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Attribute Type
branchNo Char(4), PK
street Varchar(255)
city Varchar(55), Not Null
postcode Varchar(8)

staffNo Varchar(4), PK
fName Varchar(15)
lName Varchar(15)
Position Varchar(15)
Sex Char(1), must be m or
DoB Date
Salary Decimal(10,2) must be
> 5000
branchNo Char(4), FK(Branch)
Attribute Type Attribute Type
PropertyNo Varchar(4), PK clientNo Char(4), PK
city Varchar(55), Not Null fName Varchar(15)
postcode Varchar(8) lName Varchar(15)
type Varchar(10) prefType Varchar(15)
rooms Smallint maxRent Int
rent Int email Varchar(50)
ownerNo Varchar(4),
staffNo Varchar(4),FK(Staff)
branchNo Char(4), FK(Branch)
Attribute Type
ownerNo Char(4), PK
fName Varchar(15)
lName Varchar(15),No Null
email Varchar(50), Unique
password Varchar(16)
Attribute Type
clientNo Char(4), PK
propertyNo Varchar(4),PK
viewDate Date
comment Varchar(255)

Attribute Type
clientNo Char(4), PK
branchNo Char(4),PK
staffno Varchar(4), FK(staff)
datejoined Date

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