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1. Rellena con el verbo compuesto que corresponda con su tiempo verbal y

escribe su traducción.

Run away – Break down – Look for (2) – Put up with –

Wake up – Hurry up – Look into – Take off – Go out

Ejemplo: A prisioner ran away from jail – Un prisionero huyó de la cárcel

A. The plane on time.

B. Your brother every night.
C. Laura very early every day.
D. ! We are late!
E. He’s so rude! I can’t his behaviour.
F. Is John my cat.
G. I am late because my car .
H. The detective is clues while he’s the crime
I. Sarah was her keys

2. Escribe el verbo compuesto correcto para cada frase y realiza su respectiva


A. I’d love to (salir con) Emma. Do you think she’s interested in me?
B. I’m going to (dejar) drinking beer. I’m so fat that I can’t see
feet anymore!
C. Leave the dirty dishes until tomorrow. I’ll (fregar) in the morning.
D. I’m (tener ganas de) going on holiday next month. I really
need a rest.
E. I realised I'd left my wallet at home so I _ (volver, regresar) to get
F. Excuse me. What time does the plane to Madrid (despegar)?
G. Do you (llevarse bien con) your boss?
H. Tell the taxi driver to (esperar) for a few minutes. I won't
be long.
I. If you don’t have his number, why don’t you (buscar) in
the phone book?
J. We're (buscar) a flat in the city centre.
K. I’ve been given more work and I’m earning more money this month, so
things are
really (mejorar).
L. Our business hasn’t (tener exito) yet, but it’s only the first
M. We’ve (agotarse) milk. Is black coffee ok?
N. Two key members of our design team can't make the meeting on Friday.
We'll have to (retrasar, aplazar, posponer) until next month.
O. Why don't you (subir a) the car and I'll give you a lift to
the station?
P. Don't fill the bath up too much or all the water will (rebosar
/ derramar) the sides when you get in it.
Q. I don't think playing chess (clasificarse en, estar incluido / a
en) the heading of doing exercise!
R. When people (encontrarse en) hard times. they should ask
for help.
S. I didn't feel like arguing with her, so I turned around and simply
(irse, alejarse).
T. You must (entregar) your end of term projects by this Friday
or you will not receive a grade.
U. I was playing ice hockey when (caer sobre) my knee and broke
V. We need a new roof. I don't think the one we have will
(durar/resistir) until the summer.
W. We were just (pasar) your house so we thought we'd drop in
for a cup of tea.
X. What did Julie (llevar puesto/a) at the party last night?
Y. Many construction companies have (hundirse / fracasar)
in Spain since the current financial started.
Z. We're having a meeting next week and they're going to
(presentar, exponer) the marketing strategy for the new products.

3. Elije 30 verbos compuestos y realiza una oración diferente con cada uno.
Desarrolla su respectiva traducción.

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