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 Ukraine  Instagram :@vikki.k_

I am very hardworking and sociable person. It is difficult to find an impossible task for me. My English is absolutely not
ideal, but I put all my energy into taking a course of social psychology.

Learning something new Yoga Music

Life experience
"Chumps yeasterdey, champs "The can becouse they think they can"
today" "Make no comparisons"

08/2003 - present

Study at school
2009 - present

➡ I believe that a smile will not only save the world but also help in creating a first
impression. As stated in the course, for a first impression you need only a second. So
in mine, you will only have time to read my name or see the photo and you will
already have a first impression of me.
"You never get a second chance to make a good first impression". Change the first
impression is almost impossible. The most common types of impression management
have to do with self-presentation. There are two main motives we have for thying to
manage the impressions of others :The instrumental (the desire for increased self-
esteem) and the expessive.

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