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Deployment using
Docker in VPS

Wejangan 5.0
● What is Docker?
● Why use Docker?
● Docker Use Case
● Ekosistem Docker
● Hands on deploying wordpress docker in vpsx
Monolithic Architecture
Monolithic Architecture



Super Server
What is Docker
Docker merupakan sebuah platform as a service (PaaS)
yang berwujud container. Container ini memiliki sifat
terisolasi antara satu dengan yang lainnya dan membundle
software, library dan data hanya yang dibutuhkan saja.
Docker Characteristic
Docker dapat berkomunikasi satu sama lain melalui
channel tersendiri. Semua kontainer dijalankan oleh satu
kernel sistem operasi dan karenanya lebih ringan daripada
menggunakan Virtual Machine

Developer Friendly: Build once, run anywhere on top of Docker Engine. It can be inside cloud, baremetal, or inside your
Why Use Docker
Installing Apps
# docker run -p 80:80 -d # apt-get update # yum install epel-release
simple-nginx # apt-get install nginx # yum install nginx
# service nginx start # systemctl start nginx

Ubuntu OS Centos OS

Server Server Server

Microservice Architecture

Php Php word

5.6 7.4 press

mariadb mysql
ss db

Each service are decoupled (separated) and can be manage independently. Its elastic, meaning that in can scale in and out easily
to meet fluctuating demand

Use Docker as stagging infrastucture

Use Case
Need for Data Scientist

Apache airflow : For Jupyter Notebook : For

data pipeline data visualization
Need for compatibility test
Api server

Php Php
7.1 7.4

Need for Development flow

We need to test role without reinstalling VM. It takes time to reinstall VM and create environtment
Need for Development flow

Version control CI/CD Docker Image

Dockerize : Create a docker image of your application. Images become containers when they run on docker engine.
We can write once, and run in every environtment we want. In cloud, baremetal, or computer
Docker Infrasructure

Docker client: users who have access to the docker engine. Can access through the CLI or API even if the host docker uses the
same computer
Docker Infrasructure

Docker host / server: Place where the docker engine is installed. Docker engine can be installed on it’s own computer or on a
special computer server. Inside is a daemon docker, container, and image
Docker Infrasructure

Docker registry: repository for Docker images. Docker clients connect to registries to download ("pull") images or to upload
("push") images that have been created. can be public or private. The two main public registries are Docker Hub and Docker
Cloud. Docker Hub is the default registry where Docker looks for images.
Docker Infrasructure

Docker images: read-only templates used to make containers. Images are used to save and send applications. Image in the form
of software bundles, libraries and data
Docker Infrasructure

Docker container: a container for running standardized and encapsulated applications. Containers are managed using the
Docker API or CLI.
Hands On Lab
Installing wordpress on vpsx
1. Installing docker and docker compose on vpsx
2. Prepare project
3. Build project
4. Bring up wordpress in browser
Tutorial Docker

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