It (be, not) …………… his. He doesn't have a laptop computer, at
least not that I know of. It (belong) …………… to Lucy or to Linda. They
sometimes bring their laptops to class.
12. In my country, a girl and boy (go, not) …………… out on a date
unless they are accompanied by a chaperone.
13. Jimmy was serious when he said he wanted to be a cowboy when
he grew up. We (laugh, not) ……………at him. We hurt his feelings.
14. A: (I, speak) …………… to Peggy?
B: She (come, not) …………… the phone right now. (I, take)
………… message?
15. A: How are you planning to get to the airport?
B: By taxi.
A: You (take) ……………a shuttle bus instead. It's cheaper than a
taxi. You (get) …………… one in front of the hotel. It picks up passengers
there on a regular schedule.
16. A: Why didn't you come to the party last night?
B: I (study) ……………
A: You (come) …………… . We had a good time.
17. A: The phone's ringing again. Let's not answer it. Just let it ring.
B: No, we (answer) ……………it. It (be) ……………important. We
(get) …………… an answering machine.
18. It's not like Tony to be late. He (be) …………… I hope nothing
bad has happened.
19. A: This is a great open-air market. Look at all this wonderful
fresh fish! What kind of fish is this?
B: I'm not sure. It (be) …………… ocean perch. Let's ask.
20. The teacher called on Sam in class yesterday, but he kept looking
out the window and didn't respond. He (daydream) ……………

Exercise 167. Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs making
necessary changes (you may have several variants)
1. He is in the garden. He___(read) a newspaper in the summerhouse.
2. Her son ___ (get) into trouble yesterday. I've seen him today and he
looked quite happy and gay.
3. I don't remember him well but it seems to me he___(be) in charge of
the Finance department last year.
4. He___already (get) used to driving on the left. He has been living in
London for a year.
5. He___(receive) an emergency call, that's why he is out.
6. They___(not take up) this problem. It has been already solved.
7. Where is Mr. Black? — He___(receive) a foreign delegation. They
___(come) at two o'clock.
8. Why haven't the Smiths arrived yet? — They ____ (lose) their way.
They don't know the road well.
9. You___(introduce) me to your wife long ago.
10. He ___ (buy) a new car. He is deeply in debt.
11. He ___ (buy) a new car, but I am not sure.
12. They___already (arrive). Look, the windows are open.
13. Where is John? — He___(smoke) in the corridor.
14. I think for your children's sake you___ (do) it.
15. You___(buy) this book for me. You know I have wanted to have it.
16. A wife___(obey) her husband, the Bible says.
17. You ___(wait) for me, I knew the road well and found my way
18. Judging by his papers on the writing table he___(work) for several
19___ it (be) Nick? He has changed a lot.
20. They___ (not know) of the plane's delay, otherwise they would not
have come at 2 o'clock.

Exercise 168. Find and correct the mistakes if any

1. I must not dress in my best. When I came, everybody was wearing
jeans and T-shirts.
2. He must have known that she needed his help.
3. He had to have an accident in the thick fog.
4. You should phone her long ago. I am sure she is looking forward to
your call.
5. With your knowledge of the language you may read the article.
6. I may not imagine Mary teaching students. She used to be so
impatient. — You know time changes people. She is able to become quite
7. I am sure you might have done it much better. You did not try.

8. I was so angry, I must have thrown my boot at him.
9. May you do me a favour, please?
10. May I ask you to do me a favour, please?

Exercise 169. Choose the right option

1. «They___an excellent vacancy last week. You ___an opportunity of
getting it,» he reproached me.
a) had, mustn't miss
b) have had, might not have missed it
c) had, shouldn't have missed
d) were having, couldn't miss
2. He had to earn___living at___an early age,___?
a) ___, such, hadn't he
b) his, such, didn't he
c) himself, so, hadn't he
d) to, so, didn't he
3. We___a camera because we never___a chance to use it.
a) might not have taken, had
b) should not have taken, have had
c) needn't have taken, had
d) mustn't have taken, had had
4. The line is busy; somebody___on the telephone now.
a) should be speaking
b) should have been speaking
c) must be speaking
d) can't be speaking
5. You___this! See how___she is.
a) ought not to say, distressing
b) ought not to have said, distressed
c) won't be able to say, distressing
d) cannot have said, distressed
6. He says that nothing___, because it is too___. But I don't believe a
single word___; they___us.
a) should do, lately, of him, mustn't have failed
b) can't be done, late, of his, oughtn't fail
c) mustn't be done, lately, of him, shouldn't have failed
d) can be done, late, of his, can't have failed
7. I managed to come here at half past six. But I___. They___.
a) needn't have hurried, had already left
b) needn't hurry, have already left
c) mustn't have hurried, had already left
d) shouldn't hurry, have already left
8. If she doesn't take care of___, she___have a nervous breakdown

and___to hospital.
a) hers, may, should go
b) her, can, need to go
c) herself, may, may have to go
d) herself, must, must go
9. He___his wallet himself, it___.
a) might lose, couldn't be stolen
b) may have lost, can't have been stolen
c) could have lost, must not have been stolen
d) ought to lose, shouldn't be stolen
10. You___a message at least! We___for two hours.
a) should send, waited
b) must have sent, were waiting
c) could send, have been waiting
d) might have sent, had been waiting
11. The only trouble is that I___my exams in spring and___them now.
a) couldn't have taken, must have
b) couldn't take, must have
c) mustn't have taken, must have had
d) can't take, must have had
12. The plane___at 5 a.m. and in this hurry-scurry she___the tickets on
the table.
a) had to take off, can leave
b) was to take off, must have left
c) was to take off, needn't leave
d) must have taken off, shouldn't leave
13. Why___he take the scandal on himself? It is not ___
a) must, fairly
b) may, fair
c) should, fair
d) could, fairly
14. You___to him. His information is___.
a) shouldn't listen, misled
b) needn't have listened, misleading
c) can't have listened, misled
d) mustn't have listened, misleading
15. It is not worth___ to___bed if he___at five.
a) to go,___, have to get up
b) going, the, must have got up
c) to have gone, the, is to get up
d) going,___, doesn't have to get up
16. They have made me___that I___selfish about it.
a) think, may have been

b) to think, must be
c) thinking, might have been
d) thought, should have been
17. It___late when I___home; there were no people in the street.
a) must have been, was going back
b) must be, am going
c) can't have been, was going
d) could not have been, went
18. You___worry, you___always rely on me in this matter.
a) must not, need
b) need not, may
c) can, need not
d) should, must
19. You___this device. It___dangerous.
a) couldn't have touched, may be
b) must not touch, may be
c) shouldn't have touched, ought to be
d) needn't touch, must have been
20. I___my job. I___you before.
a) needn't have put off, should ask
b) shouldn't have put off, need to ask
c) needn't have put off, should have asked
d) shouldn't put off, should ask

Exercise 170. Translate into English

1. Вам слід було б бути з ним більш ввічливим, адже він хворий.
2. Вона сказала, що я можу взяти еe машину.
3. Вони, мабуть, вивчають цю проблему кілька років і вже досягли
деяких результатів.
4. Ніхто не міг подумати, що йому судилося стати одним з
найвидатніших учених свого часу.
5. Ми знали, що він уміє говорити на кількох мовах з дитинства.
6. Ти міг би і сказати нам, що сьогодні не потрібно приходити так
7. Коли ми бували за містом, вона годинами гуляла на самоті.
8. Ви б краще перевірили всі документи зараз. Там десь має бути
9. Ви не підкажете, де я можу знайти містера Еванса? Він,
можливо, чекає мене.
10. Пробач, але я був змушений все їй розповісти. Він міг наробити
11. Ні в якому разі не відкривай двері незнайомим людям!
12. Було зрозуміло, що він не посмів залишитися з нею наодинці.

13. Ви неодмінно повинні поїхати з нами! Раніше ви проводили з
нами більше часу!
14. Вона сказала, що нам не потрібно турбуватися, тому що нічого
несподіваного не може відбутися.
15. Невже тобі так важко було попередити нас заздалегідь? Тепер
нам доведеться робити все заново.
16. Немає причини, чому б їм не одружитися. Вони могли б стати
чудовою парою.
17. Не може бути, щоб вони не встигли на потяг! Вони повинні
були приїхати на вокзал о пів на першу.
18. Було оголошено, що збори мають відбутися в понеділок.
19. Ви, напевно, не зустрічали такого забавного малюка, як наш
20. Чому б вам не запитати у неї, чи зможе вона допомогти вам?
Звідки я знаю, хто повинен був поговорити з нею, і чому він цього не
21. Вона має рацію: нам треба було б замовити зворотні квитки
заздалегідь, їх неможливо було купити в день від'їзду.
22. Навіщо мені робити те, що мені не подобається? — Немає
значення, подобається тобі це чи ні. Це слід зробити, і ти це знаєш.
23. Коли дітям приходити? Ви не могли б сказати точний час?
24. Мені доведеться попросити їх не втручатися. Чому бути, того
не минути!
25. Замок ніяк не відкривається. Тобі слід було давно його
26. Ні до чого було намагатися переконати її вступати до
інституту, вона все одно не прислухалася до твоєї поради.
27. Воні пошкодують, якщо скривдять моїх друзів! Невже це
28. Таксі ніяк не приїжджає. Що ж мені тепер робити? Я можу
спізнитися на важливі переговори!
29. Напевно, він не знає її адреси. Може, вона зателефонує йому і
розкаже, як до неї дібратися.
30. Їй нічого іншого не залишалося, як звільнити його.


Exercise 171. Translate into Ukrainian paying special attention
to the way of rendering modal verbs
1. When father gave me the money and tried to talk me out of the
thought of marriage, I would not listen.
2. She offended people right and left, made silly mistakes and wouldn't
let herself be told.
3. «What's happened to sister Agatha?» I asked my nurse when she

came in. — «Can't say,» — «Won't say,» I said. No answer.
4. «We can as well stay here for the night.» — «We could.»
5. «You are so careless. You might have broken the cup.»
6. When Mini unleashed her frustration in a rage, demanding an
explanation for the way she was being treated, the woman paid no heed, and
might well have been deaf and mute.
7. She must not expect to do two jobs well, to be a good mother and a
good novelist.
8. It was to be expected that something would happen to Sir George. But
who could have guessed what?
9. I do not claim I can tell a story as it ought to be told. I only claim I
know how a story ought to be told, for I have been almost daily in the
company of the most expert story-tellers for many years.
10. «Why do you live in the woods if you belong to the squadron?» the
chaplain inquired curiously. «I have to live in the woods», the captain replied
crabbily, as though the chaplain ought to know.
11. «It's my fault — it's my fault!» Doris suddenly sobbed out. «I
shouldn't have loved you; I oughtn't to have let you love me.»
12. Lyn Siddon's case should — and must — increase the gathering
momentum for reform.
13. His early years are but little known to biographers. Yet, he must
have started studying music at a much earlier age than is generally
presupposed. (Biography)
14. You must have read about many acts of violence directed against
the negro communists of South Africa. Yet there may and, indeed, there must
have been others which have never reached the columns of the press.
15. The Algerians could never have committed the atrocities the
bourgeois press alleges they have done. («DW»)
16. The Costa-Rica Government may have incurred heavier debts than
those officially started. («The Economist»)
17. War preparations in Germany must have started earlier than was
announced in the newspapers.
18. Development in India is to proceed at a faster rate than hitherto, the
Indian Times announced yesterday
19. We are just to start immediately! Please none of your «Just another
minute please». The steamer is leaving and we can't afford to miss it.
(S. Brown)
20. The relaxation of international tension may yet prove to be a more
potent factor than many continue to think.
21. «Chris is a business woman,» said Roy Drover and Roy would
know. (S. Lewis)
22. He wondered what had become of the boys who were his
companions; they were nearly thirty now; some would be dead but others

were married and had children. (W.S. Таugham)
23. As World War II also underscored, the Latin American countries
control much of the mineral and other natural resources that the U.S. needs to
supplement its own. That would appear a guarantee of instability of the
Western Hemisphere. («The New York Times»)
24. Some of your remarks about hay fever in your topics of Aug. 6
would indicate that your knowledge is based upon American experience only.

Exercise 172. State whether the verbs will and would are stative
or auxiliary and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. The regiment will attack at dawn.
2. Don't phone them now — they'll be having dinner.
3. «Can somebody help me?» — «I will.»
4. I will stop smoking.
5. I’ll break your neck!
6. Will you have some more wine?
7. Won't you come in?
8. She won't open the door.
9. The car won't start.
10. When nobody's looking, she'll go into the kitchen and steal biscuits.
11. He'll often say something and then forget what it was he said.
12. He would never let anybody know what he was doing.
13. You will keep forgetting things.
14. If you put a match to it, real amber won't melt, but imitation will.
15. Will you come this way, please?
16. He's strange — he'll sit for hours without saying anything.
17. When I was in concentration camp, I resolved that, if I was to live
through the horrors of that experience, I would never again shed one tear of
regret for whatever Fate gave me.




Mood is a grammatical category which indicates the attitude of the

speaker towards the action expressed by the verb from the point of view of its
In Modern English we distinguish three moods:
 The Indicative Mood
 The Imperative Mood
 The Subjunctive Mood
The Indicative Mood shows that the action or state expressed by the
verb is presented as a fact.
She went to college in the morning. The text was translated yesterday.
The Imperative Mood expresses a command or a request.
Please put the papers on the table.
Don't litter, please.
The Subjunctive Mood shows that the action or state expressed by the
verb is presented as non-facts, unreal or hypothetical actions or states. A
hypothetical action or state may be viewed upon as desired, necessary,
possible, supposed, imaginary, or contradicting reality.
Fact: I work in a restaurant, but I don't earn much. If I find a better job,
I'll take it.
Non-fact: I wish I had a lot of money. If I had a lot of money, I would
open my own restaurant.
In Modern English there are the following forms of Subjunctive Mood:
 Subjunctive I: the plain verb stem (I, he, she, it, we, you, they be,
have, speak, etc.)
God save the Queen! It is important that Helen be present when we sign the
 Subjunctive II: it has only on form — that of the verb to be (I, he /
she / it, we, you, they were).
If it were true!
 Unreal past tenses, i. e. the forms of past tenses (Past Simple, Past
Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous) that are used to express
unreal actions:
If only she knew the truth!
 The mood auxiliaries should, would, could, might + the
It is important that every child should have the same educational
The forms of the Subjunctive Mood with examples are presented in the
following table:

Form Pattern Example
1. Subjunctive plain verb stem (be, God bless you!
I go, see, etc.)
2. Subjunctive were If it were true!
3. Unreal past a) the forms of Past I wish I knew the truth. If I
tenses Simple, Past saw him tomorrow, I would
Continuous invite him.
b) The forms of Past If I had seen him yesterday, I
Perfect, Past Perfect would have invited him. I
Continuous wish I had never met him.
4. would + Inf. a) would+ Ind. Inf. She would make a good
(Cont. Inf.) manager.
b) would+ Perf. Inf. A pity she didn’t take up
(Perf. Cont. Inf.) management. She would have
made a good manager.
5. should + Inf. a) should+ Ind. Inf. It is important that you
(Cont. Inf.) should remember all the
b) should+ Perf. Inf. It is strange that they should
(Perf. Cont. Inf.) have quarrelled.
6. could/might a) could, might+ Ind. If only I could help you!
+ Inf. Inf. (Cont. Inf.)
b) could, might+ Perf. But for your help I could not
Inf. (Perf. Cont. Inf.) have finished it in time.

Note. We use the forms of (a) to show that the action is imagined, but
still possible, it is referred to the present or future.
We use the forms of (b) to show that the action is imagined and no
longer possible, it is referred to the past.



“If you’re not a good boy, Santa will bring
you only educational toys”

Types of Pattern
conditional Conditional Use Example
sentences Main clause
the Zero If smb smb do/does expresses If people earn
Conditional do/does smth smth general more, they
truth spend more.
or (=When people
scientific earn more,
fact (in they spend
this case if more.)
= when). If the fruit feels
soft, it's ready
to eat.
the First If smb smb will doexpresses If you finish
Conditional do/does smth, smth. real your work
actions, properly, you
Other possible Other actions will be praised.
forms: Present possible which are If you have
Perfect, modal forms: the likely to finished your
verbs Imperative take place coffee, we can
Mood, in the pay the bill.
can/may/mu present or If it rains,
st/should future we're going to
do, to be get wet.
going to.

Note. When the conditional clause precedes the main clause, we separate
the two clauses with a comma.
If you finish your work early, we’ll go for a walk.
But: We’ll go for a walk if you finish your work early.

Exercise 1. Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct

1 If you mix black and white, a it floats.

2 If you don't water flowers, b it turns to ice.
3 When you heat ice, c you get dough.
4 If you freeze water, d it melts.
5 When you tickle her, e they die.
6 If you mix flour and water, f she laughs.
7 When the teacher gives us g you get grey.
8 homework, h she always does it.
If you pour oil on water,

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps using your own ideas

Example: Water boils if ____________________________________ .
Water boils if you heat it to 100 ºc)
1. If you mix red and white
___________________________________ .
2. ____________________________________ if you leave it in the
3. If ________________________________________ , take an
4. If ________________________________________ , it tastes
5. __________________________________ if you go near its food
when it's eating.
6. If you pull a cat's tail,
_____________________________________ .
7. _________________________________ if you don't wear a seat
8. If you press this switch,
___________________________________ .
9. Farmers get very angry if
__________________________________ .

Exercise 3. Answer these questions like in the example, making use

of the Zero Conditional sentences
Example: What happens if you heat ice?
If you heat ice, it melts.
1. What happens if flowers don't get any water?
2. What must a motorist do if the traffic lights are red?
3. What materials do you need if you want to write a letter?

4. What do you like to drink if you are thirsty?
5. Who do businessmen go to see if the want to borrow money?
6. What do you expect a teacher to do if you make a mistake?
7. What must one have if one wants to visit a foreign you country?
8. Who do people go to see if they feel ill?
9. What happens if there is a power failure?
10. How do people dress in your country if they work in an office?

Exercise 4. Complete the following First Conditional sentences with

the correct form of the verbs in brackets
Example: If we (not go) now, we (miss) the bus.
If we don’t go now, we will miss the bus.
1. You ......... (be) tired if you (......... not sleep).
2. If the Spanish team ......... (get) to the final match, they ......... (be)
the World Champions.
3. If you ......... (help) me, I ......... (give) you a lot of money.
4. If we ......... (sing) some carols, they ......... (be) happy.
5. They ......... (read) the whole essay if they ......... (like) it.

Exercise 5. Write sentences using the First Conditional

Example: the weather / be good we / go /to the beach tomorrow.
If the weather is good, we will go to the beach tomorrow.
1. you / go / to school on foot you / be / late.
2. I / have / money I / buy / you a present.
3. I / do / my homework I / find / my notebook.
4. My mum / give / me five pounds I / do / the washing-up.
5. We / spend / our holidays in Spain we / visit / Valencia.

Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs in the

study come ring bring buy arrive be tell pass rain do (x2)
answer visit feel go (x3)

1. If I ____________ to London, I ____________ my aunt.

2. If she ____________ hard, she ____________ her exams.
3. If they ____________ early, ____________ you ____________ them
to wait?
4. If he ____________ to the party tonight, ____________he _________
a friend?
5. If I ____________ enough money, I ____________ that coat!
6. She ____________ angry, if you ____________ that!
7. I ____________ to the doctor tomorrow, if I ____________ worse.

8. If you (not) ____________ your homework, I ____________ your
9. ____________ you ____________ the phone if it ____________?
10. If it ____________ tomorrow, we (not) ____________ to the beach.


What Would You Do?

An English teacher asked her class to write an essay on
what they'd do if they had a million dollars. Alec handed
in a blank sheet of paper. «Alec!» yelled the teacher,
«you've done nothing. Why?»
«Because if I had a million dollars, that's exactly what I
would do!”

“If I were money, you would listen to me.”

Use Example
Conditional clause Main clause
If smb were / did smb would do represents If Ann had
smth, smth. unreal, money, she
imaginary would buy a new
actions car (but she
contrary to the doesn’t have
facts in the enough money
present or — unreal
future. It is also action).
used to give If I were you, I
Other possible Other possible advice. would see a
forms: Past forms: would doctor (advice).
Continuous. be doing,
Note. The verb be could do,

usually takes the might do
form were for all
persons in these
though was is used
in everyday speech.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences

1. If I were an angel…………………….
2. If I were a cat……………………….
3. If I were Brad Pitt…………………………….
4. If I were a magician……………………………
5. If I were Bill Gates……………………………..
6. If I were Santa Claus……………………..
7. If I were six months old…………………………
8. If I were younger…………………………………
9. If I could choose a foreign language to learn
10. If I were working abroad …………………………
11. If I could choose a country/a city to visit…………………………
12. If I wasn’t studying now …………………………
13. If I could choose any pet I liked …………………………
14. If my keys were stolen …………………………
15. If people cared more about each other …………………………
16. If he didn’t call people names …………………………

Exercise 8. Think of questions using if which might produce the

following answers
Example: — What would you do if you had a yacht?
— I would go on a round-the-world trip.
1. I’d tell nobody about it.
2. I’d examine the case before giving my opinion.
3. I’d share it with my family and friends.
4. I’d call the fire brigade.
5. I’d avoid seeing him/her.
6. They would be happy to see me.
7. I’d try not to think of it at all.
8. She might start crying.
9. I’d try not to look scandalised.
10. I’d communicate that information to someone else/to as many
people as I’d be able to.

Exercise 9. Complete the sentences
1. If I…………………………………….., I would do it, but I don't know
2. It wouldn't be a problem if……………, but I don't even know who to
borrow it from.
3. If I were never late, I…………..., but as I frequently come late to
work, they want to dismiss me.
4. If I.................., I would lend it to you, but I haven't got one.
5. If I.................., I would give it to you, but I haven't got any.
6. If.................., I wouldn't be getting such good marks. Luckily he is quite
7. If I saw Chris here, I................ But I'm afraid his family has migrated to
8. I would be happier if.............., unfortunately it isn't possible.
9. Mrs Lenkins............................if her TV were working, but it's out of order
an she hasn't got money to have it repaired.

Exercise 10. Chain game. Complete the story according to the

Pattern : If it were summer now, I would go to the
seaside. If I went to the seaside, I would be lying on the
beach. If I were lying on the
beach, etc.
Use the following beginnings:
 If I won a thousand dollars ...;
 If I had a house/flat of my
own ...;
 If I had a yacht...;
 If I were a journalist...;
 If I knew many languages ...;
 If I met a magician and were given three wishes …

Exercise 11. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets

1. If I ......... (to be) a true romantic, I ......... (to work) as a clerk? I .........
(to sit) here with you?
2. If their employees ......... (to pay) better, they ......... (not to ask) for a
3. People ......... (not to repeat) this story if at least some of it ......... (not
to be) true. There is no smoke without fire.
4. If I ......... (not to know) him so well, I ......... (to be) surprised. But
that’s quite like him.
5. «Is the boy manageable?» — «He ......... (to be) so if he ......... (not to
be) used to having his own way with everyone. His parents have spoiled

6. If the Larsons still ......... (to live) here, they ......... (can show) you
that house. They were the last to remember.
7. I ......... (to stay) away from this whole business if I ......... (to be) you.
There’s something fishy here.
8. Where we all ......... (to be) if every mistake ......... (to take) into
9. If I ......... (to feel) something was wrong, I ......... (to tell) you. But I
feel nothing.
10.You ......... (to allow) to take a leave if you suddenly......... (to need)
11. If Danny ......... (not to like) that little cafe, he ......... (not to
frequent) the place.
12. If you ......... (to know) her better, you ......... (not to think) the
world of her.
13. I don’t have a minute to spare. If I ......... (to be) less busy, I
......... (to help) you.
14. She ......... (not to draw) parallels unless she ......... (to see) so
much in common between the two cases.
15. The children at school ......... (not to tease) him so much if he
......... (not to be) so touchy and if he ......... (not to take offence) so easily.
16. It ......... (not to be) better if all your moves ......... (to plan).
17. If I ......... (to know) the man, I ......... (to thank) him.

Exercise 12. Complete the text with a suitable form of the verb in
If all the people on Earth (disappear) disappeared tomorrow, nature
(begin) …….. to reclaim the planet. For a start, if people no longer (pollute)
…….. the atmosphere, the air (soon become) ……..clean again. If there (be)
…….. no people to maintain buildings, they (soon begin) …….. to decay, but
more solid parts (take) …….. thousands of years to disappear. In general, if
the 6.5 billion humans no longer (compete) …….. with other species on
Earth, most species (benefit) …….. . For example, if humans no longer
(catch) …….. fish, the numbers of fish worldwide (eventually increase)
…….. . However, if humans (vanish) …….. from the Earth, endangered
species of animals (not necessarily recover) …….. as some are already too
few in number. Some endangered species (have) …….. greater difficulty
surviving if no humans (take) …….. the trouble to protect them from other
species. Even if we no longer (poison) …….. the planet, several decades (go
by) …….. before all dangerous chemicals (disappear) …….. . And even if the
burning of fossil fuels (cease) …….. tomorrow, the oceans (not absorb) ……..
all the CO2 in the atmosphere for thousands of years. In the end, though, if

alien visitors (land) …….. on
the Earth in 100,000 years
time, they (find) …….. no
signs that an advanced
civilization had ever lived

Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Якби Тоні міг сам впоратися з цією проблемою, він би не
звертався до вас за допомогою.
2. На твоєму місці я б не сперечався зі старшими.
3. Якщо б усе легко давалося, жити було б нецікаво.
4. Якби ця книга не була такою цікавою, я б не перечитував її знову
і знову.
5. Я знаю багато студентів, які вчилися би на «відмінно», якщо б не
були ледачими.
6. Ви б взялися за цю роботу, якби я пообіцяв допомогти вам?
7. Брайан міг би знайти інформацію про це, якщо б у нього був
доступ в Інтернет.
8. Якби ви знали, скільки їй насправді років, ви б дуже
9. Я б не починав діяти, якби не був упевнений у своїй правоті.
10. Якби він працював, йому не доводилося б увесь час просити
гроші у матері.
11. Я знаю, що Дік не вів би себе так, якби не був дуже засмучений.
На вашому місці я б поговорив з ним.
12. На вашому місці я б покликав лікаря.
13. Що б ви сказали, якби я звернувся до вас за порадою?
14. Якщо б ви були уважніші, ви б не робили стільки помилок.
15. Якби ви пофарбували б вікна, у кімнаті стало б світліше.


Exercise 14. Listen to the song “IF I WERE A BOY” by BEYONCE

(for example, using and fill in the gaps. Find the examples
of the second conditional in the lyrics and translate them into Ukrainian
1 2
If I were a boy I were a boy
Even just for a day I could __________
I’d roll outta bed ____________ Tell everyone it’s broken
And throw on what I wanted then So they’d think that I was sleepin»

go alone
Drink beer ____________ I’d put myself first
And chase after girls And make the rules as I go
I’d kick it with who I wanted Cause I know that she’d _________
And I’d never get confronted for Waitin» for me to come home (to come
it. home)
Cause they’d stick up for me. (Chorus)

[Chorus] It’s a little too late for you to come back

If I were a boy Say its just a mistake
I think I ____________ Think I’d forgive you like that
How it feels to love a girl If you thought I would wait for you
I swear I’d be a __________. ______________
I’d listen to her (Chorus)
Cause I know how it __________
When you lose the one you But you’re just a boy
wanted You don’t ___________
Cause he’s taken you for Yeah you don’t __________
________ How it feels to love a girl someday
And everything you had got You wish you were a _________
destroyed You don’t listen to her
You don’t care how it __________
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause you’ve taken her for __________
And everything you have got destroyed
But you’re just a boy.

Exercise 15. Use the statistics in (a) to answer the question in (b).
Work in pairs, in groups, or as a class.
1. 51% of the world's population is female.
2. 57% of the people in the world are from Asia, the Middle East, and
the South Pacific.
3. 21% are Europeans.
4. 14% are from the Western Hemisphere.
5. 8% are from Africa.
6. 50% of the world's population suffers from malnutrition.
7. 30% of the world's population is illiterate. 60% of the people who
are illiterate are women.
8. 1% of the world's population has a college education.
9. 6% of the people in the world own half of the world's wealth.
10. One person in three is below 15 years of age. One person in ten is
over 65 years old.

If there were only one village on
earth and it had exactly 100 people,
who would it consist of? Assuming that
the village would reflect global
population statistics, describe the
people in this imaginary village. Use
the illustration to point out the number
of people who fit each description you
Example: If there were only one village on earth and it had
exactly 100 people, 51 of them would be women and 49 of
them would be men. More than half of the people in the
village (57 of them) would... (continue describing the village).


Use Example
Cond. clause Main clause

represents unreal If you had

If smb had done smb would have
or improbable studied harder,
smth, done smth.
situation in the you would have
past. It is also passed the exam.
Other possible Other possible used to express (you hadn't
forms: Past forms: could / regrets and studied, so you
Perfect might have criticism. didn't pass)
Continuous done

Note. Mind the way different types of Conditional sentences are

translated into Ukrainian:
First Cond.: If I have time, I’ll help you. — Якщо у мене буде час, я

тобі допоможу.
Second Cond.: If I had time, I would help you. (But I’m afraid I don’t
have enough time.) — Якщо б у мене був вільний час, я б тобі допоміг.
Third Cond.: If I had had time, I would have helped you. (But I was
really busy.) — Якщо б у мене був вільний час, я б тобі допоміг.

As you see from the above mentioned examples, the Second and Third
Conditionals are translated into Ukrainian in the same way. While translating
such sentences from Ukrainian into English, you have to rely on the context:
 if the action is referred to the present or future and is still possible
though unlikely, use the Second Conditional;
 if the action is referred to the past and is no more possible, use the
Third Conditional.

Exercise 16. Complete the following sentences

1. If the noise hadn’t bothered him ...
2. If he hadn’t been grumbling so much ...
3. If they hadn’t left without warning ...
4. Had the story been less unlikely ...
5. Unless she had bothered to look more attentively ...
6. If he had been more successful ...
7. If the computer hadn’t been broken into ...
8. If they had not been so confused ...
9. If they had been in town then ...
10. Had he made up his mind sooner ...

Exercise 17. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets

1. If George ......... (to be) less patient, he ......... (to fire) you long ago.
And that’s exactly what he should have done. Poor George, he was always too
2. If she ......... (not to provide) them with the information, they .........
(may kill) her.
3. He ......... (to know) it, what a fantastic idea it ......... (to seem) to him!
But of course he couldn’t even imagine anything like that.
4. Unless the rescue party ......... (to arrive), they ......... (to starve) to
5. If the warden ......... (to go on) reading, he ......... (not to notice)
6. If Cecile ......... (to be able) to go home once in a while, she ......... (to
be) less homesick. But that was out of the question.
7. Betty ......... (to look) for the proof for a long time unless she ......... (to
find) that manuscript.

8. If John ......... (to have) better backing, his expectations ......... (not to
come) to nothing.
9. I ......... (not to sign) that contract if there ......... (to be) any
information... any rumours about his going bankrupt.
10. If she ......... (to be aware) of our problems at the time, nothing .........
(to prevent) her from interfering.
11. Larry ......... (to ask) that question long ago unless he ......... (to get)
shy so suddenly.
12. If the detective ......... (to go) through the case-histories first,
he ......... (to find) the robbers sooner.
13. If the boy ......... (not to grin) constantly, he ......... (not to
14. He (to notice) the fallen chair and ......... (not to fall over) unless the
room lights ......... (to put out).
15. Who ......... (to help) him if I ......... (not to happen) to be there?
16. You ......... (to be) surprised if I ......... (to tell) you everything there
and then?
17. If he ......... (to get) that appointment, it ......... (to confirm) his self-
18. If he ......... (to be) much against it, he ......... (to give) me a hint. But
he didn’t say a word.

Exercise 18. Put the verb in brackets in a suitable form, using a

negative where necessary
The dinosaurs probably
became extinct after a giant
asteroid hit the Earth about 65
million years ago. But what
(happen) would have
happened if this asteroid
(miss)? Scientists believe that
in this case, dinosaurs
(continue) …….. to dominate the Earth, and that modern animals (probably
exist) …….. . Instead of elephants and lions and so on, there (be) ……..
different types of dinosaurs, because the animals we have now simply (be
able) …….. to evolve. Some scientists have even suggested that dinosaurs
(develop) …….. along the same lines as human beings, but this is a minority
The general view is that perhaps dinosaur brains (grow) …….. larger, but
if they

(exist) …….. today, dinosaurs (change) …….. very much in general, and
(look) …….. much the same. The prospects for human beings would not be
so good, however. If the asteroid (collide) …….. with the Earth, there
(probably be) …….. any humans alive today. When the asteroid disaster
wiped out the dinosaurs, it
gave mammals the advantage. Without that space collision, mammals
(stand) …….. much chance against the dominant dinosaur species.

Exercise 19. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Якби він знав про все заздалегідь, він ні за що не став би так
2. Якби нас вчасно не попередили, ми б повірили всьому, що
він нам розповідав.
3. Якби вчора не було холодно, ми могли б поїхати за місто.
4. Якби ви не слухали порад людей, що не розбираються в
цьому питанні, ви б не зробили стільки помилок.
5. Я б залишилася вдома, якщо б у мене була можливість
обирати. Але у мене просто не було можливості обирати.
6. Якби поїзд прибув вчасно, нам не прийшлося б чекати так
7. Ми не стали б з ним сваритися, якби не з'ясувалося, що він
весь час нас обманював.
8. Якби я не забув твою адресу, я б зайшов до тебе.
9. Цікаво, чи зустрілися б вони, якби вона не запізнилася на
потяг і їй не довелося б чекати наступного?
10. Якби я знав усі подробиці, я не став би втручатися. Але зараз
вже пізно, нічого не зміниш.
11. Якщо ти прийшов би вчасно, ми б не спізнилися на поїзд і нам
би не довелося витрачати стільки грошей на нові квитки.
12. Якби вам підвищили зарплату, ви б не звільнилися, вірно?
13. Якби він не з’їв стільки морозива, він не захворів би.
14. Ніхто не запідозрив би його, якби він сам себе не видав.
15. Якби ми не забули карту, ми не загубилися б у лісі.

Exercise 20. a) Read the text and order the paragraphs of the story

… The police detained her for three hours and she missed her
flight again. Sunita went home and decided never to fly again!
… When she got to the airport she realised she had forgotten her
passport. So she jumped in a taxi and returned home. She
grabbed her passport from her bedroom, got in a taxi and went

back to the airport.
… One mile from the airport the taxi broke down. She tried to
catch another, but they were all taken and so she ran the rest of
the way.
1. Sunita had to be at the airport for her flight at 9am, but her
alarm didn't go off and she overslept. She got dressed very
quickly, threw everything into her suitcase and ran out of the
… When she arrived at the airport, she saw that she had missed her
flight. She had to pay 2,000 rupees for another ticket for the
next flight.
… While she was waiting, she went to buy a book. She was so
preoccupied with her difficult morning that she walked out of
the shop without paying and was arrested by the police.

b) Make up sentences about Sunita’s morning using the Third

Example: If her alarm had gone off, she wouldn't have

Exercise 21. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the

Pattern: She pushed her brother. He fell over.
If she hadn't pushed her brother, he wouldn't have fallen
I don’t know him well. I can’t remember his phone number.
If I knew him well, I would remember his phone number.
1. He is a straightforward person. He loathes mysteries and always
insists on being told the truth.
2. Archie made a mystery of the whole matter. No one could understand
3. Dennys knows a lot about history. He can help you with your project.
4. Bertha is quite popular. She gets invited to many parties.
5. I don’t have much time for newspapers. I never read past the third line
of any report.
6. Dave was unwell yesterday. He didn’t go to the country with us. He
stayed at home.
7. He didn’t know they had been planning a birthday party for him. It
was a complete surprise.
8. He thinks he was wrong. He is overcome with remorse.
9. He thought the case was unimportant... So he was indifferent. Totally
uncaring, I should say.
10. I can’t see his face clearly. I can’t say whether I know him or not.

11. I didn’t know the way. I had to ask for help.
12. He paused to wonder at the oddity of the situation. He wasted so
much time!
13. I don’t know what happened. But I’m afraid he teased that dog. It
was furious.
14. I like that actor. I might go and see the play.
15. He never feels self-doubt. He is so difficult to deal with.
16. I think the test is going to be very complicated. I’m revising again
17. Mr. Gale is busy. He is entertaining his guests. He can’t see you
18. There was no need to say anything, so I went away.
19. The information is classified. You’ll have to get a permit.
20. I’m afraid I really hurt her. I didn’t know it was a sore point.
21. It was his first picture. But we didn’t know it and sounded too
22. Mark enjoys gardening. He spends nearly all his time in his garden.
23. She did not understand the last few lines of the poem, so she had to
go back and read them again.
24. The play seems to be going on and on forever. The audience is
25. She is so garrulous. Everybody is avoiding her.
26. They did not know how to deal with the problem, so they had to call
a specialist.
27. Mrs. Tinker wasn’t an eyewitness at all. All she said was just
hearsay. The burglar, whoever he was, was in a hurry to get away. He didn’t
have time to do everything expertly.
28. The cover and the fly-leaf are both missing. We’ll have to guess
who the author is.
29. The lecture is quite boring. The students aren’t listening.
30. Those two applicants were not qualified for the job. They were
turned down.
31. You don’t know anything about law. You can’t say whether the
book contains errors of procedure.

Exercise 22. Supply the correct verb form

1. If we (have) ……………. enough money we would go to the concert.
2. If he (receive) ……………. an invitation, he would have joined us.
3. If I had known about the party, I (come) …………….
4. You would speak better English if you (read) ……………. more in
5. We (be) ……………. on the beach if we were in Mexico.
6. You'd get more work done if you (plan) ……………. your day better.

7. I wouldn't have met up with Tom if I (stay) ……………. at home.
8. He (not) be so self-confident if he (know) ……………. the truth. I
think somebody should tell him.
9. If it (rain) ……………. yesterday, … (stay) ……………. at
10. I (buy) ……………. the bigger model if (be able to afford)
……………. it. But then I was really short of money.
11. I (help) ……………. you if you (tell) ……………. me there was a
12. I (sing) ……………. you a song if I (have) ……………. my guitar
13. I (not be) ……………. so keen on employing him if I (not think)
……………. he was the best person for the job. He really is.
14. I (lose) ……………. my job if I (not be) ……………. late for work.
That was my fault.
15. I wouldn't have met up with Tom if I (stay) ……………. at home.
16. If I (come) ……………. into a fortune, I (give up) …………….
17. I haven’t had a meal since yesterday. If I (not be) ……………. so
hungry, I (share) ……………. my sandwich with you.
18. Why are you trembling? — I’m terribly cold. If I (have)
……………. a better sleeping bag, I (not feel) ……………. so cold.
19. If she (feel) ……………. better, she (go) to work. But she had a bad
20. If Tara (be) ……………. free yesterday, I (invite) ……………. her
to the cinema.
21. If the customer (not call) ……………. to complain, we (never, find)
……………. out about this problem.
22. If the wind (be) ……………. so strong, the bridge (not collapse)
23. If we (go) ……………. on a trip last Sunday, we (get) …………….
24. If you (listen) ……………. to me, you (not marry) …………….
him. I told you he was a nerd.
25. What ……………. (you, do) ……………. if you (hear)
……………. that someone you work with has an alcohol problem?
26. What……………. (you, do) ……………. if you (find) …………….
$ 100 000 in a bag in the street?
27. I (never, believe) ……………. it was possible if I (not see)
…………….it with my own eyes.

Exercise 23. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable form

Example: Why didn't you phone? If I (know) ..had known… you were

coming, I (meet) …would have met .... you at the airport.
1......................................................................It's a pity you missed the
party. If you (come) ………. , you (meet) ………. my friends from Hungary.
2...........................If we (have) ………. some tools, we (be able) ……….
to repair the car, but we haven't got any with us.
3...................................................................Thank you for your help. If
you (not help) ………. me, I (not pass) ………. the examination.
4......................................................It's a beautiful house, and I (buy)
………. it if I (have) ………. the money, but I can't afford it.
5..............................................I can't imagine what I (do) ………. with
the money if I (win) ………. the football pools or a lottery.
6...............................................................Mark isn't a serious athlete. If he
(train) ………. harder, he (be) ………. quite a good runner.
7................................If Claire (listen) ……….to her mother, she (not
marry) ………. David in the first place.
8................................It rained every day on our holiday. If we (not take)
………. the television with us, we (not have) ………. anything to do.
9...............................................Jim is so untidy! If he (buy) ………. some
new clothes, he (not look) ………. so bad!


Will is sometimes used in if-clauses to express polite requests,
insistence, annoyance.
If you will help me to fill in the form, I'll be very grateful to you. = Will you,
please, help me to fill in the form. (polite request)
If you will not stop making such a noise, you'll be punished = If you insist on
making such a noise… (insistance)
If you will take my iPod again without asking, I'll never lend you anything. =
If you do that again, I'll be very annoyed. (annoyance)
Sometimes the modal would do is used in both clauses for the same
If you would help me, I would be very grateful to you.(request)

Exercise 24. What do the if-clauses express: request, insistence or

1. If you will wash up afterwards, I'll make lunch. ..... request... .
2. If you will listen to that awful music, you could at least wear
3. If you will lend me the money, I can pay you back on payday.
4. If the dog will keep barking, I'll let it out.
5. If you will let me use your computer, I'll be very grateful.
6. If you would stop shouting, we can try to sort this problem out.

7. If you will continue ignoring me, I will leave.


If I had a better education, I wouldn’t have guessed

wrong when the judge asked “how do you plead?”

Mixed conditional sentences are the sentences in which the actions in

the main clause and the if-clause have different time-reference:
a) The unreal condition may refer to the past and the consequence — to
the present or future.

If smb had done smb would do smth

smth, would be doing smth.

If you hadn't caught a cold, you wouldn't be coughing now.

If your parents hadn't met, you wouldn't be sitting here now.
If I had eaten breakfast several hours ago, I would not be hungry now.
b) The condition may refer to no particular time, and the consequence
may refer to the past.

If smb were/did smb would have done

smth, smth.

She wouldn’t have told me her story if she disliked me.

John wouldn’t have lost his keys if he weren’t so absent-minded.
If we were rich, we would have offered to help those poor people who were

Exercise 25. Complete the sentences
1. If I hadn't returned home yesterday, today.........
2. If Joe hadn't entered the army, today..........
3. If Indians hadn't been killed or driven to reservations, today.....
4. If Germany had won World War II, today........
5. If I hadn't eaten that hamburger yesterday, today........
6. If I had been born a member of the opposite sex, today......
7. If World War III had broken out in the 1980s, today.......
8. If I hadn't bought a dog, today.......................................
9. If Alexander Flemming hadn't discovered penicillin, today ………
10....................................................................................... If I had been
born into an English family, today..............................................

Exercise 26. Change the statements into conditional sentences

Example: I'm hungry now because I didn't eat dinner. But....
But if I'd eaten dinner, I wouldn't be hungry now.
1. The room is full of flies because you left the door open. But....
2. You are tired this morning because you didn't go to bed at a
reasonable hour last night. But ....
3. I didn't finish my report yesterday, so I can't begin a new project
today. But....
4. Anita is sick because she didn't follow the doctor's orders. But ....
5. I'm not you, so I didn't tell him the truth. But....
6. I don't know anything about plumbing, so I didn't fix the leak in the
sink myself. But....
7. I received a good job offer from the oil company, so I won't seriously
consider taking the job with the electronics firm. But....
8. He is tired. He’s been working too much. But....
9. Tina looks so sleepy. Obviously she had been studying too much.
10. Brian is always spending too much. Yesterday he got a letter from
the bank again. But....
11. They are quite astonished. They never anticipated anything like that.
12. Mark was too rude and he realises it, of course. No doubt he feels
sorry. But....
13. As a child, he was conditioned to obey his elders. He still behaves
that way, though he is not young. But....
14. Last year too many young people achieved promotion. This year the
company is restricting job movement. But....
15. That new secretary of yours is too impertinent. She dared to talk
like that to me! But....

16. Stella is very pessimistic. Only yesterday she told me again that she
didn’t like the look of the future. She never does! But....
17. George has been ignoring his doctor’s advice completely. He is
much worse than when I last saw him. But....
18. All his life he has been a success. He is still having difficulty in
assimilating the idea of failure. The habits of success are hard to break. But....
19. Tony’s immediate superiors didn’t know he was going to quit. No
small wonder they’re angry. But....
20. Vivian is used to her husband thinking of his problems only. It is
not surprising she looked suspicious of his altruism when he offered his help.
21. She is so practical. It is the attitude her mother encouraged through
childhood. But....
22. He’s a computer wizard. He coped with that problem no one else
could solve. But....
23. He’s been drinking too much. He feels lightheaded. But....

Exercise 27. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Якби ви послухали мене і звернулися до лікаря, вам би не було
зараз так погано.
2. Він давно б прийняв вашу пропозицію, якби він не був таким
3. «Якщо б відповідь на мій запит була позитивною, зараз я вже
була б зайнята з'ясуванням подробиць», — думала Елла.
4. Якби він був розумніший, він не став би вплутуватися в цю
історію. Його ж не раз попереджали.
5. Як склалося б наше життя, якби ми не розлучилися?
6. Якби ви не підтримували мене весь цей час, мій нинішній успіх
був би неможливий.
7. Якщо б ця команда більше тренувалася протягом року, вони
зараз грали б набагато краще.
8. На вашому місці я б оформив закордонний паспорт ще рік тому.
9. Якби ми встигли на автобус, ми б вже були вдома.
10. Якби Джеральду все розповіли ще вчора, він не вів би себе
таким чином.
11. Якби ваша присутність була дійсно необхідна, я б давно
написав вам і попросив приїхати.
12. Террі не став би турбувати вас так пізно, якби був хоч трохи
13. Якби Джилліан все ще потрібна була допомога, вона б давно
зателефонувала нам.
14. Якби він був уважнішим до неї, він би помітив, що вона дуже

15. Якби він був в змозі дати хоч яку-небудь відповідь, він би
давно це зробив.


Exercise 28. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct
form. Pay attention to the adverbial modifiers of time
1. If he ………. (book) tickets yesterday, he ………. (lie) on the beach
2. She ………. (not forgive) him if she ………. (not be) his mother.
3. If you ………. (drink) less last night, you ………. (not feel) so bad
4. If he ………. (be) cleverer, he ………. (not behaved) so foolishly
5. If I ………. (know) English well, I ………. (translate) the article long
6. I ………. (take) part in the last competition if I ………. (be) younger.
7. If he ………. (do) work yesterday, he ………. (be) free today.
8. If you ………. (take) into account his behavior then, you ………. (not
have) so much trouble now.
9. You ………. (may be) a star now if you ………. (be offered) the part
in the film then.
10. If she ………. (not decide) to change a job last year, she ……….
(go) to China next month.
11. He ………. (not go) to sleep over that book if it ………. (not be) so
12. If he ………. (be) a good musician, he………. (take part) in
yesterday's concert.

Exercise 29. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the

meaning stays the same
1. I was late for the train so I will probably be late for my brother's
wedding too.
If I ……………………………………………………………….. .
2. «I can easily beat Martin!» «But he sometimes plays unfair!»
If Martin………………………………………………………………..
3. Julian saw a horror film on TV in the evening. Now he cannot sleep.
If Julia ………………………………………………………. .
4. We aren't in England, so Marjorie must drive on the right side of the
If we ……………………………………………………………. .
5. The picnic is quite nice. Mosquitoes are the only problem.
If it ……………………………………………………………..

6. Hugh didn't know how much work there was, so he agreed to do it.
If…………………… how much work there was…………………..
7. No one has as yet found any gold in Warsaw dungeons, just because
there isn't any.
If there ………………………………………………………………………

Exercise 30. Correct the mistakes in some sentences

1. If cats hadn't eaten mice, people wouldn't have domesticated them.
2. I might have been attacked by that shark if I went swimming with you in
the ocean.
3. If you had let the cat in, Freddie, it wouldn't have been mewing outside
the main door now!
4. What! Did you really start writing your exam from the most difficult
question? If I were you, I would have tried doing the easier exercises first.
5. Sharon Stone would be playing in the film George Lucas is shooting now
if she didn't break her leg while rock-climbing.
6. If you lose an important match, you will feel as bad as when you lose an
unimportant one.
7. If Albert Einsein were a good student at school, he would never become
so interested in physics and would never become a famous physicist.
8. If I had the computer games I can get now, when I was in my primary
school, I would never have graduated it.

Exercise 31. Choose the most suitable form

1. Why didn't you tell me? If you told/had told me, I had/would have
helped you.
2. If Bill didn't steal/hadn't stolen the car, he wasn't/wouldn't be/hadn't
been in prison now.
3. If Ann wasn't driving/didn't drive/hadn't driven so fast, her car didn't
crash/wouldn't crash /wouldn't have crashed into a tree.
4. Let me give you some advice. If you smoked/would smoke/had
smoked less, you didn't feel/wouldn't feel /wouldn't have felt so tired.
5. What bad luck! If Alan didn't fall/hadn't fallen/wouldn't fall over,
he won/would win/would have won the race.
6. If you invited/had invited me last week, I was able/had been
able/would have been able to come.
7. I'm sure your letter hasn't arrived yet. If it came/had come I'm sure
I noticed/had noticed/would have noticed it.
8. We have a suggestion to make. How do you feel/would you feel if
we offered/would offer/had offered you the job of assistant manager?
9. If you lent/had lent us the money, we paid/would pay /had paid
you back next week.
10. Terry never catches anything when he goes fishing. And if he

catches/caught/had caught a fish, he throws/would throw it back!

Exercise 32. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Якщо у нього зараз заняття, нам доведеться довго чекати.
2. Якби у нього зараз були заняття, нам довелось би довго чекати.
3. Якщо я її побачу найближчим часом, я, звичайно, розповім їй про
4. Якби я її побачив найближчим часом, я б, звичайно, розповів їй
про це.
5. Якщо він не був у цей час хворий, він відвідував тренування.
6. Якби він не був у цей час хворий, він би відвідував тренування.
7. Якщо вона змогла вибрати час, вона переглянула ваші
8. Якщо б вона змогла вибрати час, вона б переглянула ваші
9. Якщо ви там бували, ви знаєте, як виглядають ці місця.
10. Якщо б ви там побували, ви б знали, як виглядають ці місця.
11. Якби ти взяв словник раніше, ти б вже переклав цю статтю.
12. Якби вони зустрілися раніше, я впевнена, що вони би були
зараз разом.
13. Якби вони були б разом, вони були б щасливі.
14. Якби не було б кохання, життя було б сірим.
15. Якби машина не їхала б з такою швидкістю, аварії не сталося б.
16. Якби ти вчасно звернувся до лікаря, ти б вже одужав.
17. Якби він одразу б вибачився, його б вже давно пробачили.
18. Усі раділи б, якщо б ти прийшов до нас ще раз до свого
19. Якби дорога не була закрита, ми б не витратили стільки часу на
20. Якщо б він знайшов роботу, я була б на сьомому небі від щастя.
21. Якби ця дівчина не була такою легковажною, вона б йому
22. Якби я знав, що ти був у скрутному становищі, я б обов’язково
тобі допоміг.
23. Вони б не відхилили мою пропозицію, якщо б розглянули її як
24. Якби я не знав його так добре, я б ніколи не повірив в те, що він
нам тільки що розповів.
25. Ніхто не винен в тому, що тобі не видали візу. Якщо б ти здав
всі документи вчасно, ти б її отримав.


The verb should is used in the if-clause to denote a problematic future
action (an action which is unlikely to take place). Future Simple or the
Imperative Mood can be found in the main clause.

If smb should do smb will do smth.


The problematic character of the action in the if-clause is

rendered into Ukrainian by «якщо трапиться так, що; якщо раптом;
якщо все ж таки».
If I should be late, don't worry. — Якщо ти раптом спізнишся / Якщо
станеться так, що ти спізнишся, не хвилюйся.
If you should win the game, I'll be the first to congratulate you. — Якщо ти
все ж таки виграєш, я першим тебе привітаю.
 The verb to happen can be used in the same meaning as should:
If I happen to be late, don't worry.
 The form were to makes an event seem even more hypothetical and is
usually used with the form would do in the main clause.
If I were to ask you to marry me, what would you say? — Якщо б раптом я
запропонував тобі вийти за мене, що б ти сказала?

Exercise 25. Paraphrase the following sentences making them less

probable. Translate them into Ukrainian
Example : If I see him, I'll tell you.
If I should see him, I’ll tell you.
1. If the missing money is found, you’ll be the first the know.
2. If there are any changes in the schedule, you’ll be told about it.
3. If Rob can’t make a decision, we’ll have to do it ourselves.
4. If you are invited to attend the conference, will you agree?
5. If he insists on it, he’ll be given all the necessary information.
6. If Sheila doesn’t phone, we’ll have to go and find her.
7. If he is asked to leave, he won’t obey.
8. If Diana manages to increase productivity in the department, that will
be a point in her favour.
9. If you arrive on time, I’ll meet you.
10. If she comes to stay here, I’ll go.
11. If I never see him again, I'll be glad.
12. If you are outmanoeuvred, come to see me and we’ll think what to
do about it.
13. If you bring your resume, it may prove useful.
14. If you have any problems with the new administrator, ask the
assistant manager to help you.

15. If she makes a speedy recovery, she’ll still be able to go on holiday
with us.
16. If you keep quiet about it, no one will know.
17. If Emma is trusted with the car, she’ll feel quite confident about it.
18. If I have a headache, I’ll just take an aspirin and go to bed.
19. Is she nervous? — Of course she is nervous. If someone touched
her on the shoulder, she would probably spring right out of her seat.

Exercise 33. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Якщо ви несподівано затримаєтеся, зателефонуйте мені.
2. Якщо вам доведеться знову зустрітися, ви б впізнали його?
3. Якби я раптом побачив цю книгу, я б її купив.
4. Якщо я раптом побачу цю книгу, я її куплю.
5. Якщо ви раптом побачите цю книгу, неодмінно купіть її.
6. Будь я знову в цьому місті, я б неодмінно відвідав цю
7. Дайте нам знати, якщо ви раптом отримаєте нову
8. Якщо б вам довелося приймати рішення найближчим часом,
як би ви вчинили?
9. Якби мені довелося знову писати цю книгу, я б не змінив
жодного рядка.
10. Що б вона зробила, якби їй довелося вибирати між сім'єю і
11. Якщо вас раптом зупинять, покажіть пропуск.
12. Якщо йому раптом пощастить і він виграє головний приз, що
він буде з ним робити?
13. Якщо станеться так, що ти потрапиш у біду, я допоможу тобі,
не зважаючи ні на що.
14. Якщо станеться так, що ми більше ніколи не зустрінемося, я
завжди буду пам’ятати нашу дружбу.
15. Якщо станеться так, що тістечка будуть несвіжими, я більше
ніколи не буду купувати солодощі у вас.


When the first verb in the if-clause is should, were, or had, we can
leave out if and put the verb at the start of the clause.
Should any of this cost you anything, send me the bill. (= If any of this should
It would be embarrassing, were she to find out the truth. (= ...if she were to
find out..)
Were the election to be held today, the Liberals would win easily. (= If the

election was/were held today...)
Had they not rushed Jo to hospital, he would have died. (= If they hadn't
rushed Jo...)

Exercise 34. Create sentences with the same meaning by omitting if

Example: If you should need more money, go to the bank before six
Should you need more money, go to the bank before six
1. If I were you, I wouldn't do that.
2. If they had realized the danger, they would have done it differently.
3. If I were your teacher, I would insist you do better work.
4. If you should change your mind, please let me know immediately.
5. She would have gotten the job if she had been better prepared.
6. Your boss sounds like a real tyrant. If I were you, I would look for
another job.
7. I'll be out of the country until June 12. If you should need to reach
me, I'll be at the
Hilton Hotel in Seoul.
8. The artists and creative thinkers throughout the history of the world
have changed all of our lives. If they had not dared to be different, the history
of civilization would have to be rewritten.
9. If there should be a global nuclear war, life on earth as we know it
would end forever.

Exercise 35. Rewrite the sentences using inversion, as in the example

Example: If he had known about the meeting, he would have come.
Had he known about the meeting, he would have come.
1. If the plane leaves on time, I'll arrive in Paris at noon.
Should ………………………………………………….
2. If you had left earlier, you wouldn't have missed the bus.
Had ………………………………………………….
3. If I were you, I wouldn't tell anyone about it.
Were ………………………………………………….
4. If you see Paul, tell him I want to see him.
Should …………………………………………………..
5. If he had studied harder, he would have passed the test.
Had ………………………………………………….
6. If you drink too much coffee, you won't be able to sleep.
Should . …………………………………………………. .
7. If I were you, I would write him a thank-you letter.
Were ………………………………………………….

Exercise 36. Translate into English. Join the clauses asyndetically
where possible
1. Будь я на вашому місці, я б пішов раніше, щоб застати його.
2. Якби я був художником, я б обов'язково намалював портрет цієї
3. Що б ви сказали, якби я звернувся до вас за порадою?
4. Ви були б незадоволені, якби я не прийшов?
5. Якби він вступив до інституту чотири роки тому, він наступного
року вже закінчив би його.
6. Якщо б мені сказали раніше, я б не залишив цю справу без уваги.
7. Якби ми знали, що вам потрібна ця книга, ми б захопили її з
8. Ви б пішли кудись увечері, якби я запросив вас?
9. Якби ви не були таким неуважним, ви б не зробили так багато
орфографічних помилок.
10. Якби поїзд вийшов вчасно, він прибув би в кінцевий пункт
завтра рано вранці.
11. Якби ви займалися систематично, у вас не було б таких
12. У тому, що я зробив, немає нічого особливого; будь-хто на
моєму місці зробив би те ж саме.
13. Якби ви виконали всі приписи лікаря, ви давно б одужали і
працювали зараз разом з нами.
14. Я б відклав свою роботу і поїхав би з вами на екскурсію, якби я
знав про це заздалегідь.
15. Я б на вашому місці ні хвилини не вагався і прийняв цю
16. Якби вони уявляли собі, як насправді ідуть справи, вони б
припинили зайві розмови на цю тему і вжили б рішучих заходів.


Apart from if, conditionals can also be introduced by unless, which
means «except under the following circumstances» or «except if»
(«якщо… не»). It is used to draw attention to the condition as an
exception and sometimes means the same as if... not.
He won't come unless you ask him. (He won't come if you don't ask him.)
Unless there's a miracle, I'll have to ask for extra time to complete my
You can't travel on this train unless you have a reservation.
In real conditional sentences, we can often use either unless or if...not
with a similar meaning:
Unless the theatre is able to raise £100,000, it will have to close. (= If the
theatre isn't able to...)
However, we use if...not but not unless:
 when we say in the main clause that an event or action in the if-
clause is unexpected:
I'll be amazed if Christie doesn't win.
 usually in questions:
If you don't pass the test, what will you do?
 We usually use if … not rather than unless in unreal conditional
If I weren't so tired, I'd give you a hand.
Other alternatives to if are: providing, provided (that), as long as, in
case, on condition (that), but for (= without), what if, supposing, even if,
only if.
You will get a seat providing/provided (that)/as long as/only if you reserve a
I'll do what you say provided the police are not informed.
Even if describes how something will happen whatever the condition and
is used to introduce the subclauses of concession.

Even if it rains, we'll still go for a picnic.
Supposing or suppose can replace if, mainly in everyday speech.
Supposing you won the football pools, what would you do?

Exercise 37. Insert if or unless into the blanks in the following

1. I wouldn’t argue ... I were you.
2. Everyone would like his films better ... he invited that actor more
3. Everyone would like his films better... he invited that actor so often.
4. Everyone would like his films better ... he didn’t invite that actor so
5. He wouldn’t be using that advantage ... it were not so overwhelming.
6. He would be getting no help from anyone ... they didn’t think he
needed it so desperately.
7. He would be getting no help from anyone ... they thought he needed it
8. John wouldn’t be speaking French ... he thought everyone knew it.
9. John wouldn’t be speaking French ... he didn’t think everyone knew
10. His face would seem mean ... he didn’t smile.
11. His face would seem less mean ... he smiled.
12. His face would seem mean ... he smiled.
13. The company wouldn’t be ringing with scandal ... it were so recent.
14. ... you take a taxi, you won't get to the airport on time.
15. ... it rains heavily tomorrow, I won't go to football practice.
16. ... you have booked a table, you won't be able to eat here tonight.
17. ... I have enough time this weekend, I'll visit my grandmother.
18. ... you are willing to study very hard, you'll never pass the test.
19. ... I find a cheap flight, I won't be going abroad this summer.
20. ... he sets his alarm, he won't wake up on time in the morning.
21. ... I go to Paris, I'll buy lots of souvenirs.

Exercise 38. Rephrase the following using unless

1. If the neighbours don't stop shouting, I'll call the police.
2. If he doesn't pay the fine, he may go to prison.
3. If the traffic isn't heavy, we should arrive by 10 pm.
4. If the buses aren't running, we'll get a taxi.
5. If the athlete doesn't improve his speed, he won't break the record.
6. If the weather doesn't act better, we will cancel the football game.

Exercise 39. Underline the correct item

1. A: Could we have a table for four, please?
B: Only if/Supposing you have a reservation, sir. We are very busy
2. A: Would you like to go bowling this evening, Steve?
B: I'd love to; providing/unless I finish this report by 5 o'clock.
3. A: Unless/As long as you train hard, you won't be ready to run
the marathon next month.
B: I know. I'm trying to run a few kilometres every day.
4. A: Hurry up or else/but for we'll miss the train!
B: I'm walking as fast as I can!
5. A: Supposing/Provided you forgot your wallet at home, what
would you do?
B: I'd probably borrow some money from a classmate.


Exercise 40. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
Example: If he hadn't read the notice in the newspaper, George ....would
have never applied .. (never/apply) for the job.
1. Suppose you ……………….. (lose) your house keys, what
……………….. (you/do)?
2. If I were you, I ……………….. (accept) the invitation.
3. If Alan ……………….. (not/wake up) late, he would have arrived at
work on time.
4. I ……………….. (go) to the gym providing I have time after work.
5. If Karen ……………….. (not/have to) finish an essay tonight, she
would come to the cinema.
6. If you ……………….. (wear) your raincoat, you wouldn't have got
7. Unless the weather ……………….. (improve) , we ……….. (not/go)
camping this weekend .
8. Only if David ……………….. (arrive) home soon, will we go to the
9. Now we're lost! If you (write down) ………………… Mary's
directions, this (not happen)………………….
10. Why don't we emigrate? If we (live) …….….in Australia, at least
the weather (be) …………………better!
11. I'm afraid that Smith is a hardened criminal. If we (not punish)
…………. him this time, he (only commit)…………. more crimes.
12. Thanks to Dr Jones, I'm still alive! If it (not be) ………… for her, I
(be) ……………….dead for certain!
13. I'm sorry I can't lend you any money. You know that if I (have)
………… it, I (lend) …………………it to you.
14. Don't be afraid. If you (touch) ……………the dog, it (not bite)

15. In those days, if you (have) …………….a job, you (be) …………
16. It's always the same! If I (decide) ………………to leave the office
early, my boss (call)…….. ……… after I've left!
17. What a terrible thing to happen! Just think, if we (not miss)
………… the plane, we (kill) ……………….in the crash.
18. Did you enjoy your meal? If you (finish)………eating, I (clear
away) ………… the plates.

Exercise 41. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the

meaning stays the same
Example: I didn't have an umbrella with me and so I got wet.
I wouldn't have got wet if I had had an umbrella with me.
1. I'll call the police if you don't leave me alone!
2. In the snowy weather we don't go to school.
If …………………………………………………………………….........
3. Without Jack's help, I wouldn't have been able to move the table.
If …………………………………………………………………….........
4. You drink too much coffee, that's why you can't sleep.
If you ……………………………………………………………….........
5. You press this button to stop the machine.
If …………………………………………………………………….........
6. Make me some coffee, and I'll give you one of my biscuits.
If …………………………………………………………………….........
7. If you hadn't told me about Sue's hair, I wouldn't have noticed.
Unless ……………………………………………………………….........
8. If you see Peter, tell him he should be here at 8.00.
If you should …………………………………………………………….
9. I wouldn't accept if you asked me to marry you!
If you were ………………………………………………………….........
10. If you left out that chapter, you can't really say you read the whole
11. If you want my advice, I'd think twice about buying a car like that.
If I ………………………………………………………………….........
12. It won't make any difference if City score first, United will still win.
United will still win………………………………………………………
13. Provided your voice is audible, the audience will get the point of
this scene.
As long as the audience…………………………………………….........
14. If you refuse to stop eating sweets, you can't expect to lose weight

If you won't……………………………………………………………….
15. Without your help, I wouldn't have found the house.
If you…………………………………………………………………….
16. Getting up early makes me feel hungry.
If …………………………………………………………………….........

Exercise 42. Choose the right option

1. Nick! The dog …… if you ……..teasing it.
a) bites / will not stop
b) will bite / don't stop
c) will bite / won't stop
d) bites / don't stop
2. Why didn't you tell me? If I.............……...earlier, I……..gone there!
a) knew / would have never
b) had known / would have never
c) had known / would never have
d) would have known / had never
3. If you…… earn far more money as you say, we …… buy a house.
a) begin / will be able
b) begin / will can
c) began / would could
d) began / would be able
4. There are plenty of dry sticks in the forest. Now, if you……..some,
we……..a nice warm fire.
a) fetch / build
b) fetch / build
c) fetched/ 'd build
d) are fetching / will build
5. If I……, I…… before the season started. Now they are very
a) were / would have bought
b) had been / would buy
c) had been / would have bought
d) am / would buy
6. If we……..our little invention before Sony did it, we…… now.
a) patented / would be
b) patented / would have been
c) had patented / would be
d) patented / were
7. If Julia……..into Frank's eyes, she……..making those cruel remarks
about his large ears. The poor boy was nearly crying!
a) looked / would stop

b) would have looked / would have stopped
c) looks / will stop
d) had looked / would have stopped
8. Here she's sitting opposite me and I can't remember her name! I ……...
more comfortable if ……
a) 'd have felt / had remembered
b) 'd feel / had remembered
c) 'd fell / remembered
d) 'd feel / could remember
9. If……..wood wet, it……...
a) you keep / warps
b) you keep / 'll warp
c) you keep / is warping
d) kept / would warp
10. If you……..this sentence, you……..understand some English.
a) can read / will
b) will be able to read / will
c) can read / are able to
d) can read / 0

Exercise 43. Translate into English

1. Ти б засмутився, якби я не прийшов?
2. Будь він обережнішим, він би не впав.
3. Якщо б він не приїхав на машині зустріти нас, нам би самим
довелося нести свої речі.
4. Ти б пішла кудись увечері, якби він раптом тебе запросив?
5. Ми б поїхали сьогодні в басейн, якщо б ви зателефонували вчора
6. Якби він міг дати позитивну відповідь, він би давно це зробив.
7. Я б на твоєму місці не став би піднімати такий галас.
8. Якби ти прийняв його пропозицію, ти б давно працював у
престижній фірмі.
9. Якби ти не витрачав стільки грошей на одяг і ресторани, ти міг
би дозволити собі подорожувати.
10. Якщо наша армія була б контрактною, туди йшли б служити із
11. Будь я на вашому місці, я б пішов раніше, щоб застати його.
12. Якщо б він вів машину обережніше, ніякої б аварії не сталося.
13. Не зламай він ногу, він би виграв турнір.
14. Ніхто б не звинуватив тебе, якби ти вів себе по-іншому.
15. Що б ти зробила, якби він запросив тебе? Я знаю, що ви терпіти
не можете один одного.

16. Якби я мав достатньо грошей, я б вирушив до кругосвітньої
17. Якщо раптом він забуде про свою обіцянку, я йому нагадаю. Я
не залишу його в спокої, поки не дізнаюся всю правду про цей інцидент.
18. Якби я був на вашому місці, я б більше часу проводив з дітьми.
Вони потребують вашої уваги.
19. Якби ти не кричала на дитину, вона була б спокійнішою.
20. Якби Ван Гог продав свої картини, він би придбав визнання за
життя і не помер би в злиднях.
21. Я буду вам дуже вдячний, якщо ви нагадаєте йому про його
22. Якщо йде дощ, люди беруть з собою парасольки.
23. Станеться так, що ти знов потрапиш мені на очі — нарікай на
24. Мені здається, якби Барбара Стрейзанд змінила форму носа, її
кар'єра не була б настільки успішною.
25. Який прекрасний ресторан. Я рада, що ми прийшли сюди. —
Якби обід не підгорів, ми б не обідали тут.
26. Якби вам зробили такий дорогий подарунок, ви б прийняли
27. Вас не стали б лаяти, якщо б ви затримались. Нема чого було
так поспішати.
28. Припустимо, ти захворієш, хто буде тобі допомагати з фірмою?
29. Ви б взяли участь у конкурсі, якщо б ми вас запросили?
30. Якщо діти не слухають своїх батьків, їх карають.
31. Якщо ти будеш продовжувати прогулювати заняття, тебе
відрахують з університету ще до початку сесії.
32. Станеться так, що я спізнюся, їдьте без мене, я вас наздожену.
33. «Що б ви робили на моєму місці?» — «Не знаю. Але я б діяв
34. Шкода, що він не знав про нашу зустріч. Він би прийшов із
35. Куди б ти пішов, якби не йшов дощ? Не думаю, що він
триватиме довго.
36. Вона навіть натякнула, що якби вони зустрілися 10 років тому,
коли їм було по 20 років, все могло б скластися інакше.
37. Якби сталося так, що на світі не стало б жодних хвороб, то всі
люди жили б довго і були б набагато щасливішими.
38. Якщо ти приготуєш вечерю, я буду тобі дуже вдячна.
39. Цього б не сталося, якби ви виявили велику обережність.


Exercise 44. Discuss the situations. Use the given information to

make conditional sentences
Jan is working for a law firm, but she has been trying to find a different
job for a long time. She doesn't like her job at the law firm. Recently she was
offered a job with a computer company closer to her home. She wanted to
accept it, but the salary was too low.
 If Jan liked her job at the law firm, she wouldn't be
trying to find a different job.
 Jan would have accepted the job at the computer
company if the salary hadn't been too law.
 Etc.
a) Tommy had a pet mouse. He took it to school. His friend Jimmy put
the mouse in the teacher's desk drawer. When the teacher found the mouse,
she jumped in surprise and tried to kill it with a book. Tommy ran to the front
of the room and saved his pet mouse. Tommy and Jimmy got into a lot of
trouble with their teacher.

b) Ivan's axe was broken, and he wanted to borrow his neighbour Dan's
axe so that he could chop some wood. Then Ivan remembered that he had
already borrowed Dan's saw and had never returned it. He has since lost the
saw, and he's too embarrassed to tell Dan. Because of that, Ivan decided not to
ask Dan for his axe.


Often the if-clause is implied, not stated. It may be suggested either by
an adverbial part of the sentence, or else by the context — from the preceding
or following sentence.
Conditional verbs (would do and would have done or modals) are still
used in the main clause.
He committed the crime, otherwise he wouldn't have been arrested. (=If he
hadn't committed the crime, he wouldn't have been arrested.)
I would have stayed longer, but he didn't ask me to. (=I would have stayed
longer if he had asked me to.)
— What would you do if you had money?
— Oh, I would do many things! (= If I had money, I would do many things.)

Exercise 45. Analyse the form of the verb in the following sentences.
Translate the sentences into Ukrainian
1. I would like to go to the disco tonight, but my Mom won’t let me.
2. I would have joined you long ago, but they held me up typing some
stupid letters.
3. I don’t want to quarrel, but I could say a lot.
4. I didn’t want to quarrel, or I could have said a lot. I could have been
talking for hours.
5. Joseph thought he would have left the party long ago — should have
left, actually. But he was supposed to wait for Martha.
6. I’d have told you everything without your pressing me. But you never
bothered to explain the true reason.
7. Just a year ago I’d have given anything for that house — but now I’m

not interested any more.
8. The story might have been more arresting, actually. He omitted most
details, that’s why everyone was so bored.
9. He would have made friends anywhere. He knew how to influence
people, to carry them away.
10. She had been educated very expensively. Some of it would have
stuck — but she had not been a very diligent student.
11. «Look at that picture. Where would you place that man?» «I'd say
he’s a scholar... or maybe a composer.» «You would?» «Of course. Why?
Wouldn't you?»
12. I would never have recognized him. He has changed a lot.
13. I didn’t want to interfere, but otherwise he would still be talking,
so I had to.
14. «I must go, or they’ll find out I’ve been talking to you.»
«That would be the end of the world.»
«That would be the end of me.»
15. «Would you be unbearably surprised to hear that the Larkins broke
up?» — «No, I wouldn’t.»
16. «Are you coming?» The question was not one which would accept
any answer but yes.
Exercise 46. Choose the right option.
1. I would (have brought/bring) the book, but you did not tell me you
needed it.
2. It would (be/have been) wise of you to consult a dentist twice a year.
3. I think nobody would (object/have objected) to having a party
4. I did not know that it was so important for you. I would (do/have
done) it long ago.
5. In your place I wouldn't (argue/have argued) with her yesterday. She
is your boss.
6. Last year he wouldn't (say/have said) so of John.
7. I wouldn't (worry/have worried) about it now. Everything will clear
up soon.
8. We would (stay/have stayed) for an hour, but it is rather late.
9. We did not know that we would come to the lake. We would (take/
have taken) our rods.
10. I would (go/have gone) to sea, but my father wanted me to be a

Exercise 47. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets

Example: Why didn't you tell me? I (close) the window long
ago. — I would have closed the window long ago.
1. In your place I ………. (arrange) everything yesterday.

2. At that time he ………. (take) the necessary steps.
3. Why did you wash up? I ………. (do) it myself.
4. She ………. (buy) the dress, but she had no money.
5. He ………. (advise) them what to do, but he couldn't get in touch
with them.
6. We ………. (go) to the country rain or shine, but he was busy
last weekend.
7. I ………. (come) to see him last week, but I got ill and had to
stay in bed.
8. It………. (be) important then but not now.
9. They ………. (take) a taxi, but there was none.
10. Why didn't you ask them to discuss your problem then? They
………. (not postpone) it.

Exercise 48. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Було б неввічливо не відповісти на його лист. Він буде чекати
2. Було б краще відразу все пояснити їй. Тепер вже пізно.
3. Чому ви думаєте, що зробили б все набагато краще?
4. Я знаю, що ви ніколи не опинялися в подібній ситуації. Але ви
поступили б так само, вірно?
5. Добре, що Роберт вас не послухав. Все могло б обернутися
набагато гірше і для нього, і для вас.
6. У вашій ситуації було б краще перевести дітей в іншу школу.
7. Уявіть собі, що вам зробили подібний подарунок. Як би ви
8. Він все одно нічого б не помітив. Не варто було так старатися.
9. Девід був радий, що пішов, не дочекавшись Керрі. Що б він їй
10. «Що вона робить?» — «Плаче». — «Даремно». — «Не думаю.
Я б теж плакала».
11. Я приїхав би раніше, але не зміг.
12. Мені довелося все розповісти Кеті. Вона б про це дізналася —
від мене чи від когось іншого.


3.1 BUT FOR…

but for smth / smb would (could/might) do smth

except for smth smb would (could/might) have done smth

But for his temper he would be pleasant to work with. — Якщо б не її
запальний характер, з нею було б приємно працювати.
But for him we would never have found the way. — Якщо б не він, ми б
ніколи не знайшли дорогу.
Note. The same idea may be expressed by «If it weren’t/hadn’t been
for ...»:
If it weren’t for his temper, he would be pleasant to work with.
If it hadn’t been for him, we would never have found the way.

Exercise 49. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets

1. But for the headache I ………. (to go) to see you yesterday.
2. But for the headache I ………. (to go) to see them right now.
3. But for the weather he ………. (to ski) in the park now.
4. But for the weather we ………. (to go skiing) in the park
5. But for his slight accent one ………. (may take) him for an
6. One ………. (may take) him for an Englishman but for the
accent. The moment I heard him talk I knew he was a fraud.
7. But for the picture no one ………. (to understand) the story.
8. But for the picture they saw below the title they ………. (not to
understand) the story.
9. But for the file it ………. (not to occur) to you that the man was
a criminal.
10. But for the file it ………. (not to occur) to you that he is a criminal.
11. But for his absent-mindedness he ………. (to make) a good scholar.
12. But for his laziness he ………. (to make) a good student. I’m sure
he wasn’t as stupid as they say he was.
13. But for her nagging, theirs ………. (to be) a good marriage. But she
couldn’t stop. That was her nature.
14. But for Gerald’s childish behaviour the party ………. (to be) a
15. I ………. (to understand) that book better but for the French
expressions the author seemed to have been fond of. I did not know French as
well as I do now.
16. But for his looks he ………. (can become) a great actor. A pity.

Exercise 50. Complete the following sentences

1. But for the price ...
2. But for the late hour ...
3. But for his/her total lack of courage ...
4. But for his/her lack of ambition ...

5. But for their bad luck ...
6. But for the noise ...
7. But for the fog ...
8. But for the nervous strain ...
9. But for his/her poor health ...
10. But for their constant lack of money ...
11. But for his/her admirable integrity ...

Exercise 51. Paraphrase the following sentences using the

construction but for ...
1. If it hadn’t been for Damien’s help, I would never be where I am.
2. If it were not for your inefficiency, you wouldn’t be losing one job
after another.
3. “Another masterpiece, I’m sure.” — “If it hadn’t been for your
support, I wouldn’t have managed,” he replied bitterly.
4. If it hadn’t been for her talent for intrigue, she wouldn’t have
outwitted her rivals.
5. If it were not for your impatience, you’d find the task less
6. Were it not for your groundless suspicions, you wouldn’t have hurt
her feelings.
7. If it hadn’t been for the accident, your friends would be here already.
8. If it hadn’t been for that slight misunderstanding, she might have
been treated better.
9. If it hadn’t been for that minor mistake, Marshall would stand at least
fifty/fifty chance of winning.
10. If it hadn’t been for him, wouldn’t we have been asked to stay on?
But his presence was intolerable.
11. If it was not for his unrealised ambitions, he wouldn’t be so bitter.
1. The kidnapping idea occurred to them because of the money they
badly needed.
1. Thanks to my parents I have made a final decision and know
what I am going to do.
2. He was able to travel in a separate compartment thanks to his
3. He was so careless. He lost all the money he had.
4. He drew the map of the place and I didn't lose my way.
5. I recognized him the moment I saw him. The deep long scars on
his face hadn't changed at all.
6. The man went blind and could no longer paint.

Exercise 52. Paraphrase the following sentences using the
construction «If it weren’t/hadn’t been for ...»
1. But for his help we would still be working on this problem.
2. But for his help we would have been working on that problem for
3. But for the wall-paper the room would look quite nice.
4. That was all we could do. We wouldn’t have been able to do even
that but for you.
5. Except for her breathing one would’ve thought she was dead.
6. But for his will-power we would never have got so far with our plan.
7. But for the climate the place would be charming... quite charming.
8. But for the lack of time, he would have gone through every story in
the book thoroughly. As it was, he just managed to get the gist of it.
9. But for his sad smile one might have thought he was content.
10. But for his profuse apology she might have harboured a feeling of
11. Robert thought he would have been treated more kindly but for his

Exercise 53. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Якби не ілюстрації, книгу неможливо було б читати: вона
занадто нудна.
2. Якби не її звіт, ми б так і не дізналися всієї правди.
3. Джоан подумала, що якби не допомога і підтримка Ліліан, вона б
навряд чи пережила ці важкі дні.
4. Якби не його дивна поведінка, ми б не помітили, що він
5. Якби не його чіткі вказівки, ми б уже давно заблукали, вірно?
6. Я впевнений, що, якби не шпаргалки, він ні за що не зміг би
написати цю контрольну як слід, не кажучи вже про відмінну оцінку.
7. Якби не ваша упередженість, нам всім було б набагато легше
8. Якби не перераховані вище недоліки, робота була б просто
9. Якби не терпіння і розуміння всієї родини, Джеральд ніколи б не
став відомим письменником.
10. Якби не її сім'я, вони б уже давно одружилися.
11. Якби не погода, ми б лежали зараз на пляжі, замість того, щоб
сидіти в готелі.
12. Якби не твоя упертість, з тобою було б легше мати справу.
13. Його поведінка просто нестерпна! Якби не він, ми б давно
закінчили працювати і розійшлися по домівках.
14. Якби не її дурний жарт, все могло б закінчитися добре. Вони б

не посварилися.


… otherwise smb would (could/might) do smth

or smb would (could/might) have done smth
or else

She was angry with you, otherwise she wouldn’t have spoken to you like this
at the party. — Вона сердилася на тебе, інакше вона б з тобою так не
розмовляла на вечірці.
He must have heard of it, or she wouldn’t be so gloomy. — Очевидно вона
вже чула про це, інакше вона не була б такою засмученою.

Exercise 54. Paraphrase the sentences using otherwise

1. He ignored me and I was deeply hurt.
2. She had read the fearful reports about the events. That was why she
was so worried.
3. The doctor saved many lives and the number of victims in the
accident was not great.
4. He had warned everybody about the danger and nobody got injured.
5. He was shy and didn't dare to say what he really felt about the matter.
6. I don't know him well enough and can't accept his invitation to spend
the evening somewhere in a quiet place.
7. I told her at once who I was. That was why she opened the door and
let me in.
8. I know all the details. That's why I recommend you not to take it close
to heart.
9. I am sure he was in a hurry and that's why he didn't stop to talk to
10. No doubt he memorized his speech. That's why he spoke so well.

Exercise 55. Complete the following sentences

1. She is really fond of children. Otherwise …..
2. I'm sure he didn't get the job. Otherwise …..
3. She was a talented actress. Otherwise …..
4. I'm to look after my younger sister, or else …..
5. He disliked my idea of spending one more day in the country, or

6. He walked silently by my side. He had nothing to say, otherwise

Exercise 56. Translate into English
1. Вона не знала, що Джон ледь зводив кінці з кінцями, інакше б не
погодилася вийти за нього заміж.
2. Хворому стало краще, інакше він не спав би так спокійно.
3. Його докази були переконливими, інакше я не прийняла б його
4. Він, напевно, забув про свою обіцянку, інакше б він давно
5. Я рада, що робота закінчена, інакше я не змогла б прийти.
6. Він перший зрозумів значення слів Ганни, інакше він не
перервав би її і не вийшов.
7. Він обіцяв нікому не говорити про моє рішення, інакше я не
розповіла б йому все.
8. Він, можливо, знав про мій приїзд, інакше він здивувався б,
побачивши мене на цьому вечорі.
9. Я його добре знаю, інакше я не рекомендувала б його вам.
10. Ти не читала цієї статті, інакше змогла б відповісти на такі
прості питання.
11. У неї морська хвороба, інакше вона теж поплила б з нами.
12. Він не запросив мене, інакше я прийшла б з тобою на його день
13. Мені пощастило, що я знайшов такого фахівця, інакше мою
машину не відремонтували б у такий короткий термін.


to do smth … would do smth

to have done smth … would have done smth

To help him now would be a waste of time. — Допомагати йому зараз

означало б марнувати час.
То have warned him a week ago would have been the best thing to do. —
Було б краще попередити його ще тиждень тому.

Exercise 57. Translate into Ukrainian

1. To tell them the whole story would make them possible to join in the
2. To have overburdened the book with so many details would tire the

3. To accomplish this work would be the best thing he could do for us.
4. To put the matter in another way would confuse everything.
5. To choose the right way wouldn't be an easy task.
6. Now that she was quite alone she was a little afraid she would be
unable to overcome all the difficulties facing her. To have turned to him for
help then would have been more sensible.
7. To have introduced those radical methods would have improved
the situation in the country.
8. They moved a little to make room for the lady but she told them
not to bother as she would rather stand. To have accepted their offer would
have made her feel obliged to them.
9. The first business of grammar, as of every other science, is to
observe the facts and phenomena with which it has to deal. To ignore this
would lead to misunderstanding of the importance of grammar.

Exercise 58. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets

1. The first problem in reviewing the world's languages is to decide
what to count a language. To find out the answer ………. (to do) a lot of
1. Without language there is no understanding among people, and
without understanding there is no chance of their being able to work together.
To ignore this fact ………. (to bring forth) great confusion.
2. To come to an agreement right now ………. (to put an end to)
our useless debate.
3. To work in a town so fantastically rich in antiquities and
prehistoric culture ………. (to be splendid) for an archaeologist.
4. To define those forces and to indicate the directions in which
they operate ………. (to require) an exhaustive comparison between
religious and social structures.
5. To save a woman's life ………. (to be) an honour for every
gentleman. So don't thank me, please.
6. To live in the country together ………. (to be) more economical,
but to go there right now ………. (to be) difficult.
7. To have told the whole truth ………. (to disappoint) him greatly.

Exercise 59. Complete the following sentences

1. He was the first to pay attention to that peculiarity. To ignore it...
2. Did human beings always possess the power of speech? If not,
when and how did they acquire it? To answer these questions …
3. To have overburdened the book with so many details …..
4. To our surprise the seats for the first concert were sold in
advance. To have booked the tickets beforehand …..
5. The business of which he was a director was about to crash. To

have used new technology …..
6. He examined the problem and decided that the only solution was
for him to return to the order of his old life. To do so …
7. When shown to the experts the manuscript aroused great interest.
To investigate the origin of it…
8. He had all his things stolen in the South of France one year and
had to leave. To have stayed there any longer…..

Exercise 60. Translate into English

1. Було б всім зручно піти туди після сніданку.
2. Було б набагато краще прочитати оригінал цього документу.
3. Залишатися тут в таку погоду було б небезпечно.
4. Обговорення цього питання всіма допомогло б швидше прийняти
правильне рішення.
5. Запросивши його ми б вирішили всі проблеми.
6. Було б шкода засмутити його.
7. Думати, що вони не розуміють усієї складності ситуації, було б
8. Я знаю, що переконати вас було б важко, тому я і не спробував.


Exercise 61. Use the prompts to make a sentence. Include the words
in capitals
Example: You have a camera with you at the scene of the accident / take
some shots of all the vehicles involved. HAPPEN
If you happen to have a camera with you at the scene of
the accident, you can take some shots of all the vehicles
1. Check the weather reports before you leave / you might take the
wrong clothes with you.
2. The income from advertising / newspapers not earn enough
3. Investors buy shares / they have confidence in the market.
4. We guarantee to get you talking / you can’t speak a word of

5. Permanent residents can vote / they are aged 18 or over.
6. I accept the job / I be able to work from home some of the time?
7. Be a serious outbreak of bird flu in Europe / what the EU do?
8. Unless we do something now / the situation get worse.

Exercise 62. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in

Example: If you do have any time free, could you give me a ring?
SHOULD If you should have any time free, could you give
me a ring?
1. We won't go away if the weather is bad. UNLESS
2. I didn't have the money so I didn't buy a new suit.WOULD
3. If they offered you the job, would you accept? WERE
4. If you are in London by any chance, come and see me. HAPPEN
5. Without you, I would have given up years ago. BEEN
6. If you insist on doing everything yourself, of course you feel tired!
7. Please take a seat, and I'll inquire for you. WILL

Exercise 63. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase

Example: That was a narrow escape! If I had fallen, I would have
broken my leg.
1. If it hadn't....,........................................gone out for a walk.
2. If you........................................... then I'd like it back please.
3. I........................................if Harry didn't win the competition!
4. Unless Brenda.................................................lose the race.
5. If you............................................see Mary, give her my love.
6. I wouldn't accept the job, even ............................... to me.
7. If I were.................................loved you, what would you say?
8. Thanks for your help with the garden. I............otherwise.
9. But for Sally, Jim................................................drowned.

Exercise 64. Complete the sentences. Add commas where necessary

1. If it hadn't rained ....

2. If it weren't raining ....
3. You would have passed the test had ....
4. It's a good thing we took a map with us. Otherwise ....
5. Without electricity modern life ....
6. If you hadn't reminded me about the meeting tonight ....
7. Should you need any help ....
8. If I could choose any profession I wanted ....
9. If I were at home right now ....
10. Without your help yesterday ....
11. Were I you ....
12. What would you do if....
13. If I had the chance to live my childhood over again ....
14. Had I known ....
15. Can you imagine what life would be like if....

Exercise 65. Translate into English

1. Якби не цей веселий та цікавий чоловік, ми б почувалися ніяково
серед незнайомих людей.
2. Було б помилково думати, що мовою можна оволодіти, не
працюючи систематично.
3. Було б краще сказати їй правду тоді ж.
4. Чому ви не подзвонили мені? Я б прийшов і допоміг вам.
5. Ми б весь час працювали точно за планом, якщо б не ця
маленька затримка.
6. Я впевнений, що вони занадто поспішали, інакше б вони
знайшли більш вдале рішення.
7. Замовлення не дуже складне. За який термін ви змогли б його
8. Дуже шкодуємо, але ми навряд чи змогли б попередити вас про
це набагато раніше.
9. Я б приєднався до вашої компанії, якби не несподіваний приїзд
мого знайомого.
10. Чому ви не написали їй про це відразу? Я впевнений, вона б все
зрозуміла і приїхала.
11. Добре, що він сам відмовився їхати. А то зараз би бурчав і всіх
би нервував.
12. Ми б так і не дізналися, що він за людина, якщо б не цей


Exercise 66. Explain what you would do in these situations. Work in
pairs, in groups, or as a class

Example: Suppose the student sitting next to you drops her pen. What
would you do? I would pick it up for her.
1. Suppose there is a fire in your room or apartment or house. You
have time to save only one thing. What would you save?
2. Suppose you go to the bank to cash a check for twenty dollars. The
bank teller cashes your check and you leave, but when you count the money,
you find she gave you thirty dollars instead of twenty. What would you do?
3. John was cheating during an examination. Suppose you were the
teacher and you saw him. What would you have done?
4. Late at night you're driving your car down a deserted street. You're
all alone. In an attempt to avoid a dog in the road, you swerve and hit a
parked car. You know that no one saw you. What would you do?
5. My friend borrowed ten dollars from me and told me he would
repay it in a couple of days, but it's been three weeks. I think he has forgotten
about it. I really need the money, but I don't want to ask him for it. Give me
some advice.
6. Suppose you are walking down the street at night all by yourself. A
man suddenly appears in front of you. He has a gun. He says, «Give me your
money!» Would you try to take his gun away?
7. Suppose you go to Chicago to visit a friend. You have never been
there before. Your friend said he would meet you at the airport, but he's not
there. You wait a long time, but he never shows up. You try to call him, but
nobody answers the phone. Now what?

Exercise 67. Discuss and/or write about one or more of the topics
1. If, beginning tomorrow, you had a two-week holiday and unlimited
funds, what would you do? Why?
2. If you had to teach your language to a person who knew nothing at all
about your language, how would you begin? What would you do so that this
person could learn your language as quickly and easily as possible?
3. If you were Philosopher-King of the world, how
would you govern? What would you do? What changes
would you make? (A «Philosopher-King» may be
defined as a person who has ideal wisdom and unlimited
power to shape the world as s/he wishes.)
4. Suppose you had only one year to live. What
would you do?



Apart from the Second and Third
Conditional sentences, Subjunctive II
and the unreal past tenses are also
used in certain sentence patterns to
express criticism, advice, preference
and wish.


It is/was time
high time smb did smth
about time

The expression «It is (high/about) time + smb did smth» is used to

complain about or criticise something or someone:
It is time that the government took
some actions. — Вже час уряду вжити заходів.
The word high make the criticism even stronger.
It is high time that the government took some actions. — Давно вже
час уряду вжити заходів.
Note. It is also possible to express the same idea by means of the
for-to-infinitive construction:
It is time for the government to take some actions.

Exercise 68. Match the parts of the sentences and translate them into
1. It's time the child a. given another chance.
2. It's high time someone b. on your project?
stepped in
3. Isn’t it high time you took c. breakfast, isn't it?
4. «It's time someone gave me d. and stopped this meaningless
a hand!» quarrel.
5. It's about time he was e. on a silver platter?
6. Don't you think it's time you f. a place to settle in.
were working
7. Michael was about five g. were in bed.
8. Can't the child behave? h. that idea?
9. Isn't it high time she gave up i.some action against them?
10. It's time you were looking j.The remark went unnoticed.

11. Isn't it time that you stopped k. It's high time someone told him
waiting for an opportunity to be that won't do.
offered you
12. It's time he were having l. when his father thought it was
time he should study music.

Exercise 69. Use the infinitives in brackets in the correct form

1. It’s high time you ………. (to do) something about that dripping tap!
2. It’s time the problem ………. (to deal with).
3. Don’t you find it’s time that someone ………. (to tell) our supervisor
that the experiment is going wrong?
4. Isn’t it time he ………. (to be) at home?
5. It’s about time we ………. (to talk) about your plans.
6. Are you still reading? It’s time you ………. (to work) again.
7. Late again? It’s time you ………. (to look) for another job!
8. It’s time someone else ………. (to ask) to attend this boring
conference — just for a change.
9. It’s high time you ………. (to stop) daydreaming.
10. It’s time he ………. (to consult) his colleagues, isn’t it?
11. It’s time some changes ………. (to made) in the Department. They
are long overdue.
12. It’s time it ………. (to become) clear to you how total the failure is.
13. It’s high time something ………. (to do) about this case — and
14. It’s time that someone else (to chair) the meeting.
15. It’s high time you ………. (to consider) your position instead of
being so sure of yourself.
16. The same story? It’s time you ………. (to think) of something more
17. Isn’t it high time you ………. (to be) on first-name terms with

Exercise 70. Paraphrase the following sentences using the pattern «It
is (high/about) time + smb did smth»
1. They’ve been parted for a long time. It’s time for him to forget about
2. It’s time for us to be given a definite answer.
3. Angela has known me for ages. It’s time for her to get used to my
4. It’s time for you to know the meaning of the proverb “It never rains
but it pours.”
5. If you want anything done properly, you should start doing it

6. The scheme is outdated. It’s time for some improvement.
7. I’ve just had bad luck. It’s about time for something good to happen.
8. Isn’t it necessary to put an end to her nagging?
9. Why don’t you ever speak up?
10. You’ve been learning English for some time. Why can’t you spell
this word yet?
11. It’s time to be going home, I think.
12. It's high time for my fortune to take the turn for the better.
13. Isn’t it time for all of us to put some pressure on him? Otherwise he
might never listen to our demands.
14. Why don’t you tell them anything about your decision?
15. Why don’t they tell you anything about their decision?
16. They had put the company together on a wing and a prayer. But now
it was time for everyone to take them into account.
17. It’s no use reasoning with him. Why don’t you stop?

Exercise 71. Translate into English

1. Вже час вам пояснити нам, що ви збираєтеся робити.
2. Тобі не здається, що нам вже час збирати речі?
3. Йому вже час подумати про своє особисте життя.
4. Його давно вже час провчити. Він мене дратує.
5. Вже час припинити цю марну суперечку.
6. Йому давно вже час заробляти на життя. Адже він не дитина.
7. Вже час відмовитися від думки бачитися з ним. Він не та людина,
з якою можна мати справу.
8. Мені вже давно час покласти край його стражданням. Я повинна
розповісти всю правду.
9. Уже дванадцять. Уже час вимикати телевізор і лягати спати.
10. Ви вже давно працюєте тут. Вже час навчитися дотримуватися
наших правил.
11. Вам не здається, що дітям давно вже час бути вдома?
12. Ви посварилися через дрібницю. Уже час б і помиритися.
13. Вже час б вам перестати скаржитися і почати діяти.
14. Мені здається, тобі вже час кинути палити ... Уже час,
принаймні, спробувати.
15. Нас занадто довго тримають у невіданні. Уже час хоч що-
небудь нам пояснити.
16. «Я вже так довго лежу в лікарні, — думав Дік. — Коли ж ця
нога зростеться?»
17. Ми зволікали надто довго. Уже час приймати рішення.
18. Чи не час з'ясувати, що сталося насправді?

Smb had better do smth
not do smth
This form is used to give
advice or to say what the best thing to do in a particular situation is.
Had better may also suggest a treat or warning, recommendation if you
don't do it, there will be a problem or a danger.
You'd better take an umbrella. It may rain. (You'll get wet through.) —
Краще візьми з собою парасольку — може піти дощ.
It should be noted that had better suggests no idea of comparison. This
structure means it would be good to do something, not it would be better.
Note. HAD BETTER and SHOULD. Unlike the modal verb should
which expresses advice or somebody's opinion in general, had better is used
for a particular situation and refers to the immediate future.
Should only means it's a good thing to do something, whereas had
better implies the idea of warning or threat.
The book is interesting. You should read it. (I just advise you to read it but
there is no problem if you don't read it.)
but The train starts at 7. You'd better take a taxi. (You're going to be late. If
you don't take a taxi you'll miss the train. There is a risk of your missing it.)
Had better expresses more urgent and stronger advice than
should/ought to but it is not as strong as must.
You must call in a doctor. He is getting worse.
You had better see Dr Brown today. He is leaving tomorrow. You should see
the doctor if you are unwell.

Exercise 72. Make a choice between had better and should

1. I've got a terrible cold. — You ….. not go to work then.
1. There is a speed limit. You ….. not drive so fast.
2. Thank you for coming to see us. You ….. come more often.
3. She'll be offended if we don't invite her. You ….. invite her too.

4. Drivers ….. wear seat belts.
5. The road is dangerous. You ….. wear your seat belts.
6. You ….. not eat this salad. It's not fresh.
7. You … eat more vegetables if you want to be young.
8. You ….. buy these vegetables. They look fresh.

Exercise 73. Paraphrase the following sentences using had better

1. I don't advise you to give up the idea of getting in touch with
1. I shouldn't advise you to make a fuss about such a little thing.
2. Tell her that it would be more sensible if she doesn't put off what
she has to do now.
3. I think it'll do you a lot of good if you read the book in the
original, not in translation.
4. Take my advice and don't go into details.
5. Don't sign any documents until you have read it.
6. I think you should turn to him to find the best solution to that

Exercise 74. Translate into English

1. Вам краще вибачитися за своє запізнення.
2. Їй краще звернутися до матері за допомогою замість того, щоб
ламати собі голову над цією проблемою.
3. Вам краще взятися за справу негайно, щоб закінчити ремонт до її
4. Вам краще не наполягати на своїй пропозиції, ніхто не прийме її.
5. Їм краще прислухатися до твоєї поради. На мій погляд, у тебе
досить розумний підхід до вирішення цієї проблеми.


smb would rather do smth

sooner not do smth
I’d rather stay at home. — Я краще
залишуся дома.
I'd sooner go to the theatre than
to the cinema. — Я б краще
пішов у театр, ніж у кіно.
This construction may occur in
questions as well.
Would you rather go to the
movies now?
Would you sooner not drive

there at this late hour?
When the subject of would rather is different from the subject of the
following verb, the following construction is used:

Smb would rather smb did smth

sooner smb had done smth

I'd rather he did the shopping today. — Краще б він зробив покупки
I’d rather you went now. — Я б вважав за краще, щоб ти пішов зараз.
She’d much rather you had stayed then. — Вона б воліла, щоб ти тоді
The use of the forms of Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous after
would rather, though possible, is not common. This idea is usually expressed
by means of I wish he had done the shopping today.

Exercise 75. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
1. I'd rather you ………. (not/leave) your books on the table every
time you finish your homework.
1. Did you enjoy the performance? — Not really. I'd rather it
………. (not/be) so long and boring.
2. Shall we go anywhere today? — I'd rather ………. (stay in).
3. I've got terrible headache. I'd rather you ………. (not listen) to
the radio.
5. They would rather………. (spend) this summer at the seaside.
5. Shall I tell her the truth? — I'd rather she ………. (not/know).

Exercise 76. Fill in the blanks with would rather or had better
according to the sense
1. You ……….. study hard this weekend for the exam on Monday.
2. Would you like to play a game of chess? — I …………. not. I
…………. lie down to have a little rest.
3. Where ……………. you put up — at a hotel or your friend's?
4. The climate disagrees with him. He …………….. move to another
5. Since the reporter isn't ready yet we ………………. put off the
6. I ………….. you didn't turn up. You are not expected.
7. I ………….. you said something in connection with my offer.
8. You ………………. get down to business at once if you don't want to
9. Since there is quite a simple solution to the whole matter,

I……………. you didn't get so nervous. (or Since there is quite a simple
solution to the whole matter, you ……………. not get so nervous.)

Exercise 77. Translate into English

1. Я б вважав за краще відповісти першим, якщо ніхто не
2. Ви вважали за краще б сказати їй правду самі?
3. Я б охоче залишилася вдома в таку погоду, але мені доведеться
зайти за ним.
4. Я б вважав за краще, щоб ви не вдавалися до подробиць.
5. Що б ви хотіли на обід?
6. Якщо не хочете образити його, вам би краще прийняти його
7. Тобі допомогти? — Краще не треба. Я б вважав за краще все
зробити сам.
8. Вона б віддала перевагу піти в ресторан, ніж готувати вдома.
9. Він би волів би померти, ніж відмовитися від цієї ідеї.
10.Я б воліла, щоб ти не ставив так багато питань.
11.Звичайно, ми б воліли, щоб ви зупинилися у нас.
12.Зараз вона воліла б, щоб він не вступав до цього інституту.
13.Я б воліла, щоб ви ніколи не сварилися.
14.Краще розглянемо це питання завтра.
15.Краще приходьте о сьомій годині.


smb did smth Oh, if he knew it for sure. — Ах,

if only could do якщо б тільки він про це знав!
oh, if might do
oh, that smb had done smth If only I had known about it
could have done yesterday. — Ах, якби я тільки
might have done знала про це вчора!

If only you could have frozen some ideas in

your prolific youth.

Note. If only followed by a

clause with would may express our wish for a change in the situation or
someone's behaviour, because we are annoyed by it.
If only you would stop insulting people. (wish for a change in somebody's


If only grey hair and split ends

were my only hair problems
behaviour = Do stop insulting people!) — Да припини ти ображати

Exercise 78. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets

1. If only they ………. (not to bother) him now!
2. If only he ………. (not to fall) into their trap then! If only he ……….
(not to be) so silly!
3. Oh, that he ………. (to help) her! But how could he, if she wouldn’t
accept his support?
4. If she ………. (not to write) so much to her old pattern! The book
could be more enjoyable then.
5. If only the play ………. (to come off) more quickly!
6. Oh, if you ………. (to stop) complaining!
7. If only she ………. (not to be) such a friendless failure when a child!
8. Oh, if we ………. (to get rid of) that house long ago!
9. If there ………. (to be) the slightest chance of her ever seeing my
point of view!
10. If only he ………. (to stop) sobbing his heart out! It’s most
11. If only we ………. (to spot) the trouble then! We could have
avoided much grief.
12. If only someone ………. (to understand) how he was suffering!
13. Oh, ………. (to be) he less strict with his children!
14. Oh, that he ………. (to stop) himself in time!
15. Oh, that he ………. (not to ask) that silly question!
16. If only he ………. (to give) some rest!

Exercise 79. Complete the following sentences

1. If only my parents ...
2. If only the travellers ...
3. Oh, that the driver ...
4. If only my teachers at school...
5. If only the surgeon ...
6. If only the actors ...
7. If only the authorities ...
8. Oh, that the police ...
9. Oh, that the nurse ...
10. If only her face ...

Exercise 80. Express unreal wish or regret about the following

Example: He never admits his mistake.
If only he admitted his mistake.

1. You are not experienced at all.
2. She always comes late.
3. It's snowing again!
4. The child keeps crying all the time!
5. He was so cruel to me.
6. You are always interfering into my affairs.
7. We've lost our way.
8. You are absent-minded.
9. He lost the documents. He couldn't prove anything.
10. You didn't take all the facts into account.

Exercise 81. Translate into English

1. Ах, якби ви заздалегідь попередили мене. Зараз вже пізно.
2. Ах, якби він прийшов і допоміг мені. Я не зможу все зробити
3. Ах, якби я чув прогноз погоди! Я б узяв парасольку.
4. І навіщо я не прийняла його запрошення.
5. Мені набридли його скарги. Ах, якби він перестав скаржитися.
6. Якби цей день тривав вічно!
7. Якби в молодості він не зробив цю помилку!
8. Якби ви знали ... Якщо б ви могли зрозуміти, як погано мені було
без вас.
9. Якби ми зустрілися раніше!
10. Якби він не був таким зарозумілим! Тільки тому в нього так
мало друзів.
11. Якби мені все пояснили раніше!
12. Якби Алан не посварився зі своїм начальником!
13. Ах, якби ви бачили його гру! Він хороший актор, але в цьому
спектаклі він був незрівнянним.
14. Якби я міг довести, що я правий!
15. О, якби він не був хворий!
16. Ах, якби він тоді — один-єдиний раз — прийшов вчасно! Але
він запізнився, як завжди.

Exercise 82. Make a choice using means of expressing preference,

advice, wish
1. Your friend has been wearing the same clothes for years. You think
she needs some new clothes. You say…..
2. Jack always leaves the door open. This annoys you. You say…
3. Your friend drives very fast. You don't like it. You say…..
4. It's very noisy. You are irritated. You say…..
5. Your husband smokes a lot. You don't want him to smoke. You say…
6. You are looking for a job. So far without success. You say…..

7. Whenever you see your friend, he complains. It makes you nervous.
You say…..
8. It's raining cats and dogs. You can't leave the house. You say…
9. Your daughter always makes mistakes in the test, as she is careless.
You say…
10. He didn't visit his friend while he was in hospital. You say…..
11. The children are running all about the house. You can't bear it. You
12. Your parents are away on holiday. You miss them greatly. You say…

Exercise 83. Revision: replace the infinitives in brackets by the right

form of the verb (All the sentences are supposed to be hypothetical)
1. I liked your face, otherwise I ………. (not to speak) to you the way I
2. To have stayed there any longer ………. (to be) a senseless waste of
3. But for a slight trembling of her lips no one ………. (can guess) how
lost she felt.
4. To go on in this rain ………. (to give) you pneumonia. You are wet
through as it is.
5. Mother ………. (not to speak) like that, not if she realized how
desperate I am.
6. You ………. (to have) better not mention his name in front of them.
They ………. (may) think it tactless.
7. If only I ………. (can make) him go back on his promise!
8. If I ………. (not promise) my friend to baby-sit tonight, I ………. (to
love) to come.
9. Of course she was having a rare good time, otherwise she ………. (to
notice) what happened.
10. If only I ………. (not to promise) I would. I can't get out of it now.
11. I ………. (to do) it even if they were all against me. It's the only
thing to do.
12. You can simply bring him along — Nobody ………. (to mind).
13. In your place I ………. (to go) there. It's a lovely place. The
children ………. (can play) on the beach all day long. You ………. (to love)
14. If you ………. (to find) yourself in any kind of trouble, there's
always me, you know. I ………. (to be) glad to be of any use.
15. Your mother is my deafest friend. But for this I ………. (not to
16. If you simply ………. (to be) thoughtless, I ………. (can forgive)
you. But it was downright cruelty.
17. It ………. (to be) a pity to turn back now.

Exercise 84. Revision: translate into English
1. Звичайно, він не отримав листа, інакше він прийшов би. Він був
би вже тут.
2. Суп був би прекрасний, якщо б ти поклала менше солі.
3. Він жорстока людина, і просити його про допомогу було б
4. Пішли! Чекати довше було б нерозумно.
5. Краще залишайтеся тут до ранку.
6. Ах, якби дощ перестав!
7. Якщо все ж мене не буде вдома, коли ти прийдеш, попроси
сусідів дати тобі ключ.
8. Вона була гарною в цій ролі, але її сестра була б краще.
9. Ах, якби я тоді знала про це! Я б ніколи не погодилася!
10. Я б вважала за краще залишитися вдома.
11. Досить чекати. Уже час нам повертатися додому.
12. На мою думку, їй краще сьогодні салату не їсти.
13. Шкода, що мама не змогла приїхати. Їй би тут сподобалося.
14. Роби, як хочеш. Я б її не запрошувала.
15. Що б ти зробила на моєму місці?
16. Якщо б не вітер, день був би чудовий!
17. Можливо, ви краще зараз пообідаєте?
18. Навіть якщо б він не допоміг мені, я скінчив би все вчасно.
19. Якби не орфографія, твір був би непоганим.
20. Вона не бачить нас, інакше вона б привіталася.
21. Я б не стала з ним сперечатися. На мою думку, він був правий.
22. Краще купи трохи сиру і масла по дорозі додому.
23. Я не хочу обідати, я б краще взяла бутерброд і чашку кави.
24. Звичайно, він хоче там працювати, інакше він не погодився б
туди їхати.
25. Якби не туфлі, які дуже тиснули, я б чудово провела час.


The subordinate
The main
(object) clause Explanation Example
Smb wish a) smb did wish/ regret I wish I knew his
wished were/was doing about the address.
will wish could do present; the I wish you could
might do action of the drive a car.
subordinate I wish he was coming
clause is with us.
simultaneous He wished he knew
with that of the
the address.
main clause She’ll wish she were
more polite with
b) smb had regret that I wish I had attended
done something the seminar last
had been doing happened or Monday.
could have done didn’t happen She'll wish she had
might have done in the past; the taken this
action of the opportunity!
subordinate I wished I hadn't
clause precedes spent so much money.
that of the You'll wish you
main clause hadn't taken his
c) smb could / wish about the I wish I could drop
might do future; the the whole matter.
action of the I wished you might
object clause stay with us a little
follows that of longer
the main clause

As all these forms express an unrealizable wish, they serve as
expressions of regret rather than wish. That is why they may be rendered in
Ukrainian into two ways. Thus the sentence I wish I knew it, where the
actions in both clauses are simultaneous (a), may be translated as «Як би
мені хотілось це знати» or «Шкода, що я цього не знаю».
When the action of the subordinate clause precedes that of the main
clause (b), there is only one way of rendering such sentences into Ukrainian,
namely «Шкода, що...». For example, the sentence I wish I had told him
about it is translated as «Шкода, що я про все йому не розповів». Thus,
where the verb in the object clause is affirmative in English, it is negative in
Ukrainian, and vice versa.
When the action of the subordinate clause follows that of the main
clause (c), it is not necessary to translate the modal verbs into Ukrainian; the
usual way of rendering such sentences is «Як би мені хотілось ...».
I wish I could (might) go round the world. — Як би мені хотілось об’їхати
весь світ.
The similar way of translation is used in Russian.
The way of translating wish-sentences into Ukrainian and Russian are
summarized in the following table:
a) if the actions in both clauses are simultaneous:

English Ukrainian Russian

I wish I knew the 1. Як би я хотів знати 1. Как бы я хотел знать
answer. (+) відповідь. (+) ответ. (+)
2. Шкода, що я не 2. Жаль, что я не знаю
знаю відповіді. (-) ответа. (-)
I wish he were 1. Як би я хотів, щоб 1. Как бы я хотел, чтобы
not ill. (-) він не хворів. (-) он не болел. (-)
2. Шкода, що він 2. Жаль, что он болеет (+)
хворіє. (+)

b) if the action of the subordinate clause precedes that of the main


English Ukrainian Russian

I wish he had Шкода, що він не Жаль, что он не пришел
come to the party. прийшов на цю на эту вечеринку (-)
(+) вечірку.

I wish he Шкода, що він Жаль, что он пришел на
hadn’t come to прийшов на цю эту вечеринку (+)
the party. (-) вечірку. (+)

Exercise 85. Analyze the form of the verb in the following sentences.
Translate the sentences into Ukrainian / Russian
1. I wish it weren't true.
2. I wish it was summer.
3. He wished be could run away.
4. Don't you wish he were given a chance?
5. If he learns about it, you'll wish you'd never been born!
6. It's all guesswork. I wish you really knew something.
7. I almost wished I were back in my old house.
8. I wish I were working in an office instead of here.
9. I wish I had my children with me. It's such a lovely place!
10. I wish he might have stayed here.
11. I wish everything had been done more efficiently.
12. Talking through an interpreter wasn't too convenient. I wished I
could speak better Japanese.
13. «Are you working here now?» «I wish I were.»

Exercise 86. Read the sentence and choose the option which best
expresses a past regret
1. I shouted at my little sister this morning. I feel bad about it now.
a. I wish I had shouted at my little sister.
b. I wish I hadn't shouted at my little sister.
2. I didn't go to the library yesterday. It's closed today.
a. I wish I had gone to the library.
b. I wish I hadn't gone to the library.
3. I took no notice of the teacher, and I did really badly in the test.
a. I wish I had taken more notice.
b. I wish I hadn't taken more notice.
4. They stayed up really late, and they are very tired, so the boss is most
a. The boss wishes they had stayed up.
b. The boss wishes they hadn't stayed up.
5. Jack didn't tell his wife he was going to be late, and she got really
angry with him.
a. Jack wishes he had told his wife.
b. Jack wishes he hadn't told his wife.
6. Mary told her brother she was going to be late, so he didn't wait for

a. Mary wishes she had told her brother.
b. Mary wishes she hadn't told her brother.

Exercise 87. Express unreal wish or regret using the following

a) Jane is a film star. She says there are some things she finds annoying
and she wishes …..
1. Reporters never give her
any privacy, write stories about her
private life, take photos of her all the
1. People stare at her
everywhere she goes.
2. The fans make her sign
3. She has no time to spend
with her family or just relax and concentrate on her work.
b) I've moved into a new flat but can't say I'm pleased with it. I wish …..
1. My flat is a long way from my office.
1. I have to wake up much earlier.
2. It is on the ground floor and very noisy.
3. I don't know anybody in the neighbourhood and I am all alone.
4. I can't visit my friends as they are so far away.

Exercise 88. Translate into English

1. Добре б влаштуватися тут. Мені дуже подобається це місто.
2. Як би мені хотілося скористатися вашою порадою, але це
3. Вони жалкували, що не змогли приєднатися до нас.
4. Шкода, що вона така метушлива.
5. Хоча б вона змогла пережити всі невдачі як можна швидше.
6. Шкода, що ви образилися. Не думаю, що він сказав це
7. Хоча б ви звернулися до мене раніше. Я б змогла допомогти
8. Шкода, що ви не пішли дивитися цю виставку домашніх тварин,
я впевнена, вона б вам сподобалася.
9. Шкода, що дитина ще така мала, ми б узяли її з собою.
10. Шкода, що ці дані виявилися неперевіреними.
11. Шкода, що ти витрачаєш час на всілякі дурниці.
12. Шкода, що він виявився такою недалекоглядною людиною.
13. Шкода, що довелося це робити всупереч бажанню.
14. Шкода, що ми не дограли партію в шахи.

15. Шкода, що ти не довів розпочату справу до кінця.
16. Шкода, що тобі не до жартів — я знаю кілька нових анектодів.
17. Шкода, що мені доведеться погодитися з твоїми доказами.
18. Я б хотіла, щоб ти серйозно ставилася до своїх обов’язків. Ти ж
не хочеш втратити цю роботу?
19. Шкода, що свічка догорає. Нам доведеться сидіти у повній
20. Шкода, що наша довголітня дружба припинилася так раптово.
21. Шкода, що дипломатичні відносини між цими країнами стали
такими напруженими.


The main subordinate
Explanation Example
clause (object) clause

a) wish for a I wish he would drive

future change more carefully (But I
unlikely to don’t think he will. —
smb would do happen; wish for a future
smth change unlikely to
b) wish to happen)
Note. Wish express I wish children would
Smb wish
and would dissatisfaction; be more cooperative.
should have (The children have
will wish
different c) polite refused to cooperate —
subjects, we request dissatisfaction)
never say I implying I wish you would be
wish I would. dissatisfaction more patient with Jim
or lack of hope (Please be more patient
with him! — request
implying lack of hope)

Exercise 89. What would you say? Use I wish ... would/wouldn't to
give an appropriate sentence for each situation
Example: Your brother plays very loud music while you are doing your
You say, «I wish you wouldn't play loud music while I'm
doing my homework».
1. You are on a long walk. Your sister is walking very slowly.
2. A friend has got you into trouble by talking to you in class again.

3. One of the students in your class always speaks softly when he
answers a question and you can't hear the answer.
4. Your brother always borrows your favourite jeans when you want to
wear them.
5. Your neighbour in the hostel is not tidy.
6. Your son is not interested in his schoolwork.
7. You are staying at the hotel and the cleaners haven’t put any soap in
the bathroom.
8. Your partner is not romantic at all.

Exercise 90. Read the following situations

a) Mrs Wilson sometimes feels that the children don't help enough.
Today, for example:
Stephen left his wet towel on the bed. Julie didn't make her bed. Stephen
didn't turn off his light. Stephen left his muddy shoes on the carpet.
Somebody had spilt coffee on the tablecloth. Nobody had offered to wash up.
Write what she said about each annoying thing, using would or
1. I wish Stephen wouldn’t leave his wet towel on the bed!
2. I wish Julie _________________________________!
3. I wish Stephen ___________________________________!
4. I wish Stephen ___________________________________!
5. I wish people ___________________________________!
6. I wish somebody ___________________________________!

b) Bernie and Martin share a room at college.

Read what they say about each other, then write sentences beginning «I
wish he would/wouldn't...»

MARTIN: It's dreadful having to share a room with

Bernie. He's so untidy! His books are all over the place,
he never washes his coffee cup, he leaves dirty clothes
around the room — it's such a mess I can't work. And he
comes in late in the evening when I'm trying to sleep and
lies in bed watching television. I can't stand it!

BERNIE: The trouble with Martin is that he

never relaxes. He's always working and he's always
bad-tempered, he doesn't tell me what's wrong, he just
sulks. And he interferes with my possessions. He
moves my books around so I can't find them.

Exercise 91. Imagine that you are the people in these situations and
make sentences with I wish + simple past or I wish + would for each of
these situations
1. Tom is miserable because his sister has new sneakers but he hasn't.
2. Alison read in the papers that they are still killing whales. She wants
them to stop.
3. John is unhappy. He hates his job.
4. Ann wants a job in a hotel but they want someone who speaks
German. She can't.
5. Andrew is a painter but he wants to be a famous singer.
6. Jack is a farmer. The weather is hot and dry and it hasn't rained in
7. Tom wants to be able to play the guitar.
8. Ann smokes thirty cigarettes a day. She wants to give up.

Exercise 92. Give situations in which you can use the following
1. I wish you could speak to me.
2. I wish you would speak to me.
3. I wish you would buy me a walkman.
4. I wish you had bought me a walkman.
5. I wish you would get your hair cut.
6. I wish you had shorter hair.

Exercise 93. Complete the sentences with an appropriate auxiliary

Example: I'm not at home, but I wish I were
1. I don't know her, but I wish I _______
2. I can't sing well, but I wish I _______
3. I didn't go, but I wish I _______
4. He won't talk about it, but I wish he _______
5. I didn't read that book, but I wish I _______
6. I want to go, but I can't. I wish I _______
7. I don't have a bicycle, but I wish I _______
8. He didn't buy a ticket to the game, but he wishes he _______
9. She can't speak English, but she wishes she_______
10. It probably won't happen, but I wish it _______
11. He isn't old enough to drive a car, but he wishes he _______
12. They didn't go to the movie, but they wish they _______
13. I don't have a driver's license, but I wish I _______
14. I'm not living in an apartment, but I wish I _______

Exercise 94. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the
Pattern: I’d like your work to be flawless.
I wish your work were flawless.
I'm sorry you didn't see the fireworks.
I wish you had seen the fireworks.
I'd like you to stop teasing your sister!
I wish you would stop teasing your sister!
1. I’m sorry you can't go with us.
2. I’d like this horrible day to be over.
3. I'm sorry you aren't enjoying the film.
4. I'd like him to stop smoking. (But I have no real hope he will.)
5. It's a pity we can't be as businesslike about it.
6. I'm sorry you couldn't come to the yesterday's party.
7. It's a pity Joan was asked to leave.
8. I'm sorry you didn't pass the exam.
9. It's a pity he doesn't have a job like yours.
10. I'm sorry I can't go to the disco tonight. I've got too much work to
11. I'd like them to make it up. (But I have no real hope they will.)
12. I'm sorry you had to wait.
13. It's a pity you have been waiting so long.
14. I'm sorry you didn't find that key.
15. It's a pity you missed the exhibition.
16. It's a pity you weren't following his story.
17. I'd like him to realise the truth. (But I have no real hope he will)
18. It's a pity he knows nothing yet.
19. I'd like him to know nothing about this case.
20. It's a pity my family aren't here.
21. I'm sorry my family are here.
22. I'm sorry I took my children with me.
23. I'm sorry I didn't take my children with me.
24. It's a pity she isn't adequately paid.
25. It's a pity he is being sо touchy today.
26. It's a pity you haven't bought that cottage.
27. It's a pity you couldn’t adjust to the climate.
28. It's a pity she is leaving so soon.
29. It's a pity she has to leave so soon.
30. He is sorry to have taken this to heart.

Exercise 95. Choose the right option and translate the sentences into
1. She wished at that moment she (had not sent/did not send) for him.

2. «I wish I (had been/were) there with you,» he said with deep regret.
3. She says she wishes I (had been/were) a thousand miles away.
4. I wish she (had not looked/did not look) so sad.
5. The professor wishes I (had studied/studied) harder.
6. We wished he (had not come/did not come) so late yesterday.
7. I wish you (had seen/saw) the play. It was a great success.
8. I wish they (had introduced/introduced) their friends to me at the
9. She wishes her father (hadn't known/ didn't know) it.
10.He wished they (hadn't noticed/didn't notice) his embarrassment.
11. I wish it (stopped / would stop) raining.
12. I wish (I knew / I'd know) the answer to your question.
13. I wish you (wouldn't be / aren't) so rude.
14. I wish (they visited / they'd visited) us when they were in town.
15. I wish (I'd speak /I spoke) better French.
16. I wish they (hadn't been / wouldn't have been) so unfriendly.
17. I wish (I've refused / I'd refused) when you suggested the idea.
18. I wish (I had / would have) more time to do this job.
19. I wish she (would / had) come to work on time in future.

Exercise 96. Use the infinitives in brackets in the correct form

1. «Are you happy with your job?» «I wish I ………. (to be).»
2. I wish I ………. (to know) him before.
3. I wish he never ………. (to invite) here!
4. I'm afraid she is over-conscientious. I wish she………. (to pay) less
attention to her work.
5. Timmy wishes he ………. (can go) to the summer camp with the rest
of the children.
6. I wish you ………. (not to look) so unbearably surprised. You have
known everything all along, haven't you?
7. «Do you regret you've said it?» «I don't regret anything, no. I only
wish I ………. (to express) myself more clearly.»
8. «I'm sure he now wishes he ………. (not to show) me that picture.»
9. «A little too late, isn't it?»
10. I’m not upset, I tell you. I only wish everybody ………. (to stop)
being so sympathetic.»
11. Jillian wished she ………. (can allow) to see the patient, though no
one had been.
12. I wish you………. (not to show) so much curiosity. It wasn't
13. I wish Bill ………. (not to disappear) so quickly. I wanted to ask
him something.
14. She almost wished he ………. (to be) home again, wished they

………. (not to part) …
15. «Is there any other way?» «I wish there ………. (to be).»
16. I wish you ………. (to reckon) with the possibility of an inquest
before you stole that money.
17. It was a bad ten days. Jeremy nearly wished he ………. (not to
refuse) Tony's offer and now ………. (to stay) at his place: he wouldn't be sо
lonely there.
18. You couldn't escape that topic for long. It was always there that
season, hanging in the air, drifting under doors, perched on shoulders like an
albatross... Carol wished she ………. (not to hear) the word every time she
entered someone's house. She wished the story ………. (to forget). She
wished the journalists, the public in general and her neighbours in particular
………. (can tell) that she and her husband were in Europe. She wished they
………. (to be) in Europe.

Exercise 97. Choose the most suitable form

1. I wish Peter doesn't live/hadn't lived/wouldn't live so far away from
the town centre. We'll have to take a taxi.
2. I feel rather cold. I wish I brought/had brought my pullover with me.
3. What a pity. I wish we don't have to/didn't have to/wouldn't have to
leave. I've just started to enjoy myself.
4. I wish you tell/told/had told me about the test. I haven't done any
5. I wish the people next door hadn't made/wouldn't make/couldn't make
so much noise. I can't hear myself think!
6. Darling I love you so much! I wish we are/had been/would be/could
be together always!
7. I'm sorry I missed your birthday party. I really wish I come/came/had
come/would come.
8. I like my new boss but I wish she gave/would give/could give me
some more responsibility.
9. Having a lovely time in Brighton. I wish you are/were/had been here.
Love, Sheila.
10. This car was a complete waste of money. I wish I didn't buy it/hadn't
bought it.

Exercise 98. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable form

Example: This train journey seems endless! I wish we (go) were going
by car.
1. I wish I (have) ……….. the money to buy some new clothes, but I
can't afford it at the moment.
2. I wish the government (do) ……….. something about the pollution in
this city.

3. I'm getting really soaked! I wish I (not forget) ……….. my umbrella.
4. I wish you (not do) ……….. that! It's a really annoying habit.
5. That was a lovely meal, but I wish I (not eat) ……….. so much.
6. I wish I (study) ……….. harder for my exams. I don't think I’m going
to pass.
7. I wish you (not leave) ……….. your dirty shoes in your bedroom!
8. I'm afraid I have no idea where Diana has gone. I wish I (know)
9. I really enjoyed our trip to the theatre. I wish we (go) ……….. more

Exercise 99. Translate into English

1. Шкода, що ви не прислухаєтеся моїх порад.
2. Шкода, що ви не послухалися його поради.
3. Шкода, що ви послухалися його поради.
4. Мені б хотілося, щоб ви нарешті прислухалися до мого
5. На жаль, його не запросили на співбесіду.
6. На жаль, його вже запросили на співбесіду.
7. Даремно ви доручили йому цю роботу: йому з нею не впоратися.
8. Даремно ви не доручили йому цю роботу: він би відмінно з нею
9. Даремно ви розповіли їм про все.
10. Ви даремно не розповіли їм про це.
11. Тепер я шкодую, що відкинув вашу пропозицію.
12. Тепер я шкодую, що не прийняв вашу пропозицію.
13. Краще б ти залишив нас у спокої!
14. Я б хотів, щоб ви прислухалися до моїх слів.
15. Хотілося б вірити, що її розповідь відповідає дійсності.
16. Шкода, що він погано знає мову: в усьому іншому він
підходить для цієї роботи.
17. Шкода, що ви не розумієте, наскільки це серйозно.
18. Ларрі пошкодував, що не взяв із собою фотоапарат: знімки
вийшли б чудові.
19. Кеті відчула, що подальші пояснення марні. «Шкода, що я
прийшла сюди,» — подумала вона.
20. Девід подумав, що даремно почав цю розмову.
21. Як шкода, що він прийшов так пізно.
22. Ми не встигли поговорити про наші проблеми.
23. Як шкода, що він не розробив цей проект.
24. Як шкода, що нам доведеться так скоро поїхати.
25. Прикро, що ви не дочекалися його приходу.
26. Прикро, що вас не зрозуміли.

27. Шкода, що ви упустили таку нагоду.
28. Прикро, що їй доведеться відмовитися від такої пропозиції.
29. Як шкода, що він працює допізна.
30. Він пошкодував, що прийшов і привів із собою друга.
31. Я б дуже хотіла бути зараз у Лондоні.
32. Як би мені хотілося розмовляти китайською так само добре, як
33. Шкода, що ви ведете з нами подвійну гру.
34. Я б хотів, що б сусіди не вмикали таку гучну музику. Але
нічого не зробиш, вони ніколи не думають про тих, хто живе поруч з
35. Шкода, що ти такий безтурботний, з тебе все, як з гуски вода.
36. Шкода, що у вашій дипломній роботі відсутні посилання на
роботи цього автора.
37. Шкода, що ти не зможеш піти зі мною по магазинах — зараз
сезон розпродажів.
38. Шкода, що цей фільм не дубльований.
39. Я б хотіла, що б ти перестав мене постійно питати, де твої речі.
40. Шкода, що ти не бачила єгипетські піраміди.
41. Шкода, що вони розлучилися. Вони були такою гарною парою.
42. Шкода, що на десерт не подали морозива.
43. Шкода, що ти залишаєшся осторонь наших справ!

Exercise 100. Discuss the questions
1. What is something you can't do, but you wish you could do?
2. What do you wish you were doing right now?
3. What is something you don't have but wish you had?
4. What is something that didn't happen yesterday, but that you wish had
5. What is something that has never happened in your life, but that you
wish would happen?
6. What is something that happened in your life, but that you wish had
not happened?
7. What is something you have to do but wish you didn't have to do?
8. What is something that will not happen tomorrow, but that you wish
would happen?
9. What is something you don't know but wish you knew?
10. What is something you were unable to do yesterday, but you wish
you could have done?

Exercise 101. Using the given ideas, create sentences with wish. Add
something that explains why you are making that wish

Example: be different
I wish my name were different. I've never liked having
«Daffodil» as my first name.
go to the moon
I wish I could go to the moon for a vacation. It
would be fun to be able to leap long distances in
the moon's lighter gravity.
 be more patient and understanding
 read people's minds
 be different
 travel by instant teleportation
 know several world leaders personally
 remember everything I read
 speak every language in the world
 interview some great people in history
 be a big movie star
 be born in the 19th century

Exercise 102.
a) Read the information about Scott and Tracy and answer the
questions below
1. How long have Scott and Tracy been going out?
2. How did they meet?
3. Why do you think Tracy’s promotion caused problems between
4. How does Scott feel now about his cheating?
5. Why does Tracy suspect that Sharon may be involved?

This is Scott who has been with This is Tracy who has
his girlfriend, Tracy, for 3 years. been with her boyfriend,
They met when Scott was having a Scott, for 3 years. Scott was
relationship with Sharon, Tracy’s best having a relationship with her
friend. It was love at first sight, so he best friend, Sharon, when
decided to finish his relationship with they met. She’s sorry that she

Sharon and start one with Tracy. In caused the split of their
the beginning, they spent most of relationship, and has felt too
their time together and got along guilty to keep being friends
perfectly. About a year ago, however, with Sharon, but felt instantly
Tracy got promoted at work and since attracted to Scott. Tracy and
then she has been spending more time Scott couldn’t see enough of
at the office and less time with him. It each other at the start of their
has resulted in a lot of problems and relationship but recently
arguments. Even though Scott they’ve been spending less
finished with Sharon to be with Tracy and less time together and
they decided to keep in touch as have been having more and
friends and have been in regular more arguments. She got
contact over the last few years. About promoted to office manager at
a month ago Scott spent the evening work about a year ago and
with Sharon, while Tracy was since then has had to spend a
working overtime, and ended up lot more time at the office.
telling her about the difficulties he She loves her new position
and Tracy were experiencing. Sharon and the challenges it brings
confessed that she wasn’t upset to and doesn’t understand why
hear that their relationship wasn’t as Scott isn’t more supportive of
perfect as she’d imagined and her. Tracy has noticed that
admitted that she was still in love within the last month Scott
with Scott. Scott spent the night with has become more distant and
Sharon, but the next day woke up and irritable. If she asks him any
instantly regretted it. He realised that questions about where he was
Tracy is definitely the one he wants or what he was doing he loses
to be with, despite their problems. For his temper and accuses her of
the last month Scott has been not trusting him. She doesn’t
worrying himself sick about his know why but her intuition
actions, so much so that it’s been tells her that it has something
affecting his job and his boss has to do with Sharon. She hopes
warned him that if his work doesn’t that she is wrong
improve soon he will be fired

b) Make up sentences starting with «I wish» about: a) Scott’s

possible wishes and regrets: b) Tracy’s possible wishes and regrets

c) Act out a conversation between Scott and Tracy where they finally
decide to sit down and talk honestly to each other about their feelings,
their wishes and their regrets. You can start it in the following way:
Tracy: Scott, can you sit down? I think it’s about time we
discussed a few things, don’t you?

Scott: Well, I suppose you’re right. There’s something that
I think I really need to get off my chest.

Exercise 103. Revision: read the lyrics WHO KNEW by PINK and
open the brackets using the proper form of the verb. Then listen to the
song (for example, using and check your answers.
Translate the lyrics into Ukrainian

1 2

You took my hand CHORUS 2
You showed me how When someone said count your
You promised me you'd be blessings now
around For they're long gone
ah huh that's right I guess I just didn't know how
I was all wrong
I took your words But they knew better
And I believed Still you said forever
In everything you said to me I (keep) you locked in my head
yeah huh that's right Until we meet again
Until we until we meet again
CHORUS 1 And I (not forget) you my friend
If someone said three years from What happened
You (be) long gone CHORUS 3
I (stand up) and (punch) them If someone said three years from
out now
Cause they're all wrong You (be) long gone
I know better I (stand up) and (punch) them out
Cause you said forever Cause they're all wrong and
And ever That last kiss I (cherish)
Who knew Until we meet again
And time makes it harder
Remember when we were such I wish I (can remember)
fools But I keep your memory
And so convinced and just too You visit me in my sleep
cool My darlin’ who knew
oh no no no
My darlin’ my darlin’ who knew
I wish I (can touch) you again My darlin’ I miss you
I wish I (can, still, call) you a My darlin’ who knew
I (give) anything Who knew
And ever
Who knew


as if no one was watching you
as if you had never been hurt

as if no one could hear you
as if heaven was on earth.

Subjunctive II or the unreal past tenses can be used after as if/as though
to indicate unreality or improbability or doubt.

main Explanation Example
as if smb did the action of the He behaves as if he
as though subordinate clause is owned the place.
(were doing) simultaneous with the It sounds as though
action of the main they were fighting
clause upstairs
to be as if smb had shows that the action He talks about Rome
to feel done of the subordinate as though he had
to look as though clause precedes the been there himself.
to sound (had been action of the main Her eyes were red as
to seem doing) clause if she had been
to do, crying all night
etc. as if smb the action of the She looked up at me
would do subordinate clause defiantly as if she
as though follows the action of would turn on me
the main clause that very moment.
She spoke as if she
wouldn't be here

Note 1. It is possible to use present tenses after as if / as though if they

denote true facts.
It looks as if it is going to rain (It is REALLY going to rain — true fact).
When she came in from the rainstorm, she looked as if she had taken a
shower with her clothes on (She didn’t take a shower with her clothes on —
untrue fact).
Note 2. Special attention should be paid to sentence patterns with the
link verb to be in the negative form.
It's not as if he knew you.
Sentences of this kind are rendered into Ukrainian by means of «Адже ...
не... «and with the help of «Ведь … не …» into Russian.
It's not as if he knew you. — Адже він тебе не знає. / Ведь он же не знает

It's not as if I had interfered. — Адже я не втручалась. / Ведь я
же не вмешивалась.
It won't be as if you were offended. — Адже ти не образишся? / Ведь ты
же не обидишься?

Exercise 104. Comment on the use of Subjunctive II and unreal past

tenses and translate the sentences into Ukrainian /Russian
1. Daniel looks quite exhausted as if he had been working in the yard
since morning.
2. Don't get offended. It's not as if I could do anything for you.
3. Don't reproach me as if somebody could have done more.
4. He was wearing a three-piece suit as if it were some formal occasion.
5. Her stillness and her strange words made me feel as if I were still
6. It seemed as if she had made her decision and nothing in the world
could make her change it.
7. It seems as if he knew what to do but pretended to be unaware of
8. Maurice looks quite exhausted as if he had run ten miles.
9. She sounded as if she were unwilling to accept the invitation.
10. She started as if she had been addressed by a stranger.
11. She was listening and wincing as though she were having a grinding
12. She will look at you and talk to you as though you were в nobody
and as though nothing you did could change that.
13. There he is again, sitting as if he had a right to come.
14. When he finally broke the silence his voice sounded as though he
had been shouting inside himself.
15. Why does he always speak as if he knew everything better than
anyone else?

Exercise 105. Using the given idea, complete each sentence with as
if / as though
Example: I wasn't run over by a ten-ton truck.
I feel terrible. I feel as if I had been run over by a ten-ton
1. English is not her native tongue.
She speaks English _____________________________________
2. You didn't see a ghost.
What's the matter? You look _________________________________
3. His animals aren’t people.
I know a farmer who talks to his animals ________________________

4. I didn’t climb Mt. Everest.
When I reached the fourth floor, I was winded. I felt ________________
instead of just three flights of stairs.
5. His father is not a general in the army.
Sometimes his father gives orders _______________________________
6. He does have a brain in his head.
Sometimes he acts __________________________________________
7. We haven't known each other all of our lives.
We became good friends almost immediately. After talking to each other
for only a short time, we felt ____________________________ .
8. A giant bulldozer didn't drive down Main Street.
After the tornado, the town looked _____________________________
9. I don't have wings and can't fly.
I was so happy that I felt _____________________________________
10. The child won't burst.
The child was so excited that he looked ________________________
11. Note. The following sentiments were expressed by Helen Keller, a
woman who was both blind and deaf but who learned to speak and to read
using Braille system.
Use your eyes as if tomorrow you ________ become blind. Hear the
music of voices, the song of a bird, as if you __________ become deaf
tomorrow. Touch each object as if tomorrow you ________ never be able to
feel anything again. Smell the perfume of the flowers and taste with true
enjoyment each bite of food as if tomorrow you __________ never be able to
smell and taste again.

Exercise 106. Open the brackets using the necessary form after as if /
as though
1. He looked as if he ………. (to step) from the pages of a magazine.
2. It looks as though they ………. (not to expect) us.
3. Her mother knew the young man very well but it seemed as if she
………. (not to want) to admit it.
4. She was at a loss. She felt as if she ………. (to lose) something.
5. It was as if she ………. (to receive) a physical blow and ………. (to
rock) on her feet.
6. Whenever I saw them it looked as though they ………. (to be) on
friendly terms.
7. She looked very pale as if she ………. (not to sleep) much lately.
8. Though we had known each other for a long time she looked as if
she………. (not to believe) me.
9. Don't blame yourself. It's not as if you ………. (to do) it on purpose.
10. Her eyes were sparkling as though she………. (to laugh) at us.
11. He went into the house by the back door as though he ………. (to

be afraid) of being seen.
12. After that incident their lives went on as if nothing ………. (to
13. The old man's face was red and swollen as if he ………. (to choke).
14. She speaks of the book as if she ………. (to read) it.
15. My words made him turn back and he looked at me as if I ……….
(to go mad).
16. He didn't say a word as though he ………. (not to hear) my
17. He fixed the knife on the chain as if he ………. (to be afraid) of
losing it.
18. He scarcely replied as if he ………. (not to hear) I was calling.
19. He scarcely replied as if he ………. (not to hear) what I had said.
20. Why do you go on as though you ………. (not to mind) what he's
saying about you?
21. He expected us to listen to him as if what he was saying ………. (to
be) the most reasonable thing in life — which it wasn't.
22. He felt a sort of relief as if he ………. (to reach) a decision which
could change his life completely.
23. He kept asking me to change my mind while there was still time as
if I ………. (to make) a grave mistake.
24. Stop contrasting your life with his as though you ………. (to
achieve) nothing.
25. The chairman offered to make amends as though it ………. (can
change) anything.
26. The boy knows the story by heart as if he ………. (to hear) it many
27. The house looked as though it ………. (not to use) for years.
28. It's not аs if he ………. (to want) to hurt you or something. It was
just a joke, you know.
29. They all felt as if the boy ………. (to conceal) something, but they
couldn't find out what.
30. The room smelt as if someone ………. (to smoke) there.
31. He always looks as if he ………. (to be) a little dumb, but believe
me he's no fool.
32. It looks as if he still ………. (may write) that book he so desperately
wants to publish.

Exercise 107. Translate the sentences with «It is / was not as if …»

into English
1. Адже тобі не двадцять років!
2. Це була помилка. Адже я і не хотів його образити.
3. Адже я нічого не обіцяв.

4. Адже ви його не знаєте.
5. Адже ви не розмовляли з ним.
6. Адже він і сам не знає, чого він хоче.
7. Адже ви і не були стомленими.
8. Але ви ж не вороги!

Exercise 108. Paraphrase the following sentences using Subjunctive

II or unreal past tenses after as if/as though
1. Dinny stopped as if having just realised what she was saying.
2. «What's the matter?» he asked as if not knowing the reason.
3. He left so quickly one might think someone was pursuing him.
4. Eon was asking one question after another as if in a hurry to get
all the information he could.
5. She passed by as if not recognising him.
6. She clasped her hands as though having received a death blow.
7. On seeing her note he stood as if struck.
8. «Why are you staring at me? Have I grown a third eye?»
9. Johnny paused as if searching for words.
10. On hearing the news he stood as if shocked.
11. «What's wrong with you?» she asked as if not knowing the reason.
12. He stood motionless as if struck.
13. He paid no attention to my words as if having heard the news
several days before.

Exercise 109. Complete the following sentences

1. Don't pout. It's not аs if ...
2. Stay back! It's not as if ...
3. The cake tastes as if ...
4. Your words sound as though ...
5. She was desperate. She felt as though ...
6. He looks suicidal. It is as if ...
7. He beamed at me. It was as if ...
8. He was on the verge of tears. He sounded as if ...
9. How can you speak like this? It's not as if…
10. Why are you in a hurry? It's not as if…
11. You are wet through. It looks as if…
12. Don't treat him as if he …
13. Will you stop discussing me as if I….. ?
14. It won't be as if…
15. Jane hid the book she was reading as if ...
16. He lay motionlessly as though ...
17. He is standing speechless as if ...
18. She is sobbing wildly as if ...

19. The police launched investigation as if ...
20. He gave the problem little consideration as if …

Exercise 110. Translate into English

1. Адже я ж вам нічого не обіцяв.
2. Не смійте поводитися з нею, як з дитиною.
3. Здається, вони вже пішли, на вулиці нікого немає.
4. Він говорить так серйозно, ніби це питання життя і смерті.
5. Здається, я знаю вас багато років.
6. Кімната виглядає так, наче в ній ніколи не жили.
7. Мама з подивом подивилася на нас, немов не розуміла, що
8. Адже ми ж так не домовлялися.
9. Чому ти так кажеш? Адже ти ж не дитина.
10. Не дивуйся, він буде вести себе так, немов це не була його
провина, наче він зробив все, щоб врятувати ситуацію.
11. Він у замішанні став на розі вулиці, наче не знав куди йти.
12. Чому в тебе такий вигляд, ніби ти не віриш нам? Адже ми ж
раніше ніколи тебе не обманювали.
13. Він виглядає так, наче ніколи не чув про це.
14. Чому ти говориш так, наче ніколи не помиляєшся?
15. Чому ви вдаєте, ніби ніколи не бачили його?
16. Чому ви засмутилися? Адже ніхто не зміг би зробити це краще
за вас.
17. Ти кажеш, що віриш своєму другові, але в той же час так
поводишся з ним так, наче він твій ворог.
18. У тебе такий втомлений вигляд, ніби ти всю ніч працювала.
19. Через кілька днів він буде говорити так, ніби нічого не сталося.
20. Вона щаслива, подивись на неї. Вона виглядає так, ніби
помолодшала на кілька років.
21. Він каже, що у нього було таке відчуття, наче його обдурили.
22. Вибух був дуже сильним. Стало ясно як удень.
23. Він виглядає так, начебто він переможець.
24. Вона не зупинилася, ніби не чула, що її кличуть.
25. Ви виглядаєте втомленим, ніби не відпочивали кілька тижнів.
26. Він часто дивився на годинник, наче поспішав кудись.
27. Вона дивиться на світ, ніби він належить їй.
28. Він дивився на мене, ніби я сказав щось не те.
29. Перехожий не зупинився, ніби не чув, що його звуть.
30. Вона знала ці місця, ніби жила тут.
31. Вона знає ці місця, ніби прожила тут багато років.
32. Вона виглядає так, начебто вона за цей час помолодшала
принаймні років на десять.

33. Він виглядав так, ніби не його учень, а він сам — переможець
34. Здавалося, дощу не буде кінця.
35. Здавалося, ніби нічого й не сталося.
36. Коли дивишся на Аю-Даг, здається, ніби величезний ведмідь
підійшов до моря і ліг на березі, головою до води.
37. Він відчув себе так, немов у нього гора звалилася з плечей.
38. Я сидів біля багаття, і мені здавалося, ніби хтось стояв у мене за
спиною і похмуро дивився мені в потилицю.
39. Спека мучила нас. Було душно, сухо, і здавалося, ніби ліс горів
під променями сонця. Навіть здавалося, що пахне смаленим.
40. Сухий вітер гнав хмари з дрібної як мука пилу на місто. У
хмарах пилу витали пір'я, сухе листя і солома. Здалеку здавалося, ніби в
місті димів повільний вогонь.


Exercise 111. Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence
1. A cheque is all right, but I'd rather you pay/paid me cash.
2. I'd rather we stay/stayed at home this Christmas for a change.
3. If only I have/had/would have a screwdriver with me.
4. If you want to catch the last train, it's time you leave/left.
5. I'd rather you don't/didn't tell anyone about our conversation.
6. I've got a terrible headache. If only I didn't drink/hadn't drunk that
7. If you don't mind, I'd sooner you practised/had practised/would
practise your violin somewhere else.
8. It's high time you learn/learned to look after yourself.
9. Jean thinks that everyone likes her. If only she knows/knew what
people say behind her back!

Exercise 112. Rewrite the sentence so that it contains the word in

capitals and has the same meaning
I advise you not to make any hasty decisions. WERE
I would’t make any hasty decisions, if I were you.
1. He pretends to be in charge of the office. BEHAVES
2. Please don't bring the dog with you. RATHER
3. I regret selling my old car. WISH
4. Please don't call me again. RATHER

5. It's a pity you're leaving in the morning. WISH
6. I don't think you should drink any more. BETTER
7. I'd like to find the answer to this problem. WISH

Exercise 113. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form
Example: What can we do to get in touch with Robert? If only we
(know) knew his phone number.
1. Come on children! It's time you ………. (be) in bed.
2. Actually I'd rather you ………. (not smoke) in here.
3. Suppose you ………. (see) a ghost. What would you do?
4. I'm so annoyed about my car accident. If only I ………. (be) more
5. It's high time you ………. (start) working more seriously.
6. I'd rather you ………. (not put) your coffee on top of my book.
7. I've no idea where we are! If only we ………. (have) a map.
8. Your hair is rather long. Don't you think it's time you ………. (have)
a haircut?
9. Visiting museums is interesting, but I'd sooner we ………. (go)

Exercise 114. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar

meaning to the first sentence, using the word in capitals. Do not
change the word. You must use between two and five words, including
the word given
It would be nice to be able to fly a plane.
I wish I could fly a plane.
1. Please don't eat in the classroom. YOU
I'd rather _____________________classroom.
2. I think we should leave now. WE
I think it's ____________________ left.
3. What a pity we ate all the food. ONLY
If ____________________ all the food.
4. It's a shame we don't have a video. WISH
I ____________________ a video.
5. Don't shout all the time, it's so annoying! WOULDN'T
I ____________________ shout all the time.
6. I don't want you to buy me a present. SOONER
I'd ____________________ buy me a present.
7. I don't like being so tall. WISH

I ____________________ so tall.
8. We ought to start work now. STARTED
It's ____________________ work.
9. I regret not going to university. HAD
I ____________________ to university.

Exercise 115. Write a new sentence with the same meaning,

beginning as shown.
Example: It seems that more and more young people will go into higher
education in the future.
It seems as if more and more young people will go into
higher education in the future.
1. Most parents want their children to study a
useful subject leading to a good job.
Most parents would rather
2. Students, however, usually want their parents to
let them make their own choices.
Students, however, usually wish
3. Later on, though, some students regret not
having chosen their courses more carefully.
Later on, though, some students wish
4. University advisers don't usually want students to choose a subject
simply because they think they are good at it.
University advisers usually prefer students
5. The usual advice is: «Think about what kind of work you want to do
in the future.»
The usual advice is: «If I ______________________________________
6. Some students seem from their behaviour to be only interested in
having a good time.
Some students behave as ______________________________________
7. When they leave university, many students regret not having worked
When they leave university, many students wish
8. They also think they will never repay their student loans.
It also seems to them as ______________________________________
9. Universities should now pay more attention to students» financial
It's _______________________________________________________

Exercise 115. Choose the correct option, A, B or C, to complete the
sentences about the generation gap
1. It's time that older people __C__ listening to what younger people
2. Some older people treat teenagers as if they ______ all dangerous
3. Some older people wish there ___________ more police officers on
the street, and blame all bad behaviour on the young.
4. Perhaps it's time that young people __________ more responsibly
towards other people.
5. Generally speaking, young people _________ spend their time with
other young people.
6. Many older people __________
the world to be just the same as it was
when they were young.
7. Older people also wish that
young people ____________ more
8. Some people think ___________
that 16-year-olds were given the vote.
9. Many young people, however,
have no faith in politics, and just wish the world ___________ different.
10. Some of them __________ if everyone just left them alone and
stopped asking them for their opinions.

1. A would start B start C started

2. A were B would C prefer
3. A were B had been C are
4. A acted B would act C act
5. A wish B would rather C hope
6. A rather B would prefer C as though
7. A had behaved B didn’t behave C would behave
8. A as if B it’s time C they wouldn’t
9. A is B had been C were
10. A would rather B as though C would prefer it

Exercise 116. Complete the text using one word in each gap.
Do you ever wish that your
neighbours (a) would turn down their
music? Perhaps you're trying to sleep

and you wish that the people next-door (b) _________ not be holding an all-
night barbecue party in their garden. Or do you feel it is (c) ______ you
moved to an uninhabited island? Don't worry — you are just another victim of
noise pollution. Of course, most people would prefer (d) _________ if cars (e)
________ no noise at all, neighbours (f) _________ as quiet as mice, and
nobody (g) ________ about the streets in cars with open windows and high-
powered sound systems. You may even wish you (h) ________ stop children
from playing in the street, or planes from passing overhead. But in the end, if
I (i) ______ you I (j) _______ just get used to it. Close the windows, buy
some earplugs, laugh and turn up your own stereo. Just act (k) ________ if
the noise (l)________ simply not there! Who knows, perhaps it will go away!


God bless you!

Subjunctive I is now only

found in a few set phrases
which are a survival of the
old use of this mood. New
sentences cannot be
formed on this pattern.

Be this (that) as it may... Як би там не було ....

Come what will. Будь, що буде.
Far be it from me… Я далекий від того, щоб ... У мене і в
думках не було…
God save the Queen! Боже, бережи королеву!
God bless you. Хай благословить тебе Господь! / Будь
Happen what may... Що станеться, то станеться ..., що буде,
то буде ...
Heaven forbid. Боже, упаси!
Let it be so. Нехай буде так.
Long live the Queen! Хай живе королева!

Manners be hanged. До біса гарні манери.
(May) success attend you! Нехай Вас супроводжує успіх!
So be it. Хай буде так.
Suffice to say that... Досить сказати, що ...

Exercise 117. Read the national anthem of the United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland and its translation into Ukrainian.
Underline all the cases of the traditional use of the Present Subjunctive
and analyze the way it is translated into Ukrainian

God Save the King/Queen «Боже, храни Короля/Королеву!»

God save our gracious Queen, Боже, бережи нашу великодушну
Long live our noble Queen, Королеву,
God save the Queen: Хай живе наша благородна
Send her victorious, Королева,
Happy and glorious, Боже, бережи Королеву.
Long to reign over us: Дай їй ратних перемог,
God save the Queen. Щастя і слави,
2 І довгого царювання над нами,
O Lord, our God, arise, Боже, бережи Королеву.
Scatter her enemies, 2
And make them fall. Господи Боже наш, встань,
Confound their politics, Розпорошу її ворогів
Frustrate their knavish tricks, І приведи до погибелі.
On Thee our hopes we fix, Посрами зусилля їх держав,
God save us all. Вигуби їх підлі прийоми,
3 На Тебе покладаємо нашу надію,
Thy choicest gifts in store, Боже, бережи всіх нас.
On her be pleased to pour; 3
Long may she reign: Твої вибрані дари
May she defend our laws, Благоволи вилити на неї;
And ever give us cause Так царює вона довго.
To sing with heart and voice Так захищає вона наші закони,
God save the our Queen І нехай дасть нам привід

Оспівувати серцем та голосом:
Боже, бережи Королеву

Exercise 118. Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box

come what may suffice it to say be that as it may God forbid

so be it far be it from me

1. If , ....... , you were to die, who'd run the business?

2. I don't want to explain. ..... Aunt Sarah is coming to stay after all.
3. If you really want to drop out of college, then ......
4. ........., I'm determined to finish decorating my room this
5. ........ to tell you what to do, but you'd be mad to marry him.
6. «This medicine tastes horrible!» — « ....... , it will cure your

Exercise 119. Translate into English

1. Хай живе наш король!
2. Хай буде проклята ця політика!
3. Достатньо зауважити, що вони знадють один одного вже
багато років.
4. У мене і в думках не було ображати його!
5. Хай, що там буде. Я не відмовлюся від своїх слів.
6. Що станеться, то станеться, але я не зміню свого рішення.
7. На вашому місці я б вчинив інакше. — Достатньо сказати,
що я — не ви.
8. Хай, що там буде, піду прямо до директора і розкажу йому
все, що думаю.
9. Як би там не було, ви повинні були попередити нас про
відмову брати участь у змаганнях.



1) We often use should in that-clauses after verbs connected with

suggestions, requests or orders.
I suggested that he should take a break. — Я запропонував йому зробити
It is necessary that you should come a couple of days before the others. —
Необхідно, щоб ви приїхали на кілька днів раніше за інших.
In more formal English Subjunctive I is used instead.

I suggested that he take a break.
It is necessary that you come a couple of days before the others.

It is/was/will be advisable that smb should do It's important that

important smth she should
to think it requested /that smb do smth remember /
to believe it desirable remember to take
to consider it demanded her medicine
to find it arranged twice a day.
essential I consider it
imperative necessary that you
necessary should be / be
ordered present
to suggest that smb should do We insist that the
to demand smth money should be
to insist that smb do smth available / be
to order available to all
to arrange students in
to request financial
suggestion that smb should do The order was
demand smth that no one should
order that smb do smth leave / leave the
arrangement room.
request He made an
recommendation arrangement that
wish she should not be /
motion not be interviewed

2) Should is also used in that-clauses when we talk about our reaction to

something we are reporting. (emotional should)
It is natural that she should want to come. — Зрозуміло, що вона теж хоче
The perfect infinitive after should is sometimes used when referring to
past events.
It is natural that she should have wanted to come. — Зрозуміло, що вона
теж хотіла прийти.
Note 1. Mind that Subjunctive I is not used in this pattern.
Note 2. The simple infinitive is used after should to express an action
simultaneous with or following that of the main clause. The perfect infinitive
is used to express a preceding action.

It is /was / will characteristic It's not surprising
be natural that they should
strange be seen together
to think it odd — they're
to believe it doubtful brothers.
to consider it curious She believed it
to find it impossible that smb impossible that
surprising should do smth anybody should
understandable /that smb have succeeded
unpleasant should have where he had
a pity done smth failed
a shame
to be surprised I’m sorry that you
to be astonished should think so
to be sorry
to be pleased
to doubt

Note 3. In less formal contexts we can use ordinary forms of the verb
instead of Subjunctive I and should. Compare:
I suggest that he should give up golf (negative: ...that he shouldn't give up...).
More formal: I suggested that he give up golf (negative: ...that he not
give up...).
Less formal: I suggest that he gives up gulf (negative: ...that he doesn't
give up...).

Exercise 120. Analyse the form of the verb in the following

sentences. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian
1. Danny was determined that his plan should be realised and his brother
should leave the house.
2. Didn’t you think it best that everything be settled quietly?
3. Don’t you find it strange that he should be checking all the papers
himself? What’s wrong?
4. I consider it probable that they should have been given a negative
5. I demanded that everything be done exactly as we planned.
6. I find it highly improbable that we should receive no answer at all: we
will, but not the answer you hope for.
7. I insist that you should not interfere with our project.
8. I promise I’ll see to it that the experiment should be carried out on
9. Isn’t it doubtful that the journalists should have been given such an

evasive answer?
10. It is absolutely obligatory that all children here should wear
11. It’s highly improbable that she should be thinking of you now.
12. It’s necessary that no one should breathe a word about it to her.
13. It’s so strange that your colleagues should have disagreed with you.
14. My advice is that you should take someone with you.
15. My dearest wish is that my daughter should marry a young man I
could approve of.
16. Our suggestion was that we take a tour round the city before going
to the gallery.
17. She found it unbelievable that Johnny shouldn’t have been admitted
to the club.
18. They feel it advisable that the general public be kept in the dark
about the matter.
19. We have arranged that our department should be informed about all
new plans.

Exercise 121. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the

Pattern : It's necessary for you to put off that call.
It's necessary that you should put off that call.
It was recommended to forget the whole matter.
It was recommended that the whole matter be
1. It is requested to report all breaks in the procedure at once.
2. It was considered obligatory then for the girls to learn to dance.
3. He thought it unnecessary to maintain the Department at its present
4. I believe it dangerous for him to be going around asking questions.
5. I felt it impossible for the book to have been published so soon.
6. I find it advisable for her not to conduct that interview herself.
7. It is recommended to inform your tutor about your progress.
8. It’s better for you not to answer back!
9. She found it important to chair the meeting herself.
10. Terry finds it best to exclude Robert from all sources of information.
11. Why do you find it obligatory for us to participate in this farce?

Exercise 122. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the

Pattern : I wanted them to talk in undertones. (to suggest)
I suggested that they should talk in undertones.
1. He wanted every point of view to be taken into consideration, (to

2. He wanted me to sit down. (to suggest)
3. The doctors wanted him to go to hospital and to be operated on as
soon as possible. (to propose)
4. I want you to remain close by, just in case, (to request)
5. We wanted to be invited to the final meeting. (to arrange)
6. I want you to go to a store and pick out some books for me. (to
7. Celia’s mother wanted her to collect alimony from her ex-husband.
(to urge)
8. We want to reach some agreement here and now. (to be
9. Charles wanted his boss’s candidacy to be considered, but the
others were unpersuaded.(to urge)

Exercise 123. Complete the following sentences

1. The manager recommended ...
2. The students demanded ...
3. We have arranged ...
4. The judge ruled ...
5. The doctors recommended ...
6. The police ordered ...
7. The shareholders demanded ...
8. The employees insisted ...
9. The parents were determined ...
10. The passenger requested ...
1. The instruction ... was followed.
2. The motion ... was supported by the majority.
3. I support your demand ...
4. I have nothing against your wish ...
5. The proposal... intrigued me.
6. I was quite sceptical of their proposition ...
7. He voiced his curious idea ...
8. The doctor’s order was ...
9. My parents’ ambition is ...
10. Our common suggestion is ...
11. The next plan was ...
12. The patient’s request was ...
13. His lawyer’s advice was ...
14. Their secret plan was ...
15. Everyone was one hundred per cent sure that their next

suggestion would be …

Exercise 124. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Хворий попросив, щоб його перевели в іншу палату.
2. Більшість проголосувала за пропозицію, яка полягала в тому,
щоб відкласти обговорення цього питання на якийсь час.
3. Вам необхідно виїхати якомога швидше.
4. Доктор вважає, що мені необхідно кинути палити.
5. Єдина прийнятна пропозиція полягала в тому, щоб залишити все
як є.
6. Бажано, щоб ви взяли участь у виставці.
7. Хто запропонував, щоб ми взяли участь в конкурсі?
8. Режисер розпорядився, щоб ніхто не входив у зал під час
9. Директор висловила загальне побажання всіх співробітників,
щоб частина їдальні була відведена для некурців.
10. Містер Грін подумав, що прохання Майка про підвищення
зарплати невчасне.
11. Мені не здається, що така поведінка нормальна.
12. Моє єдине побажання — не дозволяйте йому зробити все по-
13. Моя вам порада — почніть готуватися до іспиту заздалегідь.
14. Наша мета полягає в тому, щоб забезпечити всім учасникам
конкурсу рівні можливості.
15. Він наполягав на тому, щоб йому надали всі умови для занять.
16. Він вважає, що для нас найкраще було б забути про цю справу.
17. Чому ви вважаєте важливим, щоб у книзі було згадано його
18. Пропозиція, яка полягала в тому, щоб зробити перерву,
влаштовувала всіх.
19. Рекомендується прочитати текст цілком, перш ніж братися за
20. Необхідно, щоб діти знали правила дорожнього руху.
21. Учитель зажадав, щоб учні, які пропускають заняття,
приносили довідку від лікаря.
22. Я вимагаю, щоб мені повідомили всі подробиці.
23. Я хотів би, щоб ви перестали зі мною сперечатися через

Exercise 125. Complete the following sentences

1. I find it curious ...
2. His surprise ... was obvious.
3. Everyone found it amusing ...

4. Why do you feel it funny ...?
5. I usually think it surprising ...
6. I consider it highly doubtful ...
7. It’s incredible ...
8. Is it possible ...?
9. Isn’t it curious ...?
10. It’s typical...
11. It’s odd ..., isn’t it?
12. It’s funny ...
13. Isn’t it surprising ...?
14. Isn’t it splendid ...?
15. It’s amusing...

Exercise 126. Paraphrase the following sentences

Pattern : I consider it impossible for him to have gone there alone.
I consider it impossible that he should have gone
there alone.
1. Didn’t they suppose it strange for the troops to have been withdrawn
so suddenly?
2. Do you believe it true for her to have been taken ill so suddenly?
3. Don’t you find it ridiculous that they have been living here for more
than a year and still don’t know anything or anyone?
4. Don’t you think it wonderful for us to have been invited there? We’ll
see all the celebrities!
5. I find it shocking to be treated like that!
6. Isn't it amazing that he got so near to the truth without any assistance?
7. They consider it of vital importance to receive correct data.
8. It was only right for them to have agreed.
9. It was thought unbelievable for the junior staff members to complain.
10. It was thought unusual but not too strange for a person of his status
not to have gone to that conference.
11. It’s doubtful they produced such good results.
12. It’s strange for the case to have been solved so fast.
13. It’s unbelievable for ten-year-olds to have put up such a good show!
14. It’s very unusual for them to have admitted a stranger into their
15. Margaret thought it dangerous to switch off the power herself.

Exercise 127. Use the infinitives in brackets in the correct form

1. Didn’t you think it strange that he ………. (to give) time off for good
2. Do you think it desirable that your children ………. (to make) to wear

3. Do you think it doubtful that they ………. (to threaten) by a
blackmailer and had to pay him?
4. Don’t you find it surprising that a nine-year- old ………. (to solve) a
Rubik’s Cube so quickly?
5. Everyone found it surprising that she ………. (to make) such efforts
to educate herself.
6. He hated to upset her, but it was so important that she ………. (to
understand), that his motives ………. (to perceived) by someone.
7. How unfortunate that you ………. (to let) that topic dominate your
talk! You could have avoided that, you know.
8. How wonderful that someone ………. (to think) of everything
9. I feel it advisable that you ………. (to practise) more.
10. I found it shocking that Jean ………. (to bar) from the graduation
ceremony, though I can’t approve of what she had done.
11. I had been having a grinding headache for an hour. Now it was
slowly draining away and I sat nailed to my seat, finding it unbelievable that
no one ………. (to notice) what was going on before their eyes.
12. I think it doubtful that his yesterday’s lecture ………. (to attend) by
so many students: he is not what I would call a good teacher.
13. I thought it strange that I ………. (to fail) to think of Percodan
14. Is it possible that the Board ………. (to give) serious thought to that
15. Isn’t it advisable that everything ………. (to put) in writing?
16. Isn’t it strange that they ………. (to expect) an answer all those
months? Why didn’t they drop the whole thing?
17. It was only right that this company’s products ………. (to boycott).
18. It was recommended that the out-dated system ………. (to replace)
with something more modern.
19. It’s highly unlikely that he ………. (to give) help — no one would
have wanted to support him.
20. It’s improbable that he ………. (to bite) by his own dog.
21. It’s necessary that we ………. (to help) him.
22. It’s strange that they ………. (to help) him — usually he doesn’t
accept support from anyone.
23. It’s unlikely that your problem ………. (to bring) to their attention
24. We consider it incredible that he ………. (to write) yet another
page-turner: everyone thought he had exhausted that theme.

Exercise 128. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Арчі не повірив, що друзі могли так підвести його.

2. Вам не здається дивним, що за весь цей час Філ жодного разу не
дав про себе знати?
3. Усі схвалили план, який полягав у тому, щоб спочатку вислухати
експертів, а потім приймати рішення.
4. Директор видав інструкцію, згідно з якою всі співробітники, які
не палять, повинні отримувати більшу зарплату.
5. Інспектор зажадав переглянути деякі правила безпеки.
6. Ітен зажадав, щоб йому надали можливість ознайомитися з усіма
документами, що відносяться до справи.
7. Як дивно, що Бет не повідомила, де вона знаходиться.
8. Комісія запропонувала представити наші вимоги у письмовому
9. Хто придумав розбити табір саме тут?
10. Мене засмутило ваше розпорядження про те, щоб наш відділ
був закритий.
11. Мене здивувало його прохання про те, щоб йому дозволили
поглянути на портрет до того, як він був закінчений.
12. Мені видається неймовірним, щоб йому дозволили поїхати
туди одному.
13. Моя пропозиція зводилося до того, щоб перенести засідання
кафедри на інший день.
14. Наша пропозиція полягала в тому, щоб розробити нову
програму досліджень.
15. Чи не здається вам дивним, що його вже кілька днів ніхто не
16. Не може бути, щоб вам не дали можливості довести, що ви тут
ні при чому.
17. Не може бути, щоб ви не зустрічалися раніше — він вів себе
так, ніби добре вас знає.
18. Не може бути, щоб ви зібралися так швидко.
19. Неймовірно, що він уже на ногах після такої складної операції.
20. Чому те, що з ним там погано поводились, здається вам
21. Дивно, що ніхто до цих пір не додумався до такого простого
22. Те, як Джейн вела себе при зустрічі з вами, зовсім незвично. На
неї це не схоже.
23. Те, що Тім з ним тепер не розмовляє, здається мені цілком
природним, а вам?
24. Потрібно, щоб цього правила дотримувалися всі.
25. Я знаходжу малоймовірним, щоб його думку було взято до

26. Я ні на чому не наполягав. Я тільки висловив побажання, щоб у
наступний раз це питання без мене не обговорювали.



“Couldn’t you at least wait until halftime so that we

could discuss our communication problems?”

The modal verbs can/could, may/might, will/would are used in certain

sentence patterns:

1) to express fear, anxiety

to fear that smb may/might do She worried that they could
to worry smth miss the train. — Вона
to be afraid can/could боялася, що вони
to be uneasy спізняться на потяг
that smb may/might
have done smth
fear that smb may/might do Her constant worry was that
worry smth can/could she might have made a grave
anxiety mistake. — Вона постійно
that smb may/might турбувалася, що зробила
have done smth величезну помилку

Note 1. The simple infinitive is used after may/might, can/could to

express an action simultaneous with or following the state of fear:
The perfect infinitive is used to express an action preceding the state of

She fears that her husband may learn about her past. — Вона боялася, що її
чоловік довідається про її минуле.
She fears that her husband may have learnt about her past. — Вона боялася,
що її чоловік вже довідався про її минуле.

2) to express purpose
These men risk their lives in order
that we may live more safely. — Ці
чоловіки ризикують своїм
життям для того, щоб ми могли
smb will/would do
so that жити у безпеці.
in order that They wrote the notices in several
can/could do smth
that languages so that foreign tourists
may/might do smth
could understand them. — Вони
написали об’яви кількома мовами
для того, щоб іноземці їх

Note 2. Can, will, may are used when the main verb is in a present,
present perfect or future tense; could, might and would are used when the
main verb is in a past tense.
I have given/will give him a key so that he can get into the house whenever he
I gave him a key so that he could get into the house whenever he liked.

Exercise 129. Choose one of these verbs to complete these sentences.

be (2) find give have chosen have missed know

catch lose (2) be punished
1...................................................................Mother worries that Jane may
cold in the open air.
2.................................................................I feared that they might not
the way.
3.................................................................She worried that they might
the way in the fog.
4..........................................................Don't you fear that she may
short-sighted like her father?
5..........................................................................She had a constant worry
that she might.............................................................a burden to her family.
6.......................................................................I have no fear that I may
the wrong way.

7..........................................................................Her hidden fear was that
she might....................................................................her eyesight.
8.................................................................................This fear was that
she might...........................................................................something of value
in life.
9........................................................................He feared that his voice
mighthim away.
10.......................................................................................The girl was
afraid that her parents might ....................................................out everything
and she might............................................................................

Exercise 130. Express apprehension about the statements given

Example. He is ill. I'm afraid that he may be ill.
He missed the train. I'm afraid that he may have missed the
1. The early frosts will damage the young apple-trees.
2. Something will happen to spoil that all.
3. People noticed her shabby dress and mended gloves.
4..........................................................................................................................They did n
5...........................................................................................................................He will be
6...........................................................................................................................She saw it
7...........................................................................................................................The dog bi
8...........................................................................................................................He ate som

Exercise 131. Analyse the form of the verb in the following

sentences. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian
1. She opens the window every morning so that the children may get
some fresh air.
2. I closed the door so that we might not be overheard.
3. I’ve made a copy for you so that there will be no doubts.
4. He spoke loudly and clearly so that he could be heard.
5. You’ll have to give him a hand in order that he may cope with all his

Exercise 132. Paraphrase the following sentences using the

clauses of purpose
1. He killed the men who helped him to bury the treasure. He wanted
nobody but himself to know where it was.
2. Put the cork back. Someone may knock the bottle over.
3. They want repair work to continue day and night.
4. The girl packed the vase in polyester foam. She didn't want it to get
broken in the post.

5. He wore a false beard. He didn't want anyone to recognize him.
6. She built a high wall round her garden. She didn't want her fruit to be
7. They talked in whispers. They didn't want me to overhear them.
8. You ought to take some serum with you. You may get bitten by a
9. Aeroplanes carry parachutes. The crew can escape in case of fire.
I am insuring my life. I want my children to have something to live on if I am
10. Please shut the gate. I don't want the cows to get out of the field.
11. He telephoned from a public call-box. He didn't want the call to be
traced to his own address.
12. I am putting nets over my strawberry plants. I don't want the birds to
eat all the strawberries.
13. We keep a spade in the house. There may be a heavy fall of snow in
the night.
14. We put bars on the lower windows. We didn't want anyone to climb
15. You should carry a jack in your car. You may have a puncture.
16. We built the roof with a steep slope. We wanted the snow to slide
off easily.
17. The notices are written in several languages. The government wants
everyone to understand them.
18. I put my address on my dog's collar. I want anyone who finds him to
know where he comes from.
19. She tied a bell round her cat's neck. She wanted the birds to know
when he was approaching.
20. Bring your gun with you. We may be attacked.
21. I have put wire over my chimney-pots. I don't want birds to build
nests in them.
22. Write your name in the book. He may forget who lent it to him.
23. He chained up the lioness at night. He didn't want her to frighten
24. Don't put on any more coal. The chimney may catch fire.
25. The burglar cut the telephone wires. He didn't want me to call the
26. Take a torch with you. It may be dark before you get back.
27. The manufacturers have made the taps of their new gas cooker very
stiff. They don't want young children to be able to turn them on.
28. Don't let the baby play with my glasses. He may break them.
29. The debate on education has been postponed. The government want
to discuss the latest crisis.
30. If someone knocks at the door at night don't open it. It may be the

escaped convict.

Exercise 133. Complete the following sentences using adverbial

clauses of purpose
1. We took a taxi...
2. They telephoned the manager ...
3. He concentrated on his work ...
4. She practises every day ...
5. You must find a good dentist...
6. They never punish their children ...
7. I put a notice there ...
8. They slowed down the investigation ...
9. He took great risks ...
10. He had an ansaphone installed in his study ...
11. The company commissioned a computer expert ...
12. Don’t hold back your views ...
13. He sent his son to a prep-school ...
14. Change your approach ...

Exercise 134. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Ми все боялися, як би дах будинку не звалився.
2. Викладач пояснив правило ще раз, щоб все було зрозуміло.
3. Дивіться під ноги, щоб не впасти.
4. Мені здається, що постійний страх, як би його не звільнили, не
має ніяких підстав.
5. Я повідомляю вам про ці зміни для того, щоб ви ще раз
обміркували мою пропозицію.
6. Закрийте двері, щоб не було протягу.
7. Вона відвернулася, щоб ніхто не помітив, що вона плакала.
8. Більшість побоювалося, як би положення не погіршилося ще
9. Їй довелося втрутитися в їх суперечку, щоб вони не посварилися
10. Увімкни настільну лампу, щоб тобі було зручніше працювати.
11. Почувши, що Пітер повертається, Джил поклала конверт на
місце і закрила шухляду, щоб він не помітив, що вона щось шукала.
12. Йому довелося повторити вірш ще раз, щоб не забути його.
13. Поліцейські обійшли всіх сусідів, щоб дізнатися, чи не чули
вони чого-небудь.
14. Він боявся, щоб конкуренти не отримали доступ до секретної
15. Коли діти поверталися додому пізно, мати побоювалася, як би з
ними щось не трапилося.

16. Побоювання, як би його обман не розкрився, заважали йому
17. Тім просив ретельно загорнути вазу, щоб вона не розбилася.
18. Ми побоювалися, як би ці чутки не завадили об'єктивному
розгляду справи.
19. Цей знак поставлений тут для того, щоб всі звернули увагу на
20. Я скажу його прізвище по буквах, щоб ви його правильно
21. Вони сперечалися пошепки, щоб діти не дізналися про їх
22. Приберіть звідси цю сумку, щоб хтось не спіткнувся.
23. Він побоювався, що над його пропозицією будуть сміятися.

Exercise 135. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable form
Example: I would say it was time you …started… (start) working
1. I'd rather you ……… (not watch) television while I'm reading.
2. I wish I ……… (spend) more time swimming last summer.
3. Helen is so bossy. She acts as if she ……… (own) the place.
4. We found it absolutely necessary that everyone ……… (to
participate) in the discussion.
5. Reread this phrase so that you ……… (not make) the same mistake
6. I wish you ……… (not keep) coming late to class.
7. Suppose a complete stranger ……… (leave) you a lot of money in
their will!
8. I wish I ……… (go) to your party after all.
9. I'd rather you ……… (sit) next to Susan, please.
10. The government demanded that the ambassador ……. (be) recalled.
11. You are lucky going to Italy. I wish I ………(go) with you.

Exercise 136. Correct the error in each sentence

Example: I’d rather you don’t wait.
I’d rather you didn’t wait.
1. I wish I didn't listen to you before.
2. I cannot give him such a job. I wish he were light-minded.
3. It was desirable that all participants came on time.
4. If he would go there, I did not come.
5. He insisted that everybody would sign the paper.
6. He looks upon the cottage as if it is his property.
7. Was it so important that he is present?

8. Should he could do it, he would do it.
9. I demand that he is taken to hospital immediately.
10. I wish I bought that old house.
11. I'd rather you don't eat all the bread.
12. It's time I go.
13. I wish I own a motorbike.
14. I wish we are not leaving in the morning.
15. Sue would rather reading than watching television.
16. Come what comes, I'll be on your side.
17. I hope it would stop raining.
18. If it isn't for David, we are missing the bus.
19. If you didn't lend us the money, we would have gone to the bank.
20. But for you helped us, we would have taken much longer.

Exercise 137. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase

Example: I wish you would stop making so much noise late at night!
1. I'd rather the children ………….on the television without permission.
2. Suppose …………. half the money I owe you. Would that satisfy
3. This is an awful hotel. I wish we …………. to the Grand instead.
4. It is absolutely …………. you contact head office in advance.
5. I think it's high time we …………. locking all the windows at night.
6. Would you rather I …………. the lunch, if you feel tired?
7. I wish my car …………. as fast as yours.
8. I'd prefer you …………. smoke in here, if you don't mind.
9. It was recommended that all papers …………. filed and locked.
10. ………….they offered you the job of managing director!

Exercise 138. Complete each sentence with one word

Example: It's high time you learned to look after yourself!
1. I wish you …………. try listening to me just for once!
2. I …………. rather not go by bus, if possible.
3. …………. that as it may, it doesn't alter the seriousness of the
4. I wish Carol …………. be here to see you all.
5. We both wish you …………. staying longer.
6. You …………. as if you had played in the match instead of watching
7. I really wish we ………….married.
8. I ………….you didn't mind my phoning so late.

Exercise 139. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in

capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same

Example: Do you ever regret not going to university? WISH
Do you ever wish you had gone to university?
1. Don't take this job if you don't really want it. UNLESS
2. If you insist on smoking so much, of course you feel ill. WILL
3. I don't want to go to the meeting. RATHER
4. I should really be leaving. TIME
5. I wasn't tall enough to reach the shelf. TALLER
6. I wish I hadn't sold that old painting. PITY
7. I won't sell the painting, not evenfor £1000. IF
8. I don't have any scissors so I can't lend you any. IF
9. I'd love to be able to go with you to the opera. WISH
10. I just want them to be given one more chance. PROPOSE
11. If the ship sank, what would you do? WERE
12. If you hadn't encouraged me, I would have given up. BUT
13. If you should notice what's on at the cinema, let me know. HAPPEN
14. It would be better if you didn't stay long. RATHER
15. It was highly unnatural for him to be late. SHOULD
16. But for Helen, the play would be a flop. WERE
17. Jack doesn't know all the answers, though he pretends to. ACTS
18. The management insisted on our wearing dark suits. WEAR
19. Why do you have to complain all the time? WISH

Exercise 140. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the

meaning stays the same

Example: Working so much will make you tired.
If you work so much you will get tired.
1. Dick is in prison because a detective recognized him.
If a detective ………………………………………………………
2. Everyone regretted not listening more carefully to the lecture.
Everyone wished …………………………………………………..
3. I might be late. If so, start without me.
If I ……………………………………………………
4. I regret drinking so much last night!
If only ……………………………………………………
5. I wish I hadn't heard that!
I'd rather you……………………………………………………
6. If by any chance you find my wallet, could you let me know?
If you happen……………………………………………………
7. It's a pity I can't borrow your car.
I wish you would ……………………………………………………
8. If you do the shopping, I'll cook lunch.
You ……………………………………………………
9. Is it better for me to leave?
Would you ……………………………………………………
10. It would be nice to be able to fly.
I wish ……………………………..
11. It's a pity you were driving so fast.
I wish you ……………………………………………………
12. If Pauline hadn't been interested, the project would have been
But for ……………………………………………………
13. Jack prefers me not to say anything about the missing money.
Jack would rather ……………………………………………………
14. May the President live a long time!
Long ……………………………………………….
15. The fire was brought under control thanks to the night-watchman.
If it hadn't……………………………………………………
16. Unfortunately I've got to work late tonight.
I wish……………………………………………………
17. If Jane hadn't refused to work overtime, she would have got
If it hadn't ……………………………………………………
18. We really must discuss this again.
It's important that…………………………………………………… .
19. What would you do if there was an earthquake?
20. What would you do if you found some buried treasure?

If you were……………………………………………………

Exercise 141. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase

Example: It's time all of us were in bed.
1. I'd rather you ……….. slowly and more carefully.
2. ………..may, I will always be on your side!
3. I wish you………..the lecture instead of Professor Brown!
4. Don't rush your decision. I'd rather you………..over.
5. The authorities………..the money be paid at once.
6. I wish I could……… your party, but I was busy I'm afraid.
7. Mary sometimes acts as if she………..either way what happened.
8. It's time I……… way.

Exercise 142. Paraphrase the following sentences using the

subjunctive mood
Example: Martin looked around as if not knowing where he was.
Martin looked around as if he didn’t know where he was.
1. Have you arranged for our things to be taken to the hotel?
2. His demand to be given access to the files was refused.
3. He seemed to have done nothing wrong. It was a pity I couldn’t
believe him.
4. Martin looked amused as if having just heard a joke.
5. I’ve just phoned home for my parents to know where I am.
6. Why do you expect me to do it? I don’t think I promised anything.
(It’s not as if...)
7. I’m sorry to have come here at all. It’s a pity you invited me.
8. I did everything for her not to worry. I was very anxious for her not to
be disturbed by the news.
9. Why don’t they stop this constant noise?
10. I regret having brought you here. But I did it for you to be able to
judge for yourself.
11. Don’t you think it strange for Karen to have forgotten to call?
12. Even if threatened, he wouldn’t have changed his mind.
13. Mother suggested our going to the hospital at once. Everyone
14. The order was for the troops to retreat.

Exercise 143. Translate the following beginnings and complete the

1. Дивно, що ...
2. Я обіцяю простежити за тим, щоб ...
3. Абсолютно необхідно ...
4. Ми запропонували ...

5. Здавалося, що ...
6. Вам здається можливим, що ...?
7. Я б хотів, щоб хто-небудь ...
8. Він дуже боявся, щоб не ...
9. Якби не його дивна відповідь ...
10. Вона говорила повільно, наче ...
11. Я ні про що не повідомляв вам, щоб не ...
12. Їм давно пора ...
13. Як шкода, що ...
14. Чи не здається вам дивним, що ...?
15. Раптово я відчув себе так, ніби ...
16. Мені не дуже подобається ваша пропозиція ...
17. Що б ви зробили ...?
18. Я зателефонував вам, щоб ...
19. Якби не ваша поведінка ...
20. Наші вимоги полягали в тому, щоб ...
21. На вашому місці ...
22. Ах, якби тільки ...!
23. Ваш страх, як би не ...
24. Мені дуже не сподобалася її ідея, що ...
25. Що б вам відповіли, якщо ...?
26. Вона говорила пошепки, щоб не ...
27. Я думаю, дуже важливо, щоб ...
28. Не може бути, щоб ...
29. Я повідомив вам про це, щоб ви могли ...
30. Він скрипів зубами, наче ...
31. Ми наполягали на тому, щоб ...

Exercise 144. Translate the following sentences into English

using the subjunctive mood
1. Якби ви зберегли лист, всім було б простіше.
2. Шкода, що ви не зберегли лист.
3. Він зажадав, щоб я зберіг лист.
4. Він вважає природним, що ви зберегли лист.
5. Не робіть вигляд, ніби ви не зберегли лист.
6. Шкода, що ви не зберігаєте листи.
7. Якби не ваше нагадування, я б не зберегла цей важливий лист.
8. Час вам зрозуміти, що важливі листи потрібно зберігати.
9. Ах, якби ви зберегли той лист!
10. Навіть якщо б ви зберегли той лист, це вам не допомогло б.
11. Якщо ви випадково згадаєте, куди поклали лист, дайте мені
12. Мені зовсім не подобається ваша пропозиція, щоб я зберігав

усі листи.
13. Дивно, що ви не зберегли настільки важливий лист, дуже
14. Те, що ви не зберегли настільки важливий лист, здається мені
дуже дивним.
15. Я збережу цей лист, які б не були наслідки.

Exercise 145. Translate the following sentences into English

using the subjunctive mood
1. Більбо, присівши на лавочку біля каміна, ... намагався робити
вигляд, ніби нічого особливого не відбувається і з пригодами все це
нічого спільного не має.
2. «Якщо б не знак на дверях, я б подумав, що ми потрапили не
3. «Не думаю, що човен прив'язаний, — сказав Більбо, —... Мені
здається, що її просто підігнали до берега ...»
4. «Здається, мої сни починають збуватися».
5. «... Невідомо, як вели б себе ви на його місці».
6. «... Шкода, що він не зміг зробити нашу подорож більш
7. «Що ви пропонуєте робити далі, містер Беггінс?»
8. «Шкода, що я почав говорити про це».
9. «Вони ж говорили, що я можу вибирати свою долю сам. Я б
вибрав цей камінь».
10. «... Боюся, якби в долині не розпочався бій».
(Дж. Р. Р. Толкін)
Exercise 146. Choose the right option
1. I felt sorry for Jane. If anybody ........ such a thing to me, I ........ hurt.
a) would say, felt
b) said, would feel
c) had said, would feel
d) will say, will feel
2. The orders are that three of you........ here, the rest ........ to the city
a) will stay, will go
b) should stay, should go
c) would stay, would go
d) stay, to go
3. He ........ differently, if he ........ an answer two days ago.
a) will act, was given
b) would act, were given
c) would have acted, would have been given
d) would have acted, had been given

4. Who was the first to suggest........the research, I can not well
a) him to do
b) that he do
c) that he will do
d) that he would do
5. «I wish I ........ your health and vitality. I ........ a new life for myself,»
she said with a smile.
a) had, would make
b) would have, made
c) have, will have made
d) was having, would have made
6. Don't help my son, please. I ........ rather he ........ supper himself. He is
an excellent cook.
a) would, will cook
b) had, cooks
c) would, cooked
d) had, had cooked
7. He wished he ........ her the money. She never returned it.
a) had lent
b) hadn't lent
c) did not lend
d) lent
8. If I ........ you, I ........ him. It's high time you ........ his advice.
a) were, would contact, would take
b) had been, would have contacted, would have taken
c) am, will contact, will take
d) were, would contact, took
9. He behaves as if nothing ......... But he forgets it is very important that
he ........ a chance of going there.
a) has happened, will take
b) had happened, take
c) was happened, should take
d) happened, takes
10. If she ........ half an hour earlier, she see him before the
departure. He was eager to say good-bye to her.
a) came, would be able
b) would come, was able
c) would have come, would have been able
d) had come, would have been able
11. It is desirable that she ........ at the conference. Our director demands
that everybody........ at 3 o'clock.
a) is present, comes

b) will be present, will come
c) be present, come
d) would be present, would come
12. You were not attentive. If nervous, you ........ much better
and ........ so many mistakes.
a) had not been, would have spoken, wouldn't have made
b) were not, would speak, wouldn't make
c) wouldn't have been, had spoken, hadn't made
d) wouldn't be, spoke, didn't make
13. ........ his letter, his life ......... I wish he ........ anything.
a) Would the newspaper not print, wouldn't have ruined, had written
b) Had the newspaper not printed, wouldn't have ruined, hadn't
c) Had the newspaper not have printed, wouldn't ruin, wrote
d) If the newspaper should not have printed, hadn't ruin, hadn't
14. He speaks to me as though he ........ something on his mind. It's time
he ........ and ........ everything to us.
a) had had, had come, had explained
b) had, came, explained
c) has, will come, will explain
d) had, should come, should explain
15. the hustle and bustle of the city life, my annoyance .........
a) If I would return, would be over
b) Should I return, would be over
c) Would I return, would have been over
d) If I had returned, had been over
16. Some simple vending machines require that the exact amount of
money for a particular item .........
a) will insert
b) should insert
c) be inserted
d) will be inserted
17. ........themselves at Victoria or Vancouver they........ themselves a
large amount of money.
a) Had the miners outfitted, would have saved
b) Should the miners have outfitted, would have saved
c) If the miners outfitted, would have saved
d) If the miners had outfitted, should save
18. Inspector Strickland, like myself, was suffering from a severe attack
of bronchitis, which threatened to become chronic if it ........ immediately
a) were not

b) would not be
c) had been
d) would not have been
19. Parliament ordered that the customs office ........ the taxes more
a) would collect
b) collects
c) collect
d) collected
20. National parks request that visitors ........ wild animals.
a) not feed
b) did not feed
c) would not feed
d) do not feed

Exercise 147. Translate the following sentences in writing paying
special attention to the ways of rendering the forms of subjunctive mood
1. When the committee was considering the new system, it asked the
Ministry of Labor what the effect would be if prices were rounded up to the
nearest half-cent.
2. They had a special reason for preferring short-time — the low normal
wastage at its works — but, again, fear of a strike if redundancies were
declared also influenced the company.
3. It would be foolish to think that all this will be easy.
4. In preparation for their meeting tomorrow it would be a very good
idea if Trades Union Congress leaders would make a point of meeting the
rank-and-file workers who are lobbying Parliament today.
5. Even if NATO Governments were not yet prepared to abolish both the
NATO and Warsaw Pacts it would still be possible to reach an understanding
on liquidating the military organizations of these groupings.
6. A visit to the detained African leaders would therefore most likely
have resulted in the rejection of the Prime Minister's proposals — which
would have been awkward for him on the eve of the Labor Party conference.
7. Even if this proposal were acted upon, and it is now evident that the
President has disavowed it, the fundamental guns-instead-of-butter nature of
the economy would in no way be altered.
8. If it had been reached on a national scale the whole political scene in
India would have been transformed, and the Right Wing gains in other areas
would have been impossible.
9. Unemployment of those proportions, were it general, would be a
national catastrophe.
10. Had the election campaign been still in progress the wage squeeze

might have become an issue.
11. February's trade figures showed a £62 million deficit. There would
have been an even worse result for 1968 had it not been for the £ 559 million
that foreign businessmen invested in Britain.
12. The British Foreign Secretary will now be entering what are
officially termed «the pre-negotiations» with an ardent will to succeed. But
the Prime Minister would hardly have taken the unprecedented step of
deciding to go along, too, had he been sure they would fail.
13. The Prime Minister refused to be drawn yesterday into saying what
he would do if his attempt to «renegotiate» the Nassau agreement were to fail.
14. Today's talks, therefore, will certainly lay down guide-lines for a
Tory Manifesto should an early election materialize.
15. Even should it be decided to extend the session, only ten days can
be gained; so — the argument runs — it is better to wait for the new session,
especially as the Lords may impose its veto and delay the Bill 12 months.
16. Should any appeal be needed, the Prime Minister will have
opportunities for personal chats with backsliders at a party for MPs of
previous Parliaments which he will give at 10 Downing Street tonight.
17. Objections to this plan, supposing there should be any, should be
reported to the committee at once.
18. The Government, therefore, propose that these matters should, in the
first instance, be left to negotiation between the Corporation and the
19. India proposed today that the nuclear Powers should guarantee
through the United Nations the security of countries threatened by others
which have nuclear weapons capability.
20. It is important that the real situation should be examined because
anything which promotes irrational differences between earnings in an
industry is bound to cause trouble.
21. In addition the U. N. Charter provided that the United Nations
should not intervene in the internal affairs of a State.
22. One of the first suggestions he made shortly after he took office,
was that a lottery be run to rescue U.N. finances.

Appendix I

Table 1
Meaning s of CAN COULD
of inf.
Concrete it is used with reference to the 1) could + Ind. Inf. is used in the past-time contexts to
meaning: present (synonymous to express ability, possibility, but not the realization
1. Mental am/is/are able) or future (realization is expressed by was/were able to, to
ability (synonymous to will be able) manage, to succeed, to fail)
She can become a painter. She could become a painter, but she chose the
She can translate this text profession of a journalist (могла, not змогла).
2. Physical Can you lift this box? She managed to become a good painter (змогла).
ability + 2) could + Ind. Inf. is used in the present-time
- contexts to express an unreal action:
3. Possibility ? You can get there by bus in You should have some rest. You could go to the
due to the 20 minutes seaside. — Тобі треба спочити. Ти міг би поїхати
circumstances на море.
3) could + Perf. Inf. is used to express an action that
wasn’t carried out in the past:
In summer we could have gone to the seaside, but we
preferred to go to the forest. — Влітку ми могли би
поїхати на море, але ми віддали перевагу лісу
Meaning s of CAN COULD
of inf.
4. Permission + You can take my book. — Ви is used in reported speech:
можете взяти мою книгу She said that I could take her book
5. Request / ? Ind. Can I take your book? — it is used: a) as a more polite form of can; b) in
asking for Inf. Можна взяти вашу книгу? reported speech:
permission a) Could I take your book?
b) He asked if he could take her book
6. Prohibition _ You can’t take my book. — it is used in reported speech:
Не можна брати мою книгу She said that I could not take her book
7. Reproach + could +Perf. Inf. implies that a person should have
done something, or behaved in a certain way, but
Perf. didn’t do it.:
Inf. You could at least have met me at the station. — Ти
міг би принаймні зустріти мене на станції.
This meaning is more often expressed by might
Suppositio- Ind. Inf. = «невже…?» it implies more uncertainty than can:
nal meaning (future, Can it be true — Невже Could it be true?
present це правда? (reference to Note. In this meaning could does not serve as the past
8. ? (stat. the present, stative verb form of the verb can. If you want to refer the action to
Uncertainty, verbs)), to be) the past, you are to use can/could + Per. Inf. or Perf.
doubt Cont. Inf. Cont. Inf.
(pres. Can /could she be telling lies? — Невже вона бреше? (reference to the present,
(dynam. dynamic verb to tell)
verbs)), Can/could she have said it? — Невже вона це сказала? (reference to the past)
Perf. Inf. Can/could she really have been sitting here all this time? — Невже вона весь цей
(past), час сиділа тут? (action began in the past and continued into the moment of
Perf. Cont. speaking)
Inf. (a
action in
the past)
Meaning of Types of inf. CAN COULD
9. Impro- _ Ind. Inf. (future, = «не може бути, щоб» Makes the statement less categorical:
bability present (stat. He can’t be really ill. — He couldn’t be ill.
verbs)), Не може бути, щоб він Note. In this meaning could does not serve as the
Cont. Inf. (pres. був дійсно хворий past form of the verb can. If you want to refer
(dynam.. the action to the past, you are to use can/could +
verbs)), Perf. Inf. or Perf. Cont. Inf.
Perf. Inf. (past), She can’t/couldn’t be telling lies. — Не може бути, щоб вона казала
Perf. Cont. Inf. неправду.
(a durative She can’t/couldn’t have said it. — Не може бути, щоб вона це сказала.
action in the She can’t/couldn’t have been sitting here all the time. — Не може бути,
past) щоб вона сиділа тут весь цей час
Note. The suppositional meaning of the negative character is formed with the help of the verb to fail to do smth. or
prefixes dis-, mis-:
Can he have misunderstood me? — Невже він мене не зрозумів?
She can’t have failed to find this book. — Не може бути, щоб вона не знайшла цю книгу.
Compare: She can’t have found this book. — Не може бути, щоб вона знайшла цю книгу
Table 2
Meaning of MAY MIGHT
of inf.
Concrete 1) might + Ind. Inf. is used in past-time contexts as the past
meaning: form of the verb may:
1. Possibi-lity You may order a taxi by In those days a man might be sentenced to death for a
due to the Ind. telephone. — Можна small crime (міг).
circum- Inf. замовити таксі по 2) might + Perf. Inf. indicates that the action was not
stances телефону carried out owing to certain circumstances (is
synonymous with could +Perf. Inf.):
He might have fallen ill if he hadn’t taken the medicine
Imperative it is synonymous to the
meaning: phrases to have
2. Permission permission to, to be
Ind. is used in reported speech:
+ allowed to, to be
Inf. He told me that I might smoke in the room
permitted to:
You may go now (= you
are allowed to go)
3. Asking is used: a) as a more polite form of may; b) in reported
May I use your
for permission speech:
? Ind. telephone? (= Will you
/ Request a) Might I use your telephone, please?
Inf. allow me to use your
b) He asked me if he might join us
Meaning of MAY MIGHT
of inf.
4. Prohibition it is not common in this
Ind. meaning. Generally
Inf. must and can are used
5. Dis- 1) might + Ind. Inf. — ironical advice, disapproval:
approval, Ind. Don’t wait for her, you might do it yourself (могли би).
reproach Inf. _________ You might help me to carry this heavy bag (міг би).
Perf. 2) might + Perf. Inf. — reproach for the non-performance
Inf. of the action (is synonymous with could + Perf. Inf.):
You might have phoned me last night (міг би)
Suppositional Ind. it is synonymous with is more uncertain than may:
meaning: Inf. , the modal words He might have spoken to her already.
Cont. perhaps, maybe Note. In this meaning might does not serve as the past form
Inf., = мабуть, можливо, of the verb may. If you want to refer the action to the past,
6.Supposition Perf. може you are to use may/might + Per. Inf. or Perf. Cont. Inf.
implying Inf., He may/might come tomorrow. — Можливо, вона приїде завтра (reference to the
uncertainty Perf. future).
Cont. She may/might be angry with you. — Може вона сердиться на тебе (reference to
Inf. the present, stative verb to be).
He may/might be skating now. — Мабуть, він зараз катається на ковзанах
(reference to the present, dynamic verb to skate).
He may/might not have recovered yet. — Мабуть, він ще не одужав (reference to the
past). He may/might have been skating for 2 hours. — Можливо, він катається на
ковзанах вже 2 години (an action that began in the past and continued into the
moment of speaking)
Table 3
CAN/COULD and MAY/MIGHT compared

it may be used in all types of sentences (+, -, ?) it may be used only in affirmative sentences and
1. Possibility and usually expresses a more general possibility: expresses possibility of something happening in a
due to the Moving to a new job can be a very stressful particular situation:
circumstances experience. With the factory closing next week, he may lose his
The temperature can sometimes reach 35C° in job
more formal; denotes permission depending on the colloquial; expresses permission depending on the
circumstances: will of the speaker:
2. Permission You can take my book (there’re no conditions to You may take my book (I give you the permission to
prevent the person from taking the book) do it)
You can smoke here. The window is open You may smoke in here if you like
more formal; the speaker doesn’t know the colloquial; the speaker is not sure whether the
3. Asking for permission will be granted:
Can I smoke in here? May I smoke in here?
could + Perf. Inf.: might + Perf. Inf. is much more often used in this
4. Reproach You could have backed my proposal at the meaning than could.
conference You might have reminded me about the meeting
Table 4
Types Types
Meaning MUST
of sent. of inf.
Concrete  reference to the present or future: must: He must go there tonight (мусить,
meaning: повинен, йому треба, необхідно).
1. Obligation +
Ind. Inf.  reference to the past: had to: I had to go there (був змушений).
from the ?  in reported speech: must: He said that he must go there
speaker’s point
of view
meaning: _ Ind. Inf. He must not leave the room.
2. Prohibition Note. Absence of necessity is expressed by the verbs to have to and need
3. Emphatic + You must come and see our new flat.
Ind. Inf.
advice - You mustn’t cry
Suppositional Ind. Inf. it is synonymous with probably, evidently, obviously, apparently
meaning: , = (цілком) вірогідно, імовірно, напевно, певно:
4. Supposi- Cont. He must know her. He must be suffering a lot.
tion implying Inf., She must have seen him. He must have been waiting for an hour.
strong Perf. Note: Must is not used with reference to the future in this meaning. In this case
probability Inf., probability of the realization of the action is usually rendered by means of probably,
Perf. evidently, obviously, apparently:
Cont. Він, мабуть, отримає підвищення по роботі найближчим часом. — He will
Inf. probably get promotion in the nearest future
Table 5
of inf.
Concrete denotes an action planned for the future which is viewed from the
meaning: it is used in the past (мали, повинні були).
1. A present-time a) was/were + Ind. Inf. denotes an action planned for the past but it
previously context: is unknown whether this action was carried out or not:
arranged plan + Ind. We are to We were to meet him at the station (it is not clear from the
or obligation ? Inf. discuss it next sentence if the action took place).
resulting from time (маємо, b) was/were + Perf. Inf. denotes a planned action that wasn’t
the мусимо, carried out in the past:
arrangement повинні) I was to have met him at the station, but I quite forgot about it (that
means that I failed to meet him)
2. Something is usually rendered into Ukrainian as «судилося», «судила доля»:
that is Ind. He didn’t know at that time that he was never to see his native
- it is rarely used
destined to Inf. place again
3. Possibility + Ind. = can, may Her father was often to be seen in the bar of the Hotel Metropole
- Pass. Where is he to be
? Inf. found?
Imperative You are to take the pills,
meaning: + Ind. otherwise you may be seriously in reported speech
4. Strict order Inf. ill. (повинен, маєш)
and instruction
5. Strict _ Ind. You are not to leave this room in reported speech
prohibition Inf.

Table 6
Modal Verbs Expressing Obligation: MUST, TO HAVE TO, TO BE TO
Referen- a) obligation imposed obligation imposed by the a previously arranged plan or obligation resulting
ce to the by the speaker: circumstances: from the arrangement:
present You must call me Sir You have to go now. It’s We are to wait for them at the entrance (маємо,
(мусиш, повинен). getting late (треба, повинні).
b) obligation imposed маєш, мусиш). We are to complete this work by tomorrow
by authorities: As there is no through
Visitors must not feed the train to our town we have
animals (не повинні). to change in Moscow
Referen- in the past-time context it is it denotes an action which was/were + Ind. Inf. denotes an action planned for
ce to the used only in reported was realized in the past as the past but it is unknown whether this action was
past speech: a result of obligation or carried out or not: They were to get married last
She said she must be back necessity imposed by month (мали, повинні були).
at 2 o’clock (повинна, circumstances: I had to was/were + Perf. Inf. denotes a planned action that
мусить) sell my car to pay for my wasn’t carried out in the past: He was to have
medical care (був participated in the competition but unfortunately
змушений) he fell ill (мав, повинен був)

Table 7
Type of Additional
Peculiarities of usage of Meaning Examples
verb meaning
modal it has only 1 form — the треба, it is referred Need I do it?
verb Present. In reported speech потрібно, to some You needn’t do it just now.
it remains unchanged. It is необхідно particular She said that we needn’t come.
followed by the infinitive occasion Need I show you my pass now?
without to
notional it can have all the потребувати it usually He needed a new pair of shoes.
verb necessary forms and is - чогось, мати denotes some You don’t need to say it every time
followed by the infinitive + потребу в habitual you see him.
with to ? чомусь action Do I need to show my pass every
Table 8


Types Other modals with similar
Meaning of NEED
of inf. meaning
1. Necessity ? Ind. need is used when the speaker hopes to get the must is used when the speaker
Inf. negative answer. doesn’t know what answer to expect.
Need you go so soon? (I hope it is not necessary) Must I wait for her now?
Very often need as a notional verb or have to are
used instead.
Do you need to go so soon? or
Do you have to go so soon?
Note. An answer to this question:
affirmative: Yes, you must.
negative (absence of necessity): No, you needn’t.
negative (prohibition): No, you mustn’t
2. Absence - Ind needn’t indicates that the speaker gives authority don’t/doesn’t have to is used when
of necessity Inf. for the non-performance of the action. the absence is based on external
You needn’t go there. I’ll manage everything circumstances.
myself. You don’t have to leave. The bell
You needn’t call me Mr Jones. We all use first won’t go for another five minutes.
names here Tom doesn’t have to wear uniform at
- Perf. needn’t + Perf. Inf. expresses an action which didn’t have to expresses the absence
Inf. was performed though it was unnecessary. It of necessity without implying that
implies a waste of time and effort (= даремно, the action was performed.
дарма). She didn’t have to come to the
You needn’t have come to the meeting (You came meeting (It wasn’t necessary.
to the meeting, though it wasn’t necessary). Probably she came, probably not).
You needn’t have carried all these parcels I didn’t have to translate it for him
yourself. The shop would have delivered them if for he understands Dutch
you had asked them

Table 9
Meaning of OUGHT TO / SHOULD
of inf.
Imperative = слід, повинен, мати, мусити.
meaning: You shouldn’t feel so unhappy over such trifles.
1. Advice + Ind. In reported speech should and ought to remain unchanged.
? Inf. I told him that he ought to / should do it, so he did it.
_ Cont. should/ought to + Cont. Inf. expresses the idea that the subject is not fulfilling his
Inf. obligations or that he is acting foolishly or not acting sensibly, prudently, etc.
At your age you ought to be earning your living.
Should and ought to are very much alike in meaning, though there is some difference
between them:
In using ought we lay more stress on the meaning Whereas should is used to express
of moral obligation or duty. This is something that an individual opinion, it is
ought to be done from the standpoint of common common in instructions and
decency. Ought to is often stronger than should: corrections:
You ought to look after your children better You should consult a doctor
2. The should/ought to +Perf. Inf. is usually rendered into Ukrainian as «треба було», «слід
desirable + Perf. було»:
action that Inf. You should/ought to have finished this paper long ago.
wasn’t He should/ought to have been more careful.
carried out Note. There is a certain difference between should/ought to +Perf. Inf. and was/were to
in the past + Perf. Inf.
should/ought to +Perf. Inf. is used to was/were to + Perf. Inf. is used to express
express an action that wasn’t carried out an action that wasn’t carried out though it
though it was desirable: was planned:
You ought to /should have arrived last He was to have arrived last week (повинен
week (слід було, треба було). You know був, мав). But he had to postpone his trip
that your mother is very ill and needs your because of his illness
3. The _ Perf. shouldn’t/oughtn’t to +Perf. Inf.
undesirable Inf. In this meaning should and ought to have the additional meaning of reproach or regret
action that (criticism of a past action):
was carried You oughtn’t to/shouldn’t have treated her so rudely.
out in the Note. There is a certain difference between should/ought to +Perf. Inf. and needn’t +
past Perf. Inf.

shouldn’t/oughtn’t to +Perf. Inf. is used needn’t + Perf. Inf. is used to denote an

to denote an action which was performed action which was performed though it was
though it was undesirable. unnecessary. It implies a waste of time and
You shouldn’t have told him that his effort.
brother is a liar. Now he is really upset You needn’t have told him that his brother is
about it and doesn’t want to see his a liar. All the members of our family are
brother any more. completely aware of this fact. (You told him
(You told him about it, though it wasn’t about it, though it wasn’t necessary, as he
the right thing to do — now the relations knows it already)
with his brother have got even worse)
Supposi- + Ind. If he started at 9 he ought to/should be here at 4. — Якщо він виїхав у 9, то він напевно
tional Inf.,буде тут у 4.
meaning: Cont.He ought to / should be preparing for his exams now. — Він певне готується зараз до
4. Supposi- Inf. екзаменів.
tion The use of should and ought to is not very common in this meaning, as this meaning is
implying normally rendered by must
Note. Mind the use of the emotional should in the sentences like:
1) Why should I do it? — Чого я маю це робити?
Why shouldn’t you invite him? — Чому б вам його не запросити?
There is no reason why they shouldn’t get on well together. — Немає причини, чому б їм не ладити одне з
2) The door opened and who should come in but Tom. — Двері відчинилися, і хто б ви думали зайшов? Ні хто
інший, як Том.
3) How should I know? — Звідки я знаю?
Table 10
OUGHT TO / SHOULD and MUST compared
Should and ought to express obligation in a Must sounds more forceful, imperative, peremptory
1. Obligation milder way, i.e. advisability, desirability and are than should and ought to.
used when must would sound too peremptory. If you see anything strange, you must call the police.
If you see anything suspicious, you should/ought — Якщо ти побачиш щось підозріле, ти повинен
to call the police. — Якщо ти побачиш щось (мусиш) викликати поліцію
підозріле, тобі слід (треба) викликати
2. Supposition are rarely found in this meaning. this meaning is usually expressed by the verb must
implying It ought to/should rain a little later in the day. — (mind that must is not used in this meaning with
strong Напевно, сьогодні трохи пізніше пійде дощ reference to the future and in negative and
probability interrogative sentences)
It must be raining outside. — Напевно, на вулиці
йде дощ
Table 11
Meaning es of Peculiarities of usage Example
of inf.
Concrete it is used with the 2nd
meaning: + Ind. and 3rd persons. Its use It has been decided that the offer shall not be opposed (не
1. Obligation _ Inf. is restricted to formal or повинно)
archaic style
You shall have these books tomorrow. — У тебе будуть
2. Promise ці книги завтра
+ Ind. it is used with the 2nd
_ Inf. and 3rd persons Don’t eat too much chocolate. You shall be sick. — Не їж
занадто багато шоколаду. Тобі буде погано
3. Warning
They shall regret if they do it . — Вони пошкодують,
4. Threat якщо зроблять це
Shall I close the window? — Мені зачинити вікно?
meaning: Ind.
? Shall the boy wait?
5. Asking for Inf.
When shall they come?
it is used with the 1st
6. Making Ind.
? and 3rd persons Shall we try this new pizzeria?
suggestions Inf.
7. Offering to
do things for ? Shall I carry this bag for you?
Table 12
Meaning s of WILL WOULD
reference to the past:
She would sit for hours under the old oak tree.
reference to the present (is rarely used) (бувало сиділа, звичайно сиділа, любила
1. Habitual or +
Your child will sit in front of the TV for hours сидіти)
In this meaning the modal verb would is
synonymous with used to
reference to the present (= «обов’язково»,
2. Will, in reported speech.
+ «неодмінно», «охоче»):
intention, I said I would do anything for him. — Я
_ I will write as soon as I can. — Я неодмінно
determination сказав, що охоче зроблю для нього все
напишу, як тільки змогу
reference to the present (= «ніяк не», «нізащо reference to the past:
не»): He tried to persuade me, but I wouldn’t listen.
3. Refusal to _ I won’t accept your order — Я нізащо не хочу — Він намагався мене переконати, але я
do smth. приймати вашу пропозицію. ніяк (нізащо) не хотів його слухати.
The door won’t open. — Двері ніяк не The engine wouldn’t start. — Мотор ніяк не
відчиняються заводився
4. Inevitability, Accidents will happen. — Нещасні випадки
characteristic неминучі.
behaviour, or Boys will be boys. — Хлопці залишаються _____________
smth. хлопцями.
naturally What will be will be. — Чому бути, того не
expected минути
Meaning es of WILL WOULD
it is usually rendered into Ukrainian by means
5. Disapproval of «цього і слід було очікувати», «на
+ ___________
of smth. нього/неї/них це схоже».
expected He refused to interfere. — He would.
They blamed me for everything. — They would
Will you have some tea? it implies greater degree of politeness than will:
6. A polite ?
Will you help me? Would you please lend me your pencil?
request or an
You will do exactly as I say. — Ти зробиш
7. An order or саме так, як я тобі скажу.
+ ______________
command Will you be quiet! — Та замовкнеш ти
Suppositional it is an equivalent of must (= «очевидно»,
meaning: «напевно», «певне») but is rarely used.
8. Supposition When reference is made to the present:
implying + will+Ind.Inf.: This will be the place she it implies less degree of certainty than will:
strong meant. — Напевно, це те саме місце, яке That would have been the right way
probability вона мала на увазі.
(2nd, 3rd When reference is made to the past: will+Perf.
persons) Inf.: The reader will have already noticed...
Table 13
Type of Peculiarities of Types of
Meaning Examples
verb usage sent.
it has only 2 ?
forms, the present (mainly How dare you speak to her like this? — Як
and the past: dare beginnin «to have the courage or ти смієш так з нею розмовляти?
and dared. It is g with impertinence to do smth.»; I dare not protest. — Не смію заперечувати.
followed by the how) = «сміти», «насмілюватися» He dared not interfere. — Він не наважився
infinitive without _ втрутитися

it can have all the

1. «to have the courage or I don't dare to protest.— Не смію
necessary forms -
notional impertinence to do smth.»; заперечувати.
and is followed +
verb = «сміти”, «насмілюватися» She didn't dare to open her mouth. — Вона не
by the infinitive ?
(usually in negative sent.) насмілилась вимовити ані слова
with to

Note the colloquial set phrase I dare say, which is usually translated into Ukrainian as «цілком імовірно», «вважаю»,
«допускаю», «наважуся сказати»:
I dare say he will come later.
I dare say you are right
Table 14

Modal verb

Ukrainia English Types

n equiva- equivalents of
lents sent. Present Past Future

must (цілком) evidently, must + Ind.Inf. must + Perf.Inf.

Supposition implying strong probability

вірогідно obviously, /Cont.Inf.: /Perf.Cont.Inf.:

, apparently, She must be about They must have been
імовірно, certainly, + my age. great friends.
напевно, surely, of They must be He must have been
певно course playing in the sleeping when I phoned
school-yard him
should should/ought to + should/ought to
ought Ind.Inf./Cont.Inf.: + Ind.Inf.:
to The flowers ought She ought to /
to / should grow should make a
well here. good teacher
He ought to / should
be preparing for his
exams now
will will/would + will/would + Perf. Inf.:
would Ind.Inf.: That would have been
The child will / the right way _______
would be her
doubtUncertainty,uncertaintySupposition implying younger sister
may мабуть, perhaps, + may/might + may/might + Perf.Inf. may/might +
might можливо, maybe _ Cont.Inf. /Perf.Cont.Inf.: Ind.Inf.:
може /Ind.Inf.: She may/might have She may/might
She may be living heard it. soon receive a
here. He may/might have been letter from her
He may/might not looking for this book for
know about it quite a long time

can невже it is ? can/could + can/could + Perf.Inf. can/could +

could unlikely Cont.Inf. /Perf.Cont.Inf.: Ind.Inf.:
/Ind.Inf.: Can/could he have Can/could she
Can/could it be really liked the place? make a good
raining? Can/could she have been teacher?
Can it be so late? trying to get out of the
can’t не може it is most _ can’t/couldn’t + can’t/couldn’t + can’t/couldn’t

couldn’ бути, unlikely Cont.Inf. /Ind.Inf.: Perf.Inf./Perf.Cont.Inf.: + Ind.Inf.:
t щоб It can’t/couldn’t be He can’t/couldn’t have She
raining. liked the place. can’t/couldn’t
It can’t/couldn’t be She can’t/couldn’t have make a good
so late been trying to get out of teacher
the deal
Appendix II

Table 1

Types of Pattern
conditional Use Example
sentences Conditional
Main clause
The Zero If smb smb do/does expresses general truth If people earn more, they spend
Conditional do/does smth smth or scientific more. (=When people earn
fact (in this case if = when) more, they spend more)
The First If smb smb will do expresses real actions, actions which If you finish your work properly,
Conditional do/does smth, smth. are likely to take place in the present or you will be praised
The Second If smb were / smb would represents unreal, imaginary actions If Ann had money, she would buy
Conditional did smth, do smth. contrary to the facts in the present or a new car

The Third smb would

If smb had represents unreal or improbable If you had studied harder, you
Conditional have done
done smth, situation in the past would have passed the exam
Mixed If smb had smb would The unreal condition refers to the past If you hadn't caught a cold, you
Conditionals done smth, do smth and the consequence — to the present wouldn't be coughing now
would be or future
doing smth.
If smb smb would The condition refers to no particular John wouldn’t have lost his keys
were/did have done time, and the consequence refers to the if he weren’t so absent-minded
smth, smth. past
Sentences of If smb should If you should win the game, I'll
The problematic character of the action
problematic do smth, be the first to congratulate you.
smb will do in the if-clause is rendered into
condition If I happen to be late, don't
smth. Ukrainian by «якщо трапиться так,
If smb worry
що; якщо раптом; якщо все ж таки»
If smb were smb would this pattern makes an event If I were to ask you to marry me,
to smth, do smth seem even more hypothetical what would you say?

Table 2

but for smth / smb would (could/might) do smth But for his temper he would be pleasant to work with.
except for smth smb would (could/might) have done smth But for him we would never have found the way

… otherwise smb would (could/might) do smth He must have heard of it, or she wouldn’t be so gloomy.
or smb would (could/might) have done smth She was angry with you, otherwise she wouldn’t have
or else spoken to you like this at the party
to do smth would do smth To help him now would be a waste of time.
to have done smth would have done smth То have warned him a week ago would have been the
best thing to do
Table 3
It is/was time It is time that the government took some actions
high time smb did smth
about time
Smb had better (not) do smth You'd better take an umbrella. It may rain
Smb would rather (not) do smth I’d rather stay at home.
sooner I'd sooner go to the theatre than to the cinema
Smb would rather smb did smth I'd rather he did the shopping today.
sooner smb had done smth She’d much rather you had stayed then
If only smb did smth Oh, if he knew it for sure
Oh, if could do
Oh, that might do
smb had done smth If only I had known about it yesterday.
could have done
might have done
Smb wish smb did I wish I knew his address (wish/ regret about the present)
wished were/was doing
will wish smb had done I wish I had attended the seminar last Monday (regret that
had been doing something happened or didn’t happen in the past)

smb could / might do I wish I could drop the whole matter (wish about the future)

smb would do smth I wish he would drive more carefully (wish for a future change
unlikely to happen; wish to express dissatisfaction; polite request
implying dissatisfaction)
to be as if smb did He behaves as if he owned the place (simultaneous actions)
to feel as though (were doing)
to look as if smb had done He talks about Rome as though he had been there himself (the
to sound as though (had been doing) preceding action)
to do as if smb would do She looked up at me defiantly as if she would turn on me that
as though very moment (the following action)

Table 4
It is/was/will be advisable important that smb should It's important that she should remember /
requested desirable do smth/ remember to take her medicine twice a day.
to think it demanded arranged that smb do smth I consider it necessary that you should be / be
to believe it essential imperative present
to consider it necessary ordered
to find it
to suggest to demand that smb should We insist that the money should be available /
to insist to order do smth/ be available to all students in financial
to arrange to request that smb do smth difficulties
suggestion demand that smb should do The order was that no one should leave /
order arrangement smth/ leave the room.
request recommendation that smb do smth He made an arrangement that she should not
wish motion be / not be interviewed
Table 5
It is /was / will be characteristic natural It's not surprising that they should be seen
strange odd together — they're brothers.
to think it doubtful curious She believed it impossible that anybody
that smb should do
to believe it impossible surprising should have succeeded where he had failed
to consider it understandable unpleasant
that smb should
to find it a pity a shame
have done smth
to be surprised to be astonished I’m sorry that you should think so
to be sorry to be pleased
to doubt

Table 6
to fear that smb may/might/can/could do smth She worried that they could miss the train
to worry that smb may/might/can/could have done
to be afraid smth
to be uneasy
fear that smb may/might/can/could do smth Her constant worry was that she might have made a
worry that smb may/might/can/could have done grave mistake
anxiety smth
These men risk their lives in order that we may live
so that smb will/would do smth
more safely
in order that smb can/could do smth
They wrote the notices in several languages so that
that smb may/might do smth
foreign tourists could understand them

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Навчальне видання

 Подєнєжна Тетяна Олександрівна

Підручник з граматики англійської мови для студентів

спеціальності «Переклад»: Модальні дієслова і форми умовного способу
англійської мови



План вид. 2012 р., поз. №  471а

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