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Task 2: Writing Task forum


CÓDIGO: 1117785803
GRUPO: 459


-Contando lo que hiciste las últimas vacaciones (¿Adónde fuiste?
¿Cuánto tiempo te quedaste ahí? ¿Con quién fuiste? ¿Cuánto pagaste
por eso? ¿Qué lugar te gustó más?) Escribe una breve nota en el foro
para contar el tema que elegiste. Longitud del texto: 70 palabras a 80

On my last holiday Come back to my village Grow up which I appreciate a

lotand it is idea for Hang out is very healthy I went for a walk to the river
and to the farm a Look up to my grandfather and infinite things that I do
and enjoy in my holidays the very clean river. My vacation I was with my
mother so that she too- Feel like a vacation and take advantage for - Get
together with her father so my grandfather is Stand out that everything
went to perfection because we enjoyed a lot I can not Turn away other
vacation tas were the best for me Turn away a family football game and
there if you return to the city to Look into
Next I will tell you about my vacation which I spend in my hometown was a
common simple thing but I enjoy it every time I can just go to an estate to
me fills me with a lot of gratitude with life for me the most important thing
is health first and foremost. Here's to share my video
Link del video

- Las diez frases en condiciones fácticas futuras. - El texto con diez verbos
de fraseo.

Next I will tell you about my vacation which I spend in my hometown was a
common simple thing but I enjoy it every time I can just go to an estate to
me fills me with a lot of gratitude with life for me the most important thing
is health first and foremost. Here's to share my video

1. She'll clean up her room tomorrow

2. My dad will Cut down the tree on Saturday
3. My teacher will give away before the director
4. My mother and I will look for a horror movie
5. On Saturday we will look up grandpa to the elderly
6. We will pick out the meeting place
7. Soon will run over the cat for being on the street
8. The will Shut down the fire
9. The boss will Take on the morning
10. My father will wear up his sweat in clothes
- La captura de pantalla de los comentarios a su pareja.

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