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Title: Domain-driven design crash-course for .

NET developers


This one day workshop is aimed to programmers that have a certain level of familiarity with
writing .NET applications but never used domain-driven design. During this workshop we'll
cover the most important domain-driven design concepts both from theoretical point of view
and practical exercises. Moreover, we'll build the skeleton of a real application from scratch
to exercise what we learn. We'll cover topics like:

 domain-driven design benefits vs drawbacks

 ubiquitous language
 identifying and working with bounded contexts
 entities and value objects
 aggregates and aggregate roots
 domain events

Instructor: Dan Patrascu-Baba

Dan is currently a software developer working for Amdaris. Previously he worked at

Microsoft. He's also the founder of Codewrinkles, a training platform for developers of all
levels. Dan regularly speaks at international and local conferences on topics like
microservices, .NET Core, Blazor, Microsoft Azure and others. He's an established instructor,
delivering both classroom and online trainings for regular developers or for companies
around Europe.

Food and beverages: Food and beverages during the workshop are covered by the organizers

What you'll need: Each participant needs to bring her/his own laptop. Please install the latest
version of Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition (FREE), Professional or Enterprise. Make
sure that you have .NET Core 3.0 installed.

Investment: 145 EUR

Location: Steelcase (add the correct address including meeting room and floor)

Time: 09:00 – 17:30

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