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How did it come to this?

Helsinki, Finland 2015, right after MC`s old band “Odalisque” had fallen apart, he saw an ad on, for a metal band from Helsinki, Finland looking for a singer. So, he did the audition and
got the gig right away.

The band was a trash metal band, called Days Of Lost, a predecessor for DOL. That`s how Catsy (drums,
DOL) and MC (vocals/guitar, DOL) met each other. After few years and one album, the group fell apart
2017, leaving MC and Catsy without a band…

The guys felt, that they play very well together and didn`t want to give up just yet…

MC had done some, a bit lighter, more radio friendly rock songs to his drawer and played those to Catsy,
who loved the songs. Confident about the new style, they decided to try again and get a new band
together, the band got a name DOL after the previous band. This time Eero Veri, aka MC, picked up the
guitar duties, as well as vocals.

2018 they auditioned a ton of different musicians, until they found a punk rocker type of dude, Jykä to join
the band, as it`s bassist. To keyboards, they found a dude, called Lauri, who also plays in Finnish power
metal band, called Frozen Land. After a while and few guitarists, DOL found it`s final member, few years
younger, goth guy from Tampere, called Hades, to join the band.

The style of the band coming together…

DOL has been influenced by such bands, as HIM, Marilyn Manson, Sentenced and SIXXam. The music is a
cross between hard-rock and metal. It has the solid beats, heavy guitars, shreddy solos and beautiful clean
pop vocal melodies, as well as, atmospheric keyboards on top of it all. The overall visual style of the band is
somewhat post-gothic. The band is a total riot live and plays really tightly together. This band clearly want`s
to give the audience a show

“ A quite remarkable presence, a vocalist who reminds to mr Ozzy Osbourne as the glasses were
mandatory and seem to change an offstage personality into a persona that loves the
entertainment” Tempelores -

To put it all in one sentence:


Eero “MC” Veri : vocals/guitar
Hades : guitar
Jykä : bass
Lauri : keyboards
Catsy : drums

The Music
Band`s music and lyrics comes from Mc`s pen, all the songs have first been recorded to a simple demo, that
is then presented to rest of the band and then made to final arrangement together on DOL`s rehearsal
room at Kaapelitehdas.

The themes for the lyrics are often taken from depression, love lost, and darker side of mind, to more
positive love songs. Usually things he has been through himself.

DOL has put out few songs, first single was a cover from Nine Inch Nails song “Hurt” that`s also made
popular by Johnny Cash. DOL`s version is lot darker and heavier, than the original. DOL has made a music
video for the song as well. The video features only Catsy and Mc from the current lineup and it was
released back on November 2017.

Second single was a song called “Devil In the Details” that is about, living with depression and how it turn
your world into a negative place, you cannot breath in. The topic is one familiar to its writer, since Mc has
struggled with depression all his life.

Latest single was released on late 2018, it was the song called “Hearts Killing Field” a classic hard-rock song,
about how easily love can be lost…

These songs have had a good response from fans and really good reviews as well.

New music has been made since and DOL will hit the studios once again in the near future.

“Well written lyrics, the vocals are very good, the guitars are insane good and the drums are a
perfect mix.”

- Wes Hyland - GXsix

The Future
The band has now an album worth of new material and it`s currently practicing for upcoming shows.

There has also been talks, with a new management company for DOL…

DOL will do some shows for the 2019 and the focus now is to practice a killer live set, that will blow
everyone away. Other than that, DOL will start demoing songs soon and most likely release some of those
and some live stuff, before an “official” single or album.

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