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function xdot = AC_NonlinearModel(t,x)

% x: [x:12*1 xm:6*1 kx:6*4 kr:4*4 alpha:6*4 x_prime:6*1]
global lambda Am Bm P Kr_nonlin_ctr gamma_x gamma_r gamma_alpha r_pos Ka Km m Ix Iy
Iz g l;

x = reshape(x,[1,88]);
x1 = x(1); x2 = x(2); x3 = x(3); x4 = x(4); x5 = x(5); x6 = x(6);
x7 = x(7); x8 = x(8); x9 = x(9); x10 = x(10); x11 = x(11); x12 = x(12);

% transform the position states x1,x2,x3,x7,x8,x9 from the original

% coordinates to the new transformed coordinates (prime)
x1_prime = x1 + lambda*(-cos(x4)*sin(x5)*cos(x6) - sin(x4)*sin(x6));
x2_prime = x2 + lambda*(-cos(x4)*sin(x5)*sin(x6) + sin(x4)*cos(x6));
x3_prime = x3 - lambda*cos(x4)*cos(x5);
x7_prime = x7 + lambda*(sin(x4)*sin(x5)*cos(x6)*x10 - cos(x4)*sin(x6)*x10 -
x8_prime = x8 + lambda*(sin(x4)*sin(x5)*sin(x6)*x10 + cos(x4)*cos(x6)*x10 -
x9_prime = x9 + lambda*(sin(x4)*cos(x5)*x10 + sin(x5)*x11);

x_prime = [x1_prime;x2_prime;x3_prime;x7_prime;x8_prime;x9_prime];
%x_prime = reshape(x(83:88),[6,1]);

% transform the desired ref states r from the original

% coordinates to the new transformed coordinates (prime)
r1 = r_pos(1); r2 = r_pos(2); r3 = r_pos(3);
r7 = r_pos(4); r8 = r_pos(5); r9 = r_pos(6);
r1_prime = r1 + lambda*(-cos(x4)*sin(x5)*cos(x6) - sin(x4)*sin(x6));
r2_prime = r2 + lambda*(-cos(x4)*sin(x5)*sin(x6) + sin(x4)*cos(x6));
r3_prime = r3 - lambda*cos(x4)*cos(x5);
r7_prime = r7 + lambda*(sin(x4)*sin(x5)*cos(x6)*x10 - cos(x4)*sin(x6)*x10 -
r8_prime = r8 + lambda*(sin(x4)*sin(x5)*sin(x6)*x10 + cos(x4)*cos(x6)*x10 -
r9_prime = r9 + lambda*(sin(x4)*cos(x5)*x10 + sin(x5)*x11);
%r3_prime = r3 - lambda;
r_prime = [r1_prime;r2_prime;r3_prime;r7_prime;r8_prime;r9_prime];

rt_prime = -Kr_nonlin_ctr * r_prime;

%rt = -Kr_lin_ctr * r;

% The Phi(x) matrix that parametrizes the nonlinearity

phi_x = [x10*x10 + x11*x11;
cos(x4) * cos(x5);
x11 * x12;
sin(x4) * cos(x5);
x10 * x12;

xt = reshape(x(1:12),[12,1]);
xm = reshape(x(13:18),[6,1]);
Kx = [x(19:22); x(23:26); x(27:30); x(31:34); x(35:38); x(39:42)];
Kr = [x(43:46); x(47:50); x(51:54); x(55:58)];
alpha_hat = [x(59:62); x(63:66); x(67:70); x(71:74) ; x(75:78) ; x(79:82)];

% The error signal for the position states (in the new transformed coords)
% xm1_prime = xm(1) + lambda*(-cos(x4)*sin(x5)*cos(x6) - sin(x4)*sin(x6));
% xm2_prime = xm(2) + lambda*(-cos(x4)*sin(x5)*sin(x6) + sin(x4)*cos(x6));
% xm3_prime = xm(3) - lambda*cos(x4)*cos(x5);
% xm4_prime = xm(4) + lambda*(sin(x4)*sin(x5)*cos(x6)*x10 - cos(x4)*sin(x6)*x10 -
% xm5_prime = xm(5) + lambda*(sin(x4)*sin(x5)*sin(x6)*x10 + cos(x4)*cos(x6)*x10 -
% xm6_prime = xm(6) + lambda*(sin(x4)*cos(x5)*x10 + sin(x5)*x11);
% xm_prime = [xm1_prime; xm2_prime; xm3_prime; xm4_prime; xm5_prime; xm6_prime];
e_prime = x_prime - xm;

% The B_prime matrix for the plant in the transformed coords

R = [cos(x4)*sin(x5)*cos(x6)+sin(x4)*sin(x6) , sin(x4)*sin(x5)*cos(x6)-
cos(x4)*sin(x6) , cos(x5)*cos(x6);
cos(x4)*sin(x5)*sin(x6)-sin(x4)*cos(x6) ,
sin(x4)*sin(x5)*sin(x6)+cos(x4)*cos(x6) , cos(x5)*sin(x6);
cos(x4)*cos(x5) , sin(x4)*cos(x5) , -sin(x5)];
Ra = R(1,1); Rb = R(1,2); Rc = R(1,3); Rd = R(2,1); Re = R(2,2); Rf = R(2,3); Rg =
R(3,1); Rh = R(3,2); Ri = R(3,3);
Rstar = [-Ka*Ra/m - lambda*Ka*l*Rc/Iy , -Ka*Ra/m - lambda*Ka*l*Rb/Ix , -Ka*Ra/m +
lambda*Ka*l*Rc/Iy , -Ka*Ra/m + lambda*Ka*l*Rb/Ix;
-Ka*Rd/m - lambda*Ka*l*Rf/Iy , -Ka*Rd/m - lambda*Ka*l*Re/Ix , -Ka*Rd/m +
lambda*Ka*l*Rf/Iy , -Ka*Rd/m + lambda*Ka*l*Re/Ix;
-Ka*Rg/m - lambda*Ka*l*Ri/Iy , -Ka*Rg/m - lambda*Ka*l*Rh/Ix , -Ka*Rg/m +
lambda*Ka*l*Ri/Iy , -Ka*Rg/m + lambda*Ka*l*Rh/Ix];
B_prime = [zeros(3,4) ; Rstar];

% The control output u(t)

ut = Kx' * x_prime + Kr' * rt_prime - alpha_hat' * phi_x;
% The adaptation laws
Kx_dot = -gamma_x * x_prime * e_prime' * P * B_prime;
Kr_dot = -gamma_r * rt_prime * e_prime' * P * B_prime;
Kalpha_dot = gamma_alpha * phi_x * e_prime' * P * B_prime;

xdot = zeros(88,1);
% state update for xm (in the transformed coords)
xdot(13:18) = Am*xm + Bm*rt_prime;
% state update for Kx_prime
xdot(19:42) = [Kx_dot(1,:) , Kx_dot(2,:) , Kx_dot(3,:) , Kx_dot(4,:) ,
Kx_dot(5,:) , Kx_dot(6,:)]';
xdot(43:58) = [Kr_dot(1,:) , Kr_dot(2,:) , Kr_dot(3,:) , Kr_dot(4,:)]';
xdot(59:82) = [Kalpha_dot(1,:) , Kalpha_dot(2,:) , Kalpha_dot(3,:) ,
Kalpha_dot(4,:) , Kalpha_dot(5,:) , Kalpha_dot(6,:)]';

% The actual nonlinear dynamics for updating x(t) (in the original coords)
T = Ka * sum(ut);
tau_x = Ka*l * (ut(4) - ut(2));
tau_y = Ka*l * (ut(1) - ut(3));
tau_z = Km * (ut(1) - ut(2) + ut(3) - ut(4));
xdot(1) = x7;
xdot(2) = x8;
xdot(3) = x9;
xdot(4) = x10 + sin(x4)*tan(x5)*x11 + cos(x4)*tan(x5)*x12;
xdot(5) = cos(x4)*x11 - sin(x4)*x12;
xdot(6) = sin(x4)*x11/cos(x5) + cos(x4)*x12/cos(x5);
xdot(7) = -T * (cos(x4)*sin(x5)*cos(x6) + sin(x4)*sin(x6)) / m;
xdot(8) = -T * (cos(x4)*sin(x5)*sin(x6) - sin(x4)*cos(x6)) / m;
xdot(9) = -T * cos(x4) * cos(x5) / m + g;
xdot(10) = (Iy - Iz)*x11*x12/Ix + tau_x/Ix;
xdot(11) = (-Ix + Iz)*x10*x12/Iy + tau_y/Iy;
xdot(12) = (Ix - Iy)*x10*x11/Iz + tau_z/Iz;

% The dynamics for x_prime

A = [zeros(3,3) , eye(3) ; zeros(3,3) , zeros(3,3)];
B = [zeros(3,3) ; R];
f = [-T/m + lambda*(x10*x10+x11*x11) + cos(x4)*cos(x5)*g;
lambda*((-Ix+Iy-Iz)*x11*x12/Ix + tau_x/Ix) + sin(x4)*cos(x5)*g;
-lambda*((-Ix+Iy+Iz)*x10*x12/Iy + tau_y/Iy) + sin(x5)*g];
x_prime_dot = A*x(83:88)' + B*f;
xdot(83:88) = x_prime_dot;


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