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ImageConverter (UTFT)
This tool can be used to convert images into the formats required for my UTFT libraries for
Arduino and chipKit.

Select the picture you want to convert, select what kind of file you want to convert it into,
and click 'Make File' to upload and convert your file.

Also make sure you have resized the image to the correct size before you upload it as this
converter will not do any kind of resizing for you.

Animated .gif files are not supported..

Windows users: Remember that there are two off-line converters included with UTFT, one
GUI version and one command line version. The GUI version have options to rescale the
image while the command line version supports batch conversions. They can both be
found in the Tools folder. A manual for them is also included in the same folder.

Supported fileformats:.png, .jpg and .gif

Maximum filesize:300KB

Picture to convert:

Convert to: .c file    .raw file

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