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C++ Data Types 

All variables use data-type during declaration to restrict the type of data to be stored. 

Therefore, we can say that data types are used to tell the variables the type of data it can 

store. Whenever a variable is defined in C++, the compiler allocates some memory for that 

variable based on the data-type with which it is declared. Every data type requires a different 

amount of memory. 

Data types in C++ is mainly divided into three types: 

● Primitive Data Types​: These data types are built-in or predefined data types and 
can be used directly by the user to declare variables. example: int, char , float, 
bool etc. Primitive data types available in C++ are: 
○ Integer 
○ Character 
○ Boolean 
○ Floating Point 
○ Double Floating Point 
○ Valueless or Void 
○ Wide Character 
● Derived Data Types:​ The data-types that are derived from the primitive or built-in 
datatypes are referred to as Derived Data Types. These can be of four types 
○ Function 
○ Array 
○ Pointer 
○ Reference 
● Abstract or User-Defined Data Types​: These data types are defined by user 
itself. Like, defining a class in C++ or a structure. C++ provides the following 
user-defined datatypes: 
○ Class 
○ Structure 
○ Union 
○ Enumeration 
○ Typedef defined DataType 
Primitive data types​ available in C++. 

● Integer​: Keyword used for integer data types is i​ nt​. Integers typically requires 4 
bytes of memory space and ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647. 
● Character​: Character data type is used for storing characters. Keyword used for 
character data type is c
​ har​. Characters typically requires 1 byte of memory 
space and ranges from -128 to 127 or 0 to 255. 
● Boolean​: Boolean data type is used for storing boolean or logical values. A 
boolean variable can store either ​true o
​ r ​false​. Keyword used for boolean data 
type is ​bool​. 
● Floating Point​: Floating Point data type is used for storing single precision 
floating point values or decimal values. Keyword used for floating point data 
type is ​float​. Float variables typically requires 4 byte of memory space. 
● Double Floating Point​: Double Floating Point data type is used for storing double 
precision floating point values or decimal values. Keyword used for double 
floating point data type is ​double​. Double variables typically requires 8 byte of 
memory space. 
● void​: Void means without any value. void datatype represents a valueless entity. 
Void data type is used for those function which does not returns a value. 
● Wide Character​: Wide character data type is also a character data type but this 
data type has size greater than the normal 8-bit datatype. Represented by 
wchar_t​. It is generally 2 or 4 bytes long. 

Datatype Modifiers 

As the name implies, datatype modifiers are used with the built-in data types to modify the 

length of data that a particular data type can hold. 

Data type modifiers available in C++ are: 

● Signed 
● Unsigned 
● Short 
● Long 

Below table summarizes the modified size and range of built-in datatypes when combined 

with the type modifiers: 


short int  2  -32,768 to 32,767 

unsigned short int  2  0 to 65,535 

unsigned int  4  0 to 4,294,967,295 

int  4  -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 

long int  4  -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 

unsigned long int  4  0 to 4,294,967,295 

long long int  8  -(2^63) to (2^63)-1 

unsigned long long int  8  0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 

signed char  1  -128 to 127 

unsigned char  1  0 to 255 

float  4   
double  8   

long double  12   

wchar_t  2 or 4  1 wide character 

Note ​: Above values may vary from compiler to compiler. In above example, we have 

considered GCC 64 bit. 

// C++ program to sizes of data types  

using namespace std;  
int main()  
cout << "Size of char : " << sizeof(char)  
<< " byte" << endl;  
cout << "Size of int : " << sizeof(int)  
<< " bytes" << endl;  
cout << "Size of short int : " << sizeof(short int)  
<< " bytes" << endl;  
cout << "Size of long int : " << sizeof(long int)  
<< " bytes" << endl;  
cout << "Size of signed long int : " << sizeof(signed long int)  
<< " bytes" << endl;  
cout << "Size of unsigned long int : " << sizeof(unsigned long int)  
<< " bytes" << endl;  
cout << "Size of float : " << sizeof(float)  
<< " bytes" <<endl;  
cout << "Size of double : " << sizeof(double)  
<< " bytes" << endl;  
cout << "Size of wchar_t : " << sizeof(wchar_t)  
<< " bytes" <<endl;  
return 0;  
Derived Data Types 
The data-types that are derived from the primitive or built-in datatypes are referred to as 
Derived Data Types. These can be of four types namely:
● Function 
● Array 
● Pointers 
● References 
1. Function:​ A function is a block of code or program-segment that is defined to 
perform a specific well-defined task. A function is generally defined to save the 
user from writing the same lines of code again and again for the same input. All 
the lines of code are put together inside a single function and this can be called 
anywhere required. main() is a default function that is defined in every program 
of C++. 
FunctionType FunctionName(parameters) 
// C++ program to demonstrate  
// Function Derived Type  
#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
// max here is a function derived type  
int max(int x, int y)  
if (x > y)  
return x;  
return y;  
int main()  
int a = 10, b = 20;  
int m = max(a, b);  // Calling above function to find max of 'a' and 'b' 
cout << "m is " << m;  
return 0;  
m is 20 
2. Array:​ An array is a collection of items stored at continuous memory locations. The idea 
of array is to represent many instances in one variable. 

DataType ArrayName[size_of_array];
// C++ program to demonstrate  
// Array Derived Type  
#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
int main()  
// Array Derived Type  
int arr[5];  
arr[0] = 5;  
arr[2] = -10;  
// this is same as arr[1] = 2  
arr[3 / 2] = 2;  
arr[3] = arr[0];  
cout<<arr[0]<<" "<<arr[1]<<" "<<arr[2]<<" "<<arr[3];  
return 0;  
5 2 -10 5 
3. Pointers:​ Pointers are symbolic representation of addresses. They enable 
programs to simulate call-by-reference as well as to create and manipulate dynamic 
data structures. It’s general declaration in C/C++ has the format: 
datatype *var_name; 
int *ptr;  // ptr points to an address which holds int data 
// C++ program to illustrate  
// Pointers Derived Type  
void show()  
int var = 20;  
// Pointers Derived Type  
// declare pointer variable  
int* ptr;  
// note that data type of ptr  
// and var must be same  
ptr = &var;  
// assign the address of a variable  
// to a pointer  
cout << "Value at ptr = " 
<< ptr << "\n";  
cout << "Value at var = " 
<< var << "\n";  
cout << "Value at *ptr = " 
<< *ptr << "\n";  
int main()  
Value at ptr = 0x7ffc10d7fd5c 
Value at var = 20 
Value at *ptr = 20 
4. Reference:​ When a variable is declared as reference, it becomes an alternative 
name for an existing variable. A variable can be declared as reference by putting ‘&’ in 
the declaration. 
// C++ program to illustrate  
// Reference Derived Type  
int main()  
int x = 10;  
// Reference Derived Type  
// ref is a reference to x.  
int& ref = x;  
// Value of x is now changed to 20  
ref = 20;  
cout << "x = " << x << endl;  
// Value of x is now changed to 30  
x = 30;  
cout << "ref = " << ref << endl;  
return 0;  
x = 20 
ref = 30 

User-Defined DataTypes: 

The data types that are defined by the user are called the derived datatype or user-defined 
derived data type. 
These types include: 
● Class 
● Structure 
● Union 
● Enumeration 
● Typedef defined DataType 
1. Class:​ The building block of C++ that leads to Object-Oriented programming is a 
Class. It is a user-defined data type, which holds its own data members and 
member functions, which can be accessed and used by creating an instance of 
that class. A class is like a blueprint for an object. 

// C++ program to demonstrate Class  
class College  
public:  // Access specifier  
string col_name;  // Data Members  
void printname()  // Member Functions()  
cout << "Our College Name is : " << col_name;  
int main()  
College obj1;  // Declare an object of class College 
obj1.col_name = "chinmayadegreecollege"; // accessing data member  
obj1.printname();  // accessing member function  
return 0;  
Our College Name is : chinmayadegreecollege 
2.Structure:​ A structure is a user defined data type in C/C++. A structure creates a 
data type that can be used to group items of possibly different types into a single 
struct address { 
char name[50]; 
char street[100]; 
char city[50]; 
char state[20]; 
int pin; 
// C++ program to demonstrate  
// Structures in C++  
#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
struct Point {  
int x, y;  
int main()  
struct Point arr[10];  // Create an array of structures  
arr[0].x = 10;  // Access array members  
arr[0].y = 20;  
cout << arr[0].x << ", " << arr[0].y;  
return 0;  
10, 20 
3.Union:​ Like Structures, union is a user defined data type. In union, all members 
share the same memory location. For example in the following C program, both x and 
y share the same location. If we change x, we can see the changes being reflected in 
#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
// Declaration of union is same as the structures  
union test {  
int x, y;  
int main()  
// A union variable t  
union test t;  
// t.y also gets value 2  
t.x = 2;  
cout << "After making x = 2:" 
<< endl  
<< "x = " << t.x  
<< ", y = " << t.y  
<< endl;  
// t.x is also updated to 10  
t.y = 10;  
cout << "After making Y = 10:" 
<< endl  
<< "x = " << t.x  
<< ", y = " << t.y  
<< endl;  
return 0;  
After making x = 2: 
x = 2, y = 2 
After making Y = 10: 
x = 10, y = 10 
4. Enumeration:​ Enumeration (or enum) is a user defined data type in C. It is mainly used to 
assign names to integral constants, the names make a program easy to read and maintain. 
enum State {Working = 1, Failed = 0}; 
// Program to demonstrate working  
// of enum in C++  
#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
enum week { Mon,  
Sun };  
int main()  
enum week day;  
day = Wed;  
cout << day;  
return 0;  

5.Typedef  ​:  C++  allows  you  to  define  explicitly  new  data  type  names  by  using  the 
keyword  typedef.  Using  typedef  does  not  actually  create  a  new  data  class,  rather  it 
defines  a  name  for  an  existing  type.  This  can  increase  the  portability(the  ability  of  a 
program  to  be  used  across  different  types  of  machines;  i.e.,  mini,  mainframe,  micro, 
etc;  without  much  changes  into  the  code)of  a  program  as  only  the  typedef 
statements  would  have  to  be  changed.  Using  typedef  one  can  also  aid  in 
self-documenting code by allowing descriptive names for the standard data types. 
typedef type name; 
where t​ ype​ is any C++ data type and ​name​ is the new name for this data type. 
This defines another name for the standard ​type​ of C++. 
// C++ program to demonstrate typedef  
#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
// After this line BYTE can be used  
// in place of unsigned char  
typedef unsigned char BYTE;  
int main()  
BYTE b1, b2;  
b1 = 'c';  
cout << " " << b1;  
return 0;  
Basic Input / Output in C++ 
C++  comes  with  libraries  which  provides  us  with  many  ways  for  performing  input  and 
output.  In  C++  input  and  output  is  performed  in  the  form  of  a  sequence  of  bytes  or  more 
commonly known as streams. 
● Input  Stream:  If  the  direction  of  flow  of  bytes  is  from  the  device(for  example, 
Keyboard) to the main memory then this process is called input. 
● Output  Stream:  If  the  direction  of  flow  of  bytes  is  opposite,  i.e.  from  main 
memory to device( display screen ) then this process is called output. 

Header files​ available in C++ for Input/Output operations are: 
1. iostream:  iostream  stands  for  standard  input-output  stream.  This  header  file 
contains definitions to objects like cin, cout, cerr etc. 
2. iomanip:  iomanip  stands  for  input  output  manipulators.  The  methods  declared 
in  this  files  are  used  for  manipulating  streams.  This  file  contains  definitions  of 
setw, setprecision etc. 
3. fstream:  This  header  file  mainly  describes  the  file  stream.  This  header  file  is 
used  to  handle  the  data  being  read from a file as input or data being written into 
the file as output. 
The  two  keywords  cout  in  C++  and  cin  in  C++  are  used  very  often  for  printing  outputs  and 
taking  inputs  respectively.  These  two  are  the  most  basic  methods  of  taking  input  and 
printing  output  in  C++.  To  use  cin  and cout in C++ one must include the header file ​iostream 
in the program. 
We have discussed the objects defined in the header file ​iostream​ like the cin and cout. 
1. Standard  output  stream (cout): Usually the standard output device is the display 
screen.  The  C++  cout  statement  is  the  instance  of  the  ostream  class.  It  is used 
to  produce  output  on  the  standard  output  device  which  is  usually  the  display 
screen.  The  data  needed  to  be  displayed  on  the  screen  is  inserted  in  the 
standard output stream (cout) using the insertion operator(<<). 
#include <iostream>  
int main()  
char sample[] = "chinmayadegreecollege";  
cout << sample << " - A best institute for computer science learning";  
return 0;  
chinmayadegreecollege- A best institute for computer science learning 
In the above program the insertion operator(<<) inserts the value of the string variable 
sample  followed  by  the  string  ​“A  best  institute  for  computer  science  learning”  in  the 
standard output stream cout which is then displayed on screen. 
2.standard  input  stream (cin): Usually the input device in a computer is the keyboard. 
C++  cin  statement  is  the  instance  of  the class istream and is used to read input from 
the standard input device which is usually a keyboard. 
The  extraction  operator(>>)  is  used  along  with  the  object  cin  for  reading  inputs.  The 
extraction  operator  extracts  the  data  from  the  object  cin  which  is  entered  using  the 
#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
int main()  
int age;  
cout << "Enter your age:";  
cin >> age;  
cout << "\nYour age is: " << age;  
return 0;  
Input : 
Enter your age: 

1. Your age is: 18 

The  above  program  asks  the  user  to  input  the  age.  The  object  cin  is  connected 
to  the  input  device.  The  age  entered  by  the  user  is  extracted  from  cin  using  the 
extraction  operator(>>)  and  the  extracted  data  is  then  stored  in the variable age 
present on the right side of the extraction operator. 
3.Un-buffered  standard  error  stream  (cerr):  ​The  C++  cerr  is  the  standard  error 
stream  which  is  used  to  output  the  errors.  This  is  also  an  instance  of  the  ostream 
class.  As  cerr  in  C++  is  un-buffered  so  it  is  used  when  one  needs to display the error 
message  immediately.  It  does  not  have  any  buffer  to  store  the  error  message  and 
display later. 

#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
int main()  
cerr << "An error occured";  
return 0;  

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