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Geti de ingles

The group ticuna They are located south of the Amazon on the Cotuhé river, Caño Ventura, Santa
Lucía, Buenos Aires and in the Leticia area of influence. The ticuna constitute one of the most
numerous towns in the Amazon Basin, where approximately 7,879 people live.

The language is potentially threatened with an ethnic group of 6,580 people7. The Ticuna language
is spoken in the Amazon River as it passes through Peru, from Cajacuma Island (north of San Pablo)
to the Brazilian border. Although many of the Ticuna learn Spanish, they still use the language at
home and in public.

The food diet is basically made up of fish accompanied by cassava flour. The preparation of the
fish, almost daily, is carried out in two ways. The different types of fish are cooked and its broth is
highly appreciated by all. After eating the fish cooked with a large quantity of cassava flour, the
Ticuna usually drink various dishes of broth, as if it were a soup. It is also very common to prepare
grilled fish (moqueado) and eat it accompanied by a small plate of salt placed next to where
everyone soaks their finger.

The Ticuna representation system highlights two heroes: Yoi and Ipi. The first is a civilizing hero
who made people, determined laws and customs, and fixed the main elements of culture, both
material and social. Ipi, meanwhile, is a stubborn and disobedient hero, a symbol of

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