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The video presentation from Cardinal Tagle about “Vatican Sexual Abuse Summit” was

very informative and it sheds light to the topic that the people (bishops / people with power)

want to hide and forget. It talked about the lack of response to the suffering victims leaving a

deep wound. From what I understood, we must not be ignorant and ignore the cries for help from

the people that need it; if we just close our eyes and ignore then we have no right to call upon

God – we will all remain ignorant forever. We must be willing to help those that are in need and

see to it that they are safe and cared for. Those that want to heal need to be open-minded and

patient while those that are wounded must believe God and have strong faith.

It was said the fear is what causes people to shun human relationships, love, venerability

in the face of another kills the inner self and won’t be able to feel pain, joy, or love. Fear drives

people to violence and those people are afraid of themselves. I believe that is what causes the

perpetrator to do the things that he has done.

In the terms for helping the victims as said by the proposal of the psychologist, I agree

with what he said, I believe that helping a victim by only serving justice to the abuser is not

enough to heal their hearts but must be helped with unconditional love and forgiveness in order

for them to start their process of healing. I also agree on what he has said about bringing justice

upon the perpetrator and the need to make him face the truth in order for him to realize the

impact he had made and the wound he has caused. Making the perpetrator realize his actions will

surely make him feel regret for what he has done.

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