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Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones English in Mind Second edition Sy Cab sy efit) qr CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Relate clauses review Relative clauses with which BERT hor causes Verbs» gerund/infintive review Reposted speech review Reporting verbs review 4 Inan FETE Viouid and used to ‘Adverbs and adverbal phrases a] Conéitiona review Mived conditional Future perfect Past perfect passive Past perfect continuous Dummy it Modal verbs review Phrasal verbs review STN Reslced relative clauses Question tags review Indirect questions Verbs + wh clauses Pariipe causes Didnt need t0 / needn't hove Preset Passive report structures {Clauses of purpose to / inorder to / Result clauses with so / such (thay) erences eee Sports Personality Vocabulary bank: Personality Expression with time Veeabulay bank: Expressions with time ‘Common adverbial phrases YYocabulary bank: Adverbal phrases ‘ways of geting involved Vocabulary bank: Ways of getting involved Global sues Coniiets and solutions Vocabulary bank: Conflicts and solutions Making an effort Vocabulary bank: Making an effort Meanings of phrasal verbs Understancirg language Vocabulay bark Language Expressing opinions Voeabuiaty bark Expressions with opinion Qualifying comparisons LUstening to music Vocabulary bark: Music Geographical features Travel verbs Vocabulary banks Ta Health and medicine Feelings Vocabulary bank Feelings Reacting 1 fis Vocabulary bak: Reactions Pronunciation » Vocabulary bank + Getit ight! « Projecte + Speaking 8 + regular verbs and phonetics Genero Sentence stress and hythem OR serwa/a ‘el accident and Contractions in third 18 the a 10 hing Linking sounds Linking sounds intrusive iw and i Words ending in uth question tags Record nour) and record verb) W sit and seat fl thigand I hing Word stress in mut syllabi words Sie fac ern Talking about new sports Talking about sportsmen and sportswomen Limportant quails in Fiend Talking about jokes ‘An interview with two Ssportswomen Practical jokes Artce:chessboring Culture in mind: Weld sports fiom round the world ‘Questionnaire on personality Photostory: Youve both bein pain ‘composition bout sport ‘A physical ard personality description Using expressions with time Aninteriew about aTVseres Article Or Who nema Tale about revsion for eas Magazine aie clue Taking about tine evel erature Fmd: Te Time Machine Toy caes Fash mobs Popular gimmicks ‘A foxrliewer Tal abou Rash mobs Song Accessory ee Talking about raising money for charity Talking about voluntary work Talking about politicians and voting Coming of age Talking about the future ofthe planet Talking about The Global Vilage “Taking about conflicts and resolutions Talking about kindness “Talking about presents Talking sbovt language accents and translation “Talking bout UN Goodwill Ambassadors Taling about TV talent shows Talking about music Talking about the Seven Wonders ofthe World Talking about trips “aking about animal behaviour Talingsbout flower remedies “alin about fms and ove therapy Aninterview about politicians and voting The Global Vilage Conversation about a Conflict Resolution Programme People talking about special presents Song Puta Little Love in ‘Your Hear ATV programme on ifferene accents. People who speak English sound the world Opinion on politics and famous people Aninterview talking about music ‘nd musial insturents holiday story Song: Over the Rainbow Flower remedies ‘conversation about the fm, The Beach and movi therapy Article: Run, tne run! Culture in mind Raising money fer chanty ‘Aiogon a town in Colombia ‘The Global Vilage Photostory isnot very green fit? Arad Nobel Rests in Peace Literature in mind: ride and Prejudice ‘Aung San Suu ky ‘The Kindness Offensive Lost in Translation Culture in mind: Aric languages Celebrity Ambassadors Photostory: rit she that model? ‘TV alent shows Lreratue in mind: High Fidelity Extracts ofa travel guide. a travel blog anda workof fiction ‘ticle: When animals ae il Advert: alternative medicine ‘Culture in me: Great breakthroughs inmedicine Mowe therapy Photostory: What's so funny? A letter to aise money for chanty An article on the fae Wirting about person youadmire Wiring summary Astory ‘Acomposiion about the advantages and disadvantages of Bien topic Mi saga Limerick Haiku A description of your favourte place n the whole world Aan article fora sehoel magazine Synopsis of 25m Welcome sectionA ‘© Grammar: past tense review; be/get used to + gerund vs, used to + infinitive Vocabulary: personality adjectives; make and do © read and listen @] Read about Laurence Kim Peek. How was he special? The Real Rain Man Laurence Kim Peck was born in Salt Lake City on 11 November 1951. It was clear from an easly age that he was not like other children. A scan showed that the two halves of his brain were not connected in the usual way. As a result, Laurence developed the most amazing memory skills. From as early as two, he showed a fascination with books. Hl used to pick up books, read them and put them back on the shelf upside down to show that he had finished reading them. He remembered everything he had read He soon began to memorise huge amounts of information on subjects such as history, geography, sport, music and literature. He also had an incredible ability with numbers and dates. He developed a special technique to help him read quickly. He read the left page with his left eye and the right page with his right eye, He could read ata speed of about ten seconds a page and, by reading two pages at the same time, it would take him less than an hour to read a whole book. By the age of 30 he had memorised the contents of around 12,000 books. Read the text again and listen. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false). 1 The right and left sides of Peek's brain were not However, other areas of his development were not so advanced, He did not walk until the age of four and had problems with ordinary motor skills such as doing up a button or tying his shoe laces. He had poor social skills and was extremely sensitive when meeting new people, He also did badly in intelligence tests In 1984, Peek and his father were attending a convention, when they met Hollywood film writer Barry Morrow. He was fascinated by Peek and began to write a new script based, loosely on his experiences. The result was Rain Mana film which won four Oscars, including best film, in 1988. The film made a big difference to Peek’ life. His new-found fame helped him to become more self-confident and independent. He quickly got used to being the centre of attention and ‘made several appearances on TV. He also travelled extensively around the country with his father to raise awareness of the condition he suffered from. Morrow gave his Oscar staruette to Peek to take with him. It became known as the ‘most loved Oscar ever’,as Peck insisted that everyone he met should take a turn at holding it. He died, sadly, of 2 heart attack at the end of 2008. © past tense review Complete the text with the correct past tense of the verbs. Gilles Trehin was born in France in 1972. When he was eight, his family ’_moved._ (move) to the USA. While they connected, ? (lve) in America, doctors? (diagnose) 2. Peek had an amazing Gilles with autism. Over the years he (develop) pas ei eres peiciacoardd nets 3 Peek could read two different : (begin) to draw plans of an imaginary city called things at the same time. oO Urville in 1984. 4 Peek had trouble carrying out While he * (work) on plans for the modern form of basic physical actions the city he? (ctart} creating a culture and history 5. Peek won an Oscar [CJ forit.Gilles says that the Romans * (give) Urville ts Bohgee dices teeta name, but it was founded by the Phoenicians who * seh we tarae [eal it Sea Horse city before the Roman invasion TE WELCOME SECTION be / get used to + gerund vs. used to + infinitive ircle) the correct words. |'Ged)/ am used to go surfing every morning, That's how | lost my leg to a shark. | used / am used to enter competitions. | won quite a few trophies. Now I have to watch from the beach. It was tough at first but 47m used / I used to it now [At first it was really weird having only one leg. | spent about six months getting used to ‘go / going everywhere in a wheelchair and then the doctor told me | was ready for an artificial leg. He fitted ita year ago and, at fist, | found it really hard to use but ‘I completely used / I’m completely used to walking on it now. It’s so comfortable | sometimes forget it’s nat my real leg \.used to ‘have / having a really active life. Apart from the surfing I'am used / used to go mountain biking and hiking. At first | thought I'd lose all that, but it's amazing how much you can still do, Of course, Tim not as quick as | used to *being / be but | can still have fun. I haven't got used to "go / going back into the sea yet. I's difficult to get the memory of that shark attack out of my head. Personality adJectives © make and do Match the adjectives with the people. Complete the text with the correct bossy imaginative [| form of naka onde: considerate sensible [ My problems at school began when we sensitive ] independent started to leatn to read and vrtite. All decorrrined insenctive those letters of the alphabet ~ they just bad-tempered [J anbiius didn't make. any sense to me. | tried to my best, but every time | 1 Whatever you do, dor't say anything about her wrote a word Ijust?® a mess on new haircut. She hates it and gets really upset the page. The other kids started to when people say anything negative about her. ‘ fun of me and call me stupid 2 Everyone says that Tim's not good enough for the It got really bad and | started to hate school football team but he says he's going to school. had to areal effort prove them all wrong. just to get out of bed in the mornings. My mum got quite worried and took me to an educational psychologist. The 3. Paul spends a lot of time visiting his elderly aunt. He knows how lonely old people can get 4 Your son makes up the most amazing stories. pete psychologist * some tests and He's got real talent! found out that | was dyslexic, which basically means that | have a problem with the written language. Finding 5 [love Jim but he does have a habit of always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. 6 Lucy says she's going to be a big boss before she's this out” a huge difference 25, Good luck to her! because, once my teacher knew what 7 My big sister is always telling me what | can and the problem was, she could start to help can't do. Who does she think she is? My mother? me. Although my writing was still bad, 8 Nathan's always liked doing things on his own, 1 Even as a baby, he would never let me feed him He always wanted the spoon in his own hands. alot of progress because people stopped treating me as if | was stupid 9. You-can leave your kids with Maria. She won't let them do anything stupid, 10 I can't ask my dad anything, He just shouts at me every time | open my mouth WELCOME SECTION EI Welcome section B % Vocabulary: problems; friends © read and listen describes the original problem? * Grammar: should / should have; wish ) Read the letter of advice from a magazine's ‘Readers’ Problems’ column. Which of these best 1 Annie has fallen out with her father about what she should do when she leaves school. 2. Annie wants to give up her job and go to university but she hasn't got enough money. 3. Annie has had an argument with her father about her boyfriend. mp Le) [itdsand eet how you felt schoo at 16 to work in a supermarket. My parents thought itwas a bad idea. They told me I should stay at school and get the best education possible. For ‘a couple of years it was great. | had more money than my friends, could spend more time with my boyfriend and, of course, I didn’t have to go to school, Two years later they all finished school and went off to university, while | was still stuck at home living with my parents. For five years | wished Thadn’t left school so early. | wished | had done the same as my friends. Then one day | realised that it wasn't too late. | enrolled at night school and three years later | proudly took myself offto university to start my journalism course. Since then I've never hada single regret about my professional life, There are two reasons why | am telling you this story. Firstly, and most importantly, you need to realise that it’s never too late to change your mind. The choices that you make now don’t have to be for the rest of your life. In many ways, going to University when | was 26 was the best thing | ever did. |had more experience of life and I was more motivated because | was older. | certainly knew that I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life working in a supermarket. {Ask your mother to talk to your dad for you OME SECTION It's essential to make the right decision about what you want to do when you leave school. Listen to your parents ~ they can be a good source of advice. You should understand that parents have their children's interests at heart. Don't let the bad feeling between you and your dad get any worse. The second reason | for this story is that Iwant you to know your mum and dad | aren’t quite the fools you might think they are. My dad | wasn't as forceful as yours, but | should have listened to what he had to say, even if didn’t take his advice, Remember, parents always want what's best for their children, even ifit doesn’t always seem that way. The first thing you need to do is make friends with your dad again. I'm sure ifyou sit down with him and. talk things over, you'll both be able to work things out. You need to let him know that you're willing | to listen to him but that the final decision is yours. | This is not about feeling guilty because you don’t | want to let him down, this isabout doing what you | think is right for you. I'm sure that if he can see that | you are serious, he will stand by you and offeryou =| the support you need. And remember, ifone day | you decide to do things differently, there's nothing stopping you from doing so. b Read the letter again and listen. Tick (/) the four pieces of advice it offers Annie. 1. It's important to realise that you don't have to do the same thing your whole life. on0000 © shouta / shoutd have Match the two parts of the sentences. 1. You should go to the doctor's, — a you'd be feeling better by now. 2 You should have gone to the doctor’s, ~~ b_ that’s a nasty cut 3 We should leave in ive minutes, € sowe don't have to run to the station. 4 We should have left earlier, d_ now we're going to miss the train © wish a] Do these sentences refer to a present or past situation? Write present or past. 1 wish my parents understood me better. present 4_| wish | wasn't so bad at football 2. I wish hadn't shouted at my mum. 5. I wish | had more time to do things. 3 I wish | had told her how | was feeling 6 Liwish I hadn't lied to him, b] Write wish sentences for these people. 1 Lwish 2 © problems © Friends Choose the correct words to complete the text. Read the poem and match the underlined ‘really big problem '_b up yesterday. I spent hours phrases with the meanings. thinking it...and trying to... it out. | just couldnt Best friends? | thought you'd always ‘stand by me And be there by my side, But then you went and “told on me ‘And said that I had lied. my mind up about what to do. 1°... it over with my friends but no one could help. So tried ignoring it during the afternoon, but it just wouldn't *_ away. Inthe end I decided to”... on it and®._._ back to it in the morning, And guess what? It worked. When | woke up, | found I'd completely forgotten what the | thought you would 'stick up for me problem was! When others called me names, 1a went b came ——c_ appeared But then you went and ‘Let me down joined in with their game 2a over b about «around ce udcuaii 3a fx b solve © work | thought we always ‘got on well deo make bdo. decide | thought you were my friend. But then you went and fought with me. 5 a talk b discussed ¢ spoke Wee allen out apn, 6 a g0 b disappear come See a told someone about a bad thing | did 7 a sleep b rest nap b disappointed me & a think — b return come had a good relationship 4° support me stopped being friends defend me i 00000 WELCOME SECTION 8 WV ’ ‘come Sec LLU) Grammar: present perfect and future passives; future predictions Vocabulary: crimes; getting into trouble Read and listen @] Paddy Thomas is concerned about young people and gangs. Read the interview. How does he think he can help fight this problem? ee key Cer ae’ Cee aL eed that there has been a rise in teenagers being arrested for crimes such as burglary, shoplifting and vandalism. Many pee a ee Ca) Sree sa UU ens is Paddy Thomas from the Chance UK charity. He hopes Ce ean ese unrest enc See Lee Dee ee eco ee oe areas are turning to gangs because they don't know anything CL eau eC U nu oy which there is no father figure. Our idea involves identifying children between the ages of five and eleven who we feel are A een ied cs keer mentors. The officers meet up with the children once a Peer kay testes cy ta) days out to the beach. It's a chance for the kids to hang out with a strong role model and do the normal things that most Cece ct Den Succ uk Cah Eat Ee eet cucu ues Re er ences eens gangs to carry their weapons. One of the biggest problems is Peete cae tc a ee tee us DOE cen ere ence a kee kd re ae eS eth st ae ey the scheme for six months in the London area and the results Senne ae eo aes) other cities throughout the UK next year. If we are successful, Pe es cer te te Ree) these neighbourhoods will be made safer for everyone. WELCOME SECTION Read the article again and listen. Answer the questions 1 What do new crime figures show? 2. What areas are most hit by gang crime? 3 How does Paddy cheme work? 4 What sort of things do the police mentors do with the children and why? 5. Whyis the scheme for such young children? 6 What future plans does Paddy have? Present perfect and future passives Complete the sentences with the words in the box. have given will be taken will spend will be helped will apologise has been chosen hesbeerrrested will tel 14-year-old Gary Hall has.been arrested... four times in yea 2. Now the police him one last chance 3 He to take part in anew government anti-crime experiment. 4 Gary to meet the victims of his crimes. 5 Gary an afternoon with the victims. 6 They him how their lives have been changed by his crimes, 7 Then Gary for what he has done. 8 He is one of hundreds of teenagers who by the new scheme. [b] Make the sentences passive. 1 They have chosen our town to hold thenext 4 world swimming championships. 5 2. They will spend a lot of money ona new swimming pool. 6 3. They have already sold a lot of tickets. © Future predictions Put these events in order of how likely Steve thinks they are to happen. 1= most likely, 6 = least likely I'm not likely to have any children fa | won't work in the family business. oO Il probably be in a successful rock band. [_] I might live abroad. oO | probably won't get married. oO Il be famous before Im 30. © crimes What crimes have these people been arrested for? Match the words with the pictures. 1 burglary 4 vandalism 2. shoplifting 5 joyriding 3. pick-pocketing 6 arson More than 10,000 people will visit our town. They will hold a big opening ceremony before the championships begin They have invited lots of famous people to watch the championships. © cetting into trouble Complete the text with the words in the box. getting sent put do broke doing committing pay getting got Asa child | was always \_ getting... into trouble: whether at school or at home, it seemed | was always something wrong, | don't know why. | wasnt a bad child, | just think | got bored too easily. think | frst? the law when | was about 15. | used to go shoplifting with my friends. We didn't really think we were any crime. We thought it was a fun way of getting stuff we wanted. Anyway, we kept away with it so why would we want to stop? Then we started doing more serious stuff ike burglary and taking cars for a joyride Of course, one day |* caught. It was on my T7th birthday and it felt like my world had come to an end. l remember the police taking me to my parents’ house. On the way there, they were talking about how | might be to prison. I was so scared, Because it was my fist offence | was® ‘on probation ~ but they next time it would be prison. | also some community service. It was either that or ® a large fine, but didn't have any money, so | spent 200 hours gardening in the local park. Looking back now, the day | got arrested was the best day of my life because it stopped my life of crime before it was too late. | never broke the law again. WELCOME SECTION CE Welcome section D @ Read and listen Grammar: make / let / be allowed to; modals of deduction (past) Vocabulary: television; anger [| Read the dialogue and find out why Dana and Emily are upset. Emily: What's up with Dana? | asked h could borrow her red shoes and she nearly bit my head offl Mum: It's not you she's cross with. It’s your dad, She's mad at him because he forgot to record the latest episode of her favourite serial. You know, that one set in a hospital Emily: Casualty! She must have been furious. ‘That's her favourite TV show. Mum: Sh was. She's refusing to speak to him, Emily: Well, it's her own fault. Why does she make him do everything for her? She should learn how to set the recorder on the DVD player herself Mum: Well, you know your dad. He wo: anyone mess with his TY control. let Emily: | suppose youre right. No one's allowed t0 touch his remote control. Anyway, cant she watch on the computer? Mum: Well, she could, if the computer was working Emily: What? | Mum: 'm not sure. It might have been something | did while | was tidying up. Emily: What do you mean? Mum: Well, | accidentally knocked over a vase with water in it. It went all over the computer. And then it just stopped working 's not working? Why not? Emily: What? The computer was on? Mum: Well, no. But | switched it on to check and it sort of just sparked a bit and then the screen never came on. Emily: You switched on a wet computer? Don't you know anything about water and electricity? Mum: | know. It wasn't a great idea. | can't have been thinking straight. 'm sorry Emily: Well, that's just great. How am I going to chat with my friends now? And what about my homework? I've got three compositions to write. Mum: What about pen and paper? It worked fine for me when | was at school Emily: Ha, ha, Mum, that Honestly, | don't know how I'm supposed to do anything in this family. Thanks a lot, Mum, ally funny, Mum: It was an accident. We'll get it fed Don't worry Emily: That'll take weeks. Im off to bed. I've had enough of this house. Mum: Oh, the pleasures of having teenage daughters! “SENET Read the dialogue again and listen. Who. 1 did Dana shout at for no real reason? is Dana angry with? doesn't like people messing with the TV? mputer? needs the computer to do homework? 2 3 4 broke th 5 6 is Emily mad at? © make | tet | be allowed to Use the correct form of make, let or be allowed to to complete the sentences. 1 Mydad___makes can watch any TV. 2 Myparents the weekends, us do our homework before we me stay out until 1l pm at 31 use dad's computer if| ask him frst. 4 Mum my little sister write “Thank you letters for her Christmas presents every year 5 Dad 6 Mylittle sister on Fridays as a special treat. me practise driving in his car. eat sweets after dinner 7 My sister sometimes clothes if she's feeling generous. 8 My brother | borrow his bike. me borrow her me pay him £1 every time ‘Write some of the rules in your family. Use make, let and be allowed to. Modals of deduction (past) Complete the sentences with might, must or can't and the correct form of the verb in brackets lying about. © dP (be) him. | left the sandwich in the fridge. | know the dog's clever but he can't open the fridge door. Ben: Hey! Who's eaten my ham sandwich? | was looking forward to that. Wilt: It'_must have been. (be) the dog, 'm sure, He always eats food that's will: What about Steve? He» (take) it by mistake. He * (think) you made it for him. Ben: No way! Steve * (cat) it. He's a vegetarian. Will: Right, so it ® about Kevin? (be) someone else. What Ben: | suppose it” (be) him but it’s not the sort of thing he usually does, No, I don't think it was him. will: And it ® (be) Dave, because he's visiting his parents this weekend, Ben: Youre right. So it's not Dave, it's not Kevin, it’s not Steve and it's not the dog, That leaves one person: You. You’, (steal) it will: Oh, that ham sandwich, Was it yours? Im sorry. © tetevision Complete the text with the words in the box. serial contestant celebrity presenter viewing figures: episode audience viewers The BBC has been forced to cancel its latest quiz show Famous Brains after disappointing’ viewing figures... The show, which features a? and a non-famous®...... trying to answer questions in front of a studio has been attracting less than 100,000 5______.a week since it started eight weeks ago.® Jim Diamond says that he was disappointed by the BBC's decision but hopes that he wil stil be able to work for the corporation. The show will be replaced by the American 7 The Vyper Squad and the first can be seen this Friday at 9 pm on BBC 2. Anger Match the two parts of the sentences 1 There's no need to bite my Mum always gets cross My mother really lost My dad's mad Ican't believe you still bear = [] | like Olivia but she is a bit hot- ([] My litle brother aiwayshas Calm down. Keep your o oO Qo a a with me when I don't tidy my bedroom. b_ atme because of my school report ¢ headed and you have to be careful what you say. d_atantrum when he doesn't get what he wants. e cool. It's only a game! f her temper today. She shouted atus. g agrudge afterall this time h_ head off - | only asked to borrow 00. WELCOME SECTION ST AOE dete Relative clauses: review Relative clauses with which Vocabulary: sports @ Read and listen 1 2 What nationality is the first chessboxing world champion? list the text again and What is chessboxing? ren. Answer the questions. 1 Why is it ‘obv that the crowd wants Frank Sto| tow What are the two How can chessboxing chang people’ c according Depto? How did Stoldt win the m UNIT champion? Which of these words refer to boxing? Which of them refer to chess? Which of them refer to both? Write each word in the correct column. queen gloves ring board round referee checkmate boxing __chess__| both Read the text quickly to find answers to these questions. fight hight in a Berlin lub. The lights __ mental strenath equals go down, the door opens and out walks a their physical strength salesman from San Francisco. avid ‘Double But wy dot inthe D’ Depto has travelled 8,000 kilometres in fis place? Why put search of gly. AS he first walks, then jogs, yoursef through tis ptysical towards the boxing ring, the muscular, and mental torture? For David bare-chested American looks cool and Depto i's all about proving that you Confident. But so does his opponent. Waiting can be a boxer and stl hav for him in the blue comer is Frank Stolct, “Everybody thinks th tll strong German policeman, who calls which isnt necessary tue,’ says himself ‘Ant-Teror Frank’. For obvious n you combine chess and boxing, reasons, the crowd ison his sid. ‘at fighters can be smart pe The bel rings. Round one! The iters come <—o ut But then, something rather strange sport has taken of they are prepaing the next happens. The two players sit down a a table which has a chessboard on it and stat playing chess —in the middle ofthe boxing ring ‘Wh? you may ask yourself, Wel, ths is chessboxing, and tonight isthe final ofthe first chessboxing World Championstip. The rues of a chessboxing match are simple, There is one round of chess and thon one round of baxing. Punching pow alternates with brain power. (And if you'r wondering how they can move the pieces with their boxing gloves on, well, they take them off before the rounds of chess.) All inal, you ye 11 rounds in which to checkmate your opponent — or knock him out Two sports in one means double the pain, ‘and double the pressure, Before this big fight, Frank spent hours doing exercises that prepared his mind as wel as his muscle. Winners in chessboxing are people whase ampions, its 0. "My mum or self-defence, id pupil say. just ove tt n combine it wit chess, ing, itis round soven and the players are locked in battle around ch sweat pouring from their ly, Frank Stodt sees an ‘opening and moves in to finish the match, Queen to G7... checkmate! The referee stops the mat ocal hero has won and is the world tte bet, which proves that, when it comes to mixing brains and being taught I should © crammar Discussion box Think of two other sports that could be combined to create a new sport, a and explain how it would work. % Relative clauses: review Use the text in Exercise 1 to complete D these sentences. 1 He is a tall, strong German policeman, who. calls himself ‘Anti-Terror Frank’ 2 They sit down at a table hasa chessboard on tt 3. Frank spent hours doing exercises prepare his mind as well as his muscles. 4 Winners in chessboxing are people mental strength equals their physical strength 5. The sport has taken off in Germany, they are preparing the next generation of champions. Complete the rule. RULE: We use........... to refer to people. ‘We use torefer to. things. We use ...... to refer to places. We use ......... to refer to possession. Mark the sentences D or A. D« the underlined part gives defining, important information about the person or thing). ‘A= the underlined part gives additional information about the person or thingls) 1 One of the best fighters is David Depto, who comes from San Francisco. A 2 There are more and more people who are interested in watching chessboxing 3. There are schools in Germany that prepare kids to become chessbo» 4 Chessboxing, which is a mixture of chess and boxing, is growing in popularity. 5. Frank Stoldt, whose nickname is ‘Anti-Terror Frank, comes from Germany. © srammar ‘% Relative clauses with which Look at the examples. What does which refer to in these two sentences? 1. Everybody thinks that boxers aren't very clever, which isn't necessarily true 2. He won the world championship, which proves that he's a great fighter. Complete the rule. Write which and that. RULE: The pronoupn............. normally refers to ‘a noun, but it can sometimes refer to the whole of a previous clause. Whit, nonnen--and who cannot be used in this way. Frank won the match, which made his fans very happy. NOT Frank won the match, whet-made-his-fans- MORPETH Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use which. 1. People sometimes get badly hurt in boxing, That makes it a controversial sport People sometimes get badly hurt in boxing, which makes ita controversial sport. 2 Youneed to be mentally and physically tough This is why you need to prepare well You need to be to prepare well 3. tis terrible that some people have been killed in boxing matches. Some people terrible. 4 Chess is quite a complicated game. This means players have to concentrate a lot. Chess concentrate a lot. 5. It is quite strange that two men sit in a boxing ring and play chess. Two men sit quite strange. 6 The fact that chessboxing is becoming more Popular means that we might start to see it on TV soon. Chessboxing is becoming TV soon, to see it on UNIT © speak and tisten Look at the pictures and say what the sports are. Then put them into three categories. Write the numbers in the boxes. T=have tried — 2= have never tried but would like to try 3 = have never tried and wouldn't like to try Db] What other sports can you add F] [Listen to the first to each category? part (about Allison Fisher) again and answer the questions ©] Work in pairs. Discuss your categories and give reasons for your choices. 1 How old was she when she d playing snooker? And nen she became the nur d] You are going to hear about one pl two sportswomen: Fabiola da 2 Why did she move to the USA? Silva (inline skater) and Allison e as a pool player in the USA? Fisher (snooker and pool player). Try to guess who says 9 the sentences to the second part [about Fabiola da Silva) again and answer the questions 1 ‘Being a girl just didn't seem matter: 2 ‘Back in those days, there 1 How old was she when she started skating? And when professional? weren't so many girls skating, and the skaters | really admired were men. she tu 3. There was talk about me g against the men. hat created a lot of 3 attention. ar 2 Why did she become fam: ani Joes she think s joes well in competitions? 4 ‘Ididn’t know the game o Discussion box pool, but | thought: how can it be? 1 Do you know of any women who made it or tried to make it in a male spor keep pushing the limits, you ‘cea 2. Doyou think women and men should be allowed to compete in the same sports? Give 6 ‘Ihave my bad days, too Siereics @) (TET Listen and check your answers. a] 14 | unm © Vocabutary and speaking B] Complete the questions with % Sports the correct form of the verbs in the box. ‘] Read the texts. What sports are the people talking about? Choose from the sports in the table in Exercise 5c. win score get sent off draw beat fose 1 "The sea was really rough and the waves were huge. | got knocked off my board a few times but it was great. surfing 1 Do you think it's silly that people get upset when their 2. ‘Itook the ball past three of their defenders and then fecamnisfoses,. surah kicked it into the back of the net. All my team-mates ran across the pitch to celebrate with me. What a goal 3. ‘Ilove going down to the local rink to watch a game, The way those men move so quickly across the ice on their skates. And the control they have of the puck with their sticks, i's amazing’ 2. Have you ever a medal or acup ina sport? 3 How would you feel if your best friend you ina race? 4 What do you think of 4. ‘His glove hit me really hard in the face. 'm glad | was footblers en ctrat onsite wearing a helmet. They had to carry me out of the ring’ they a goal 5 How do you think players 5. ‘He hit the ball into the net. He was so angry that he feel when they, dl referee? threw his racket on the ground. All around the court the spectators started booing him: 6 Insome sports (like basketball and baseball), itis impossible to = one team must win Do you think all sports should have this rule? 6 ‘it’s my favourite sport. All you need is a cap, a costume and some goggles. There's a really good pool just down the road from my house. | go every day. i's great exercise’ 1b) [ST Listen and check your answers. £] Work in groups. Discuss the questions above. ETI tern to page ns. G] Read the texts again and complete the table. ‘equipment needed | place where it is done a © pronunciation football % Intonation in questions ice hockey (SIN turn to page no. y boxing sing aig d] Work in pairs. Take turns to choose a sport. Your partner has five yes/no questions to guess it. Do you need a ball? Is it a team sport? Do you play it inside? @ cutture in mind @ read and listen @] Read the text quickly and find out: 1. where sandboarding is popular. 2. which sport you can do in lots of different settings. You might be surprised at the number of rather unusual sports that exist around the world. Mostly, they are little known outside the areas where they were invented ~ though ognition. Here are some examples ~ bt TU ae ou'e interested, have a look on the web. You may find other, even crazier, ones! Of course there can't be many Extreme ironing is called an This sport was inspired by an people who don't know what extreme sport by some and a ancient Finnish tradition in which a snowboarding is, but how about performance art by others. It's man courted a woman by running sandboarding? The basic principle all about taking an ironing board _—_to her village, picking her up and behind the two sports is the same; toa remote location, where carrying her away. In the modern start at the top of a slope and use you then proceed to iron your sporting version, the man has to a board to get you to the bottom. clothes! According to the official carry the woman along an obstacle But whereas snowboarding is website, extreme ironing ‘the course without her feet touching practised on freezing cold snowy _latest danger sport that combines _the floor. There isa clear set of mountain tops, sandboarding the thrills of an extreme outdoor _rules. The track has to be 253.5 takes place on sand dunes by activity with the satisfaction of a metres long and have one water sunny beaches or in the desert. __wel-pressed shirt. and two dry obstacles. There It’s popular in many countries, Part ofthe attention this has are several ways of carrying the including Australia, Namibia and attracted in the media isto do woman, including piggyback, South Africa with the issue of whether itis fireman’ lit (over the shoulder) The quickest way of getting to _really 8 sport or not, and itis ( Estonian-style (the wife hangs the bottom involves standing with often not taken so seriously. upside down with her legs around. | both feet ona board and weaving Some locations where such the husband's shoulders and holds | from side to side while trying not performances have taken place ‘onto his waist). Whoever completes: to fall off. f this sounds a litle bit include on a mountainside, in a the course in the fastest time wins adventurous you could always just forest, in acanoe, on askislope _the trophy (but not necessarily a get on your stomach and slide (while skiing), underwater, in mid- _wife these days! down. Either way, its alot of fun! air (while parachuting) and under However, don't forget to keep your the ice on a frozen lake! Discustionbox mouth closed. : 1 Which of these sports would you like to try most? Give B] [STN Read the text again and listen. Answer the younrenons, questions. What other unusual sports have you heard of? Have you 1 What do the sports described here all have in common’ ied iy oF then 2. Which of the sports can't you do on your own? Invent a crazy sport for a competition organised by a big national newspaper. 4 Which of the sports mentioned here is seen by some Discuss what the rules are 3. There are two different techniques mentioned for one sport and three for another. What are they? people as a type of theatre rather than a sport? and how to play it a 16 | uni write @] Read the composition quickly. Do you think the text was written by a girl or a boy? Give your reasons. boxing What | think of ing-os.a-sport. Boxing is a popular sport that many people seem to be fascinated by. Newspapers, magazines and sports programmes on TV frequently cover boxing matches, Professional boxers earn alot of money, and successful boxers are treated as huge heroes. It-seems to me that some people, especially men, find it appealing because itis an aggressive sport. When they watch a boxing match, they can identity with the winning boxer, and this gives them the feeling of being a winner themselves. Sometimes fans are rooting for a particular boxer, 1 because the boxer comes from their own country, and if ‘their’ boxer loses, they often feel as if they have losta fight themselves. Itis a fact that many people have feelings of aggression from time to time, but they cannot show their aggression in their everyday lives Watching a boxing match gives them an outlet for this aggression. 2 , there is a negative side to boxing. It can be a very dangerous sport. Although boxers wear gloves during the fights, and amateur boxers even have to wear helmets, there have frequently been accidents in both professional and amateur boxing, sometimes with dramatic consequences. Boxers have suffered head injuries and, occasionally, fighters have even been killed as a result of being knocked out in the ring. ? , studies have shown that there are often long-term effects from boxing in the form of serious brain damage, even if a boxer has never been knacked out. ‘ , Lam personally not at all in favour of aggressive sports like boxing. | think it would be better if less time was given to aggressive sports on TV, and we celebrated more men and women from non-aggressive sports as heroes and heroines in our society. | believe that the world is aggressive enough already! Of course, people like competitive sports, and so do I, but | think that hitting other people is not something that should be regarded as a sport. b] Read the composition again and complete it with the words in the box. toconclude moreover however for example ©] What is the purpose of each paragraph? Write A-D in the boxes. A the writer's conclusion B positive points introducing the topic D_ negative points ] Write your own composition ona different sport. Use the steps below to help you. Think about the topic. Note down your ideas in a mind map. fascinating ‘game “fans \ = the positives football my opinions 000 spectator sport infavour Organise your ideas to fit into four paragraphs: Paragraph 1: introduce the topic Paragraph 2: positive points Paragraph 3: negative points Paragraph 4: your conclusion Write your composition. Use your notes to help you. If possible, have a break. Then check your writing and try to improve it, if you can, UNIT) v ene ery what clauses verbs + gerund/infinitive review Vocabulary: personality @ read and listen [a] [SEIN ead the questionnaire and listen Answer the questions. Are youa Situation 1: Your te | Situation 3: | You are sitting ona bus reading a really good book. The person i her has asked you to help him or her to carry a few books to the staffroom. sitting next to you asks you what you are re It's break ti in the staffroom and all the te there. What do you do? ding, e. Suddenly you find yourself son. You close your book a You really don’t want to chat to the px hers are and get off at the next stop. 1b You tell them why you like the book and then start chatting ‘a You don't feel entirely comfortable but about what they are reading at the moment get involved in a conversation when one © You give a short r wer because you don't want to be but then go back to reading your book. You don’t npolite of the teachers asks you a question. You feel quite relieved when you can leave the staffroom, involved in a conversation with someone you don’t know Bb You feel very awkward when you are with Situation 4 You have just arrived at ied to borrow. Your fi absolutely deliciow people who are older than you, so you friend's house to get a DVD that you leave the staffroom immediately without 7 , speaking to anyone © You think that this is your c ‘a chat with some teachers outsid jend’s mum is cooking — it smells d you are hungry. She ks you if you ance for ‘want to eat with them. he ‘a. You are embarrassed to accept, so you say that you haven't classroom. You are ways keen to get to ot time. know people and learn from them. You say that you are not really hungry but hope that your Situation 2: A friend of yours is organising a bi friend's mum will insist and ask you a second time 10 stay and eat with them, © You tell her that you would love to stay and eat. place in the countryside, You love cyel and you have always wanted (0 see the place, You don’t know any of the other people that your friend has invited Situation 5: You have j been given a new camera for your birthday. It's plicated and you don’t really know how it works. There are two or three kid with pretty co a. You are really keen to go and you see this sat opportunity to m and make new friends. Ther You find a good excuse for not going and thank your friend for the invitation. stnew people a You o ce your camera into school and, in the lunch break, you is no way you would consider going es get the kids to explain how it works. Ifyou still have doubts after using the camera, you go back to them with more questions 1D _ You ask one or two questions but feel a bit awkward about wasting their time. © The to you, You would be afraid of looking silly. You go on the bike ride, but you keep i. close to your friend and try not to talk to the others dll is no way you would ask anyone to explain the camera UNIT2 fe unto page 260 fndout whatkindot ~@) Vocabulary person you are. Do you agree with the description of you? Write another situation (Situation 6), with three possible answers for the questionnaire. Then work with a partner Ask your partner to read Situation 6 and choose their answer. Then discuss together. Grammar % what clauses Complete the rule with what and that. RULE: _.. can also mean ‘the thing that. When there isa second clause in the sentence, the two clauses are linked by the WOK eee What you need to realise is that there are lots of positive things about yourself. This is what makes you popular with people who know you. Sometimes it is better to listen to what about yourself, Join the sentences to make one. 1. Jacob's really imaginative. | like this about him. What | like about Jacob is.that he is really imaginative. 2 He told me something, | don't remember it now. | don't remember 3. He never says ‘please’ or ‘thank you’. This makes him seem rude. What makes 4 Everyone makes mistakes. You should remember this. What 5. He never stops talking, | find this really annoying, What ‘ Personality Read about Matthew's classmates. Tick (/) the ones that you think he considers to be his friends. 1 Sophie's sympathetic. She always listens to my problems and understands how | feel. [1] 2. Charlie's charming. He's good at making people feel good about themselves. oO 3 Waseem’s witty. He's always quick to think of something funny to say. o 4 Clara's careless. She does things too quickly and always makes mistakes. 5 lago's intellectual. He loves learning things. 6 Paul's pushy. He always wants me to do what he wants. 7. Shannon's shallow. She doesn't think seriously or carefully about anything 8 Polly’ pretentious. She tries to appear more important and cleverer than she is. [1] 9 Sam's smug. He's always pleased with himself — and shows it! 10 Brittany’s bubbly. She's always happy, fun to be with and full of energy. 11 Chelsea's cheeky. She shows a lack of respect, but often in a funny way. 12 Henry's hypocritical. He says one thing but does another. BB Stephan's scatty. He's always forgetting ‘things, but that’s what | love about him, (S Girclo the correct word. Then listen and check. 1 All my friends were vey Geperte smug when they heard about my That helped mea lot 2 She always gets high marks, but I wish she weren't so smug / witty about it. 3. We thought he was nice, but later we found him to be rather witty / shallow. 4 She's rather careless / pretentious about her appearance ~ she always wears scruffy clothes. 5 His speech made everyone laugh. He's such a witty / pushy person! 6. The shop assistant was so pushy / intellectual She tried to make us buy things we didn't want! 7 He's lost his keys for the third time this week! He's so cheeky / scatty. Tuto page © pronunciation B] [STIR tsten to clara, kat and ames He Sentencerstrensand rhythm talking about the funniest people they know, Put the pictures in the order you hear (2 Tum to page N10. about them. © speak F] [SXEIRIIN Listen aguin and take notes to find answers to these questions: Work in small groups. Discuss the 1. What kind of jokes does Clara's uncle love? following. 2. Clara gives three examples of what he put in 1 Agree on the four qualities you think are the walnuts. What are they? most important in a friend 3. Who is Mr Simmons? : What did Jack need in order i (A friend should be sympathetic. fie ee eee ere practical joke on Mr Simmons? (For me it is more important 5 How did Mr Simmons react? \ that someone is... than 6 What does James’ sister think about her S dad's love of cars? hy is that? ) \Wopis the zl 7 What practical joke did she play on her dad J ( Well let me give you an carey example: once! was...) 8 What did Groucho Marx say about the educational value of TV? 9 What did he say about honesty? 2 For each quality, think of a famous person {a film star, singer, politician, etc) who you think has this quality ] Compare your answers with a partner. 3. Think about someone you have met. What was your first impression of them? Has your first impression changed since you got to Discussion box know the person better? Which of the jokes from the listening did you find the funniest? ( When | first met my brother's new ‘What problems could playing | girfriend she came across as a bit shallow. practical jokes on people cause? But she isn't like that at all. you get Give an example of a practical joke to know her, you realise that she's a very our ot someere you laiow has interesting person, just a little shy. played on someone else. Not al jokes work in another language. Can you think of a joke © Usten that works in English but not in your @] Look at the drawings and the photo. Each language? Tell the others. one has got to do with a practical joke or something funny someone said. What and who do the pictures show? Can you guess what the jokes are about? fl ® © E=mct —(®) i= BL | Ens” iE] 20 | unT2 © srammar % Verbs + gerund/infinitive review Girele) the correct words in the sentences from the listening in Exercise 6b. 1 He really enjoys to play / Glaying tricks on people. 2. My sister hates to play / playing this game 3 He really can't stop to play / playing practical jokes on other people. 4. Jack started to move / moving the wireless mouse on the palm of his hand. 5 He couldn't stop to go / going round and round the car. Complete the rules with an infinitive ‘or a gerund. RULE: The verbs like, love, hate, prefer, begin and start are usually followed by _ but. can also be used. There is no difference in meaning. The verbs enjoy, detest, don't mind, imagine, fel ike, suggest, practise, miss, can't stop and can't stand must be followed by The verbs refuse, hope, promise, ask learn, expect, decide, afford, offer, choose and want must be followed by Look at these examples. What is the difference in meaning? Ja | stopped to drink my coffee Ib I stopped drinking my coffee. 2a | remember buying the book. ab | remembered to buy the book Complete the rule with different or the same. RULE: The verbs stop and remember can be followed by either a gerund ‘or an infinitive but the meaning is Look at the pictures and match them with the sentences. Then complete the rule. 1 We tried opening the window, but it was still really hot in the room. 2. Itried to open the window, but it was stuck 3. [tried sending an email to her, but she was still angry with me 4. tried to send an email, but my internet connection wasn't working. RULE: We use try +______ to say that somebody tries something to see what will happen. We use try +... to say that someone tries something but they aren't successful Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the gerund or to + infinitive. 1. Lcan't stop watching (watch) this programme. It's brilliant 2. They tried (help) him but he wouldn't let them. 3. He's really charming. Please remember (invite) him, 4. I can't remember (see) that film 5. Wetried (surf) the internet, but we didnt find any information 6 I met Oliver in town yesterday, so | stopped (talk) to him, 7 Iremember (be) quite shy when | was litle 8 | thought she was very selfcentred, so | stopped (g0) around with her. 9 Itried (phone) you, but my mobile was broken. 10. Please remember back tomorrow. Turn to page 18. (give) me my book You're both being a pain © Read and listen a What are Nick and Amy fighting about? What do Lily and Jack think about it? Read, listen and check your ideas, ‘Amy: Hi, Nick Nick: Hi, Amy. Amy, is this your backpack on the floor? ‘Amy: That's right Nick: Well, could you perhaps put it somewhere else? I's kind of in the way. Nick: No chance! it's in the way! ‘Amy: No, it’s not. It's where | always leave it. Nick: know you always leave it there. And it's always in the way, This is a pretty small place, Jack: Morning. Whoa! What's going on? Lily: Hey. Mind out! You nearly hit me with that thing ‘Amy. So perhaps jus you could put your oy \ backpack somew en't in my: Ah, sorry. tm sorry. This is ridiculou hmm? Lily: But | don't understand. What are you arguing bout? ‘Amy: You don't own this place, Nick. So don't try and tell me what to do. I came in early to get ‘Amy: Oh, Nick was being impossible, as usual 1s done. | put my backpack on the floor. Nick: Hey, don't lo ith itl t me. It isn't me who leaves hings lying around all over the place. Nick: Well, if you w mind if | do. Amy: Hey, put that down, It's min tmove it, perhaps you won't Amy: I've got a lot of things to do, Nick. !m feeling yours. Let go! finding fault with everything. ressed and | can do without yo Jack: Well, it really doesn't matter who ted it or whatever ~ we've got sort this out, There isn't a lot of room here and there are four of us that have to share it. So we need a bit of give-and- take. 'd have thought we could that Lily: Jack’s right. | thou friends, doing things togethe’ Amy: We are Nick: We are. Read the text again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) Jack: And we've all got pressure to a schoolwork, the radio programm: 50 on. What's going to happen if we 1. Thisis the fist time that Amy has left her little things get on our nerves all the backpack on the floor. oO time? 2 Nick starts to move the backpack himself, ([] Nick: Well, Amy's so careless. 3. Nick thinks that Amy is the cause of the Amy: And you're so push argument. ] Lily: And you're both being a pain. 'm off 4 Jack thinks they shouldn't argue about tocliss, Fave ariceday, everyonel litle things Oo Sort it 5 Jack Jack: See you guy i 22 | unir2 ts Nick ings in a oO Discussion box 1 Who do you agree with in the argument — Nick or Amy? Give examples of ‘little things that can get on your nerves! Everyday English Find expressions 1-6 in the story. Who says them? Match them with meanings a~f. 1 Nochancel. a Iimnot the person 2 Mind out. responsible for this. 3 Dontlook | b and other similar atme things 4 Icando ¢_It'snot going to without happen 5. Idhave 4 It is my understanding thought that 6 .andsoon. —_e_Be careful. f I prefer not to have / don't need Complete the sentences with an expression from Exercise 9a. 1A: That plate looks very hot! B: Itis very hot! going to come past you with it 2. A: Im going to spend all my money on those shoes. B: Really? you were more sensible than that 3. A: Someone should pick all this litter up, 8: Well things on the floor, never drop Your project's about education ~ right? B: Yeah, you know: schools, colleges Miranda ~ can you come round tonight and help me with the history homework? 8: Steve. Im going out this evening, Sorry. 6 A: Hey, James — where did you get that awful sweater? &: It wasa present from my granny ~ and H your comments, thank you very much. © improvisation Work with a partner. Take two minutes to prepare a short role play. Try to use some of the expressions from Exercise 9a. Do not write the text, just agree on your ideas for a short scene. Then act it out. Roles: Jack and Lily Situation: somewhere at Fairbank Basic idea: Jack has an idea for a programme about fashion and wants Lily to do it. Lily is not enthusiastic ® Making Waves Gaa== a] In Episode 1, we go back to the first time that Lily is introduced to Nick. Nick and ‘Amy worked on the radio show last year but Lily is new. Jack did 2 few things for the show last year but he’s going to be more involved this year. 1 What story do you think Lily and Nick are doing? 2. Nick doesn't really want to work with Lily on this story. Why not, do you think? 1D] Match the phrases and the definitions. 1 tostep in a. (to say or do} something unpleasant or unsuitable 2 short (of money) bit proves 3 (tofind)an angle to replace someone 4 (tobe) out of order da way of thinking or looking at something 5. itjust shows e not having enough ‘As you watch the episode, check your ideas. ©] Watch Episode 1. What do Amy, Lily and Jack think about Nick at the end? Why? UNIT? Te la Tas} ® write [a] Put the adjectives in the box into the two lists. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you. sensible disorganised smart tall cheerful handsome wavy plump honest slim scruffy lazy personality | appearance sensible b] Can you add four more adjectives to each list? Compare lists with a partner. C] Read the email. What does Olivia talk about in the: first paragraph? second paragraph? third paragraph? fourth paragraph? fifth paragraph? d] When we write a physical description, we don't need to mention everything, just the most interesting parts. Look back at the third paragraph. Which two sentences could we leave out? @] How does Olivia describe Harry's eyes and smile? Write si descriptions of someone's: 1 hair 2. mouth. £] When we describe someone's a personality, we often give examples of the person's behaviour to illustrate their qualities. Look back at paragraph four and find two examples of this. uNIT2 Write a short description of someone who is: 1 generous 2. imaginative. Give examples of their behaviour to illustrate. Now write an email toa friend and tell them about a person you've met recently. Hi Grace, (2) You missed a great party on Friday. Everyone was there, and we all missed you so much, The food was great and the music was brilliant. 1 don't think I've ever danced so much in my life. (2) Anyway, let me give you the gossip before anyone else does. I met a really interesting guy at the party. His name's Harry and he's from Taranto, Ive never met a Canadian before. He's in his last year at school and he's over here visiting his cousin for the summer holidays. (3) But let me get to the interesting part. Harry ‘must be the best-looking guy I've ever met. I mean he's gorgeous. He's average height. The first | thing that caught my attention was his amazing blue eyes. They're bright blue, like the colour of the ocean you see in thase holiday postcards. I'm ‘not exaggerating, honestly. His nose is quite small He's got 2 great smile too. It's warm and friendly and you can't help liking him immediately when he smiles at you (4) But of course, the most important thing is that, he's a very nice guy too. He's @ very charming person and he made me feel good about myself. He said loads of nice things about me, which is always going to help you like someone, isn't it? But he's not just one of these guys who says things without meaning them. He came across as really being interested in me. I told him all about my problems with Lucy and he really listened, He was 50 sympathetic and he gave me some good advice too. Now, you don’t meat a guy who listens like that every day. | | | (5) Well, the bad news is that he’s going back to Canada next week and I don't think I'l see him again. We said we'd email but you know how these things go. Never mind. It was just nice to have met someone so kind. Give me a call later. Love, Olivia Check your progress @ Grammar Connect the two sentences using the word in bold. You may need to take a word out of one of the original sentences, 1 He told me that it was my mistake. It was nonsense. which He told me that it was my mistake, which 2 My friend wants to become a psychologist. She loves helping people. who 3. This is the book. Our teacher was talking about it. that 4 Many experts will attend the conference. New theories will be presented. where 5 Our neighbour is going to the UK soon Her daughter lives in Portsmouth. whose CE b] Rewrite the sentences. Begin with ‘What! 1 Mary's really pushy. I don't like this about her. What I don't like about Mary is that she's really pushy. 2 He's always singing, This makes him seem friendly. 3 Noone is perfect. You should remember this. 4 Paul always interrupts when I speak. | find this realy annoying 5 She gave me a really nice smile. Il never forget that. 4 C] Use the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences. 1 Tremember ...seeing..... (ee) the car coming towards me but nothing after that. 2 Try (phone) John at home. Sometimes he doesn't work on Fridays. 3. We stopped coffee for ten minutes. (have) a cup of 4 Itried he wouldn't listen. {apologise} to him but 5. You must remember (invite) Carl to your party. IF not, he'll be upset. 4 ary * ]! Vocabulary Match the two halves of the sentences. 1. She was clearly the best in her team. She 2 Theplayerwho | b that he got had kicked the knocked out in goalkeeper the first round. 3. Ihope they won't | ¢ amazing with draw again since the puck 4 She got knocked scored most of off the board a few the goals. times, € but she really 5 He was wearing a enjoyed the helmet, but was hit strong wind, so hard f their last three 6 He was the best games all ended player on the rink. n 5 He's so a got sent off by the referee, Write adjectives in the word grid to describe each person and find the mystery word. 1 Bobby always understands how I feel and he's always ready to listen to my problems. 2. Jenny's always so pleased with everything that she does. It annoys mea bit. 3. Henry doesn't always pay attention to what he does and that’s why he makes mistakes. 4 Kevin always says things to make people feel good about themselves. 5. Sue is really funny. She makes me laugh a lot. 6 The mystery word is s[yv[MyPalrlAlelrl ic I a How did you do? Check your score. at oasore) © O | @ very Not very 2 good ox good Grammar | 1-2 | 6-9 _| lessthans Vocabulary | 8-10 | 4-7 | lestana J UNT2 | 25 if Reported speech review; reporting verbs review Vocabulary: expressions with time @ ead and tisten [] Read the extract from a TV guide. Have you ever seen this TV programme? Complete the statements. is called {b) Read the quiz then listen and choose the correct answers. 1 When was the cult BBC TV series, Doctor Who, first broadcast? ‘sens ‘a 1963 b inthe 1970s e¢ 1989 d 2005 2 Why do many teenagers think that the series _ began much later than it did? sss a Because they don't realise that TV existed so long ago. b Because they think there has only been one Doctor. Because there was a gap of 26 years } when the series wasn't on TV. d- Because they think the Doctor was \ a child in the 1970s. 3 What genre is the programme? (a. science fiction |b comedy / horror da mixture of different genres A Why doesn't the Doctor respect the Time Lords’ promise? casseueatay . (a Because he's evil Ree reer rete tee re abetter place. |e Because he was sent away from the | planet Gallifrey. | -d_ Because he's bored and wants something to do. or 26 | UNITS a) oat The wait is over. After more than 18 months without appearing regularly on our Saturday night TV screens, Doctor Who finally returns this evening, In this new series, the charismatic time-travelting Time Lord is played by Matt Smith, while Karen Gillan plays his enthusiastic assistant, Amy Pond. How well will Matt Smith do in one of the biggest roles on British TV? Watch tonight's episode, The Eleventh Hour, and find out. 5 Which of these is the Tardis? a b 7 How many actors have played Doctor Who? a: 8) 6 BEEN PN 8 Most of Doctor Who's assistants are . a young women from another planet. b young women from Earth in the past. ‘¢ young women from Earth in the present. d_ young women from Earth in the future. © crammar % Reported speech review ‘@] Write down what each person actually said 1. William Hartnell said that his health was getting worse. ‘My health is getting worse. 2. He said that he couldn't play the Doctor any more 3 He said it was a fancy way of saying it’s bigger on the outside than the inside. 4. The Time Lords said that they would never change anything in the universe. 1B] What happens to the verb in reported speech when the reporting verb is in the past? Complete the table. E present simple > past simple. present continuous present perfect past simple > can/ cant > wil / wont > | must > C] What other words change in reported speech? ] Write these sentences in reported speech 1 ‘The Daleks are coming!’ said the assistant. The assistant said that the Daleks were coming. 2. ‘We have to get to the Tardis before it’s too late; said the Doctor. 3. ‘Welll only know what year itis outside when wwe arrive’ said the Doctor. 4. ‘Ive got a plan and I know how we can kill the Ice-men, said the Doctor. 5 "Youre getting the time wrong!’ Romana told the Doctor. 6 ‘Ive heard so much about you’ Chronotis told the Doctor. 7 ‘We don't know what is going on’ said the Doctor. 8 ‘There won't be enough time!” announced the Doctor. © vocabutary ‘% Expressions with time SH Circle) the correct option. Then listen and check. 1 Come on! Quickly! Were taking / 2. My father’s always busy. He never wastes / has time to relax. 3. mnot in a hurry. Take / Give your time. 4 Our maths teacher often complains that we give / spend him a hard time. 5 1 got home just in / off time to avoid the rain 6 I'mnot late. 'm exactly off / on time. Look at the clock 7 Come on! Let's get started - we've spent / wasted a lot of time already. 8 think you should take some time off / on and go on holiday. You've worked too hard. 9 Annie's a very relaxed person. She gives / spends a lot of time meditating Tanto pager Turn to page 118. Pronunciation %& Schwa /o/ Turn to page 110. Speak Work with a partner. Student B: Turn to. page 126. Student A: Ask your partner these questions. You start. 1. Are you always on time for your lessons? IFnot, what excuse do you give? 2. When did you last have the feeling that you had wasted a lot of time? 3 If you could take a day off school next week, which day would it be? Why? 4 Have you ever given a teacher a hard time? What did you do? units | 27 , | Read Read the text and underline the piece of advice you like best. Well, it's that time of year again: the sun's finally decided to show its face and Renee eet Atte ae Pe eh eetun ocr uk eC ee cl eC eel ential eas it GRM (that’s Good Relaxation Management in case you were wondering). A Procrastination A recent report claims that mor 4 last: minute before 10% of students wait ing down to work. Why rastination helps us keep a safe distance from all that streseful stuff: Ma six exams to study for, so we recommend starting h one. That way youl reduce the stress as you'll have just oné eto chat on the list, make another list’ with one thing on it. We OK, 80 now you've decided not to leave it all for the last minute and have brought your books home to study this evening. But youre still finding it difficult to start that one ‘to do’ task. That's because youre afraid its going to take you too long, What you have to do {is convince yourself thet you just need to start and do ten minutes’ work. Once those ten minutes have passed, youll be surprised to find that youre now really into the task and don't even want to stop. Getting started Motivation cant be bothered to do any work this evening: How o do you find yo f saying this? rent light: Motivation doesnt: get laybe we can persuade you to look. at motivation in a youve started working, Ty it! The more you get into our work, the more youl 'get into’ your work, if you get what we mean. Got i Time wasting How much time do you waste waiting about for something? The bus, the teacher, your brother or sister to get out of the shower? We suggest always carrying some revision notes in your back pocket — a list of dates from history, some chemical formulas, whatever, ‘Something you can get out when you find you've got a bit of time to kil. Using your time ‘well means youll have more time to spend later on things youd rather be doing. Interruption: 80 you've finally got down to some serious revision and your parents tell you dinner’ ready You'd like to refuse to eat but you cart. OF course, th g to be times when your nterrupted, but we advise you not to cool — it never helps. Look, Read the article again. Match each of these statements with the sections (A-E) 1 “There's just so much to do. | won't have enough time Discussion box to get it all done: 1 What other problems do you 2. ‘Every time | start working, my little sister ke coming in and talking to me round? 3 ‘Ican't believe it. My exams in two days’ time and | What advice can you think of to help others to be mo: 8 essful with their revisi haven't even started revising 4. ‘Tjust don't feel like doing anything. It's all so b 5. ‘Tm |ust too busy doing other things to start my revision UNIT3 © srammar ‘°%& Reporting verbs review Different reporting verbs have different patterns after them. Find these verbs in the text in Exercise 6 and look at the patterns that follow them. Then write them into the table. lai recommend promise persuade suggest refuse advise encourage claim recommend suggest deny tell someone | thar warn someone not to do 8 someone [- (not) tod promise (not) Look at the tables and complete the sentences. Sometimes there is more than one option. 1. The lifeguard Us not to go into the sea. He said it was dangerous. 2. She's not very happy with me. In fact, she to talk to me at all 3 He breaking the vase. He said it was the dog 4 She going swimming but | was too tired. 5. They us to leave the car at home and go by train. Match sentences 1-8 with speech types a-h. 1 ‘No, | won't help you, she said. {a} 2 ‘Iwon't be late,’ he said. Oo 3 "My father has won over fifty golf competitions, he said. Oo 4 You'll get realy ill f you don't eat more healthily’ the doctor said to her. 5. ‘It's not true that | work too hard, she said. 6 Try the new cafe. It's excellent, they said | think perhaps you should take a break sometimes’ the doctor said. 8 ‘Come on, Steve, you can do it! Jump!” she said. 000 oo aclaim a promise a warning arefusal adenial encouragement a recommendation advice Report the sentences in Exercise 7c. 1 She refused to help me. Turn to page 119. UNIT3 > @] Look at the cover of the book and the photo from the film. Read the short summary at the beginning of the extract. Would you be interested in reading the book? Why / Why not? BD) Read the extract | and listen. It is the man's first trip in the Time Machine. Put the events in the order they are mentioned in the extract. [11 He sees someone walking extremely quickly. [11 He makes the machine go as fast as it (The room he is in disappears. (21 He starts to think about what he will find in the [1] He sees that the time on a clock has aoe future. changed. He thinks that he’s going to crash at any moment. The Time Machine by H. G. Wells Hoping to change the past, a 19th-century inventor instead travels 800,000 years into the future, where he finds humans divided into two races which are always at war Machines began its carer. I gave ita last tap, tried all the screws again, and satin the chair. I took the starting lever in one hand and the stopping one in the other, pressed the first, and almost immediately the second. 1 seemed to spin; I felt a nightmare sensation of falling; but, Tooking round, I saw the laboratory exactly as before. Had anything happened? For a moment I thought that my mind had tricked me. Then I saw the clock. A moment before, ‘sit seemed, it had stood at a minute or so past ten; now it ‘was nearly half-past three! I ‘was at ten o'clock today that the first of all ‘Time drew a breath, set my teeth, gripped the starting lever with ‘both hands, and went off with a thud. The laboratory got hazy and went dark, Mrs. Watchett came in and walked, apparently without seeing me, towards the garden door. I suppose it took her a minute or soto cross the room, but to1me she seemed to shoot across like a rocket. I pressed the lever over to its extreme position. Night arived like the turning out of 2 lamp, and in another moment came tomorrow. The laboratory grew faint and hazy, then fainter and fainter. Tomorrow night came, then day again, night again, day again, faster and faster stil UNIT3 Tam afraid I cannot convey the peculiar sensations of time travelling. They ee incredibly unpleasant. Theres feeling ‘exactly like that you have on aroller-coaster of helpless, headlong motion I felt the same horrible anticipation, too, of an imminent crash. As I speeded up, night followed day like the flapping of a black wing. Soon the dim outline of the laboratory seemed to fall away from me, and I saw the sun hopping quickly across the sky, crossing the sky once every minute, and every minute marking a day. I supposed the laboratory had been destroyed and I had come into the open air. I was going too fast to be conscious of any moving things. The slowest snail that ever crawled sped Past, 10 fast for me t0 see. [..] ‘The unpleasant sensations ofthe start were not so strong, now. They became a kind of crazy excitement. But soon a new series of impressions appeared in my mind —a certain curiosity and with it, a certain fear — until at last they took complete possession of me. What strange developments of humanity, what wonderful advances from our simple civilization, I thought, might appear when I got to look closely atthe dim world that raced and fluctuated in front cof my eyes! All these statements are incorrect. Correct them by referring to the text. 1 The Time Machine has only one lever to control it, 2 His first, very short flight takes "apologise for not having written | I'm sorry I haven him ten hours into the future. written before. Unfortunately I haven't had a lot of time, 3. When he starts travelling, he Ive been very busy with exams this month a school can see his laboratory clearly. T'm sure you know how I feelt 4. He enjoys travelling in time ‘Anyway, things are better now and I’m starting to think about the summer holidays. It's been a long time since wwe last spent any time together, so I was wondering if +it's OK with you! it would be convenient for you if 6 He sees a snail going past him. ‘came to see you and perhaps stay with you for a few days He isr't interested in what he in August. You know how much I Jove the area where will find when he stops. | you live, too — perhaps we could go cycling again like we ‘did "on my previous visit the last time I was there Dear Alex, 5 He can see his laboratory all the time when he's travelling, Blsauaonbes So, is the week of the 10th to the 15th of August OK for you? Please don’t feel that you have to say yes, but 1 Doyou think this is a good ‘of course I'm hoping you will. Either way, ‘could you description of what time inform me | can you let me know as soon as possible? travel might be like? Why / I don’t want to be pushy, but I'll have to make travel Why not? arrangements before too long. IF youl caudal sxe te, All the best, and ‘write soon / looking forward to hearing ‘would you prefer to go ‘fovigal, to the past or the future? Why? Sally ©] You're going to write Alex's email back to Sally, Look at the expressions below. For each pair, tick the one you write think youre likely to use in the emai Read the email and answer the 1a Iwas extremely pleased to hear questions. b It was great to hear 1 Why hasn't Sally written before? 2 a WitOKif.2 2 What is she thinking about now? b Would it be acceptable if .? 3 When does she want to stay? 3a Thope you see 4 What does she want Alex to do? b I trust you will understand Read the email again. There are 4a Pout apologise for the fact that two options ~ one informal, b Iimsorry that the other formal. Underline the 5 a Of course we can put you up here. informal option. Naturally we can let you have a room. 1] Write Alex’s email. Give Sally the following information: 0104340 nok 404 © you want to see her again she can stay with you you already have plans for the week she suggested © you can't change the plans © the week before or after is OK ‘Add any further information or ideas that you want to.

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