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CHS Portfolio

Extracurricular Experience

Describe the activities you have participated in. These might include sports, ASB, clubs, theater,
church groups, or other organized activities outside of regular school hours.

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, I go to a mariachi program at the Luther

Burbank Center for the Arts.

On average, how many hours do you dedicate to your extracurricular life each week or month?

I dedicate about 10 to 11 hours every week.

Have you enjoyed your extracurricular experiences so far? Why or why not?

I enjoy being in that program because I now know how to play two instruments, which are the
violin and the guitarron, and with the things I have learned, I am currently teaching myself
guitar. I can now search up a song and play it because I can read music. I have also made my
friends in the program.

What kinds of soft skills, academic skills, and/or specialized training have you needed to use to
participate fully in these experiences?

I have needed to use lots of communication so when we are playing a song, we can all be on
tempo. I also have to ask my teacher for help with I am confused with a part of a song.

How might these skills be used in a career or college environment?

They can be useful because I need to know how to be able to communicate with other people.
CHS Portfolio

What have learned about yourself so far by participating in extracurricular activities?

I have learned that love to play music and seeing other people be happy and enjoying the music.

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