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Instead, when not being able to travel by car, people have to find to other

transports such as bus, subway and this encourage people to prioritize using more
environmental friendly vehicles. Therefore, using public transport is of tremendous
benefit to people's health because of its effectiveness in the reduction of emissions
that makes the air contaminated.

There are several alternative ways more effective. Firstly, the government should
impose higher luxury taxes on cars. After this policy is applied, people can afford
fewer car and consequently car density will fall on the roads with the decline of its
emissions. Secondly, plant vegetation play an important role in decrease air
pollution. Since, when photosynthesis, plants will absorb carbon dioxide emissions
in the air and release oxygen into the atmosphere.

In conclusion, encouraging motorists to give up their cars for one day is a good
idea to deal with air pollution, but government need to simultaneously take other
measures such as car price increase and plant tree.

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