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A. Select the best answer

1. I __________ in Margarita last year

( x ) was
( ) were
( ) is

2. Luis is _____________ the magazine

( ) read
( ) reads
( x ) reading

3. We were _____________ Tv
( ) watch
( ) watches
(x ) watching

4. ______________ are playing baseyball

( x ) they
( ) he
( )I

5. Jenifer____________ from Peru

( ) am
(x) is
( ) are

6. _____________ you ________ your mother?

( ) were - call
( ) was -calling
( x ) were – calling

B. Match the two halves of the sentences

1. I’m working F A. the newspaper

2. Dayana is reading A B. for a bus
3. The boys is drinking E C. soccer
4. They are waiting B D. his lunch
5. The boys are playing C E. coffe
6. Robert is cooking D F. in the office
C. Complete the Following sentences. Use past continuous
1. The dog was playing in the garden (play)
2. Mr. Garcia was painting the house (paint)
3. I was studying English (study)
4. Andrew was talking on the pone (talk)
5. Mr. Clark was watching a movie (watch)
6. Nelly wasn’t listening radio now (not/ listen radio now)
7. Was Valerie studying English? (studie English)

D. Translate to Spanish
Jack: Is this your newspaper?
Marta: Yes, it is. Here, take it
Jack: Oh, but it isn’t in English
Marta: It’s in Spanish. Spanish is my native language
Jack: Really? Are you Spanish?
Marta: Actually, I`’m not. I`m from Venezula
Jack: Oh, so you’re Venezuelan. That’s interesting

Jack: ¿Es ese tu periódico?

Marta: Si, si es, aquí tomalo
Jack: Oh, pero no esta en ingles
Marta: Esta en español. El español es mi idioma natal
Jack: ¿De verdad? ¿Eres española?
Marta: En realidad, no lo soy. Soy de Venezuela
Jack: Oh, eres venezolana. Eso es interesante

Frannikar Segovia Mecánica Dental

Tercer semestre sección: D01

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