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The COVID-19 or the Novel Corona Virus Disease is an infectious diseases

caused by a newly discovered coronavirus strain. 1 This is a highly transmittable and

pathogenic viral infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS CoV-2) that emerged in Wuhan, China 2 and spread around the world in a very
short time. The virus is said to be zoonotic, which means it can spread from an animal
to a human. The primary source of origin for the COVID-19 is possibly the bats,
however the intermediate source of origin and transfer to humans is not known but is
speculated to have incubated in live animal markets in Wuhan. The rapid human to
human transfer is confirmed widely and there is no known antiviral drug or vaccine that
can be used to treat COVID-19.

If a person contracts the virus, the common symptoms will be fever, tiredness,
itching of the throat and dry cough. It varies among people as some might experience
aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, and diarrhea. On average
the symptoms appear in 5 to 6 days from infection but can extend to 14 days before
any symptoms appear making the infected person an “asymptomatic carrier” of the
virus and may infect more since he is not quarantined at that time. People who have
the mild symptoms but are healthy should self-isolate to avoid spreading the virus. If
there is already unbearable difficulty in breathing, then the person should seek medical
attention and never touch anything where the virus can live on.

Back in February 2019, the first case for the corona virus was recorded and
many countries did not take this seriously. This virus can live on different surfaces and
the time they survive on them varies. This is why as the pandemic is still spreading, it is
best to not touch things or surfaces prone to the public and to always wear gloves or
wash hands. The virus spreads by this manner, staying on surfaces that people touch.
Another way for the virus to spread is by droplets from an infected person and enters
the body through the nose, eyes, and mouth. Now in May 2019, the virus has
contaminated the world, including places of very hot and very cold temperatures.

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