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Mary knew this was a special day.

She waited so long for this day because it was her birthday.She
woke up early because she was excited.
In the morning, she was thinking about her birthday party and she got upset because she thought
her parents couldn’ t be there. Her parents work in UK and she lives with her grandparents, who
made her a very nice gift. Mary enjoyed it and, for a few minutes, she forgot about her parents, but
they didn’ t forget her and made her a gift too. When Mary received the gift she started to cry. In
that moment, she locked herself in her room and she didn’ t want to talk to anyone, especially to her
grandparents. Mary was very sad and all she wanted was to see her parents.
After a few hours she realized this was not possible and she decided to leave her room and prepare
for the party. Mary was still thinking about her parents and how much she wanted to see them.
When she arrived at the party, Mary had an unexpected surprise: her parents came to the party.
Initially, she couldn’ t believe it. She was very shocked, but also happy at the same time. She hugged
her parents very tight. I’ ve never seen her so happy before. This day was truly special for Mary.

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