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On Sunday, January 19, the women's soccer team Las Libertadoras had their first tournament in
the Atahualpa sports park. The nine girls, we left at 9:10 a.m. and we return at 12:10 p.m.

Unfortunately we lost the first game 0: 1 but we don't let this get us down. So with that in mind,
we went back and drew the second game 2: 2 and we were so happy! The third game that nobody
scored and then we had a well-deserved rest! , then in the last game. We were so smart that we
won 2: 0! We were so happy. We were very tired. So tired that we almost fell asleep in the park
while watching other matches of the tournament.

This year's sports calendar is once again full with a wide range of sports opportunities available to
our athletes, for now holding events of this type is prohibited due to the pandemic that affects the
world called Corona Virus, while at home all athletes perform trainings and have fun doing
challenges to show their skills, we all look forward to the day when all sporting events will happen
again and our team will come back stronger than ever, because we are going to win.

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