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 How

 Remove plastic wrapping

Starburst  Where?

 Replace with biodegradable

 Throughout all transport companies that
wrap pallets to transfer freight.
products such as a cardboard box
to secure freight.  To wrap pallets that are being used as
GOAL 14: Life below  Product packaging (dryers, dishwashers,
washing machines etc.
Problem: The use of
 What plastic wrap to secure
freight on pallets
 Use biodegradable products causing harm to our  Why
such as cardboard Instead of environment and our
oceans.  Pallets and parcels are delivered
using plastic to wrap pallets to
around the country and the world
secure freight when
 Who every day
This project will benefit:  Wrapping the pallets and parcels with
 The environment plastic ends up in the oceans.
 The ocean
 Transport companies

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