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según la definición del autor acerca de la innovación no es mas que coger algo que ya existía antes y
posicionarlo en una forma en la cual creara valor para los consumidores, y con eso generara riqueza

No es emprendimiento un pequeño negocio and a small “me too” restaurant, it is an acitvity,it is not a
personality trait, el emprendedor busca sistemáticamente un cambio, actúa y lo explota para así crear
nuevos servicios y oportunidades creando un mercado de nichos y llenando las necesidades de los
clientes, se trae a colación el ejemplo de la empresa de comidas rápidas reconocida Mac Donalds la cual
estandarizo el producto, diseño procesos y herramientas, creo nuevos estándares y capacitaciones por
medio del proceso de innovación.

Los 7 principales recursos en las cuales se puede encontrar una oportunidad la cual también es llamada
por el autor como las 7 ventanas, These sources can be internal – occurring within a business, market or
industry – or they can be external, from a field such as politics, academia or science.

The first one Is The unexpected he says that to be a successful entrepreneur you must always be
on the look-out for sources of innovation. That is, events that offer the impetus for innovation.
Because it can come the unexpected succeed, failure and outside event and This happened to
Macy’s, the New York department store, did poorly for several years because it considered itself
primarily a fashion store, and was downplaying the growing effect of appliance sales on its
bottom line. To the company’s directors, these sales were an ‘embarrassing success’. Only
later, after it had accepted the place of appliance sales as a bona fide part of its image and
range, did the store again prosper. 
Other examples are the IBM and Univac initially made computers aimed at the scientific market.
Both were surprised by the interest from business users. IBM steamed ahead, though, when it
‘lowered itself’ to sell to the business market. TAMBIEN A Many antibiotics developed for
humans can be used on animals, yet when vets tried to buy these drugs they met resistance
from the manufacturers. Allowing the drugs to be sold for animal use was beneath them. But
another firm bought the rights to the drugs and marketed them specifically to vets, as a result
creating the most profitable segment of the pharmaceutical industry Y The big American steel
companies, used to gargantuan steel-making complexes requiring huge investment, did not
invest in the new type of ‘mini mill’, even though they were throwing off cash and profits,
because it was not ‘how things were done’.
So the more you can utilize the unexpected and know how to leverage a changing market, the more you
will benefit.

Incongruities present another large group of innovation sources. They mostly refer to external operatio
environment and changes within. They are usually created when “realities” of a market and companys
perception of it become misaligned. As an examples, a production model may become too expensive.
Druker lists old American steel industry and healthcare. In both domains new operation and production
models have gained space from old ways of doing things.

demographics. As a source, they refer to unexpected or unforeseen changes

taking place in the age, gender, lifestyle and educational distribution of customers. These kinds of
changes usually indicate opportunities for new enterprise. Author’s examples include establishment of
new kind of travel guides and Sears, Roebuck CEO’s doing field research on the prospects of Middle‐
America as a growing area for business.

Principles of innovation begin with analysis of opportunities, innovation as conceptual and perceptual,
simple and focused, start small, aims at leadership

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