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Cd mS 1B alll 28% 0 5:45 pm om VU Lav a aa PROBLEM CODE RESULT Military Time You want to convert the time from a 12 hour clock to a 24 hour clock. If you are given the time ona 12 hour clock, you should output the time as it would appear on a 24 hour clock. Task: Determine if the time you are given is AM or PM, then convert that value to the way that it would appear on a 24 hour clock. Input Format: A string that includes the time, then a space and the indicator for AM or PM. Output Format: A string that includes the time in a 24 hour format (XX:XX) Sample Input: 1:15 PM Sample Output: nea ry SI 4B ull 28% 8 5:46 pm ar 0 e Somme T pa aa < PROBLEM CODE [pte 0] 1 | inpt=input() 2 |num="" Pata 3 |A=0 4 |P=0 5 |M=0 6 7 |for i in inpt: 8 aaa fo) int(i) 0) num=num+str(i) i haes] ee iv. 13 if i == "A" or i=="a": cs al 15 if i =="m" or i=="M": ae] 1 el ua Va if i =="p" or i=="P" oy P=P+1 19 20 |num=int(num) 21 |*''if num<=100: 22 aT eal hele) 23 |elif num>=1259: ys num=1259"'' 25 26 |if A==1 and M==1: ras if num>=1200 and num<=1259: rr num=str(num) @ 29 num1=num[2: ] et) num="00"+num1 cH Ey elif num>=1000 and num<=1159: 33 num=str(num) c+} Somme T pa aa as mB alle 28% 8 5:46 pm PROBLEM CODE RESULT ee lee meno ele) aa ieee mae be L0 num=100 elif num>=1259: Ta] al 0) if A==1 and M==1: if num>=1200 and num<=1259: num=str (num) num1=num[2: ] num="00"+num1 elif num>=1000 and num<=1159: num=str (num) Cut num="0"+str (num) print (num[0:2]+":"+num[2:]) elif P==1 and M==1: num=int (num) num=num+ 1200 if num>=2400 and num<=2459: num=str (num) num1=num[2: ] num="12"+num1 num=str (num) print (num[0:2]+":"+num[2:])

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