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RAFAEL IRIZARRY: In this series of videos,

we will describe how to install the software tools that we

consider the main productivity tools.
To motivate the use of these tools, we will also
provide brief illustrations of how we use them.
We will install the following software tools.
First, we'll install R, the programming language we use to analyze data.
Second, we'll install RStudio, the integrated desktop
environment we use to edit, organize, and test our R scripts.
Third, we will install Git.
This is the version control system we use
to keep track of changes made to our code
and to sync local copies of our code with copies hosted on GitHub.
For Windows users, when you install Git, we
will also install Git Bash, a piece of software
that emulates Unix on Windows machines.
We will also show how to open a GitHub account
and how to sync it with RStudio.

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