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Soal Studi Kasus

J.H., a 23-year-old African American woman with medium brown skin tone, has had acne vulgaris for
the past 10 years. During this time, she has tried several medications. Benzoyl peroxide was
somewhat helpful, but even low concentrations caused excessive irritation. She also tried extended
courses of topical erythromycin and clindamycin, with little clinical improvement. Oral tetracycline
was moderately effective, but caused her to get frequent yeast infections. A year ago, she began
using Yaz® for contraception and has noticed improvement in her acne as well. However, she still has
about 20 open and closed comedones on her forehead, cheeks, and chin. She has 2 papules on her
nose and 1 papule along the jawline. J.H.’s biggest concern about her skin is that lesions “take
forever to clear completely.” She shows you 8 hyperpigmented macules on her cheeks and forehead
at the sites of lesions that healed over the past 6 months. Recommend a new treatment strategy for


Literatur :

1. applied therapeutic kode kimble (section nine-dermatologic disorder ; chapter 39-acne)

2. pharmacoterapy case-book ( section 10-dermatologic disorder; chapter 102-acne vulgaris)
3. pharmacoterapy a phatophysiologic approach-dipiro 7th edition (section 14-dermatologic
disorder; chapter 100-acne vulgaris)
4. pharmacoterapy a phatophysiologic approach-dipiro 10th edition (chapter 96-acne vulgaris
hal: 4252)
5. pharmacoterapy handbook-dipiro 9th edition (section 3-dermatologic disorder; chapter 15-
acne vulgaris)
6. pharmacoterapy handbook-dipiro 10th edition (section 3-dermatologic disorder; chapter 15-
acne vulgaris)
7. patofisiologi konsep klinis proses-proses penyakit (bagian 13-gangguan sistem dermatologi;
Bab 77-akne dan keadaan terkait)

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