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Adam has been my best friend for all life long.

I remember him
since I entered primary school
He is 17 years old and we study at the same school but in
different classes. He has got brown eyes and
Not-so-long dark hair. We’re the same height. Almost all of my
interests match up with his interests. We listen to the same
music and play the same games. Of all his qualities, I can tell
you that he is very friendly and always happy to meet new
He is smart enough, so you can talk with him about different
things. Very often, we visit each other at home. I can safely say
that Adam is my best friend. He has an amazing sense of humor
and he can easily make me laugh even when I have a bad day.
I cannot imagine my life without Adam. I appreciate our
friendship and the fact that we are trying to help each other.
Our friendship makes me happy.

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