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You might have noticed while sitting in the car when ever the car moves from the rest (or accelerates) ,
it seems like some force is pushing us towards the seat back (OR you are being dragged in your seat.)

AFTER A WHILE you feel normal when the car's speed gets stable (at a constant speed.)

This to say your inertia first tried to make you in the rest but your seats resisted that phenomenon. And
when you stared to travel with constant speed (velocity), then there is no net change in the acceleration
i.e. acceleration becomes ZERO .


Similar is the case, when the car is struck from behind. The car suddenly accelerates and you are
dragged in your seat. While your neck also feels the shock but is supported by the headrest.

{This is the inertia that first tries to get you in the rest when your car speeds up (accelerates) and you
are pushed in your seat.( meaning to say when you were slow and car was fast.

now I think you will also be able to think of why we are pushed forward when the brakes are applied.

2.If an elephant were chasing you, its enormous mass would be very threatening. But if you

zigzagged, the elephant’s mass would be to your advantage. Why?


We can answer this question with Newton's Second Law of Motion. This is an equation:


In the equation,

represents force,

represents mass , and

represents acceleration . Since acceleration is defined by the change in velocity over time, and velocity
is defined by speed in a certain direction, then travelling in a zigzag pattern (which includes many turns
back and forth) will result in a positive acceleration value.

In our situation, if you and the elephant both follow the same zigzag path, you will have the same
acceleration. However, the elephant has a much greater mass than you, so when you multiply each of
your masses by acceleration, you'll find that the force required to make you turn is far less than the
force required to turn the elephant.

3. The head of a hammer is loose and you wish to tighten it by banging it against the top of the

workbench. Why is it better to hold the hammer with the handle down striking the top of the

workbench rather than with the head down? Explain in terms of inertia.

Okay. Let's say that the hammer is moving rightside-up so that it will contact the bench handle-first. The
hammer is really two distinct parts, the handle and the head. The head is usually significantly heavier
than the handle. So we got this hammer moving, including the head, and then all-of-a-sudden it hits the
bench. Naturally, the handle can't magically pass through the bench, so the handle stops on the spot.
Now's the question: What happens to the hammer head? The head is not the handle--they're distinct--
so it'll still be moving. Which direction will it be moving? Toward the handle. Now, the head is pretty
heavy, so it takes quite a bit of effort to stop it. Additionally, all of its inertia (movement) goes into
pushing the head onto the handle, so after the head stops, it'll be snugged up against the handle. Now
let's consider the other case. Let's say the hammer is moving upside-down and the head contacts the
bench first. The bench stops the head (since the head also can't magically pass through the bench), but
the handle is still moving. Now, the handle is significantly less massive than the handle, so it's easier to
stop. Its inertia is also devoted into pushing the handle into the head, but since the handle is so much
easier to stop, it doesn't snug up as much by the time it stops. Basically, both cases snug the handle up
to the head, but in one, the handle's inertia is used while in the other, the head's inertia is used. So it
becomes a question of which has more inertia, the handle or the head? Does that help any?


What is your question?

Secondary School Science 5 points

Why a sharp knife cut better than a blunt knife

Ask for details Follow Report by Raj159 06.11.2016



Rehyan Ambitious

Pressure is inversly proportional to area and sharp knife has less area which exert more pressure while
blunt knife has more area so it exert less pressure this is the reason sharp knife cut better.

4.The object can be cut by a sharp knife better than a blunt knife.

A sharp knife cuts objects better because of its very thin edge, a large pressure can be created on the
object when the force falls over a sharp small area of our hand. And this large pressure results in the
cutting of the object easily.

A blunt knife does not cut the object easily because it has a thicker edge. With difficulty, the lesser
pressure cuts the object. The Pressure is indirectly proportional to the area and the sharp knife has
lesser area which exert high pressure while blunt knife has some more area so it exert lesser pressure
this is the reason sharp knife cut better.

The sharp knife exerts a large pressure on the surface due to the small area of contact.

\bold{\frac{\text {Force}}{\text {Area}}=pressure}

The dull knife exerts a small pressure on the surface due to the large area of contact.

\bold{\frac{\text {Force}}{\text {Area}}=pressure}

5.acceleration = net force/mass

acceleration = 1/.8(4/5)

acceleration = 1.25 m/s^2

6. you are sitting, the floor is pushing back on you to balance your weight. To raise yourself up, you need
to push on the floor enough to create a net positive acceleration. Gravity is pulling you down (your
weight). If you push on the floor when you exceed the pull of gravity, you will have a net positive
acceleration, which allows you to stand. When we stand, we decrease the force we apply as we get
closer to a "standing" position, so that when we're standing, the force were apply against the floor is
equal and opposite to our weight.


The force is more than your weight.

7.What will be the acceleration of recoil when a 60-kg person on rollerblades pushes against a wall with
a force of 30 N ?

(30-N) / (60-kg) = 0.5 m/s^2, away from the wall. a) A 1-kg bag weighs 10 N, and exerts 10-N of force on
the table. Table exerts 10-N of force on the bag. b) equal in magnitude, opposite in direction

Let's imagine that you are riding a bike at full

speed. Then, you stop suddenly. Suppose
you didn't push hard on the handlebars when
this happened. What would happen? Your
body would fly out of the bike. The reason
this happens is because of inertia. When you were traveling at full speed, your body became
accustomed to that speed. However, when you stopped suddenly, your body was not prepared for the
drastic change in speed (going from full speed to stopping suddenly). Your body still had a tendency to
go at full speed and you didn't have anything to stop you so you flew out of the bike.

Now, let's take a look at another scenario. You're still going full speed on the bike and stopping
suddenly. However, this time, you press hard on the handlebars. Same as before, when the drastic
decrease in speed occurs (going from full speed to stopping suddenly), your body still wants to go at full
speed. But this time, you press hard in the handlebars. This action allows all the inertia to push against
the handlebars instead of open air.

Essentially, pushing on the handlebars lets the handlebars "handle" your inertia whereareas not pushing
on the handlebars lets your own inertia carry you into the open air, causing a nasty fall.

9.55. a. D(mv) 5 (1000 kg)(20 m/s)

5 20,000 N/s

b. F 5 D(mv)/ t; but we don’t

know t! Without knowledge

of the impact time, we can’t

solve for the force of impact.



3.. If you throw a ball at 25 m/s to your

friend at the first base, will the catching
speed be greater than,equal to,
or less than 25 m/s? Explain.
4.Why does a satellite stay on its place? Is it not


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